Chapter 1431: Augustine

Chapter 1431 Augustine
Continent at dusk.
The evening prayer meeting also confirmed the news of the coalition attack through various intelligence channels.
In the giant central temple on the mainland.
Dozens of high-level officials of the prayer meeting gathered together.
Various crazy ideas were proposed.
Fortunately for this gathering, the chairman of the evening prayer meeting personally lowered his avatar to preside over, otherwise the coalition breeze continent would pass by.
I am afraid that the continent has been divided into dozens of ideas by these lunatics, and then turned into dozens of large bombs.
The Twilight Prayer Meeting apparently asked for the Twilight Continent. He did not hesitate to reject those crazy ideas and chose to rely on the mainland to fight the coalition.
Then, it was not long before the evening prayer meeting was announced.
The content of the evening prayer meeting's resolution has been learned by the high-level coalition forces.
Although the evening prayer meeting is composed of a large group of lunatics who believe in evil gods, it is impossible to insert spies, but this does not mean that there is no way to penetrate.
In these thousands of years, the major forces can always find ways to use 100 years as a unit to enter their pieces, and even the players themselves are unaware of this.
For example, in the evening prayer meeting, there are at least three high-level high priests. Some of their favorite collectibles and some playthings are actually special wonders refined by other forces. They can talk to these high priests. Or the behavior is transmitted back to the intelligence core of the affiliated forces.
The high-ranking coalition forces were relieved after hearing the news.
Some strong men moved their hearts even more, thinking a little deeper, and thus figured out that there is a great possibility that there are good things in the mainland at dusk.
Otherwise, where would the Fifteenth Route Army be formed so easily and so efficiently?
It was further stimulated by the son of the Yanhuang giant family of gods.
There can be no big deal between the big forces for a decade or two, can it be called a big force?
Obviously, there are big interests that involve top-level big figures in the front, so it has overwhelmed so much bluff in the distribution of benefits below, right?
The wizard of Hain continued to serve as a chef, so he heard the complaints of Duke and many half-dragon nobles who were drunk and full of food.
From the complaint, Wizard Hain learned about the decision of the Twilight Prayer Meeting and the dissatisfaction of these nobles with the loss of their own interests.
And that deep jealousy to the top.
In the nobility of these nobles, it is clear that this battle with the Twilight Prayer Meeting, once victorious, the biggest profits will be only those top figures.
Xiao Yu also learned these things from the mouth of the goddess of the moon, Feiya, after a night.
The interest in the mainland of Dusk naturally increased a lot.
However, Xiao Yu still resisted the impulse in his heart and did not order the lost continent to speed up over the breeze continent.
Xiao Yu still believed in the judgment of the of cold wind and black iron.
Evening prayer is not so empty!
Besides, if it is really a misjudgment, it’s a big deal to confirm whether the things unearthed on the mainland at dusk are related to yourself.
If you are destined, Xiao Yu believes that these things will be their own sooner or later.
In boundless time and space.
Behind the breeze continent, there are at least double-digit top secret agents of other forces.
Most of them have the same idea as Xiao Yu.
Just like hyenas on the grassland, if they lose both sides, they will never mind coming to help clean the battlefield.
It is difficult for the coalition forces on the light breeze continent to find these followers, and they are not incapable of guessing these.
After all, the positions change, and they... will definitely do the same.
However, the high-ranking coalition forces on the continent ignored these hidden dangers, and continued to head to the dusk continent where the evening prayer meeting was held.
Because the first move also has the advantage of first move, as long as they can win, then the secrets on the mainland of the twilight they must be the first to contact the forces.
The gain is obviously greater.
As for the question of not winning or losing both sides.
All senior coalition leaders felt that this was unlikely.
Isn't it a high-end evil spirit force? The of filth can be killed by the son of that god.
With so many forces added together, can't they replicate the miracle of the Son of God?
The more crucial point is.
In this war, they were also prepared for the weakness of the evil god.
The great God of Wild Hunt provides a magical soldier similar to the sword of the God's Son!
Together with the 8 million army, all of them attacked!
The high-ranking coalition forces couldn't think of a reason why they would lose!
After all, according to the latest information.
The extraordinary people who belong to the evening prayer meeting on the evening continent are in their early twenties.
Even if the Evil God of Dusk and Destroying God may come to multiple avatars, no matter how many avatars there are, there are still many morning star powers on his own who can't succeed?
The breeze continent, a few small islands near the edge, are filled with green orcs.
More than half of this expedition was made of green fur orcs.
It's just that these green fur beasts have the worst treatment, and are arranged on a few pitiful islands, with few places of standing cones.
Many green hide orcs are packed in sheds with three to four floors, and hundreds of them live in a house, which is more than a snail house in a big city.
The Green Orc Emperor, as a powerhouse of the Morning Star, had his own independent residence on the Big Island, but the emperor rejected the local indigenous arrangements and chose to squeeze into a large shed.
This emperor of the green skin orcs set an example, and the rest of the green orc king and the generals and leaders, no one dared to go out to live, the most is to drink and eat, and then ran back to the shed after being full of wine and food. .
"This orc emperor is extremely prestigious."
On the breeze continent, the storm goddess priests who monitored these islands noticed the differences of these green-hide beasts very early.
Especially the Green Orcs on the island where the Green Orc Emperor is.
Actually made such an unbelievable operation prohibited.
This ritual made some doubt that the materials he saw about the Green Orc were fake and deceptive.
Take a look at those green fur beasts ~ ~ one by one who is more elite than the regular army. How can there be natural disorder and no sense of discipline in the data?
"Oh, what's the name of this orc emperor?"
The sacrificial mourned for a while, then suddenly looked at his partner and asked.
The sacrificial partner took out a thick yellow book and quickly looked through it later:
"found it."
"This orc emperor... Hey, there is still the bloodline of the morning star beast!"
"No wonder he is so shocked to us."
"His real name is hidden, only the honorable name of these hundred years."
"Its name is:"
(End of this chapter)
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