Chapter 1430: Thinking and thinking

Chapter 1430: Thinking And Thinking
The confusion of the evil iron of the dark iron and the cold wind makes Xiao Yu very excited.
Of course, the most important thing is Xiao Yu as the justice party.
He was also worried that the group of lunatics at the Twilight Prayer meeting would be stimulated during the war, and then make a big mess that harmed the entire villain, so he could quickly come over and give the other party justice and protect the villain. Isn't the order and peace of the country?
With such a thought, Xiao Yu also agreed to the request of the of black iron and cold wind.
Several large driving circles on the Lost Continent quickly moved up, pushing the Lost Continent to adjust the direction of drift.
Some close courtiers also got hints from Xiao Yu, realizing that the city of miracles may intervene in the battle between the Twilight Prayer Meeting and the Fifteenth Route Allied Forces, and they urged themselves to take charge of the industry, hoping to dare to fight before the war broke out. The City of Miracles provides more materials available for combat readiness.
The fifteen-way coalition army did not foolishly pile up a lot of space-time warships, and then ran to the mainland to fight the other side at dusk.
Nor did it show great strength to tear open the space passage and take them directly to the mainland of dusk.
In large-scale battles, the limitations of space-time warships with limited capacity and insufficient offensive and defensive capabilities are fatal.
As for the forcible advent of the torn space barrier, it is usually used to bully the small or raid, facing the great forces such as the evening prayer meeting. No one who can do such a power can try to be repulsed. .
Therefore, the wizard of Hain soon noticed that their eight million troops were arranged to stay on a small continent.
This small continent is called the light breeze continent, only one-third of the size of the lost continent, and the ocean occupies nine tenths of the area.
The land seems to be nothing but the wrong ornament on the sea.
But it is worth noting that there are many wizard towers and cities on this continent except for islands.
Deep in the sea, there is also a giant city with a huge temple.
And there is no shortage of murlocs that can survive in the ocean in the wisdom race.
This breeze continent is one of the vassal continents of the Pantheon, and there is no morning star wizard.
The ruler is the storm goddess Jiela.
The main of the Pantheon, the Great Pantheon built here covered the whole sea floor, and the mainland's will was forcibly suppressed to her own use. It is already a morning star wizard who is not a morning star wizard.
As a result, the eight million troops from different continents were easily accepted by the will of the continent, and they moved in smoothly without any waves.
Then, this light breeze continent was motivated by the goddess of the storm Zela, the whole continent was covered with a soft breeze, and its movement speed increased by more than three times!
At the same time, hundreds of wizard towers standing on the sea on the breeze continent shone with pink light.
These lights, even the second-level wizards such as Hain wizards, can deeply feel the horror of the mana contained in them.
The Hain wizards subconsciously guessed that each of these wizard towers had at least one large morning star witchcraft.
Once close to the hostile continent, these large wizard towers will be like the artillery on the battleship, throwing shells over the opposite continent, and preemptively?
There is nothing wrong with the guesses of Hain Wizards.
This is also the reason why the Pantheon made efforts to help the storm goddess Jiela to develop and transform this small continent.
The Pantheon makes this breeze continent a large troop carrier in the space and time of the Pantheon!
Large battleship!
Transform a continent and use it exclusively for war.
In a sense, this is also a manifestation of the foundation of forbidden territorial forces.
Wizard Hain followed the Grand Duke and was arranged to live in a small island.
Here, he followed the Grand Duke to visit the most magnificent building on the island, a sacred hall of a stormy female up to 100 meters high.
In the temple, Wizard Hain saw the devout believers who were kneeling on the open spaces on both sides of the corridor and constantly praying.
Looking at these devout believers who play the power of light and heat to contribute to the storm goddess.
Wizard Hain couldn't help thinking of his faith.
He took a deep breath and praised the goddess of the moon, Fiya, before keeping up with Dagong's steps pale.
The Grand Duke is a 50-year-old red-haired old man who looks like a half-dragon. His bloodline makes him very heroic, and a pair of black dragon horns grow on his forehead.
The Duke attaches great importance to Hain. He glances at Hain and he pats Hain on the shoulder:
"Seeing that the believers are puppets, a little scared?"
Haine opened his eyes wide and looked at Dagon in confusion.
puppet? What a puppet?
Dagong continued: "To be honest, this is also the place where I can't get used to these guys in the Pantheon."
"These believers are all puppets who have lost their self-consciousness. After the puppets, they only know that praying to the gods can indeed produce a large amount of stable belief power. It will break."
"And such a broken believer, the soul is also corrupt, and will not be included in the kingdom of God to be reborn."
"Even if it looks like a word game on the doctrine of the gods, is this not an alternative destruction?"
Dagong said that he shook his head slightly: "This kind of behavior is evil, and the gods who do this must have big problems in the future."
"It's just that these new gods, one after another, are eager for quick success, and they are thinking about how to increase their strength quickly."
"The other people in the Pantheon deliberately indulged this kind of behavior."
"I don't know, what idea are they playing?"
"Don't the Pantheon want to strengthen the upper middle class?"
Dagong criticized the contradictory relationship inside the Pantheon, led Hain and others into the temple, and accepted the blessing ceremony for them by the high priest in the temple.
Hain was also given the blessing of the Storm Child, so that he would not be affected or restricted by a large-scale storm magic or witchcraft circle in the next battle.
Then, when Hein went back, he saw a believer next to the corridor. He suddenly fell into a coma, and was immediately taken down by a milky white gargoyle and taken away to nowhere.
Then in the original position, a skinny old man in white clothes was brought over by another gargoyle and placed in the comatose position of the original believer and continued to pray.
This scene reminded Hain to think of the batteries that were placed side by side in the super-large electric system experimental array once seen in the Alchemy City of the Miracle City.
It's just that in the city of miracles, those batteries are provided by the son of God.
The rumors are from the world of Yanhuang Giant.
And here.
In this light breeze continent, the accumulators are believer puppets who don’t know where the storm goddess came from!
Hain was rather unhappy in his heart.
What he wants to do.
But just think about it.
The only thing he can do is to praise the goddess of the moon while crouching in the bed, and report to the faith and trust of the goddess of the moon, Fiya, in what he saw and heard today in the form of a dream.
Today is relatively busy, and the next is tomorrow.
(End of this chapter)
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