Chapter 1899: Robert the Diary

Freya was arranged in a secret room of the palace.
This is a secret room for maids.
Freya was sitting on the only stool in the secret room, her hands clenched gently, and her face flashed anxiously and worriedly from time to time.
It can be said that she has made all the things that a pure indigenous genius maid should have.
In the abyss, the abyss queen Yulia also deeply felt that she had tried her best.
If you still can't hide the Son of God.
Perhaps it is only the arrangement of fate that is so ashamed of yourself?
Xiao Yu looked at Freya in the secret room, and looked at the hand guard gently with his right hand. After a while, he said:
"You all think there is a problem with this maid?"
"Lord, this is our common intuition."
The goddess of the moon, Feiya, the goddess of war Morrigan, and the goddess of war, Alice, all stood up and expressed their positions.
Freya's performance was impeccable. No matter which goddess or strange thing was used, no evidence could be found from Freya's body about Yulia the Queen of the Abyss.
However, it is often the original sin to be too stunning, not to mention Freya's performance is completely beyond the definition of stunning itself.
Even if a chemist had dreamed on Mercury to dream of the periodic table of elements and dreamed of the double helix structure of DNA.
It seems that genius can really know it.
But in fact, everyone who has watched the documentary knows that these great people in human history, before dreaming of these achievements, they have read through a large number of related books, have talked with the same great people, and have accumulated knowledge and Ideological collision.
Their process of obtaining wonderful results is the result of daydreaming and dreaming.
It is not a tree without water.
"May Freya be a talented person born in a forbidden territorial force?"
"Lord, maybe his actual identity can be higher..."
Hearing Xiao Yu's words, Feiya, the goddess of the moon, thought for a while and whispered.
"A bit taller? Could it be that the senior officials of the forbidden-level forces personally pretended to be my maid later?"
Xiao Yu smiled when he heard the words, and looked at Freya’s eyes, flashing a little starlight:
"But it's not impossible to avoid your detection."
"Looking at the report, maybe it's still a forbidden power at the same level as the king of all directions, right?"
"...It is possible."
The goddess of the moon, Fiya, was surprised in her words, but also nodded her approval of Xiao Yu's bold guess.
After all, Freya's stunning blow was still hovering deep in the mind of the goddess for a long time.
The goddess of the moon, Fiya, asks herself and replaces herself with the same power.
"Oh, our Yanhuang people have an old saying."
"Stealing chickens is not an eclipse, so I lost my wife and collapsed."
Xiao Yu spoke the Yanhuang people's proverbs in Yanhuang language. Regardless of whether they could understand the three goddesses, they looked at Freya again and said:
"The next week, teach her about theology."
"Okay, Lord."
The goddess of the moon Feiya heard the words, nodded gently, and then whispered:
"Does the Lord want Freya to also become a goddess?"
"Of course, but rest assured, the goddess she wants to be is different from you."
"I will let her black hand behind the scenes, no matter what the origin of the other party, don't want to take her back!"
"Entering my palace and being my maid, then I can't regret it!"
Xiao Yu laughed proudly.
at the same time.
Freya in the Chamber of Secrets, and Yulia, the Queen of the Abyss in the abyss, somehow felt a chill hit her heart.
It made her feel goose bumps for a long time.
"That giant, what trick to play!"
"Since I still doubt my incarnation, why haven't I shot it yet!"
"Does he want to do anything bad to my avatar!"
The Queen of the Abyss, Yulia, bit her silver teeth and blinked her eyes, seeming to think about a major decision.
Azure Continent.
Wizard Hain finished another day's diary.
He found that he is now writing faster and faster and getting better and better.
After writing, there is a feeling of being washed and refined.
Combined with the dream meeting with Robert I.
In the trance, the wizard of Hain even gave birth to a kind of relationship between me and Robert I. We may be the same people in the previous life, brothers of life and death!
"Today, there is an exhibition of Robert I's Collectibles in the capital, don't you always remember this?"
Wizard Hain just opened the door today and saw the man chatting with a group of friends at the garden outside the door waving at himself.
This man is a native aristocratic student of the Sky Blue Empire. He is talented, but has an exquisite heart completely different from his body shape.
After he entered the Wizarding College from the foreign students in the city of miracles, he was keenly aware of the great uppers of the azure empire, all of whom were trying to please these people.
Hei Da immediately acted, and soon made several foreign students, including the Wizard of Hain, and became their fellow travellers and friends.
Furthermore, by going to the Sky Blue Hall to exorcise and defend the Dao together, it won the favor of many international students.
As a result, the man has received a generous return, and was favored by several big men in the azure royal family. He has given ample funds for activities. Not to mention, he secretly promised, as long as he can make friends from this wave of miracle city students. Good friend.
His future career will be smooth sailing!
The wizard of Hain was remembered by many high-level officials because of the diary questioning technique.
It also made the man more attentive.
The words of the man made the wizard Hain stunned a little, and immediately an inexplicable impulse emerged from his heart.
If this impulse is replaced by the arrogance of those heavens, it is estimated that it has been found that something is wrong.
It is a pity that the wizard of Hain is not a true arrogant man. In addition to frequent visits to the hall these days, eating, drinking and playing can kill people's hearts.
Wizard Hain didn't think there was anything wrong with this impulse.
This is clearly a manifestation of my hard work.
"Okay, I really want to ask you more this time."
Wizard Haine quickly agreed.
Among the wizarding colleges, the big wizard who was in charge of teaching the formation method quickly received a leave from the wizard of Hain.
He sighed and shook his head slightly.
These international students have been here for almost a month.
The combined classes are not as many as a week.
Alas, I don’t know what the city of miracles sent them to. Is nobody supervising them?
Or even the one who supervised and went to write a diary?
There are also royal families, only knowing to be used to them, does this seem that our sky blue continent is too weak?
"Alas, since the death of Sky Blue Emperor, this royal family is not as good as one generation!"
"If Emperor Robert I was still there, wouldn't our Azure Continent be a first-class force?"
"Just waiting for the opportunity to come, it may be able to replace the forbidden level forces!"
The great wizard could not help but diverge his thoughts, and looked at a painting of Robert I in the military parade hanging in the office, showing respect to Robert I unabashedly.
In this wizarding college founded by Robert I.
Emotions like this great wizard are actually very ordinary.
Most teachers and even students will become fans of the emperor after being exposed to the life and history of Robert I. Later, with the deepening of the research on Robert I, they will fall deeper and deeper and cannot extricate themselves.
The leave of Wizard Hain was passed without any surprise.
After an hour.
Inside the King Capital of the Azure Continent.
Wizard Hain sat in a luxury carriage and entered this city, which was not strange to him.
Eight horse carriages can run in parallel on the streets of Wangdu.
This is a very good road for the small country.
Unfortunately, compared with the city of miracles, the eight-horse carriageway can also be compared with the alleys in the urban area of ​​the city of miracles.
The roads that split the road are much more spacious and tidy than the main road of the king.
Hygiene, it is even more incomparable.
After all, the Sky Blue King is an old city.
To ensure the cleanliness of the main road is already the limit of Wangdu's management.
The garbage dumps in the alleys can be seen everywhere.
Although there are stinking ditch treatment systems, it is obviously a product of hundreds of years ago, and it is difficult to satisfy the current Wangdu population.
Fortunately, for Wizard Hain, he didn't need to see the worst part of the city.
And the most beautiful place in this city, he can come in contact at any time.
And at least half of the time, he does not have to spend money.
"His Highness, we are here."
The driver suddenly stopped the carriage, and then looked back respectfully.
Wizard Hain nodded when he heard the words and got out of the carriage.
Both the coachman and the wagon came from the family.
Wizard Hain does not need to pay.
This made the wizards of Hain much more brisk.
"Is this the Imperial Museum?"
"Really magnificent building."
Wizard Haine got out of the carriage and looked up at the giant in front of him.
This building is a large flat floor, and the height of the flat floor is about 70 to 80 meters high.
On the rooftop of the large flat floor, there stood four statues of Robert I about 30 meters high.
The four statues face each side, which seems to mean that Robert I's eyes have been looking at all areas of the city.
Wizard Haine faced the sculpture of Robert I in front of him, and bowed with both arms in his arms. Then he walked in with excitement.
Entered the museum.
At first glance, the wizard of Hain saw several acquaintances in black.
They even visited some collections in this museum, and from time to time they were curious baby-like, and the tour guide asked for details.
After talking with each other's eyes, Wizard Hain stepped into the depths of the museum with a beautiful tour guide sister.
Robert I’s collection, even if it is not a superb item, is obviously the most precious thing in the museum.
Wizard Haine walked to the center of the museum with the older sister of the tour guide before seeing the diary of Robert I in a separate room here.
The wizard of Hain was surprised to find that the great blue emperor, the conqueror of the mainland, and the founder of order, His Majesty Robert I.
There are more than one diary book left!
But as many as two hundred and fifty books!
At this time, only three books in the diary of Robert I were used for exhibition.
"Your Majesty, why do you like to keep a diary so much?"
Sorcerer Hain gave a sigh of emotion. Under the confused eyes of the tour guide's sister, he coughed and went into the room.
In a small room, three pale yellow columns filled with three square arrays, and three dark yellow notebooks reflecting metallic luster suspended in midair.
Wizard Hain breathed harder and walked to the notebook in the center, reaching for the light beam with his right hand.
This notebook slowly opened the first page.
Wizard Haine saw the powerful writing of Robert I as a silver hook in iron painting.
Just looking at these words, Wizard Hain unconsciously imagined in his mind that when Robert I wrote these diaries at the time, he moved like a cloud, like a god.
"Seeing words is like seeing people, no wonder so many artists respect His Majesty Robert I."
"The skill in this word is the best batch of people I have ever seen."
Wizard Hahn muttered to himself.
I swallowed my mouth and looked carefully at the first page.
I don't know if it's dazzling.
The wizard of Hain faintly felt that when he looked at the diary, the contents of the diary changed a little, and the order of the words changed...
"April 22, 1988, today is a day that pleases me. I successfully persuaded the parents of the Sano family to let him marry my granddaughter."
"It gives me hope for the evening."
"After all, the femininity of the Sano family is really great!"
"On the 23rd day of the 88th year of the Celestial Calendar, the taste of the women of the Sano family is awesome!"
"On the 24th day of the 88th year of the Celestial Calendar, the Sano family seemed to be awakened. I appreciated their consciousness and rewarded them."
"On the 25th day of the 88th year of the Celestial Calendar, the Frost Giants also became enlightened, and their princess finally presented herself with a good taste!"
One page, another page.
Wizard Hion looked blushing and red, his heart beat faster, and his fists clenched and sweated.
He couldn't believe it. In the diary of Robert I, so much boring, dull and boring content was recorded.
"You must have taken the wrong diary."
Wizard Hain took a deep breath and removed the diary that turned to the last page.
The diary is closed again and at the moment of closing, the words in the diary are restored to the original arrangement.
Wizard Haine rubbed his eyebrows and looked at the diary on the left. He reached out and touched the pillar of light.
This diary should be the early diary of Robert I.
It does not use the calendar created by Robert I, the sky blue calendar, to remember.
Instead, it uses a weird calendar that Wizard Hain has never heard of:
"October 20, 3333, I have been a legendary wizard for almost two years."
"In the past two years, I have been able to feel the mystery of witchcraft beyond the mathematical model I started with."
"I'm a little worried that I can't break through the legend and advance to Morningstar."
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