Vol 2 Chapter 1441: , Hikijaide Cave

Savage 6/1/47
After careful preparations, the Pacific Fleet of the Condor Empire officially launched a full-scale attack on the coastal areas west of the Cordillera Mountains.
At the same time, the Condor Empire troops stationed in Panama also crossed the border between Panama and Colombia and began a full-scale attack on the northern part of Colombia.
Facing the expected attack, the Colombian troops remaining in the northern plains immediately began to retreat to the valley corridor defenses.
Barbaro has long known that such a day will come sooner or later, so he has already transferred all the population and materials from the northern plains to the Amazon plain.
So when the Condor Empire began to invade Colombia, Barbaro gave up the entire northern region without hesitation and surrendered it to the Condor Empire.
While ordering the remaining troops to withdraw to the river valley corridor defense line, Barbaro also urgently informed other countries on the Amazon plain of the invasion of the Condor Empire.
This time, it is not enough to rely on Colombian players to defend the river valley corridor.
Under Barbaro's long sleeves and good dance, all South American countries sent their elites to the river valley corridor to assist the Colombian army in defending the enemy together.
In addition to sending the army to support Colombia's Valley Corridor defenses, the South American countries have joined together to form a large air force of owl fighters.
In Barbaro's view, the valley corridor between the Middle and East Cordillera Mountains is about to break out into a world war.
As long as the Condor Empire chooses to enter the Amazon Plain from this river valley corridor, in addition to the Condor Army, there will definitely be a large number of Condor Air Forces here.
On land, the South American coalition led by the Colombian army occupies an absolute advantage in geographical position, and it is very difficult for the Condor Army to break through their defense.
However, there is no forbidden area in the Valley Corridor, so if the Condor Air Force controls the air supremacy there, the geographical advantage will be greatly weakened.
So if they want to defend the river valley corridor and keep the Eagle Empire's army out of the Cordillera Mountains, then they must have air supremacy over the river valley corridor.
Barbaro and others are very aware of how powerful the Condor Air Force is. If the Condor Empire is really the main force of the Condor Air Force, then even if they gather the entire South American flying army, they cannot be the opponent of the Condor Air Force.
Fortunately, this time they are not alone, because the war on the European continent has been going on all the time, and the North Alliance army has contained a large number of troops of the Condor Empire there, among which are the ones that make them the most fearful. Flying Corps.
Under the circumstance that the main force of the Condor Empire Air Force could not come to participate in the war, they still have the qualifications to fight against the Condor Air Force who came here to participate in the battle.
Before the invasion of the Condor Empire, this flying coalition was scattered across the Amazon plains.
When the Condor Empire officially launched an invasion of northern Colombia, the air forces of various countries that received the news flew towards the Eastern Cordillera Mountains.
In defending the valley corridor this time, the base of the South American flying coalition is in the Eastern Cordillera Mountains. As long as the Condor Air Force appears near the valley corridor, they will immediately launch into the air to meet the enemy.
For the river valley corridor between the central and eastern Cordillera mountains, South American countries are swearing to guard it.
For the coastal area west of the Cordillera Mountains, they simply chose to give up.
Although all of Chile's territory is located in the coastal area to the west of the Cordillera Mountains, in order to take care of the overall situation, Chilean players eventually chose to migrate all to the east of the mountains.
On the grasslands to the east, Argentine players have already built refugee camps for them to live in temporarily, and all South American countries will provide free food to Chilean players until they return home.
The strategy of breaking the wrists of the strong men of the South American countries directly allowed the Condor Empire to occupy the western coastal area of ​​the Cordillera Mountains without any effort.
After transforming the western coastal area into a logistics base for the Tamron Air Force Flying Corps, five million Tamron Air Forces flew from the Lost Continent to South America immediately.
Savage 7/1/47
After a month of preparation, the 300,000 Condor Army appeared outside the north exit of the River Valley Corridor, and at the same time, the 2 million Condor Air Force also appeared on the Western Cordillera Mountains.
Facing the endless marching tents in the river valley corridor, the Tamron Air Force located in the West Cordillera Mountains couldn't help before waiting for the Condor Army at Taniguchi to start.
The main reason why Ningyuan chose to attack the valley corridor in front of the central and eastern Cordillera in July is that July and August are the dry seasons in South America.
Although the dry season in South America is not a dry season at all compared to other continents, July and August in South America are the two least rainy months.
There are a lot of sunny days in these two months of the year, and the flying regiment hates to launch into the sky to fight in the rain, so Ning Yuan will choose to attack at this time.
He wanted to take advantage of the rare good weather in July and August to conquer the river valley corridor defense line heavily guarded by the enemy.
As long as this line of defense can be overcome and the passage into the Amazon plain is opened, it doesn't matter whether it rains or not.
Since the invasion of Colombia in June, Ning Yuan has been paying attention to the movements of the South American countries.
Under the strict surveillance of the Seraph scouts, the military movements of the South American countries could not be hidden from Ning Yuan's eyes.
When Ning Yuan learned that the South American countries had assembled an army of 3 million owls near the Eastern Cordillera Mountains, he immediately formulated a tactic of air raiding the enemy.
In order to seduce all the South American flying coalition troops stationed in the Eastern Cordillera Mountains, Ning Yuan deliberately brought only 2 million Tenglong troops to the Western Cordillera Mountains for stationing, deliberately letting the enemy realize that they were in numbers. has certain advantages.
The enemy's army of three million owls was stationed in the Eastern Cordillera, ready to fly back to the Amazon at any time.
Once these owl troops have burrowed into the vast rainforest of the Amazon plain, finding them is basically a needle in a haystack.
In order not to give this flying coalition a chance to escape into the rainforest, Ning Yuan directly ordered the two million Tenglong Air Force to launch an attack on the entire river valley corridor.
The attack was aimed specifically at those defenders stationed in the valley passage.
There is no city to rely on, and the defenders in the valley channel are basically living targets, so once they are violently attacked by the Tamron Air Force, the South American flying coalition in the Eastern Cordillera Mountains must come to rescue them. .
Ning Yuan's move is sure to save him, because if the enemy does not save the troops stationed on the river valley passage, the entire river valley corridor defense line will immediately fall into a situation where there is a shortage of reserve troops.
At that time, once the front line is too fierce and the casualties are heavy, and the reinforcements from the rear are unable to arrive, then the entire river valley corridor defense line is likely to be lost due to the exhaustion of troops.
Therefore, Ning Yuan's move can be regarded as hitting the enemy's door of life, so that he has no other choice at all.
The trend of the situation was just as Ning Yuan had expected. When the 2 million Tenglong Air Force launched a surprise attack on the defenders in the river valley passage, all the South American flying coalition forces who got the news immediately lifted off, and then headed towards Tenglong in a mighty manner. The Air Force killed it.
When the flying coalition forces in South America rushed over the valley corridor, the Tamron Air Force, which had air superiority, was slaughtering those defending soldiers in the valley corridor who had nowhere to hide.
When the South American flying coalition arrived, the river valley corridor was already full of blood. If they came later, I am afraid they could only collect the bodies of those comrades on the ground.
Seeing that the Tenglong Air Force was so arrogant, the allied owl players who came to the vicinity of the battlefield immediately rushed towards the enemy with red eyes.
The brave who meet in the narrow road wins.
After seeing the arrival of the Allied Air Force's Air Corps, the Tenglong Air Force immediately gave up the pursuit of the army soldiers in the river valley corridor, and then turned to kill the Allied Air Force's Air Corps.
Soon, two huge dark clouds collided in the sky, and then dumplings rained on the sky.
After fighting for half an hour above the river valley corridor, the South American flying coalition, which has a superior number, began to gradually gain some initiative.
Through life-for-life consumption tactics, they successfully formed a numerical advantage on the local battlefield.
After taking advantage of the war situation in terms of numbers, the casualty rate of the Tamron Air Force immediately surged.
At the beginning, this advantage was not obvious.
However, as the battle continued, after countless small advantages were added together, the South American flying coalition began to take full advantage.
Seeing that it continued like this, the Tenglong Air Force was at risk of being wiped out. Ning Yuan immediately ordered the entire army to retreat.
When the horn representing Ming Jin's withdrawal of troops was blown, all the Tenglong Air Forces above the river valley corridor immediately turned their heads and ran away.
How could a duck that reached its mouth let it fly.
Seeing that the Tamron Air Force exposed its back to itself because of escaping, the South American Flying Coalition, which was in high spirits, immediately followed closely.
The allied owl fighters kept killing those Tenglong players who fell behind, and the chase went directly to the top of the Western Cordillera Mountains.
When escaping here, the players of the Tenglong Air Force immediately began to dive and glide down the mountain quickly against the on the west side of the mountain.
Although I don't know what the players of the Tenglong Air Force are doing, in order to kill as many enemies as possible, the owl soldiers of the coalition force swooped down.
The western slopes of the Western Cordillera Mountains were covered with dense woods. When the Allied owl army swooped and glide down the against the canopy, it suddenly shot numerous cold arrows from the woods.
"No, there is an ambush."
After a large number of owl fighters in front of them fell with arrows, the owl fighters of the coalition army realized that something was wrong.
Seeing that the Condor Empire had ambushed the archers in the woods in advance, they would only increase casualties if they continued to chase, so everyone immediately decided to raise the flight altitude and return to the station on the Eastern Cordillera Mountains.
However, they had just flown a few dozen kilometers, when a larger black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky ahead.
When the owl fighters of the South American Flying Coalition Army saw the huge black shadow, everyone's heart suddenly trembled.
This time, they seem to have fallen into the conspiracy of the Condor Empire again.
Just when they were hesitating whether to take a detour to avoid the interception of the enemy army in front, suddenly there was a thunderous scream from behind them. retreat.
Seeing that there were chasing soldiers in front of them, the South American flying coalition had no other choice but to bite the bullet and rush towards the blocking soldiers that were flying in the face.
Soon, an even bigger aerial battle was unfolding east of the Western Cordillera.
In order to break through the enemy's blockade, the owl fighters of the coalition all showed their strength to suckle. They desperately attacked every enemy that appeared in front of them, mercilessly and mercilessly.
In order to successfully eliminate the enemies who were led out of the hole, and then turn the entire South America into their back garden, the players of the Tamron Air Force also attacked with all their might.
In order to keep the enemy, they even frequently used a lose-lose style of play.
As long as this army of owls, which has concentrated the entire South American flying army, can be blocked here, they will even launch suicide attacks.
In this way, this aerial battle has been killed from dusk to late night, from late night to dawn, and from dawn to dusk again.
The distance of 300 kilometers~EbookFREE.me~ Under the constant entanglement of the flying troops of the enemy and us, the air battle lasted for two days and one night.
In the end, after paying more than three million flying soldiers to die, the Tenglong Air Force almost wiped out the three million coalition flying regiments that were seduced.
The death toll ratio was close to one to one, which was the first time other countries had fought against the Condor Empire.
The South American flying coalition can achieve such a close casualty ratio, which is definitely a proud record, enough for players to brag for a long time.
It is a pity that although they made the Tamron Air Force pay a greater price, they ultimately failed to escape back to the Eastern Cordillera Mountains.
With the annihilation of this flying coalition in South America, they almost handed over the air supremacy of the entire South America to the Condor Air Force.
The consequences of losing air supremacy are dire.
When the defenders in the river valley corridor may be suddenly attacked by the Tamron Air Force at any time, this war around the river valley corridor will put the South American coalition forces under even greater pressure.
In the face of the joint attack of the Condor Army and the Tamron Air Force, it will become increasingly difficult for them to defend the city.
In the end, they are likely to lose the whole valley corridor one after another because of the problem of reinforcements.
At that time, the only thing they can rely on is the Altamira Fortress at the south exit.
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