Vol 2 Chapter 1440: , South America Raiders

If the first batch of elite troops damaged in the Sinai Peninsula greatly damaged the vitality of African countries, then the second batch of troops damaged in the Cairo area directly declared their death sentence.
With the army of 600,000 demons being wiped out by the Condor Empire, there is no longer any force in the entire African continent that can compete with the Condor Empire.
After completing the pursuit of the defeated soldiers, Ning Yuan quickly led the army to capture the city of Cairo, and then took only three days to capture the entire kingdom of Ayub.
With the demise of the Ayyubid kingdom, the entire northern region of Africa suddenly opened its doors to the Condor Empire.
In the face of those countries in northern Africa that had lost the ability to resist, Ning Yuan directly dispatched several cavalry troops to assist the army to receive it, and he himself led the angel army to the demon family's territory.
Although Daniels died in battle and the 600,000 demon elites were wiped out, the demon clan, which was all soldiers, still had a certain fighting power.
Of course, this kind of combat power is aimed at the armies of those ordinary countries. If it is against the elites of the Condor Empire, it will not be enough.
Due to the relationship of the angel family, Ning Yuan has always been adhering to the attitude of slaughtering the demon family, so this time there is still no accident.
In line with the idea of ​​waste utilization, Ning Yuan decided to let the last force of the demon family show its light and heat again.
So a battle between angels and demons led by the Seraph Legion was staged on the African continent.
After the Seraph Legion and other armies wiped out all the troops left behind by the demons, Ning Yuan immediately sent the War Angel Legion composed of ordinary angels to clean up the mess.
When the last demon clan on the African continent fell under the sword of the angel warrior, the demon clan in the game world was basically officially declared extinct.
When Ning Yuan led the War Angel Legion to besiege the Demon Clan, the Eagle Army and the Tenglong Army also basically completed the occupation of the entire African continent.
In the face of the Condor Empire army, which has an overall superiority in number and strength, all forces on the African continent can only wait to die in place.
As long as the Tenglong Army or the Condor Army reaches them, the flag of the Condor Empire will soon be planted on their land.
In the end, the Condor Empire occupied the entire African continent in just over a month.
After completing the occupation of the African continent, the Condor Empire still did not do anything to the European continent that was just around the corner.
In order to restore economic production on the African continent as soon as possible, Ning Yuan, while integrating the indigenous peoples on the African continent, relocated the Zak Lion tribe who had been away from the African continent for decades, and let them return to their roots.
For the planning of the African continent, Ning Yuan has already made arrangements.
Bounded by the Congo Basin and the Mukanga Mountains, the area to the north of the Congo Basin, the area to the east of the Mukanga Mountains, and the area to the north of the Zambezi River are the aborigines of the Condor Empire, and the rest of southern Africa is the Tenglong Army. station.
In the aboriginal residential area of ​​the Condor Empire, Ningyuan will vigorously develop agriculture and animal husbandry, plant Shalihong on a large scale in the Sahara Desert, and carry out ecological grazing on the prairie.
Within the scope of the Tenglong Army station, Ningyuan plans to develop it towards tourism.
Many Huaxia players have never been to Africa in their entire lives. This time, they have the opportunity to come to Africa to enjoy the exotic scenery and see the African savannah with wild animals.
As for when to use the African continent as a base to attack the European continent across the Mediterranean Sea, Ning Yuan believes that it is not yet time, because South America has not yet been conquered by the Condor Empire.
Most of South America has a tropical rainforest climate and a savannah climate, where the climate is characterized by warm and humid, mainly tropical.
South America has the largest tropical rainforest in the world, most of which is located in Brazil.
The tropical rain forest area is hot and rainy all year round, and the humidity there is very high, so the water network is very dense.
The westernmost part of South America is the long and narrow Cordillera Mountains, a huge mountain range that directly separates the Pacific Ocean from the South American continent.
To the east of the Cordillera are the vast Amazon plains and the pampas.
In the north of the Amazon Plain is the Guyana Plateau, one of the two major plateaus in South America, and in the southeast is the huge Brazilian Plateau.
If you want to attack the South American continent, the sea road seems to be the easiest, because there are many rivers on the road in South America, and the entrance to the sea is basically on the Atlantic side. If the naval fleet of the Condor Empire wants to land, there will be many The landing point can be selected.
However, actually wanting to attack the South American continent by sea is not the best choice.
Because of the existence of tropical rain forests and rivers that may swell at any time, the downstream areas will be flooded at any time.
The landing of a large army requires a large amount of food and grass supplies.
If the landing site is full of flooded land and mud swamps, it is very difficult for a regular army on the ground to land there.
So despite the fact that the Condor Empire has now completely controlled the seas around the South American continent, it is still difficult to attack South America directly by sea.
In view of the unique climate and terrain of South America, Ning Yuan formulated a special offensive plan.
This plan is divided into two parts, one part is the ground attack part, and the other part is the air attack part.
The ground attack part is a gradual advance and one-by-one occupation plan based on the Condor Empire Army.
In the case that the eastern coastal area is not suitable for large-scale landings, only the northern part of Colombia is left to enter the South American continent.
The northern region of Colombia borders Panama. If the Condor Empire invades Colombia along Panama, it will easily be able to occupy the entire Colombian territory north of the Cordillera Mountains.
After occupying the northern region of Colombia, there will be three huge mountains in front of the condor empire army, namely the Western Cordillera, the Middle Cordillera and the Eastern Cordillera.
Since the Eastern Cordillera extends all the way to the northeastern coast, the only way to enter the vast Amazon plain is through the Magda between the Middle Cordillera and the Eastern Cordillera. The narrow canyon where the Leine River is located.
This long and narrow river valley corridor is easy to defend and difficult to attack. As long as the defenders build a fortress at each end and in the middle of the corridor, and then arrange an elite army in the fortress, the enemy will inevitably enter the Amazon plain through this river valley corridor. To pay a huge price.
As the only access to and from the Amazon plain on land, this river valley corridor can be described as a battleground for military strategists.
Since the Condor Empire captured Panama, Colombia's Barbaro began to have plans to abandon the northern part of Colombia.
Barbaro is very clear that in the area north of the Cordillera Mountains, no matter how much other South American countries support them, they cannot be the opponents of the Condor Empire.
As long as the condor empire's army invades Colombia from Panama, the northern part of Colombia will fall immediately.
Although it is a very shameful thing to give up a large area of ​​territory, compared with destroying a country, it is still acceptable for people to voluntarily give up a part of the territory. After all, this time their opponent is the Eagle Empire, which has just occupied the entire Condor Empire in North America.
So when Barbaro proposed to transfer all the people and materials in northern Colombia to the Amazon plain, Colombian players did not show much resistance.
It's not that the players in Colombia are not bloody, but they have already seen the reality clearly.
The reality is that the current Condor Empire is unmatched. If it does not occupy some favorable terrain for defense, it is difficult to resist the invasion of the Condor Empire.
And there is no place in Colombia more easily defended than the valley corridor between the central and eastern Cordilleras.
In addition, this river valley corridor is the only road access to the hinterland of South America, so Colombian players are ready to stick to this river valley corridor.
In order to defend this river valley corridor, they built a fortress five kilometers away from the mouth of the valley, deployed heavy troops in the middle and rear section of Neva City, and built a fortress at the exit.
In addition to placing heavy guards in the three fortresses, Colombian players also built a long joint camp along the entire river valley corridor.
If the army of the Condor Empire really wants to enter the Amazon plain from the river valley corridor, then they must defeat all the defenders in the corridor, otherwise they will have to find another way.
Ning Yuan didn't care too much about the river valley corridor that Colombian players focused on defending, because the Condor Army had a similar battle experience.
When they crossed the Pamirs to attack Tajikistan, the Condor Army had faced similar terrain.
The fortresses and troops in the canyon defense line in Tajikistan at the time were much more than those in Colombia.
However, under the attack of the Condor Army, those seemingly indestructible fortresses were just like paper.
As long as the Somersault Cloud Legion of the Condor Empire launched a strong attack on the fortress, no matter how high or strong the fortress was, it would be breached immediately, and it would not survive the night at all.
Although the last attack on Tajikistan was a sneak attack, the defenders in Tajikistan were not prepared at all, but this time the Colombian players were fully prepared.
But in the face of absolute strength, no matter how well you prepare, it is useless unless Colombian players can find a way to deal with the somersaulting cloud army of the Condor Empire.
Therefore, Ning Yuan never had any worries about breaking the river valley corridor heavily guarded by Colombian players. What really worried him was the battle after entering the Amazon plains.
After entering the Amazon Plain, facing the hot and humid climate and the densely covered terrain, the condor Empire army who came here for the first time will definitely have some discomfort.
Although Ning Yuan had fully considered this issue when he established the Tropical Rainforest Theater, no matter how much training he took, it could not replace the actual combat.
Therefore, the army of the Condor Empire is likely to encounter various difficulties after entering the Amazon plain.
In order to prevent the South American countries from taking advantage of the weakness of the Condor Army, Ning Yuan planned to use the Mermaid Legion and the Dragon Warriors as the main force to harass the enemy in all directions after entering the Amazon plain.
When the Condor Army was almost used to it and the enemy was almost harassed, he would launch a real advance war, nibbling away the Amazon plain little by little.
The air attack part is a large-scale attack operation mainly based on the Condor Air Force formulated by Ningyuan according to the special terrain in western South America.
There is a long and narrow coastline west of the Cordillera, on which Chile is located.
Ning Yuan planned to use the naval fleet to carry troops to occupy all the coastal areas west of the Cordillera Mountains, and then use these areas as the base of the Condor Air Force.
Although the Cordillera is a natural barrier, it cannot stop the flying army from flying over it.
Ningyuan's air raid plan is actually very simple, that is, first occupy the coastal area west of the Cordillera Mountains, and then occupy the Cordillera Mountains.
After the entire Cordillera Mountains are occupied by the Condor Empire, the Condor Air Force can fly over the mountains and enter the hinterland of South America at any time.
Although the climate of the South American continent has a more or less impact on many troops of the Condor Empire, as long as it does not rain, the impact on the Air Force is not so great.
Because the Air Force will not take the initiative to land on the ground to fight~EbookFREE.me~ Their main targets are those large population gathering areas and production bases.
These targets are definitely located in relatively open places, and there are not too many obstructions.
So as long as the weather is good, the Condor Air Force stationed in the Cordillera is ready to conduct air raids wherever they can fly.
The main force of this air raid, Ning Yuan, has also been selected. They are the Tenglong Air Force, because the player's ability to adapt is faster than that of the aborigines.
Although the arms of the Tenglong Air Force only have angel warriors and owl warriors, they are better than the base.
In order to enable the Tenglong Air Force to have enough troops to carry out uninterrupted air attacks on the South American continent, Ning Yuan not only continued to expand the scale of the Tenglong Army, but also set aside a sum of money to finance the players of the Tenglong Army to enter the Hualong Pool to accept baptism.
Although the randomness of the race in the Hualong Pool is unpredictable, with the continuous increase in the number of the Tenglong army, the scale of the Tenglong air force has also experienced a blowout growth.
So far, four million Tamron Air Forces have gathered in the eastern part of the Lost Continent, and the number is increasing every day.
Ning Yuan planned to start the raid on the South American continent as soon as the number of Tenglong Air Force reached 5 million.
Ning Yuan didn't want to take too long to attack the South American continent, so he didn't move, and if he moved, he would kill him with one blow.
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