Chapter 817: Fake abyss nobleman?

Xiao Yu was in a temporary camp on the mainland of Saint.
After the captives were separated for a series of interrogations, they were refocused and rested in a tent.
This tent comes from the wild triangular tent that Xiao Yu brought from the real world.
In a small country, a tent of this size is enough to squeeze the more than 100 captives and still look spacious.
In the tent, the mentors who secretly ordered the wizard tower to gather together again could not help but sigh.
From the wizard of Enodia, they learned the horror plan of the abyss and were extremely worried about the future of the Golden Wood Kingdom.
It's just that the witchcraft wonders in their hands have been searched long ago, and their spiritual power is also in a state of seal. At present, they can only wait hard for the news.
Perhaps the only consolation is that the supreme supreme affiliate is kind to them, and has expressed its position. As an extraordinary wizard, if they are willing to change jobs, they can still have a good treatment.
In the context of the imminent invasion of the abyss, except for a few old wizards who are nostalgic, the other wizards actually have more or less a tendency to completely trust the giants in their hearts.
And in a Grand Canyon where the Secret Wizard Tower is located.
The master of the secret wizard's tower relied on the method of depleting the soul and turned back into a white light.
After falling into the secret room at the top of the Miring Wizard's Tower, the owner of the tower seemed to be old all at once, and became a drooping old gray-haired old man.
"How powerful is that giant's breath, Elder Red Lion is definitely not an opponent."
"The crystal ball has no message from other instructors, and the floating ship has fallen into the giant's magic hand."
"Cough cough cough."
The master of the secret sorcerer's tower coughed up a few mouthfuls of congestion, and some were fortunate that he had not seen the foresight to escape early.
Otherwise, the secret wizard tower is not even the one who opened the defensive core magic circle?
"The giant is not an evil at all!"
"This is a catastrophe from the invasion of a different continent!"
"It can never be handled by the Kingdom of the Golden Wood Kingdom."
The master of the secret sorcerer's tower whispered here, propped himself up to the magic circle in the center of the secret room, and spoke the spell moment in his mouth.
The chamber was slightly dim, and a colorful light curtain appeared all over the place, and phantoms appeared.
"Um... I have to send the message to the Holy Lord first."
With that said, the tower master slowly extended his right hand finger, flicked the light curtain, and operated.
However, soon the owner of the secret sorcerer's tower frowned.
"Strange, why can't I send my message!"
"Wait, what's the situation, the communication circle of my wizard tower has been destroyed?"
The main body of the secret wizard tower was cold, and he felt the bitter ice, he thought that the location of the secret wizard tower was found by the giant.
With the sudden explosion at the bottom of the secret wizard tower, an evil and strange breath rose into the sky.
The master spinner of the Wizard's Tower knew exactly what he encountered, and he quickly waved his hands, and a projected image of the bottom of the Wizard's Tower appeared around him.
He saw that many remaining wizard apprentices suddenly turned into abyssal depraved, and began to slaughter those brutal wizard apprentices and attendants.
As many corpses fell, the evil black gas became stronger.
Immediately after that, more and more blood-red magic circles appeared on the ground, and then the abyss monster with its teeth spread out from these magic circles.
The master of the secret wizard tower did not expect that the key moment was actually the abyss appeared here.
"They actually lurked for so long, the purpose must be to prevent the secret wizard tower from sending messages to the outside world..."
"Damn it! This is so."
The master of the secret wizard tower was also very decisive. After realizing that the wizard tower was useless, he took out a special witchcraft wonder and planned to use this thing to contact a deacon of the holy Lord's family at a cost.
Unexpectedly, just activated, this witchcraft singularly exploded.
The aftermath of the explosion even made the tower master, who had little mana and the shield couldn't support, flew out and hit the wall.
The door of the Chamber of Secrets was suddenly smashed by a burning whip, and then a slender and fit female flame demon stooped in and entered the door, narrowing her eyes to the master of the Miring Wizard's Tower.
Compared to more than ten meters or even more than twenty meters high abyss flame.
The female demon up to three meters tall looks more like a young woman with heavy makeup and a burning special effect.
But concentration does not mean it is not powerful.
The female flame demon's flesh is not as good as the abyss flame demon, but the witchcraft talent is more than that.
So that after seeing the visitor, the tower owner shouted impossible in his mind and fell into despair.
"A poor soul who hasn't really been promoted to the second-level wizard in hundreds of years?"
"It's such a disappointment that the owner of the secret wizard tower is like this."
The female demon shook her head, not waiting for the old tower master's trembling lips to say something.
She had already pulled a whip and smashed the tower master's old man into a ball of ashes.
Then the extremely brightly painted red lips sucked slightly, and the soul of the tower master was swallowed by the female demon.
After a comfortable breath, after licking his lips, the female demon stood in the center of the circle, and easily controlled the entire secret wizard tower.
Immediately, her voice resounded through the grand canyon.
"The secret sorcerer's tower is under the watch of the abyss."
"Abyss darlings, in order to please our Lord, turn this place into a part of the abyss!"
All around, the abyss monsters cheered together, and became stronger and stronger with the obviously thick black gas.
As a result, the survivor group, which was still reluctant to resist, soon suffered a disaster!
The king capital of the Golden Wood Kingdom.
It is the most densely populated place in the entire kingdom.
Although it was disturbed by Elder Red Lion last night.
After the sun goes down, everything is still as usual.
Merchants are selling goods, civilians are selling physical strength, and nobles are still early in the entertainment places.
Only, unconsciously.
Pedestrians raised their heads and frowned slightly.
They saw the king who had just been cloudless for a long time, and they didn't know when it was covered by black clouds.
Originally, there was nothing to care about cloudy days.
But for some reason, the dark cloud would make the passers-by who had no extraordinary power take a look at it, and they would all feel frightened and afraid.
It seems instinctively wrong!
There were extraordinary people who had not been taken away by Elder Red Lion, but they felt a palpitation after they noticed the thick black clouds in the sky.
"Not found, the sky is getting darker and darker."
"It just barely shed light, and now it's almost like night."
"It's still colder!"
"I feel a little uncomfortable..."
The passers-by shouted in fear, and most of them were uneasy and chose to go home.
There is a timid, but those who are away from home run to the gate of the city and want to leave Wangdu.
However, at the city gate, the royal knights had long been there, closed the city gate directly, and announced the king’s will to enforce the martial law, requiring everyone to return home immediately.
Otherwise... kill without amnesty!
The passers-by were furious and frightened by this, that some big merchants and some nobles also keenly smelled something that was not right.
And in the military camp in Xicheng District.
Fifty thousand kings garrison army received an order to stun them.
King Jinmu actually made a decree to demand that they suppress the traitors who surpassed the royal family, and the traitors who elevated the royal family, the union of the big nobles and big merchants.
This was directly questioned on the spot by the leader of the garrison of the noble class.
Later, he was cut off by the cronies behind him, a deputy commander of the garrison.
The deputy commander, who carried the original commander's head, immediately announced his allegiance to the royal family, after announcing the royal family's reward for the meritorious minister.
With the incitement of a group of garrison officers with red eyes in the garrison.
The fifty thousand kings' defense army quickly rushed out of the barracks and killed the Dongcheng District, known as the rich area.
For a time, the shouts rang through the entire king.
With no idea which one set the first fire.
The garrison army gradually lost its military discipline, and the goal was expanded from those nobles to the rich.
In the end, even the ordinary people who were close to each other became the targets of these soldiers' looting and killing.
Under the deliberate connivance from the commander to the officer, the 50,000 army has become the first big show to destroy the king capital in a very short period of time.
King Jinmu stood on the rooftop, looking at the burning city not far away, listening to the painful wailing and the curse of resentment mixed in the shouts.
He felt that the air was really wonderful.
Like an abyss.
"Hehehe, this is the beast cannibalism."
Behind King Jinmu, a unicorn demon spread its wings and fell, looking into the distance and sighing, "No wonder Lord Lord likes you so much."
"Such a soul is worth more than the fine products we have tortured repeatedly."
"And it can be manufactured in such large quantities... You are a genius in the abyss.
"Both abyss bless us with wisdom."
King Jinmu leaned back slightly and said, "Dear Lord Soto, the darling of the abyss still has to speak on strength."
"Our layout over the past 100 years, if there is no lord and lord's contribution, I am afraid that it has been exposed for a long time. I don't know how many times?"
"Hum, encirclement?"
The unicorn grinned: "As long as the land of the Golden Wood Kingdom is thoroughly abyssed."
"Even if the Saint Continent immediately pops up a Morning Star wizard, it can only barely maintain the abyss of the Saint Continent. It will not be too fast."
"All of them will soon be swallowed by us."
"But it's still a bit early for you to launch, was it discovered?"
"Yes, Your Highness." King Jinmu did not dare to hide this aristocrat from the abyss. He said honestly: "There was an accident. It is said that an incarnation of an evil was summoned by a group of ants."
"Is the Evil God incarnate?"
For the abyss of the abyss, the incarnation of the evil who hides in the chaotic ocean of time and space and lives on by bewitching ignorance is not a big trouble.
After all, the strongest ones in Evil God's body correspond to the true God level strongmen corresponding to the Morning Star Wizard.
Their incarnation is legendary.
And there are often many restrictions.
As the front deputy commander of the team leader, the unicorn demon also has legendary strength and is not worried at all.
"Continue to sacrifice, after completing the most important sacrifice of the king, I will go and see for myself what the evil is!"
The unicorn demon said this, took a deep breath, opened his claws to communicate with the abyss, called on the great abyss to stare at the capital of the king, and thoroughly deepened the place.
Suddenly hummed, it caused King Jinmu to be curious.
"Your Highness, what's wrong?"
King Jinmu blinked and asked quietly.
"No... nothing." The unicorn's mouth twitched: "Maybe I called wrong, and try again!"
The unicorn demon's stunned expression froze on his face and lost his voice: "The abyss will refuse to come!"
"And expressed the extreme anger towards a giant!"
As a metamorphosis monster, King Jinmu has been in the abyss for a long time since his hometown was corroded, and the whole family has fallen into an abyss monster. It is the first time that such an accident has occurred.
Abyssal will actually rejected a noble's request.
Well, which aristocrat noble said that the abyss noble came from the abyss, and there is something to come!
King Jinmu was somewhat suspicious looking at the unicorn demon, worried that this is a fake abyss noble!
And think about whether you should change to another owner to follow?
The direct boss is not hard enough, but it has a great influence on the future!
Just when King Jinmu was thinking about it.
King Jinmu suddenly heard an angry roar from the unicorn demon around him.
Immediately it swelled up from five meters to seventeen or eight meters, and three heads and six arms grew out of it.
"Three heads and six arms, huge, this is... the abyss is crazy?"
King Jinmu soon noticed that it wasn't just this unicorn demon who went crazy.
Even the batch of abyss monsters that he brought became crazy one by one.
The barbarians are crazy and indifferent to each other.
Although the abyss monster is crazy, it will not attack its own people, but it is difficult to control itself, and it will definitely kill everywhere.
King Jinmu thought that these suddenly crazy abyss monsters and unicorn demons would surely plunge into the city to kill them.
But they found that these guys seemed to have been guided, jumped up, and rushed to the sky.
King Jinmu raised his head and looked at the sky, where the dark clouds rolled, and his fingers were out of reach.
"Such a change was ordered directly by the will of the abyss."
King Jinmu felt how far away he might be in the next battle.
After all, he can make the abyss angry, he doesn't think the unicorn demon can still control the aftermath of the battle.
Perhaps after a collision, under the aftermath of the battle, all the kings will be turned into ruins.
King Jinmu had just jumped off the roof, preparing to hide directly in the underground river area underground.
The hurricane, the violent hurricane suddenly burst out of the air, and it was pressed down, so that the entire king was shocked and quieted down.
After killing and setting fire, the officers and soldiers were also crushed on the ground and quickly got They did not care about the robbery, and they came back to the sky and looked confused.
Afterwards, many officers and soldiers knelt down on the ground, dropped their weapons, and looked up with tears at the torn black clouds. However, they also replaced the steel warships where the black clouds covered most of the vision.
The steel battleship is naturally the miracle star battleship.
It completed its eruption at this time and stopped quietly over Wangdu.
Defiantly, a group of little black spots who dared to attempt an attack on it rose from the ground.
After these little black dots represented by the unicorn demon lifted to a certain height.
A nozzle sprang up from the bottom of the steel battleship.
Then, flamethrowers from the Citigroup military supplied high-energy fuel through fuel tanks installed on both sides of the battleship.
With a bang, the flames, which seemed to be at least a kilometer long and covered several square kilometers of air space in the view of the little country, instantly covered every inch of air space above and below the left and right of those challengers who were not self-confident.
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