Chapter 1898: Robert I

Robert I?
Wizard Haine was stiff, but his brain was spinning fast.
The name of the sky blue emperor, when he entered the sky blue continent on the first day, he heard many people talk about it many times.
Not long ago, I heard the deputy tower master mention it again with awe and reluctance.
So the wizard of Hain was no stranger to him, and the life of the great emperor was instantly listed in his mind.
Robert I, the first Morning Star wizard in the azure continent, was also the first person to unify the entire continent and establish the order of inheritance to this day.
The Robert Law Code he founded has not even been circulated by a latecomer, even one word.
I have to sigh that the political wisdom of this Robert I was as brilliant and admirable as his wizard talent.
It can be said that all the customs that have been handed down to the sky blue continent are related to Robert I.
Even the wizards of Hain who saw these materials couldn't help but doubt the contents of these records.
It seems that Robert I was like an omnipotent emperor.
This is too bad for witchcraft!
The wizard of Hain has good reason to suspect that there are many hidden secrets, and perhaps there are many wise men behind Robert I.
It's just that the emperor's majesty has stolen the knowledge of these wise men.
Thinking a little deeper, it might not even be the case of Robert I, but it was deliberately created by future generations in order to stabilize the dominance of the royal family and interestingly create the image of an omnipotent ancestor.
It is reasonable to think about it carefully.
But the problem is coming.
I am just a mediocre little wizard, a hard-working person who wants to make progress, but always inadvertently finds himself in the international students in the Sky Blue Hall.
Alas, why am I stared at by the remnants of Robert I?
Could it be that Robert I was also a fellow?
Yuck! It is recorded that Robert I had three thousand beauties, how could it be that you are the same as someone who does not have a girlfriend like me!
The question should be in the diary asking the mind?
Wizard Hain is also an exquisite person. When the elevator is not at the end, he already wants to understand the biggest difference between himself and others.
Combined with the feeling when you write a diary.
Wizard Hain still knew his strengths and weaknesses.
Immediately realized the only singularity of his own.
Immediately, the wizard of Hain strongly suppressed the great fear in his heart because of the whisper in his ear, and left the sky blue wizard tower together with the large team.
Stepped out the door of the sky blue wizard tower.
Sorcerer Hain suddenly saw the sunset in the distance, and couldn't help but exhale, trembling with a violent whole body, an illusion of breaking away from some kind of prohibition.
The wizard of Hain cleared his mind again. He touched his chin. After going back to the academy, he asked someone to ask where Robert I's diary was.
If there are no problems in the memory, Robert I’s diary is a precious collection of the sky blue royal family, but it is not hidden in a private library.
Every once in a while, in order to show the great wiseness of Robert I, a part of Robert I's diary will be exhibited.
"Hain, you just seem to have something wrong?"
Suddenly, someone next to Wizard Hain patted him on the shoulder, a strong companion, and he smiled brightly.
Sorcerer Hain, who had seen more false smiles, was very touched by the concern of this companion:
"It's nothing. Maybe it's because I haven't taken a rest recently. I feel a little tired."
The companion touched his chin and said, "Wait a minute, do you want to go to the Sky Blue Club? I heard that a new team has arrived there."
"No, I haven't written my homework today."
"It's a shame, tonight's consumption, but Prince Bowers paid for it..."
"Please remember to bring me!"
Wizard Hein heard a treat, and he had to postpone the time of study in disobedience, and continued to live the boring, boring and boring life.
No way, who made him actually a black guard?
How can I find each other's flaws if I can't maintain my personal settings?
For the city of miracles, for the black guards, I, the wizard of Hain, have to give my body again!
The next day, early morning.
Wizard Hain climbed out of bed and felt his body became more and more empty.
He couldn't help sighing and shook his head.
Suddenly, as the sun shines through the villa bedroom window, it shines on the bed.
The wizard Haine's eyes suddenly became radiant.
He got up and came to the table. After diligently opening the diary, he skillfully picked up the pen and wrote the diary:
"On the twenty-seventh day, I visited the Sky Blue Wizard Tower with my companions. During this period, I was full of curiosity about the diary of Robert I. I felt that it was necessary for me to visit the Sky Blue Emperor's diary in person."
"By the way, Prince Bowers paid for it tonight, so I went to the Sky Blue Club against my heart."
After writing his diary, Wizard Hain's eyes recovered from laziness. He hit Ache and after closing the diary, he lay down on the bed and continued to sleep.
After falling asleep.
Suddenly, the wizard of Hain was confused, and suddenly he was shocked and found himself in the inner court of a splendid palace.
On both sides of this inner court, there were thousands of maids with beautiful skin and different postures.
They were laughing and gazing at Wizard Hain.
It seemed that Wizard Hain blushed a little.
Wizard Hain felt that his brain was a little dull, he wanted to speak, but found that he seemed to have lost the ability to speak normally.
In such a situation, he was not afraid at all.
Suddenly, the wizard of Hain, who was also a second-level wizard, understood immediately.
I am dreaming!
The wizard Haine thought of this, and was so determined that he could not help looking at the maids around.
He guessed that these maids should be the demon ladies who mastered the time control in the Sky Blue Hall or the noble mansion.
Even because it is in a dream, it might be a beautified version!
Wizard Haine looked at it for several seconds, and was surprised to find that a familiar figure was not found.
Just when he was tangled.
Wizard Hain felt a scorching gaze staring at himself.
Wizard Haine could only look away from the charming maids, and looked at the source of the sight.
That was the deepest part of the inner court. There was no throne there, but a large, large round bed with at least a hundred people on it.
On the round bed, a handsome man with a naked upper body wearing a crown and blonde hair and red eyes appeared.
The man opened his pretty red pupil and looked at Wizard Hain with a smile:
"Fun outsider."
Wizard Hain felt that he had heard the whisper of the mysterious man, his body was startled, and he blurted out:
"Who are you, how could you enter my dream?"
"Hahaha, in your dream?"
"Here, it is clearly my territory!"
"Fun but a little stupid outsider!"
The blond man stood up, overflowing with some extremely arrogant traits:
"I am the conqueror of the mainland, the layman of order, the founder of the azure empire, Robert I, who is omnipotent in your mouth!"
"Robert I?"
"You are nothing like the picture!"
Hearing this, Wizard Hain couldn't help telling the truth.
Indeed, whether it is the sky blue wizard college, or the portrait of the wizard Tari related to this Robert I.
His Majesty the Emperor in the portrait is a middle-aged uncle who is full of majestic temperament and looks very serious.
Although the hair color and the red pupil are good, this temperament is too bad!
The person in front of him is clearly a cynical non-mainstream teenager!
"Those unfilial sons and daughters, if it had not been for the morning star not to die, I would have left none."
A flash of red light flashed through Robert I's eyes, and his figure moved, and he had instantly moved to the wizard of Hain.
"Alien, remember every word I said firmly."
"Find my diary!"
"Find my diary!"
Robert I approached the ear of the stiff Hein wizard and whispered a series of voices.
As the whispering sound continued to surround this space.
The entire inner court began to blur and spin.
at the same time.
The current Emperor of the Azure Empire, tired and exhausted by the war of forbidden-level forces, suddenly Robert V awakened.
The emperor rubbed his eyebrows, but he was relieved and summoned many royal officials.
"I dreamed of His Majesty Robert I."
The emperor's words were striking, which directly made the royal ministers around him look serious.
The emperor is a morning star wizard and has a contract with mainland consciousness.
It is impossible for such a superpower to dream for no reason.
"Your Majesty Robert I, what did you say?"
A minister hesitated and asked quietly.
"Robert I praised me in my dream."
The expression of His Majesty the Emperor is slightly subtle:
"Then he told me."
"The danger is approaching, the rest of the sky blue empire... is running out."
"The rest of the days... not much?"
Several ministers all twitched their mouths. What is this? His Majesty Robert I showed his spirits. He reminded future generations that the empire was about to be in trouble?
"I think this matter must be taken seriously."
The emperor thought about it and said.
"This is natural, and we will report to the Imperial Presbyterian Church."
Several ministers replied in unison.
The azure empire is due to the special death of the morning star sorcerer.
The power of the empire is not in the hands of the emperor, but in the Imperial Presbyterian Church.
The reason is simple. Every emperor who becomes a Morning Star wizard will go to the Presbyterian Church as an elder after his death.
With the passage of time, the power of the morning star in the Presbyterian Church has far exceeded the emperor's strength.
The power of the villain is respected, and power is naturally tilted towards the Presbyterian Church.
In the Presbyterian Church.
Learn about the emergence of Robert I.
The elders who had been the Morning Star Wizard all sighed, and then held a secret meeting.
"Is the grandfather's heroic spirit still not resting?"
"I started pretending to be a ghost again."
"Do you want to tell Robert V the truth in advance?"
"No, the rules can't be broken. Let's talk about it when he joins the elders after he retires."
"Well, how to deal with this matter and tell him that this is an ancestor's prank?"
"Take the boat down the river. Now the outside world is very tense, and it's good for us to make more preparations."
"By the way, will the exhibition of Robert I be held on time?"
"Why not, convene, let's not say that most of the relics are forged by us, that is, those real, but ordinary life items, are we still afraid of what will go wrong?"
Miracle city, in the palace of the Son of God.
After returning to the palace, Xiao Yu specifically checked the news provided by the black guards about the sky blue continent.
Among them is the diary of Wizard Hain.
Xiao Yu looked through the diary of the wizard of Hain.
He sighed softly. The wizard of Hain was indeed a talent.
Take a look at the style of this diary, which is quite the style of the master of Chinese studies.
Perhaps, this is what common characters do in common?
I only hope that the wizard of Hain can be more useful than those who only know bragging.
Suddenly, Xiao Yu saw the crystal ball lit up, but the Weiwei provided the latest news related to the Sky Blue Continent.
Xiao Yu immediately viewed.
His eyes suddenly light up.
"Sky Blue Emperor, Robert I?"
Xiao Yu murmured to himself, looking at what the Hain wizard said about the emperor.
Xiao Yu also had a trace of curiosity about this character who was blown up by the sky blue continent.
Of course, the most important thing is that Wizard Hain also told the black clothes guard about the content of his dream and the sincere thoughts in his heart.
This makes Xiao Yu always feel that this is probably not easy!
If you don't know that the other party is related to the creator family, maybe this is not simple, just related to the legacy of a great man.
After knowing that the pool of sky blue continent is very turbid and deep, there is a group of creators behind it.
Xiao Yu unconsciously thought of the rise of Robert I. Did he rely on the help of the creators?
If this guess is true.
So... Will the inheritance of Robert I also be related to the creator family?
Even the way to contact the creators!
Xiao Yu was a little excited.
He began to order the Ark to prepare for departure.
If necessary.
Xiao Yu planned to go to the Sky Blue Continent for the first time.
It is naturally best to see Robert I.
If you can’t see it, it’s also good to take back all of Robert I’s legacy.
The three goddesses did not know the inside story, but they would not question Xiao Yu's decision.
After dealing with this matter, Xiao Yu focused on the maid Freya.
Freya's performance in the Battle of the Two-Month Continent proves that she is not simple.
The goddesses took turns to interrogate this but didn't get much, just like this Freya maid was really just a talented beautiful girl.
All of her skills in the use of witchcraft in the space department are her own insights in daily life...
There is a certain possibility for this explanation.
But Xiao Yu or other wizards, no one would believe.
After all, no matter how talented one is, it is impossible to derive calculus through the nine-nine multiplication table without completing the mathematics of primary school, and use the knowledge of calculus in actual combat to solve a world-class mathematics. The problem?
There are geniuses who open up every year.
But their careers are all traceable.
This is true in the history of mathematics, and in the extraordinary history of the villain.
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