Chapter 11: Set a small goal first

   "I beg you! I beg you!"
   "No! No!"
  The huge shadow covered Arrizo. He shouted in fear and begged for mercy, but he couldn't stop the shadow from approaching.
   Xiao Yu kicked Ai Ruize out. It wasn't that Xiao Yu didn't want to forgive this guy, but his volume, it was difficult for Xiao Yu to hear what he was yelling!
   is like a fly, which makes the noise unbearable in the ear. Once it is more than half a meter away, even the sound is difficult to hear.
   Not to mention that there is a distance of 1.8 meters between Xiao Yu and Nai Ruize, and there are all kinds of murmurs around?
  Xiao Yu only knew that Arrizo was their leader, and had just used some kind of prop to make him cut by thunder.
   Xiao Yu didn't have a villain who died of many words, and after confirming that Arrizo was a threat, it was easy to kill him.
   "Sir Arrizo!"
   "Little... Master!"
The defeated soldiers around    looked at Ai Ruize, who fell like a rag, and shivered with fear.
   is over, it's all over!
Grand Duke Yanan's favorite grandson!
   is hailed as the most talented wizard apprentice in the kingdom realm!
   Lord Arrizo was just killed!
  Oh, even if they can escape, they will be killed by the angry Grand Duke Yanan and the wizards!
   The air seemed to be silent for a while, and everyone looked at Xiao Yu quietly.
   "How is it quiet? Is the one I killed a great man?"
   Xiao Yu glanced around, convinced that there was no resistance in his surroundings, he coughed and said loudly:
   "As the protector of the Kingdom of Steel Capital!"
   "The great existence that will defeat you all!"
   "I hereby ask you to become the people of Anrik, the king of steel capital!"
   "I ask! The Kingdom of Steel must be returned to orthodoxy!"
   Xiao Yu's voice resounded through the wilderness. With his voice, groups of soldiers of the original legion laid down their arms and fell to their knees.
General    General Babu opened his mouth and finally fell down to kneel with the captain before Xiao Yu.
General    General Babu is ambitious, and he has not wanted to die in this wilderness.
   And because of Arrizo’s death, General Babu had realized that his best way out was to only follow the giant, and looked forward to his real victory, and the revival of the steel capital royal family.
   "Adult of the Son of God, Long live the Kingdom of Steel!"
  At the entrance to the Valley of the Gods, seeing that the big picture was settled, Enric's followers ran out excitedly.
   The slogan they shouted quickly resonated. These people who just surrendered shouted one after another. They feared that the shouting was low and they were suspected of having enemies!
  General Babu, after contacting Anrik, the king of the steel city, quickly proposed that Xiao Yu take the lead and take their big camp as a base for revival.
The wilderness camp has complete facilities and abundant materials. According to General Babu, after winning the camp and relying on the materials of the camp and the reputation of the king of the steel capital of Anlik, there is still great hope to pull the barbarian tribe in the wilderness. Into his own team.
   Then, with the help of Lord Xiao Yu, the son of God, the victory of several decisive battles will surely be supported by more noble forces, and then occupy the return to the king capital, and the task of reviving the steel capital royal family will be completed.
   Xiao Yu was very interested in military affairs, but he only stayed at the level of military enthusiasts. He listened to the general analysis of General Babu, and he was not the kind of person who could not listen to suggestions.
   So after an hour of trimming, Anric was officially appointed as the coach, and General Babu was officially appointed as the deputy commander!
The camp built by Grand Duke Yanan in the wilderness was expanded on the basis of the sentinel fortress that was previously set up in the wilderness by the Kingdom of Steel. Except for the wooden walls more than five meters high, trenches were dug in the periphery, and dense horse rejections and traps were arranged. .
   In addition, in order to be able to stand by and wait for reinforcements under the siege of the barbarian tribe, the battalion always has a ration of 10,000 troops for a year and a lot of weapons and equipment.
  Naturally, it is undoubtedly the death loyalty of Grand Duke Yanan, a knight who has blood relationship with the Grand Duke family and his wife and children are in the Grand Duke manor.
   This knight, named Acrylic, snorted when he discovered that the army he had sent a few hours ago had turned into a remnant soldier and would return.
  Noticing that Master Arrizo was not there, he realized that the defeated troops had different looks, so he immediately announced martial law in the whole camp and put up defensive weapons such as ballistas to prevent the army from approaching.
  This made General Babu's sneak attack plan fail, but there was no joy in the face of the acrylic knight who saw through the treachery.
General    General Babu and Master Arizet had taken away 90% of the military forces in the camp, and more than half of the remaining garrison troops were under General Babu.
   saw General Babu leading the soldiers, although this half of the soldiers did not dare to surrender immediately, but they were not useful.
   Acrylic Knight could not help but feel stretched.
   Now he can only hope that the city defense facilities are as good as the merchants say, and he can create miracles under his elite control.
   Soon it turned out that Acrylic was expecting the defense to resist General Babu’s ideas. It was naive!
  Xiao Yu's figure just stood outside the camp, causing the soldiers in the camp to panic and the morale dropped sharply.
  Many people seem to realize that Xiao Yu, a giant of 100 meters, is the reason why General Babu and others are so embarrassed and change their camp.
   They boarded the curtain wall as if they were a big enemy, and forced the officers to pull down their bows and arrows with the stern eyes and sharp blades of the officers to get on the crossbow machine.
   It's just that they have no way to imagine that the giant doesn't play according to the routine! Actually launched an attack on them three kilometers away!
  The moon-crossing crossbow fired a crossbow arrow three thousand meters away in the eyes of the little people. At one stroke, it collapsed a curtain wall and destroyed several arrow towers.
  The collapse of the wood and stone caused dozens of casualties.
"how is this possible!"
   Acrylic witnessed the scene, shaking his body: "Is that huge crossbow machine a wonder of the world?"
   "Our best ballista has a range of only 800 meters! The other party can launch an attack three kilometers away!"
   "Oh my god, if there is no limit to the opponent's weapon! How can we fight this battle!"
  According to this, UU reading shot another incredible crossbow arrow in his eyes!
   This time, the crossbow did not hit the curtain wall, but it was plunged into the big camp and pierced into the granary.
  The arrow did not cause any casualties, but the heart of the large camp garrison kept piercing.
  Oh, that super long-range attack, do you want to make another shot so quickly!
   Doesn't it mean that the greater the power of world wonders, the more restrictive it is?
   "A little bit worse!"
   Xiao Yu blinked and continued to aim.
   Rarely has a fixed target. Xiao Yu's goal this time is to hit the Yanan Grand Army Banner in the camp of Naza in the camp.
  For the army of this era, the military flag is the soul of an army. Once the military flag is pulled, the morale of the army will stop falling.
   Xiao Yu didn't care about the morale of the enemy's army, he just set a small goal for himself, and then finished it.
  Xiao Yu then shot five arrows and destroyed seven or eight houses. After three or four towers, an arrow finally crossed the side of the military flag.
   This is enough, there is no need to hit directly, the crossed arrows easily tear the flag on the military flag.
   Looking at the flagpole that was bald suddenly, the morale of Daying fell to the freezing point. The Acrylic Knight also took a step back in despair.
Grand Duke Yanan, beautiful wife... and lovely little daughter flashed through his mind one by one.
  Acrylic Knight made a ruthless choice, he jumped off the sentry tower and rushed towards the granary.
  He made up his mind that he would set fire to the grain even if he would be slashed!
  I only hope that the big men of Wangdu can see him for his hard work... let go of his family!
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