Vol 2 Chapter 1104: Double bet (two in one)

The purpose of the Marquis of Haynes specifically mentioned that the purpose of this matter could not be more obvious-because he is also a direct cooperator of the nobles, one of the "Four Famous Doors", and knows many details of the noble alliance that Heilijia does not know. , I'm afraid these doubts are not groundless. Even with his keenness, he might have noticed it a long time ago, but it's just that he couldn't say it for various reasons. Now Heilija has persuaded the Marquis of Haynes to join the follow-up operation, so he also got this statement that he doesn't know whether it is speculation or intelligence-he has no extra evidence on this point, so he can only temporarily suppress it in his heart, and think about it later. Ways to figure it out.
After that, Heliga took the Marquis's souvenir, and accompanied by the second son of the Marquis's family, went to the regular army garrisons everywhere. The two moved separately, one went to reassure and persuade their own leading soldiers, and the other went to communicate with the regular army.
Obviously, the aristocratic army of Sacharand also has a barrier device similar to the guided communicator arranged by the Marquis Rogner on the Nord Plateau-but the terrain of Sacharand is complicated, unlike the Nord Plateau. Only with the help of the topographic advantage of the monitoring tower, the entire western plateau can be covered, making Lieutenant General Sykes’s troops blinded. Secondly, the demand for the Marquis of Haynes is not as fierce as the Marquis of Roger. Although the regular forces have limited guidance and communication, they can occasionally contact nearby regular forces. And after Heilija appeared abruptly and brought a series of breaking news, it naturally caused a flurry of jitters. Fortunately, some senior officers with a certain background in the military did know the existence of Heliga, and Heliga's handwritten letter from the Marquis and the things that Oribat gave him to prove that he was trustworthy were indeed genuine. After some manipulation, he persuaded these regular army officers to listen to his follow-up plan.
Soon, it seemed that the actions of the Marquis of Haynes's house had an effect-the impediment of the guided communication that was temporarily shrouded in the vicinity of the regular army station was removed. At this time, these officers had more confidence in Heliga-Heliga did not intend to interfere too much with the regular army. He thought it was better to leave these things to General Craig and the others. Therefore, he just put aside the ancient relics that Oribat had given him and used to communicate with Mulla during Liber’s time, and told the officers that they must take good care of them and return them to His Royal Highness after the war. They discussed the follow-up countermeasures by themselves within the regular army.
After completing these things and doing some follow-up intelligence confirmation and exchanges with Alex Haynes, Heliga left Sasha Rand State-the son of the Haynes family must be able to assist him My father took care of the matter.

In the evening, Heliga appeared at the station of the 7th Mecha Division where Olibate was located, which was the fortress where Heliga had asked them to go in the previous operation. Although it was an abandoned fortress whose peripheral structure was demolished, the efficiency of the regular army was amazing, and it was quickly taken care of and almost ready for normal use. Although Heliga felt that after that, Duke Kane would not abide by the temporary truce with him, but the officers of the regular army never let down their vigilance.
Accompanied by a group of officers who came after hearing the news, Heliga and Olibate gave a light high-five-although not everything was as expected, it has now come to this point. In any case, the civil war, which was originally expected to take longer, will end in the next few days.
The missions of Olibat and Heilijia were almost completed. At the beginning of the civil war, Olibat relied on the performance of the "Red Wing" and the status of the royal family to deal with the noble coalition forces, and the actions of helping the regular army were only forced. A helpless move under the circumstances. However, now, the regular army has the ability to launch a large-scale group offensive, and the aristocratic coalition forces have been essentially at a disadvantage after losing two consecutive nobles. Although if you want to compare the number of soldiers, the number of tanks and mechas, and the number of strategic resources you have, Duke Kane still has the advantage, but the war is not completely a cold digital game-things have progressed to this point. , The morale of the regular army was unprecedentedly high, and successive defeats in various aspects have shaken the circle of unbreakable hopes of Kane. According to the intelligence that Olibate has visited everywhere during this time, quite a number of neutral aristocrats who were planning to fall to the aristocratic alliance have re-opted to wait and see.
"So, if you want to say, in this civil war, I think that from the standpoint of the two of us, we can't do better." After a little chat with the officers about the follow-up military deployment and other topics , Heilijia implied that he wanted to chat with Olibate alone. Therefore, the officers left in turn, and at this time there were only these two people in the huge fortress meeting room.
"Do you think... based on these, your influence can be further improved after the Civil War?" Heliga asked. However, he almost had the answer in his heart-Olibat's expression was relaxed like never before.
"I think so... After this time, the noble alliance is bound to be greatly weakened. No matter how much surplus power they can retain, we have indeed settled the El Barea house in a short period of time, and in exchange for it. The neutrality of the Rogner family." Olibate calculated with his fingers, "So if you can communicate with the Marquis of Haynes..."
"So, what did the reformers say?" Heliga asked.
"Over there... Although it's a pity, but those who have lost their backbone, I am afraid they will no longer have the same influence as before." Olibat thought for a while and said, "Although many of them are worth fighting for. To be honest, the contradiction between the aristocracy and the reformist group of chaebols has not been completely resolved. But it has been greatly alleviated... Afterwards, regardless of whether the father intends to go out in person, or If you continue to entrust a new prime minister, I'm afraid you won't be like Prime Minister Osborne...Huh? What's the matter?" Seeing the subtle expression on Heliga's face, Olibat stopped talking and asked suspiciously.
"Actually... When I secretly met with His Majesty the Emperor before, I got news from him... Prime Minister Osborne seems to be alive and well." Heliga sighed-he didn't want to take this matter at this time. Just say it and disturb the latter’s pride. However, if this matter is not said now, there will be no way to prepare at that time, which will lead to greater passivity, "Although he has not died after being penetrated into his chest. This thing is also very surprising...but in comparison, I think we should pay more attention to the follow-up part."
"What? Father..." Olibate was surprised at first, "Could this be... um..."
"Your Majesty, he said before, the absolute trust in Prime Minister Osborn is evident from this." Heliga told the emperor to him, the statement about the test of Prime Minister Osborn relative to his "Son of Iron and Blood". And the emperor's own statement about Olibat and Heilijia's temporary intentions said to Olibat, "But, because of this, I think we actually have a lot of room for maneuver."
"How do you say?" Olibate had already started to have a headache for this-Prime Minister Osborne was not dead. Although he had no evidence for this matter, since Heliga quoted the emperor's original words, it must not be false. of. He was still worried-if the civil war ended in this way, it would actually mean the complete defeat of the aristocracy, and Prime Minister Osborne would get an unprecedented opportunity to integrate resources within the empire. Let a very aggressive and ambitious person like him master these words-some of them have headaches.
However, Heliga seems to be less pessimistic about this matter. Therefore, you might as well listen to his opinion first.
"There is a lot of hidden information behind this, but the key points are the following." Heliga said, "First of all, we once again clarified the fact that the relationship between the prime minister and the emperor is indeed unbreakable in a sense. ……It doesn’t even look worse than us. In this case, it is too difficult to reveal the differences between the two of them. And I don’t believe that your Majesty doesn’t know, or can’t tell Osborne. What does the prime minister want to do after he can completely unify the princes of the empire."
"You mean..." Olibate understood what Heliga meant. "The ending like this was originally planned by his father?"
"Yes... The Emperor needs Prime Minister Osborne to integrate all the resources within the empire. We already know what to do for this. For this purpose, he completely let the Prime Minister do it by himself...not only himself Knowing that Duke Kane acted so indiscriminately to detonate the civil war, I was willing to be taken hostage by Duke Kane, even putting His Royal Highness Cedric at such a risk. However, for him and The prime minister’s purpose is so firm and decisive. Facing the things we are doing now, he secretly gave me the privilege and gave us the equivalent of laissez-faire acquiescence... Don’t you think this is strange?"
"That's also... but with that said, I can't imagine what the prime minister's next step is." Olibat frowned. "Could it be that you want to establish an empire-led continental hegemony?"
"It's a possibility... But I always think it's not that simple. But if this matter requires the prime minister to control the huge resources of the entire empire to continue to promote it, your majesty has acquiesced to us to do some things... such as drawing in various places. Nobles, for example, to gather the remaining forces among the four famous sects to their subordinates... then it is very unreasonable."
"So... I understand what you mean." Olibate patted the table lightly. "Father, he trusted the Prime Minister so much, but he did something that actually hindered the Prime Minister's follow-up plan... If it wasn’t for a rift between him and the Prime Minister that we haven’t noticed yet, it’s... He actually sees our future as the Prime Minister’s plan—Is that so?"
"Yes." Heliga nodded, "No matter which of these two, I don't think it will do any harm to our follow-up. Although the prime minister's purpose after this and the secret behind him are also very good. Attractive...but I think we should make some preparations at this stage to guard against possible actions by the prime minister after his return."
"You're right." Olibate thought for a while, and immediately decided, "In this case, I don't think we need to intervene too much in the actions of the regular army. With the ancient relic I gave them, it shouldn't be necessary. Worrying about the monitoring of the noble army...I have already explained the specific details to Mulla and Uncle Sykes, and I have arranged everything here."
"Then us?" Olibate seemed to have some plan, Heliga asked.
"I have some plans for some local aristocrats in these western states. Of course, I didn't make up my mind to do this... but now the situation is different." Olibat said, "I have asked the Lord Viscount to replace me. I went to various places to lobby, but there was nothing to do except quietly collect some supplies for the regular army. Now it seems that before the prime minister can do anything, I must hold them firmly."
"Indeed... In addition, our strategy regarding the "RF Agency" seems to be changed. "Heliga told Olibate about the connection between "Black Atelier" and the late husband of Ryanforte Agency President Irina that he had accidentally learned. "We have never been able to obtain information about the workshop before. ...But this time seems to be a good opportunity. Moreover, if the "goblin" and the studio are connected to some extent, I think the "witch" may be a good source of information. "
"But Emma doesn't seem to have received much attention on this aspect of intelligence... That's why you want to have those connections with that "Abyss"? "Olibate felt clear, "I thought it was you who had any taboos in association with you when you were not sure..."
"Yes. She looks like she obviously knows a lot of things Emma doesn't know. This information is related to the sleeping treasure of the Empire, and the Prime Minister's plan, including the "Black History Book" mentioned by His Majesty, how? It seems to be related to these things. Since intelligence is rare, I want to seize it. "
"In that case, let's split up." Olibate immediately decided, "I will seize the time to lobby the local nobles, and you... take advantage of this time and look for the "Black Workshop". news. Of course, if the imperial capital is really as you said, there will be such an abnormal change... I also hope you can help. "
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