Chapter 816: How great is it?

Tibbs is one of the best thieves in the Holy Land.
His stealth skills can be ranked first in the realm, that is, the big men in the Holy Lord family also looked at him strikingly.
If Tibbers had made a big mistake, ten years ago, when he was promoted to second-class extraordinary status, he was also qualified to become a prince of the Lord's family.
Nonetheless, there are still big figures in the Lord's family who spoke to Tibbers, as long as he did his best for the Lord's family, when he became a pseudo third-level extraordinary thief, he must be made a servant of the Lord's family.
Moreover, the most important thing is that this big man will provide Tibbes with a lot of money and extraordinary materials that are hard to buy every month.
Therefore, Tibbs became a hunting dog with one eye, a certain figure of the Lord's family.
Although Xiao Yu came to this saint continent, only seven or eight hours passed.
Where is the eyes and ears of the Holy Lords arranged on the whole continent, where can there be no wind?
In addition, a deacon responsible for this area by the holy Lord family was entrusted by the deacon, and he learned that the water inside was very deep.
He mobilized Elder Red Lion, the follower of Tibbers, in an attempt to know the secret of the mysterious enemy through this bait.
Tibbs has been calm since he started tracking the floating spacecraft.
Until the giant appeared and defeated Elder Red Lion with a fist, and then summoned the unearthed giant to pull the floating spaceship to the ground.
Tibbers couldn't calm down completely.
There is only one thought left in his heart:
"I'm fucking! Is he just having deep water? This is obviously the sea that can flood the whole continent!"
"His... I won't be discovered!"
Tibbs murmured and was about to sneak away, but he felt as if he was in pain like a needle stick.
This is the instinctive warning to him!
Tibbs quickly ignored the doubts in his heart, and wanted to smash the rune and move out.
The moment the finger just touched the rune stone, Tibbers saw a huge shadow that blocked the sunlight over his body.
And really felt the horror that made him tremble.
Realizing that he was starting to die, Tibbs released the rune stone, raised his hands and turned slowly, and finally saw the behemoth that appeared silently behind him.
It was a flamboyant ape monkey wearing magnificent armor, wearing a purple-gold crown, stepping on cloud shoes, holding an iron rod taller than the wizard tower, and having golden eyes!
Just glanced at Dasheng.
Tibbers was completely shocked by the Great Saint.
As the best thief, his eyesight is absolutely passable.
He could see that this incomparably tall ape was definitely an extraordinary Warcraft that reached the legendary territory of the Saints' Continent!
This level of extraordinary, even in the Saints Continent also belongs to the top combat power.
Morning Star does not appear, there are almost no natural enemies!
No, even if there are natural enemies, there are not so irrational natural enemies that are legendary. Let's anger an opponent of the same level.
After seeing the actual combat strength of the Great Saint up close, Tibbers completely gave up his resistance and chose to surrender.
And when he knelt down, he still comforted himself in his heart: Lord Deacon, it is not that I did not work hard, but the enemy army is too strong.
I... this is no way!
Anyway, the other party is not an abyss, the breath is strong and strong, and it is impossible to be chaotic and evil.
If the deacon is also reasonable, maybe he can work with the other party again?
the other side.
Xiao Yu let the hand of the earth element hand the floating airship into his hand, and then picked it up and played for a while.
During the period, it was natural to hear the passengers on the deck yelling and refusing to eat me and other nonsense.
Xiao Yu took a look at it, and then sent the floating spacecraft's hand to the temporary camp directly.
The floating spaceship landed on the vast campus in the middle of the camp.
The wizards and the extraordinary knights were dizzy for a while, but before they shouted, they were surrounded by a large group of Divine Guards.
It was discovered that unconsciously, there were dozens of extraordinary enemies surrounding the kingdom.
The extraordinary knights who came out of several golden wood kings turned pale, scolded them and spat an egg, and threw away their weapons.
Of course, there are also those who swear to death, screaming out of discomfort and trying to fight against those guards.
Naturally, he was beaten by the guards more and less, and was easily crushed to the ground.
Then these diehards soon became the test items on the testbed of the wizards of the miracle city.
After some experiments with the wizards.
These extraordinary knights will not die... will be even worse!
Their flesh and soul are very likely to become mutant monsters in the hands of a wizard in a certain experiment, or an instrument in a witchcraft wonder.
Even the resulting anger and resentment will allow the wizards to profit and use it to enhance the power of wonders in their hands.
As a result, the wizard apprentices who secretly ordered the wizard tower smiled after seeing a wizard flying and directing those enemies to drag the rebels.
All of them have scalp tingling, fearing that their obedient obedience, etc., will also become the experiment of the wizards.
"Fortunately, I brought Da Sheng over, otherwise I really didn't find a little mouse running nearby."
After reading what happened in the camp, Xiao Yu turned around and jumped to the side of Dasheng. He noticed that Xiao Yu, who was dressed up by Tibbes, could quickly guess the profession of this guy from his memory.
In a sense, the thief is a variant of the extraordinary knight, and pays more attention to stealth, flexibility and speed.
This thief's breath also seems to be a big knight level!
This makes Xiao Yu a little strange.
The data he collected through the previous period also knew the general situation of the continent of Saint.
He doesn't think that Saints Continent can be extravagant enough to send a second-level knight-level extraordinary thief for no reason.
After all, this saint continent does not have such a brave superhero giant!
"It seems that the timing of my visit is better than expected."
Speaking of which, Xiao Yu picked up Tibbs using the wizard's hand and took him towards the camp.
After an hour.
Tibbes informed Xiao Yu of everything he knew.
He has actually been in the Golden Wood Kingdom for almost three months.
As for the reason, an elder of the holy Lord family accidentally noticed the shadow of the abyss of this kingdom.
As a continent where the Morning Star wizard often exists, the Saint Continent has a deep understanding of the abyss.
As a result, whenever the blank period of the morning star wizard is not present, the holy masters will unite various extraordinary forces to form a wizard alliance to resist the invasion of the abyss and other crises.
As the shadow of the abyss was noticed by the elders this time, he only tried to catch a few shrimps in the abyss.
The Presbyterian Church of the Holy Lord is extremely dissatisfied.
So backbone running dogs such as Tibbers were also sent to investigate.
This time he was pulled to follow the floating spacecraft of the Secret Wizard's Tower, but it was only used to the best of his ability.
The news from Tibbers made Xiao Yu a little surprised. He didn't expect that he had just entered the continent of the Saints, and he could see those abyss visitors again.
Just don't know how long they have been laid out on this land, can you see acquaintances?
I thought of myself but had a token of aristocratic nobility.
Xiao Yu didn't care that Tibbers was kneeling in front of himself, and took it directly to activate it.
The entire Saints mainland abyssal stronghold was glimpsed by Xiao Yu!
Then, after seeing the situation clearly, Xiao Yu laughed: "Interesting and interesting."
"This time the abyss really made a big deal to the continent of Saints!"
"I'm afraid that the abyss is deliberately trying to encroach on this continent?"
"Almost every densely populated area of ​​the entire continent has secondary intensity abyss reactions."
"Especially in this area where I am located, many areas are red and black!"
"This knowledge in the abyss means that the sacrifice area has been completed?"
"Sacrifice in the abyss?"
Xiao Yu touched his chin and quickly made a decision.
These sacrificial areas come from densely populated areas.
There are a lot of craftsmen, scholars and resources, but they are all the goals of this trip!
Abyss wants to sacrifice them, isn't it just to food in front of himself!
"My thing, the abyss wants to reach out its paws, then it must be prepared to be cut!"
"Well, start with me first."
Xiao Yu whispered, glanced at the place after the floating spacecraft landed.
Suddenly, the royal knights from the Golden Wood Kingdom were struck by lightning, screaming, kneeling and shaking their heads.
Around the time the companions panicked, and the wizards who secretly made the wizard tower hesitated whether to help each other.
These royal knights had torn a layer of human skin from the top of their heads, and then came out a few green monsters that appeared like soft mud but covered with many eyes and mouths.
"This... what a monster this is!"
"No, this is the abyss breath, damn, these are abyss monsters!"
After a wizard screamed, he immediately came back to stunned and said: "But, why are they disguised as royal knights, and so perfect..."
"No, no..." A wizard apprentice from the royal capital screamed: "Could it be that our King of the Golden Wood has fallen?"
"A fallen king?" An extraordinary knight remembered the fantasy novels he had read. The worst of each fallen king in the city was also dragged by a city man.
Suddenly he felt a little lucky that he had sent his family out of Wangdu.
On the ground, those green slime monsters climbed up again, and their bodies suddenly turned into human figures.
It's just that the skin is gone, and they look even weirder now.
These weirdoes were a little bit angry and roared, wanting to fly to the sky, but were gently pressed by Xiao Yu's right hand, thousands of kilometers away.
The virtual and real hands are turned into entities, and as easily as the sky collapsed, they are pressed back to the ground and pressed into a pool of soft mud.
The slime has no action ability, but the sound like a synthetic sound is resounding over the school ground.
"We are the guards of the great abyss lord Saruman!"
"Abyss will watch you!"
"You can't escape!"
"Oh, I know." Xiao Yu nodded, agreeing: "I have dealt with the abyss."
"Unfortunately, it won't take advantage of me."
"In addition, it can't watch my real residence."
At this moment, the slime brains fell into a blank, and they were the first time they encountered such a calm supernatural creature when they were cursed.
In their memory, even the legendary dragon would be extremely dreaded by the abyss.
After all, this quiet abyss of moist objects is infected, not to mention legends. It is the great existence like the wizard of the Morning Star. Is there any way to send the entire continent to the mouth of the abyss?
And... this giant really regards himself as the supreme supreme Nine Heavens Emperor?
It's an evil god, where is the ability to block the abyss' invisible eyes!
Does it think it represents one of the top ten forbidden areas?
The slime thought Xiao Yu was holding on hard and sneered.
The sneer came to a sudden silence.
From the perspective of these abyss monsters, they seem that the deep eyes of the great abyss have responded to their call, and have already looked at the giant.
Then, after they messed up in the wind and found the abyss' eyes, they glanced back at the giant silently.
And gave them a response.
Anger, hatred and... unwillingness!
Unwilling, the great abyss will have an unwilling emotional response to the giant!
God, the abyss is above, is this inexplicable giant not an evil spirit?
He... said it was true!
The slimes were shocked and were about to ask questions.
Xiao Yu had already noticed the arrival of the abyss from the reaction of the Throne of Throne. The power of the abyss affects all around.
"Really an abyss monster."
"These monsters haven't had any major incidents for more than 100 years. We thought the abyss gave up on us."
"Unexpectedly, they are hiding deeper."
Several wizards wiped their foreheads with cold sweat, and each realized that the situation exceeded their expectations.
"It is hidden deeper."
The Enodian wizard received Xiao Yu's secret message. In order to ensure his supreme majesty, he replaced Xiao Yu and sent a message to the group of captives:
"Supreme Supreme has given us a message. In the confrontation with the abyss, he discovered the abyssal strongholds of this continent."
The Enodian wizard said, waving his staff and pointing out the abyssal strongholds one by one, making a simple map.
Then, the captive wizards all shouted in silence:
"God, our saint continent has penetrated so deep into the abyss?"
"Especially the Golden Wood Kingdom... how could there be so many abyssal strongholds, how could... how could this be!"
"Everyone! I'm afraid King Jinmu has been replaced by the monsters just now."
"And I have a bad feeling. Since they haven't been discovered for so long, they must have developed secretly for a long time."
"Assume, I just assume that they have been laid out since the last Morningstar Wizard fell."
"Then they have more than a hundred years!"
"If you use the kind of monster covered with human skin to develop privately, more than a hundred years... enough to penetrate our Golden Wood Kingdom into a basket."
"I'm afraid that today's Golden Wood Kingdom, all the nobles related to the royal family, are likely to be pretended by these monsters!"
Thinking of this terrible prospect.
Many wizards were sweating.
Then they looked at the giant who was looking far away on the Suddenly realized that in the face of the abyss invasion, perhaps this supreme supreme adult is their savior.
And as they calmed down, they realized one detail they just ignored.
This supreme supreme clash with the abyss not only failed to say nothing, but also captured so much information about the abyss on this continent.
What this means is self-evident!
This supreme supreme soul energy is probably more terrible than the mysterious abyss.
If you think a little deeper, this giant claims to be just a ray of the incarnation of the Supreme Nine Heavenly King.
That... really terrifying so the wizards dare not think about it.
Think about it, a ray of incarnation can make the abyss suffer, terrified.
If it were real, how great would it be?
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