Chapter 1640: Not confused

Xiao Yu was in touch with this ancient tile flower statue that has been carrying the Guwa people from the birth.
An extremely dazzling blue light immediately burst out.
This brilliant light spreads on the surface of the earth star, just like a beautiful and arrogant orchid suddenly blooming on this silent planet.
Blooming flowers cover almost one-fifth of the ground.
So that even billions of kilometers away, you can notice this sad flower.
As if... mourning the fall of the Guwa people.
Xiao Yu could feel the sentimentality of this belief artifact and sighed:
"Relax, the fire of civilization of the Guwa people will not go out."
"Even if I become an undead, I will continue the Guwa civilization!"
"Even... this starry sky that they failed to explore, I will lead them to conquer!"
"I promise this in my name!"
After Xiao Yu sighed, the light of the crystal sculpture shrank back, as if nothing had happened.
In the next second, this orchid sculpture has turned into a blue light and disappeared into Xiao Yu's body.
"His... so strong belief artifact, is this one of the strongest belief artifacts I got?"
"Should I say that it is the accumulation of 5,000 years of civilization among the Guwa people?"
"And, the Guwa people have reached more than 15 billion people before the war. It is reasonable to think so."
Xiao Yu felt this orchid sculpture and felt that its main abilities were two.
One is the guardian realm.
Orchid sculptures can bloom an orchid-shaped field, which is equivalent to a mysterious environment located in an eccentric plane, which can instantly store all living bodies within the range, thereby protecting their safety.
The other one is the tears of Qi Zhi.
The orchid sculpture can absorb the light of the sun and the moon, gather the energy and active spiritual power in the body, and condense the tears of the mysterious pharmacy Qizhi, which is like tears.
This tear of enlightenment can quickly restore mana, soothe or heal the fatigue of the wizard's soul.
In addition, as a legendary wizard, Xiao Yu feels intuitively that this tear of enlightenment is likely to replace some legendary master materials and make his legendary wizard potions possible for mass production.
This trip to Death Canyon.
This orchid sculpture alone... has already made a lot of money!
It is a pity that this orchid sculpture has been characterized as the national treasure of the Guwa people, and only accepted the beliefs of the Guwa people.
But now the Guwa people only have a group of ghosts.
Eh...I don’t know if the undead can continue to provide the power of faith?
Well, write down this question, and wait for the villain to send a special envoy to find the big men of the Canyon of the Dead to ask.
Xiao Yu was thinking about this.
I don't know yet.
He had just activated this vision of the orchid sculpture, which was actually visible to the naked eye.
This kind of vision can be called magnificent and magnificent under the condition visible to the naked eye.
Shortly after the birth of this vision.
There are more than 5 billion kilometers of starry sky from the Guwa Earth Star.
A giant mother ship that looks like an egg is floating.
The mother ship is ten thousand meters long, and its width and height are more than one kilometer.
Mercury’s aircraft carrier is placed in front of it, not even a toy ship.
On both sides of this mother ship, there are hundreds of hundred-meter boats connected with special pipes.
At first glance, this fleet is full of science fiction and is a bit bluffing.
But a closer look reveals that about one-fifth of the boats no longer emit tail flames and can only be towed forward by the mother ship.
On the egg-shaped mother ship, many repair marks also appeared.
Obviously, the status of this fleet is not very good, and there have been many accidents while sailing in the starry sky.
And at such a short distance from the earth star, such an interstellar fleet will appear.
In addition to the last hope of the Guwa people, there is no other possibility.
In the depths of this mother ship, a command room had to be simply decorated because of time and resources.
Gurus chief scientist Guros frowned, watching the data received on the big screen.
Guros just turned one hundred years old this year. As a Guwa, he is still very young, just when he is full of energy.
But in the past ten years, Guros hasn't slept well in a long time, and the high tension and depression have afflicted him.
After letting him know that he was selected as the chief scientist, he could not help but shouted rejection.
It is a pity that refusing is useless.
Although he is young, he is already the most knowledgeable and quick thinking scientist in this mother ship.
He is not the chief, who can be?
After becoming the chief scientist, Guros was even more unhappy, and the pressure made him think of suicide.
But the responsibility, but he did not dare to choose this option that can easily relieve himself.
"Is the data calculated?"
"What happened to our parent star, is it that the hidden nuclear arsenal that we didn't know was detonated?"
Behind Guros, two senior Guwa men, who were also tired, came over and whispered.
Mentioning the parent star, every Guwa person is very sad.
For the parent star, for yourself.
At the last moment, their time was too hasty and resources were too scarce.
As a result, as soon as their mother ship reached the starry sky, various problems began to appear.
Although these problems are solved by the wisdom and courage of the Guwa people.
However, all Guwa people understand that after the small loopholes have accumulated to a limit, this mother ship will eventually be unsustainable.
And the so-called hope?
My family knows their own affairs.
Do they really have hope?
After a while of silence.
Guros suddenly stunned and heard the deputy's exclamation from the communicator.
Then the chief scientist turned to look at the next high-level manager:
"No need to wait for the computer to give the result."
"The vision of the parent star is observable."
With that said, the big screen in front of Guros and others switched to the space telescope behind the mother ship.
So these Guwa people saw the magnificent orchid blooming on the surface of the mother star.
"It's the shape of Guwa flower..."
Looking at this magnificent flower, inexplicably, these Guwa people felt a deep sense of sadness.
They felt this was to see off for others and mourn!
"This unscientific!"
Guros, as a chief scientist, raised his neck and opened his mouth to yell.
Yes, this is unscientific. How can there be such a strong energy response instead of exploding but turning into a magnificent flower, and this flower is still like the national flower of one's own family?
"No, no, this is super-civilized technology!"
Immediately after Guros's instinct shouted, he realized that it was wrong, and his brain turned, and he had found a new explanation for this vision:
"Only super civilization can have such a powerful energy technology!"
"Look, after such a large energy flower blooms, our parent star has not suffered any harm. What an amazing energy control technology!"
"Super civilization! It must be the emergence of super civilization!"
Guros was very excited, and his already tired spirit was excited.
The two Guwa seniors were stunned for a while, and their brains were made up.
"Super civilization has made our national flower on the mother star. What do they... want to do?"
"Is it to make a signal to call us to the past?"
"Call us to the past?"
"There will be no traps? For example, Super Civilization wants to completely wipe out our Guwa people!"
Soon, high-level Guwa people began to debate it.
Guros listened for a while, and while shaking his head gently, he instructed everyone in the science and technology department to point all the observation instruments in the direction of the parent star.
Guros felt.
If there is really a super civilization to visit the mother star.
Perhaps this is the last hope for the Guwa family to survive!
But is it really super-civilized?
As the chief scientist, although it may be the worst chief in Guwa history.
Guros' scientific literacy is still very high.
Putting out the water blue star, it is absolutely comparable to those who can hang on the wall of the classroom!
He understands how difficult it is to become a super civilization under this starry sky.
Rarely impossible!
After Xiao Yu realized the ability of the crystal sculpture, he was in a good mood, but he did not end his treasure hunt.
To this end, he also drank a tear of Qi Zhi, believing to be the first to experience the beauty of an ancient tile belief artifact.
The fatigue on the soul caused by the cast was swept away, and the sense of ethereal made Xiao Yu feel extremely comfortable as a legendary wizard.
"Not only the main material, but even taking it in this way can temporarily improve your perception and learning ability!"
"And learning ability, is this one of the wizard's most important gifts?"
Xiao Yu murmured in his heart for a while, and began to cast spells quickly in this ethereal state, summoning more elemental creatures to help himself go to the ruins of the Guwa people, looking for cultural relics and various materials for himself.
At the same time, Xiao Yu looked up at the sky, and his eyes seemed to penetrate the atmosphere, staring at the two moons in the sky.
Most of the buildings on the moon are intact compared to the ground that is full of ruins. I want a lot of knowledge that is too late to be included in the survivor base. There may be a backup there!
After becoming a legendary wizard.
Xiao Yu has gradually realized the essence of the wizard's road.
The wizard's road is a path of cultivation that accumulates knowledge, accumulates knowledge and realizes the spiritual truth of the world.
Each promotion, in addition to taking drugs to improve the body and soul quality, is a process of absorbing and blending knowledge of witchcraft but sublimation.
In this process, the more knowledge that is usually accumulated, the more it can be bypassed, and the more smoothly it can be promoted to obtain spiritual sublimation.
Therefore, every wizard in the true sense is definitely a polymath, and will never refuse knowledge.
This made Xiao Yu understand why his sorcerer's road was so smooth before he was promoted to legend, so it was so natural.
The Blue Star who entered the information age, even ordinary people like Xiao Yu, who are ordinary people.
When it comes to the amount of knowledge accumulated, the quality and quantity are all higher than that of the wizards of the Little China environment.
Many first-level wizards, the miscellaneous books they have read in their lifetime, may add up to 10 million words, and the high-quality knowledge related to mathematics and philosophy is very rare. The profound famous sayings and sentences are not. Collected by major wizards?
Wherever you think about Water Blue Star, as long as you want to see it, famous sayings are flying everywhere, and mathematics knowledge about space is just a matter of a few mouse clicks.
The concepts related to the basic laws of space-time universe can be more or less known from the movie.
It can be said that at the starting point, the residents of scientific and technological civilization are much better than the indigenous people of the small country!
But Xiao Yu can also feel that this starting point will stop the legend.
The legendary wizard's journey to the Morning Star, if you want real success, rather than looking at chance.
More knowledge is needed to accumulate more knowledge!
The knowledge of the Guwa people is already a must for Xiao Yu!
And extend from this point of view.
Xiao Yu couldn't help guessing that the failure rate of wizards to upgrade to Morning Star would be so high, and even one reason why so many people would be crazy when they moved to Huiyue was also a problem in the amount and quality of this knowledge.
Because every time you advance to realize the truth of heaven and earth, you will also receive more or less knowledge from the void.
This knowledge is necessary for promotion, want to understand them, and kick crazy and harmful out of it.
In the case of insufficient knowledge, it is extremely difficult.
For example, when Xiao Yu was promoted to Morning Star Knight by Water Blue Star, she also received some mad knowledge from the starry sky.
In the madness of this knowledge, there is real meaning.
While being promoted, these aspirants are exposed to knowledge that is contrary to their common sense, but they are sent to the depths of the soul to realize that this knowledge is all correct!
such as:
In the mathematical knowledge of the Guwa people, there is chaotic knowledge that violates the Pythagorean theorem.
Hook three shares of four Xuanwu, this is the mathematical theorem on the blue star, but in the mathematics of the Nagwa people, Xuanwu is not five, but the approximate value of five.
By the way, this is also... correct!
There is nothing wrong with the mathematics of the Guwa people. Xuan under precise measurement is indeed just an approximation of five!
So, is the Pythagorean Theorem wrong?
Naturally not!
In fact, mathematics can’t go wrong. If there’s a problem, it’s wrong. The Guwa’s right triangle is not a right triangle on a real plane, but the gravity of the surrounding starry sky. Under the influence, small physical curved triangles are produced.
The definition of the Pythagorean theorem of the Guwa people is actually not the Pythagorean theorem on the Water Blue Star.
Moreover, after entering the industrial age and discovering the existence of gravity, the Guwa people also discovered this by observing the starry sky.
It's just that they didn't expect that even if the value was corrected, there was already a bad error from the real value.
Without understanding all this, mathematics has become unreliable.
Because mathematics is indeed not wrong, but users who use mathematics as a tool... will be affected and induced to make wrong judgments!
And only understand this thoroughly.
Only when he encounters similar knowledge, can he keep his heart and perpetuate his nature!
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