Chapter 713: Shares

After scrutinizing the effects of the equipment in this lengthy dissertation, Han Dong was in a state of shock and persecution.
After a while, I noticed that there was one last word.
"Please donate your blood for the great blood god. Low blood can not become a blood oath, let alone deserve the gift of Roghorion"
If you want to use this incomplete product, you need to use blood to identify the owner, and also have relatively high requirements for blood. You can't use it if you want to use it.
"Diana, I took this thing ..."
Although Diana didn't get any equipment, she was satisfied inside.
This is the real fate event she participated in for the first time after becoming an official knight, and the first half of "The Return of the Clown" has nothing to do with her ... Being able to come here also depends on the premise of Han Dong.
Diana was quite satisfied with her ability to successfully complete the customs and obtain the crucial first talent point (tree).
She added that she also mastered the demonization under the guidance of Han Dong, which is the most valuable gain.
呼 "Hoo ... luck is bursting."
Staring at the treasure cherished in the treasure chest, Han Dong had a hard time suppressing his turbulent mood for a while.
Laughing and laughing,
Cut the wrist while letting a lot of blood fall into the mouth of the skull ornament.
The blood is of blood-brewed quality.
Immediately received a system prompt-"The exclusive equipment" Master of the Blood Oath. Roghorion's Bloody Skull (Broken) ", holder: Warren Nicholas
一层 A thick layer of blood-red aerosol emerged from the surface of the skull of a pocket watch.
A thin thread similar to a blood vessel is passed through the eyelets on both sides of the skull and hung in front of the chest.
The moment you wear your equipment.
The blood gas surged up, and a pure-blooded hundred-eye blood dog formed behind Han Dong, with a body length of more than five meters, which was almost full of the apartment living room.
Blood-sucking dogs are stronger and more fierce, and have extra life-recovery properties, making them difficult to kill.
However, the increase brought by this jewelry is far more than that.
Maybe it will be of great use in the future expeditions ... or it may find opportunities in the expedition to complement this incomplete piece of jewelry.
"Nicholas, when you return to the city, you must give me your body to play with ... it ’s so interesting! The space of your destiny is so interesting!
There is still such high blood in this place, and there is still such raw blood pulp as blood. "
After learning the attributes of the jewelry, Earl was even more excited than Han Dong ...
He has only spent less than a year in Han Dong's body, and has seen knowledge and novelty beyond decades of experience.
If the count is given another chance to choose again, he will decisively choose to stay.
He is a hundred times more interesting than him as the owner of Scarlet Villa.
Uh ...
"Congratulations Nicholas! If you can find the right opportunity to repair this broken equipment to perfection, maybe you can get" legendary "equipment.
I can't believe that the treasure box given by the chain event can actually open such rare equipment. "
As he stared at the main rewards in the treasure chest, Cass felt for a moment that the hammer he had just received was no longer fragrant.
Although it is basically impossible to repair the broken equipment, especially this kind of broken equipment that has reached the epic level, but as a reward for the first time really fate, the quality is really too high.
Han Dong has just become an official knight. Within a year, he has two epic gears, and also adapts to his own attributes. Looking at the development history of the Holy City, it is also unique.
"It may be the reward bonus effect brought by the perfect ending, plus luck today ... Cass, Diana, I still have some personal matters to deal with.
Let's leave Derui first and proceed to "reward settlement".
After a few days, we will make an appointment for another celebration party. "
Cass stared at the stock deal and nodded immediately.
Dianna hesitated a little, and finally hesitated and said, "That ... the" true destiny "license was written by Uncle Kuran.
At that time, you remember to come to the night watchman headquarters ... I will be waiting for you there.
We must report to Uncle Kuran together. "
"Well, I will contact you when I return ... You go back to rest first, and you haven't slept for two days and two nights."
"it is good."
Di Cass and Diana disappeared.
The only destiny participant in the town of Liderui was Han Dong, who took the share transaction book, and went to Professor West's residence, brought a bottled skull, and went straight to the town hall.
Uh ... one hour passed.
All related matters have been explained clearly.
The mayor of Wu was not dissatisfied because Han Dong was taking the residents here.
"If you own 10% of the shares, you can naturally take Professor West away from me ... Of course, you must give an equivalent transaction.
Some fate equipment will be eliminated, I need high-value things. "
Han Dong stared at the rights that the 10% equity on the table could enjoy, and nodded slightly.
Take out a lease contract.
"I use the strange right to talk about the use of nodes in the world, in exchange for 10% of the shares in the town of Riedre ... Mayor, do you think?"
Although the world is a five-star difficulty level, it is a trainee knight level.
Except for the lease contract in exchange for points, it is basically useless ... it might as well be handed over to the mayor. Maybe the mayor can also tap talents from them and get them promoted to Derui Town.
For example, Mr. Aha who has reached the promotion level, Mother-in-law of Origin, or the current director-collector of the lighthouse.
Whether for Han Dong or strange talkers, it is very good.
"You have the right to use this kind of top-level small world ... interesting, it can indeed be exchanged for 10% of the shares in Ridder Town ~ ~ If you are sure, please sign here.
Alas, let me remind you. I just agree that you will take Professor West away, but if you want to take it out, you need to pay some points. "
"Well, I know this."
The mayor nodded and ensured that Han Dong was fully affirming any details of the transaction.
After all, once signed, Han Dong is also a shareholder of Reidry Town, and there will be cooperation in the future.
"Just know, Professor West is not high-level, and he doesn't need to spend a lot of points ... But if you want to take Miss Jane out, your current points are definitely not enough."
"Well, I have no plans to take Miss Jane away ... to stay in Derui, there will be better development for her."
I finished talking.
Han Dong signed the contract.
"You have lost the ownership of" Node-Strange Talk "and obtained 10% of the equity of" Node-Ridder "
Han Dong estimates that in the near future, there may be an extra grocery store and a waste recycling station in Derui.
The transaction is over.
The mayor stood up and bowed his head slightly as the leader, "Thank you for everything you did for Derui ..."

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