Chapter 1641: with pleasure!

In the still, icy starry sky.
All the observation equipment of the Guwa mother ship is almost aimed at their mother star.
The chief scientist of Guwa, Guros, straightened his waist and stared at the screen as the flower of energy faded and returned to its original state, as if the observation of the parent star had not happened.
Guros even had a flash of worry in his heart. Did he and other Guwa people encounter an illusion?
Or, is it true that oneself has reached the limit because of depression, so he suffers from deep space phobia and finally goes crazy?
Thinking of this, the chief scientist of the Guwa shuddered insignificantly.
He was afraid that he was really crazy, and even more afraid that the hope in front of him would be destroyed and disappeared...
"The bottleneck of civilization needs to explore the starry sky to make progress. The exploration of the starry sky needs to be guaranteed by controlled nuclear fusion, but the successful study of controlled nuclear fusion needs to break through the bottleneck of civilization to see the dawn!"
"Starry sky, how poor are you to treat our Guwa people!"
Guros groaned, and the whole command room was quiet as he felt it, and a few senior executives sighed, but no one said comfort.
In their hearts, who doesn't share the same feeling?
As early as thousands of years ago, when industrial civilization was prosperous, scientists realized that the earth star of the Guwa people is not a good place.
It is too close to the nearest black hole.
Its stars are no longer young.
And the Guwa people doubt that they have not been the first generation of smart civilization of the parent star, so the rare minerals and ore fuels left by their parent star are extremely precious.
Coupled with the lack of environmental purification capacity brought by the ocean is too small and frequent meteorological disasters.
The lack of water resources.
All have seriously affected the development of scientific research of the Guwa people.
Many scientists lamented that if they could live on a livable planet with more than 70% of the ocean area, they might have failed to control nuclear fusion with their own ingenuity.
There can also be a chance to reinvent the wheel!
"The detector is moving!"
"There is an energy response in our parent star's outer space!"
"His... there is really a super civilization, and it has reached outer space?"
Guros noticed the sound of the detection instrument. After analyzing the data, he stunned slightly, his hands clenched tightly, and he kept whispering to himself:
"I am not crazy, I am not sick, all this is not an illusion, not an illusion!"
In the last starry sky survivors of the Guwa people, almost all the people knew the news of the parent star's vision, and they all paid attention to the status of the parent star.
Xiao Yu also flew out of outer space at this time, Xiao Yu suspended in the starry sky, looked at the two satellites that are actually hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.
Xiao Yu did not intend to continue to fly by with his power.
This is too time-consuming and tiring.
After sighing, there is no time and space to transmit the magic circle.
Xiao Yu opened the door of his secret realm behind his right side.
Then only a few seconds.
At the beginning, Xiao Yu borrowed Mars, and then pretended to be an alien attack on Mars. The Valkyrie spacecraft that had crashed on the surface of Mars had already flew out of the door of the portable secret realm.
Unlike the initial appearance, the Valkyrie spaceship, which was transformed by Martian aliens and modified by the wizards, was completely dark and inky, but reflected a faint glare under the light.
The overall shape is still a long shape, but through the details of the sculpture it makes it quite artistic in the world of villain.
This kind of beauty has an extraordinary charm in itself, and when the magic circle is activated, just looking at it can give the external creatures a double impact on the mind and mind.
The Valkyrie spacecraft has just debuted.
Guwa people's mother ship already sounded the screams of ambush, oh, and all kinds of swearing.
In addition to the observation equipment of the mother ship, some barely damaged instruments on the two satellites were able to faithfully record the vision from the beginning to the end and transmit it to the super computer of the mother ship.
Therefore, the process of Xiao Yu summoning the Valkyrie spaceship from his personal secret realm was unobstructed in the eyes of the Guwa people.
It also deeply frightened the Guwa people in the mother ship.
"God! What did we see?"
"Here, is this an illusion? Or is it that super-civilization is really so powerful that it even masters space technology?"
"Is this mysterious spacecraft appearing through space jumping technology or space folding technology?"
Guros looked at the Valkyrie spaceship and exclaimed: "It's done! It must be that our superstar visited our mother star!"
"Look, although their spaceship is small, it is so delicate and beautiful."
"How beautiful it is. Even if I am not familiar with the other party's cultural history, I can feel the other party's mastery of the truth of beauty from this spaceship's shape!"
"Yeah, this spaceship actually reminded me of the touch and respect when I witnessed the great sculpture."
A senior Guwa nodded his head, staring blankly at the Valkyrie spacecraft on the big screen.
Guros listened to the echo and took a deep breath, already confirming that this could not be an illusion!
Because Guros is convinced that as the chief scientist of the Guwa people, he will not imagine that there will be a super civilization with space jumping technology!
The super-civilization acceptable to Guros can sail at the speed of light, which made him feel that it was extremely magnificent and great.
The space jumps, ignoring the distance, and accomplishes another operation that is faster than the speed of light.
Perhaps the ordinary Guwa people will have such fantasy and think it can be achieved because they read more undergraduate fantasy.
He, Guros, certainly not!
"With the scientific and technological power displayed by this spaceship... I guarantee it with the glory of the chief scientist!"
"They must have discovered our poor wandering fleet from the beginning!"
"That magnificent flower, as well as the present appearance, while we observe the other party, the other party must also be watching us!"
"Then, chief, why haven't we received any communication, is our communication equipment too far behind?"
The chief scientist of the Guwa people shook his head and looked at the Guwa people who asked this question disdainfully, and he laughed:
"Communication will definitely not be a problem, the reason may only be one... Do they want to!"
"I guess that this great civilization uses energy technology to remind us to actively observe them."
"Then, what to do next, this great civilization gave us back the choice."
"Ah? Give it back to us?"
Several high-ranking Guwa people were shocked, and they immediately understood.
The elite who can become the last group of survivors will never be worse in this aspect.
They couldn't help complimenting the kindness of the ultracivilization towards the lower civilization.
It is already clear that the reason why the super-civilization does not send out communications is just to show its existence in this way.
Obviously, it is to respect the last choice of the Guwa people.
Whether to go back to the parent star and cooperate with this super civilization, or continue to wander the starry sky.
Want to come to this super civilization will not stop.
"It is not right to cooperate with Super Civilization, begging for help from each other, what will we Guwa lose?"
A Guwa representative from a technical worker hesitated and came up with a rather worried inquiry.
"Our unique cultural knowledge, and ourselves?"
"Or more, we need to pay for everything we have!"
Guros turned to look at the Guwa representatives around him. He looked around, as if looking side-by-side with the more than 100,000 Guwa people in those mother ships.
After being silent for more than ten seconds.
Guros, the last chief scientist of the Guwa people, spread his hands, and the scalp on the scalp of the hairless head was raised with many knots, thus showing how nervous and excited he is now:
"My countrymen!"
"I can be responsible for telling you the answers to the questions you used to ask the most."
"Can we really reach new stars and find new suitable planets for the Guwa family to pass on?"
"Unfortunately, I can only say to you that with our current technical level and material reserves... we can't do it!"
"It is already a miracle that we can escape from the galaxy."
"And want to successfully reach the new galaxy after spending thousands of years through the recycling system between the stars..."
"Even if our ancestors showed their spirits, our circulatory system will never go wrong. In fact, this is impossible at all, and waits for thousands of years."
"Can there be Guwa people on board?"
"Don't forget, fellow citizens, we haven't seen any newborns for a long time."
"Even if it breaks away from its parent star, this has not improved."
"And the breakthrough in biology in this respect is also far away."
"We, the Guwa people, have nothing to lose."
"We have exhausted the most important development potential of a civilization."
As a chief scientist, Guros did not have a word in his moving speech about how to choose.
The Guwa people who listened to the speech all knew that they had no choice at all!
Going back, will it become a super-civilized slave?
Will lose everything?
Come on, do we have to let the Guwa people perish for the so-called autonomy of nothingness?
Such thoughts can only exist in idealists' minds.
In reality, why do they want to destroy other people's survival opportunities for this trace of ideals?
After a short conversation, a supercomputer vote started.
After a few minutes.
One percent abstained, and 99 percent of the Guwa people chose to go back to their parent star!
Even if it becomes an ornament in a super-civilized zoo.
The voices of the broadest people of the Guwa family are still...want to live!
The mother ship began to decelerate slowly, and the large and small spaceships towed were to turn their direction and use their propulsion to turn the mother ship.
It is also because they have not gone too far.
Otherwise, just slowing down to turning will waste a lot of time.
Xiao Yu, who was guaranteed by the Guwa people with the chief honor, must have known everything.
Eh... Xiao Yu did know from the ghost memory of the Guwa people that there was such a Guwa fleet that went to the starry sky and became the light of hope.
But he really didn't know that his sagging operation on the earth star caused such a big misunderstanding of the Guwa fleet!
Even because of the appearance of the Valkyrie spaceship.
It is thoroughly labeled as a super-civilized master of core space technology.
I haven't turned on the mouth and cannon flicker mode yet, so I unconsciously subdued a large wave of Guwa people who are throwing themselves in the net.
Xiao Yu was driving the Valkyrie spacecraft. With the engine fully powered on, she entered a state of continuous acceleration.
The magic circle on the Valkyrie spaceship played a protective role under acceleration.
At the same time, the energy provided by the controllable nuclear fusion equipment was transformed into a layer of light blue mana shield, which was also able to be deployed around ten meters around the Valkyrie spaceship.
It ensures that during the flight, there will not be a crash or death caused by a piece of space junk or small meteor debris.
"Look, the super-civilized spacecraft flew towards our satellite."
"It is worthy of super civilization, energy shield! This must be the indestructible energy shield technology!"
"Mastering the super civilization of energy technology to create the flower of energy, naturally can master the energy shield technology."
Guros said so, but his heart was still very excited.
I couldn't help but throb in my heart. I felt more and more that this super civilization appeared suddenly on the parent star, just like the super civilization in science fiction ran out.
It is also energy technology and space technology, and now there is energy shield technology.
Guros not only doubts whether the other party has mastered the small space technology, energy compression and solid-state storage technology and other black technologies that only science fiction can have!
Even the brain hole is bigger.
Guros doubted that this super-civilization would have mastered the super-dimensional technology of crossing parallel worlds, right?
Thinking of this, Guros couldn't help laughing, and shook his head again and again.
Crossing the parallel world, super-dimensional technology...
Hahahaha, how did you add the fantasy content?
Parallel world or something, even if it exists, how can it be interconnected?
The dimension and the like are all in the stage of conjecture. Only because they cannot be falsified, there are not so many rebuttal theories.
When Guros shook, he saw that the super-civilized spaceship, like a ghost, silently floated to a base on the surface of the satellite.
Then They saw that Valkyrie spaceship, so hovered in midair, without any movement!
And, I didn't see the continued momentum in its tail...
Satellites also have gravity!
The hover of the Valkyrie spaceship is full of strangeness in the eyes of a person who knows how to do it!
"Anti-gravity technology!"
For a long time, Guros popped another black technology term from the teeth, and then he simply sat on the chair and sighed:
"This is a good thing for us Guwa people."
"The stronger and more perfect the super-civilized technology, the less malicious he is for us."
"Perhaps, we can have the opportunity to become this super-civilized vassal race..."
"Just don't know, can we have such an honor!"
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