Vol 2 Chapter 1059: Everywhere (2 in 1)

Just as Crowe was puzzled by Vita's ambiguous words, the action on the ground had reached a critical moment. The chariot units of the two mech divisions have been pushed flat to the south of the forest. If they are maintained at the current speed, they will be able to leave the control area of ​​Sacharand within two hours. At this time, the Marquis of Haynes finally saw the destination of this troop, which was an abandoned fortress in the southern part of Ordis-his troop did not need to meet the anger from the regular army, he was relieved. Tone of voice.
However, in order to prevent Duke Kane from complaining about him later, the Marquis of Haynes felt that it would be better for him to do some of his duties as a member of the noble alliance. In the absence of Vores, and at night when there was no combat preparation before this, the Marquis of Haynes did not send his main force, but directly dispatched his troops and dispatched his garrison in the northern part of Sacharand. , Try to contain the main force, to block the regular army troops. However, the determination of the regular army was unexpectedly tenacious. After being attacked in the direction of the flanks, the soldiers of the destroyed regular army chariot unit climbed out of the already inoperable chariot, and then directly took up the weapons in their hands. , Fought head-on confrontation with the troops of the Noble Army. Due to the ambiguous order issued by the Duke of Haines, the Sasalante Noble Army facing this situation is also a little at a loss and can only choose to return temporarily.
More importantly, it seems that the regular army troops in Sacharante state finally found an opportunity-although they have been firmly suppressed inside the fortress, there are spies and intelligence personnel in ambush outside. Such fanfare actions, and the deployment of the noble army, naturally passed to the officers of the noble army. Some of the clever staff members understood the intentions of this regular army only after a little thought, and then provided support with their own actions. Obviously, some of them believed that the actions of this army were tantamount to suicide. Lelia's troops are probably already standing farther ahead; however, more people are excited by this behavior and are willing to help with their own strength. What Heilija didn't know was that this was the prestige that Oribat had accumulated in various actions in the western part of the empire in the previous few months. This makes these regular army units that are not within his sphere of influence, and would rather make some cooperative actions for his benefit. Therefore, the Marquis of Haynes had to order the rest of the troops to stand up and be on guard against the regular troops who suddenly geared up in the fortress, as if they were about to do something.
However, in fact, the Marquis of Haynes was happy that this happened. The reason is also very simple: he exaggerated the response of the regular army a bit, and then he could shirk responsibility afterwards. On the grounds of the safety of Sacharante State, allowing his elite troops to be retained instead of head-on with the main force of the regular army, this is the embodiment of his approach. Therefore, the Marquis of Haynes used this as a reason to hold a large number of troops in place to delay time, and that local force was naturally not an opponent when facing the main chariot force of the regular army, and it was defeated early.
After the troops of the regular army captured another small fortress, they rested for a while, and then immediately marched. And just as the Marquis of Haines and the Duke of Kane made an invisible cannon for his own benefit, at the junction of the northern forest and the valley, a large number of regular infantry units had also appeared. Compared with the chariot troops, their only goal is to pass through the forest, so besides the road itself is very difficult to walk, there is no other danger. According to the original plan, the infantry group should arrive a period of time before the chariot unit. Therefore, the location that Heilijia initially chose for the next step was not the north of the valley, but the southwest of the valley to the forest entrance. unit. However, the roar of the engines in the air told Heliga that the regular army's integrated tanks were advancing wildly on the land of Sacharante State. This must mean that the infantry troops are blazing a new trail, and the staff of the noble army can easily think of the horizontal The idea of ​​wearing the forest. It takes about one-fifth of the path taken by the chariot troops to walk from the forest to the northern valley road, and there will be no obstacles along the way-so as long as the soldiers gritted their teeth and stomped their feet, insist on marching for ten hours. , There is no other problem. The noble coalition reconnaissance units who figured this out then turned on the thermal detectors, preparing to use bombing strikes from the air as soon as the infantry units appeared, forcing them to retreat into the forest. This is the best time to stop, because once a large number of infantry enters the canyon road, the narrow vision and the thick fog in the road will seriously interfere with the airship forces' operations. Therefore, after requesting instructions from Brigadier General Vores, his airship unit immediately began searching for the southern exit of the forest.
However, things are destined not to go so smoothly. Heliga's appearance here is also a consideration to prevent such situations from happening. If the noble army's airship unit appears, a large number of infantry groups consisting of light infantry will become a living target, and there will be no fight back. This is obviously not what the plan allows. The operator on the airship suddenly noticed an unusual magical reaction somewhere on the ground. Just when he wanted to adjust the lens of the aerial telescope to look at it, he got a "kind response" from the other party.
A golden magic light flashed, the engine on the left side of the airship was directly smashed, and even the empty boat cabin was smashed out of a hole. The air pressure balance system of the airship was also destroyed. The deck that was originally calm and calm, at this moment, It's not as pleasant and comfortable as before. Just as the airship hurriedly tried to request the assistance of its surrounding comrades, another identical flash hit the airship’s lower abdomen-the airship that was directly penetrated instantly became fragile and turned into a pile in the air. Scrap iron, randomly turned into dust in the explosion.
"Wha..." The aviation officer who had witnessed all this was dumbfounded-he didn't even see what was going on, and he was unprepared for this scenario. However, what followed was the second and the third...and the fourth airship was hit in the hatch, like a cone with an ice cream ball dropped, and immediately lost its balance and fell to the country-this colonel Finally realized that the situation was wrong. While sending out communications and commanding the troops to retreat, he anxiously opened the communications with Brigadier General Vores-he lost four airships in an instant, and he didn't even see the enemy. He had never seen this before. situation?

"So... what is that?" Just when Monk Zhang Er, the airship unit of the Noble Army, was puzzled, the regular army unit, which was located near the southern exit of the forest, was also amazed at what had just happened. They are not blind, although the tall and dense trees obscured most of their sight, but in the otherwise quiet night, the sound of the airship’s engines and the deafening explosions, and the golden flames rising from somewhere on the ground, they did not watch not see. Several observers unanimously took out their telescopes and carefully observed the situation in the sky.
"The colonel... the airship unit seems to have retreated." The observer said to the colonel officer of this unit while adjusting the focus of the telescope. While observing the airship unit, the colonel was very nervous, because everyone knew that the infantry unit without air defense firepower and mechanized mobility tools was helpless in the face of air dominance. However, in less than ten minutes, his nervousness turned into confusion, and then became something for granted.
"Go on." He pretended to calmly give orders-in fact, he didn't know what happened. He has not seen any such conventional weapons that can be used for air defense and have such a lethal power. But this didn't prevent him from figuring it out, it must be the help of the helper that His Highness Olibate found.
As for what it is... is it magic that cannot be known? Or is it the black technology of Qi Yao Church? He didn't want to know, and he didn't think he was qualified to know. He only knew that the threat above his head had disappeared. The soldiers under him, who were already very tired, only needed to hold on for another three hours before they could enter the vicinity of the old fortress and take a rest under the cover of natural danger. Waiting for the arrival of the follow-up tank troops.

"You have all heard... Your Excellency." At the temporary headquarters of the Noble Army in Lamar State, Alleria also learned this news from Vores. Hearing this, Alleria seemed to It suddenly occurred to me that there was a person who seemed to fit all the characteristics he found in this incident perfectly.
Unconsciously hidden ability, powerful destructive ability-when Vores relayed the golden light beam that split the airship in an instant, Alleria understood it almost instantly.
It was the young man who had a good relationship with His Royal Highness Oribart--the one who even praised the strongest flame demon in "association". The person who is extremely afraid of the Link Society. I actually didn't think of this from the beginning... In the final analysis, it was because he was so low-key and secretive that he could not be discovered until the last moment.
Alleria suddenly felt a little irritable-a few hours ago, he had already received a call from the Sassarand. Awakened from her dream, she quickly summoned her troops and divided them into three groups to sweep the regular army. A group of troops led by her capable officers, searched along the hilly areas where the regular army was stationed, and found a large number of noble army prisoners-after a short confirmation, they were the group of "missing" patrols. The members of the team. There are traces of binding on their bodies, but no further injuries, which shows that the regular army does not seem to interrogate or torture them. However, although all of them had loosened their ties, they were lying in the same room awkwardly and without waking up. They had to be taken home first, and then the situation would be seen. As for the surrounding areas, after careful searching, no traces of regular troops were found, only a large amount of domestic garbage left by them, as well as scrap iron of various tanks and mecha parts. A large number of discarded metal and mech frames were found in a warehouse, which seemed to be the mechs of the patrol. The few mechas captured by the regular army before were gone-the noble army who sensed this decisively started a further search, and then found traces of the regular army moving along the forest. After a brief follow-up, the successive explosions of several landmines brought the soldiers' actions to an abrupt halt-Alleria then instructed Vores’ air force to dispatch and conduct reconnaissance near the exit in the southern part of the forest. Search-She firmly believes that the purpose of the regular army must be the fortress in the west, so there is the only exit.
The second unit was led by Brigadier General Vores himself, and some mecha units marched northward, bypassing Haidu Ordis, and assaulted from the north to the fortress along the coastline. Unlike the forest that can barely pass through on foot after unarmed, the noble army’s stationing point is separated from there by a cliff, which cannot be crossed anyway. Therefore, the distance brought is very far, Alleria can only I hope that Vores can get there soon.
She herself led the main force, distributed at the fork in the middle, waiting for the bait of the chariot unit. However, the regular army is well prepared for this, and it can be seen that their determination is big enough. Alleria’s vanguard forces were all destroyed by the explosion of landmines, and the engineers who followed up had to lament the secrets of the regular army’s minefields—it seems that they are putting all their capital on this time. The strategy has shifted. Such a huge number of landmines must be all their possessions.
In the face of this situation, Alleria's troops moved extremely slowly-after waiting for nearly five hours, she finally received a message from the engineering troops: After detection, they had passed through the minefield. One hundred sel moments ahead, you can reach the road near the valley. Alleria let out a sigh of relief. She walked out of the temporarily constructed command post and looked at the open space that was parked outside. Against the pale oriental background, she exuded a sense of quiet solemnity. Vehicle-a pure gold mech body.
Hundreds of tanks have been destroyed by this mecha and the big sword in its hand. However, Alleria knew that compared to today’s opponents, those were nothing. Although the battlefield was exciting, it was only brought about by the war itself; and now Alleria couldn’t help being excited and trembling all over, then It's because - what she is going to challenge will be the slightest possibility in the impossible.
"Non-human power and opponent...Let me try it." She whispered softly.
At the same time, seeing Helija who solved the airship threat, he also looked at his watch, and then took a deep breath-his figure also appeared in a gorge that had already been prepared, quietly waiting for the challengers 's arrival
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