Vol 2 Chapter 1060: The dust settles (Part 1)

Due to the concerns of the Marquis of Haines, the sporadic resistance of Sacharant State ultimately did not have any effect on the regular army's chariot unit. At 6:25 in the morning, the Marquis of Haynes received news that the combined chariot units of the 6th and 7th Mech Divisions were suspected to have departed from the northwest direction of Sacharand. The sporadic exchange of fire between the two sides caused almost no casualties; and instead of considering his allies, the Marquis of Haynes had a more headache at this time. How to repair the several passes and small fortresses that were crushed by the chariot .
Heliga received the news earlier than Alleria. Long before the chariot troops set off, Heliga handed over several directional scrolls to the commander of the chariot troops, asking them to use them at various key time points after entering Sacharand, thus allowing Heliga to be the first time. Receive feedback. Without the use of guided communication, the communication between each other can be better kept secret. Heliga was very satisfied to see that the chariot unit completed the goal forty minutes ahead of schedule, and there was news from the infantry group that they had crossed the forest and entered the dangerous canyon road. According to the previous plan, entering the canyon actually means that the air threat from the noble army can be greatly eased, and the soldiers who have traveled a long distance for a whole night finally have a chance to breathe. According to the plan, they will take a rest for about an hour, and then continue westward in the direction of the old fortress until the team with the chariot completes their division.
Alleria got the news a little later. At this moment, she already understood that Brigadier General Vores might not be able to lead the troops around the mountains and attack the regular army from the direction of Haidu. Time is too late. Therefore, after he confirmed to Brigadier General Vores, he asked him to bring the troops back to avoid unnecessary actions.
For Heliga, things have progressed to this point, half of the victory. In two more hours, two regular army troops will be able to enter the fortress, and now even if Heliga retreats directly, Alleria’s troops unimpeded all the way will take at least one hour to compete with regular army troops. Turn in the fire. In other words, Heliga only needs to stay here for another hour.
"That being said... Except for removing them all in one breath, I have no other way to stop so many people." Heliga sighed lightly, and then looked at him on both sides of the road. Rune, "This method can only be used."
Along with the deafening explosion, the runes attached to the rock wall exploded. The very fragile surface layer due to weathering instantly shattered into many small debris, which was scattered on the side of the road under the action of gravity. Since the part chosen by Heliga is very close to the lower part, the small broken stones are distributed more evenly. At the same time, Heliga sees that the density of the broken stones on the ground is also very high, which means the mecha The troops may still need the help of the engineering troops.
"If it's a tank unit, this situation would be better..." Heliga chuckled—Mechas have higher requirements for traffic conditions than tanks. In this case, the road is not what they can do. Gone. If the main force of the noble army is the chariot unit, Heliga might have to hit the road.
Of course, even so, Heliga would not feel distressed. Anyway, the cost of subsequent repairs must be from the Duke Kane's house, and has nothing to do with him. After finishing all this, Heliga hid in the dark again, and then waited for the arrival of the noble army.
Sure enough-after the arrival of the vanguard of the noble army, it was found that the road conditions on the scene were so bad that it was impossible for mecha soldiers to pass. Before the war began, in order to ensure the traffic conditions in the territory, Kane had spent a lot of money to repair various roads in Lamar State, so the mecha troops had never encountered such bad road conditions as difficult to move forward. Both sides of the civil war believed that the war would not develop into a full-scale war and would not stop without killing the other side. Therefore, there was no strategy for full-scale war, such as destroying transportation facilities and cutting off all key supplies. In a sense, Heilijia used this method for the first time to stop the advance of mecha troops.
After the engineering troops were urgently transferred to clear the field again, the time left for General Alleria was running out-and in this case, Heliga didn't have to hide anymore. His goal has basically been achieved: after a short rest, the infantry unit began to advance again, and the vanguard of the mech unit has seen the outline of the outside of the fortress and reported that it is in good condition. Up to this point, the regular army has basically won.
Therefore, he only needs to complete a little finishing work.
"Sure enough, it's you..." Alleria squinted when he saw Heliga's appearance-Alleria couldn't help but feel annoyed by the bad news just now. No one thought that the regular army troops, which were originally the turtles in the urn, would slip away under their own noses. This nameless fire was also exhausted under the repeated tossing just now. It wasn't until the moment Heliga appeared here that Alleria felt a little real.
"If you want to go there, please do it yourself in twenty minutes." Heliga's voice was not loud, but it accurately reached the ears of Alleria and the pilots of the dozen or so mechas behind him, "It's just now. ...I'm sorry, this is nowhere."
"General, this..." On the guidance wireless communication, a group of Alleria's most elite ace pilots whispered to each other-one of them tentatively asked: "Is this... not so good?"
"Don't be fooled by him. This is a very dangerous big man." Alleria snorted coldly, "I should suspect that you were involved...but it didn't happen when I attacked that patrol team before. Thinking of it, it's still too wrong."
"You can't blame you. No one thought of this. Your Lord Kane would still sleep on that broken ship? If that's the case, I think the Noble Alliance is a little dangerous. "Heliga said lazily, "May I tell you that His Royal Highness Olibate has left here with Red Wing a few days ago and went to Natia State. Soon, Natia State will also declare neutrality. Kane’s allies are gone."
"So...is it a long-term plan." Alleria squinted and began to carefully examine the young man in front of her. "You are the only one standing here. It seems that you have confidence in your own strength?"
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