Chapter 12: I don't know where it is better than this

   "Huh? What's the matter, there is smoke coming out there!"
   "Look at that direction... Oops! It is the granary!"
General    General Babu's eyes widened, and he wished to let Xiao Yu know the emergency immediately.
   Instead of yelling, his eyes rolled and his mind was taken into account.
   commanded a few words, General Babu's ability was revealed, and he was able to summon thousands of people in a short time to form a uniform square array.
   And with General Babu’s password, this large square array of thousands of people began to form a common Continental word.
   On the battlefield full of murmurs, Xiao Yu could not hear the voices of the little people, but his eyes were not blind.
   General Babu’s movement soon attracted his attention, and then he read the word represented by the formation:
   "This is the meaning of food in the Continental language, um... is it to remind me that smoke is related to food?"
   Xiao Yu turned to look at the burning camp, revealing a trace of surprise: "Yo, did someone cut the road and set fire to the grain?"
   "This kind of person, if it is a typical hero in a TV series."
   "It seems that I am going to be serious!"
   Xiao Yu kicked his leg with a force, and suddenly the whole person rushed towards the big camp ahead.
   For the villain, the distance of three kilometers is under five or six seconds under Xiao Yu's running!
   "His..." The soldiers on the wooden wall only felt that the shadow covered their heads at once, even if they saw the giant leap from the sky above them!
  The five-meter-tall wooden city wall in Daying, the trench more than one meter wide, and the dense traps and refusal to horses, but they have no effect at all...
  Because of the giant of 100 meters, he jumped across these obstacles and stepped into the camp with a single jump!
On the side of Xiao Yu's landing, there was an arrow tower. These arrow towers barely reached the edge of his boots. Because it was too close, even the archers of the arrow tower tried to lift the bow in their hands, they could only shoot Xiao Yu's calf area.
Puff puff!
   can only be equivalent to the sharp arrows on the grass. Although they can penetrate the outer fabric of the pants at close range, the fabric of the explosion-proof pants is too thick.
  Most of the sharp arrows, even if they missed two-thirds of the shaft, were not even accessible to the second layer of nylon.
  Xiao Yu raised his right foot and stepped towards the arrow tower. Under one foot, the arrow tower turned into ruins, and the archers were crushed into the thick wood and stone, and their life and death were unknown.
  Daying's only resistance was quickly wiped out by Xiao Yu, but after Xiao Yu came to the point of fire, he also had some difficulties.
   Rows of warehouse-based fires with wooden structure spread rapidly, and several fires that burned to the spire were Xiao Yu who were unwilling to get too close.
   "Yes!" Xiao Yu had an idea in his mind and walked to the most prominent building in Daying... A three-story earth-rock structure, about 12 meters high.
   Xiao Yu pulled out his dagger and scratched the foundation beneath the chamber several times, and then grabbed the ground on both sides of the chamber with his hands, and sighed, but he grabbed the entire floor of the chamber with a layer of land!
   Then he lifted the whole hall high and Xiao Yu gasped low, smashing past the fire!
Acrylic, who had been standing at the gate of the warehouse after the ignition, had already had a death plan, but after seeing the 100-meter giant lift the largest building chamber in the camp in one breath, the diehard knight couldn't help it. There was a cold war.
   While watching the whole building roll down from the sky, Master Acrylic Knight was already so scared that he even forgot his luck shield.
   In his mind, there was no idea that he could escape!
   The whole meeting hall fell, and the biggest fire spot was drowned at once. There were only a few strands of flames that were tenacious and wanted to show their heads, but they were quickly overwhelmed by the arrow tower thrown by Xiao Yu.
  Followed by Xiao Yu and so prepared, lifted up one building after another...
   "Oh my God!" General Babu sighed, and immediately ordered his face:
   "Order quickly, the whole army assaults, siege!"
  The captain of the guard slightly responded quickly: "Yes, you must attack the city immediately! Otherwise, how many layers of wilderness camps can be left in the Kingdom?"
   With the order, the army moved into the big camp, and the defenders of the big camp were all trembling under Xiao Yu's obscene power. Seeing that General Babu's army was coming, they quickly cried and laid down their weapons to surrender!
   Xiao Yu threw a few more buildings, convinced that he could not see the half-light, and stopped to rest.
  After some time, seeing the line behind the king of steel capital Anrik lined up with a word for a call, Xiao Yu reached out and grabbed Anlick and put it in front of him.
   "What's wrong, King of Steel."
   "Wei... the great protector of the kingdom." Anrik grinded his hands and gasped under Xiao Yu's gaze:
   "My protector, we have occupied this stronghold, and according to the surrender's designation, the body of the acrylic knight who has burnt grain has also been found."
   "He was smashed to death by the meeting room thrown out by an adult."
   "Oh, I still want to see if this guy will rush to hack me too." Xiao Yu learned that the acrylic knight was dead and replied: "Speak, what is the situation now?"
   "Could it be that the food has been burned a lot?"
   "No, most of the power of dragging adults is not affected by the fire."
   "The burned grain will be about 10%." Anrik's face showed a little embarrassment: "Just... how to say, maybe you don't quite understand it, our race, there are always people who are a little bad."
  Anrik said that Xiao Yu, who has read numerous historical novels and watched countless anti-corruption dramas, could not help but secretly say that you, the king of this small country, have too little knowledge, and I think it is too simple.
Isn’t this the big camp director who has lost money in the rations, a much smarter method than these little tricks, I don’t know how many I have read, hum, UU reading I’m in China for 5,000 years, Corrupt people are like crucian carp crossing the river!
   On the quantity quality, it is not far from the first in the world.
   Seoul and other small country's large-scale grain depot case, what is it! The case of the'Zhengguo elite' among me is nowhere better than this! How dare you think I don't have this consciousness?
   Of course, Xiao Yu would not confess what he wanted to Anric. He pretended to be a pure inquiry and learned the specific situation.
   It turned out that the several grain silos burned in this wilderness camp were genuine warehouses, which stored new grain this year, while the other grain silos were either mixed with a large amount of spoiled old grain, or simply used sand to fill up.
  In this inventory, Enric found that the food they got was not a problem to satisfy the thousands of people in their own home, but there was no food left to recruit barbarians in the wilderness.
   These barbarian tribes have food as a mother, and they will if there is no food. At this time, it is another time for the barbarians to fight the autumn wind. If there is insufficient food... Enric is worried that they will be double-struck by the barbarians and Grand Duke Yanan.
   "Food? Speaking of which I am hungry too." Xiao Yu put down Anric and took out the self-heated lunch box with the taste of plum and meat from his backpack.
Ten minutes later, Xiao Yu finished eating the last piece of meat in the self-heated box of plums and vegetables, he licked his mouth and put a grain of rice with plum juice on the rest of Anlik and Babu. In front of the general and others.
   "What a big rice ball!" General Babu looked at the rice grain that was smaller than him, and swallowed it while smelling the fragrance of the rice:
   "Is this adult food?"
   "Try the taste of rice. Do you like it or not." Xiao Yu leaned over and said to them:
   "This is one of my staple foods, if I can make food, I think I can still afford you."
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