Vol 2 Chapter 1105: Attention from the North (2 in 1)

"Is this the last one?" Seeing the huge monster in front of me surrounded by various spiritualized vines, after Levy's slashing with a grudge, he turned into light particles and disappeared-Heliga asked out loud. .
"Um... according to the information we found before." Levi nodded, and while putting away his weapon, he walked towards Heliga, looking at something with "ARCUS" in his hand, "If that witch The little girl did not miss it, and no new "Eudemons" appeared during this time-at least this area is already safe. "
"That's all right." Heliga nodded. At this moment, the elite "North Hunters" who followed Levi also saw Heliga, the nominal employer, and ran forward--though they There are many people who are very curious about how the young man in front of him appeared in the wilderness without warning, but their outstanding professionalism made them know that they should not talk about their employers.
"It seems that you don't need their help much." Heliga frowned as he looked at the elites of the "North Hunters" who followed him-he was not worried about Levi's strength, but felt that if Levi was going to be alone. If you run around here to clean up the Eudemons everywhere, you may encounter unexpected things, so the elites in the "North Hunter" will follow. However, it seemed that Levi was just alone there to clean up the Eudemons, and the hunters were on standby far away.
"I also want to exercise alone to see how far I can master it now. There are also real powerful enemies among these Eudemons." Levi wiped his sweat lightly, "But for them, it is indeed dangerous. "
"That's it." Helijia nodded, knowing it clearly-it wouldn't be a loss to herself. After all, after every "North Hunter" is killed, he has to pay a large amount of pension. Although this money seems to be a wild price for many chaebols and nobles who often use hunting soldiers, and therefore basically will not add such clauses to the contract, Heliga wants to gain a reputation among the "North Hunters". Therefore, this level of investment will naturally not distress him.
Moreover, the money basically comes from the amazing wealth of the Earl of Omansia-for this, Heliga doesn't care about money even more. Of course, even so, you still have to save a little bit.
"Furthermore, they are not completely ineffective... When the empire moved around, I also took them to hunt the beasts around the villages." Levi added in due course, "It is those who are threatened by the beasts because the noble lords ignore them. Towns and villages. In that situation, they still helped a lot."
"Imagine what the residents would think when they saw that the hunters were helping them." Heliga smiled.
"Yeah... the brave ones did come to ask too." Levi shrugged, "I'll just follow your instructions and say this is what Olibate meant. Although I don't think it will be particularly big The usefulness of..."
"But it's better than not." Heliga curled his lips-he looked at the leader of the "North Hunter", the middle-aged hunter whom Martha called Boris, "By the way, I told you before. Do you remember what I said?"
"Of course...All the current "North Hunters", including the batch that had previously served under the Marquis of Logna...are already on standby. The senior among them heard about you from me and agreed not to accept other tasks for the time being, but to look at your actions. "
"That's great." Helija nodded, "In that case, I want all of you. With Olibate and I instructed to go down, the regular army in the eastern part of the empire will not hinder your actions. They can take the train or airship directly to the place I ordered before."
"Let me confirm again... The content of your request to us is to destroy the "Eudemons" and "Magic Warriors" that may appear around the imperial capital, as well as other possible threats, and cooperate with the actions of the regular army, right? "Boris listened to Heliga's words with a calm expression, "Because this event...Even by our standards, the scale is too big." "
"Yes. Although there are no signs of that right now, all kinds of intelligence indicate that the imperial capital will have such a situation in the next few days. When the regular army and the noble coalition are fighting, only you can have enough Strength and scale to implement my plan." Helijia nodded, "In addition, I want to remind you that I will not be by your side when something happens, and this "Sword Emperor" will also act with me-I have previously Let you help him deal with "Eudemons", and there are considerations for you to obtain some information and preparations from it. If he is not there, there may be attrition among you. "
"This..." Boris hesitated for a moment-as if he was thinking about whether to take up this task. If Levi is not there, just because they want to withstand such a behemoth, it will naturally take some thought.
"Even if I have promised not to deduct your pension... but I want to avoid such additional expenses as much as possible." Heliga saw Boris's hesitation, so he took out another card. "However, it is obvious that the generals of the regular army did not deny the feasibility of my plan...or maybe Olibate and I forced them to shut up." Heliga smiled because he remembered that he was talking to Clay When General Ge and others negotiated this matter, the latter's subtle expression said, "Therefore, you are not completely relying on your flesh to fight against such a behemoth."
"...Could it be said that we can get the support of heavy weapons and equipment from the regular army?" Boris thought as he rolled his eyes. If the heavy weapons of good quality in the regular army of the Empire can be obtained by them, it would not have the ability to do so while arranging positions in advance.
"The idea is right, but it's not just that." Heliga also smiled. "I think you shouldn't forget the new type of armored weapon that the noble coalition prepared for this war, right?"
"That's natural... Could it be that..." Boris understood what Heliga meant-he must have bought this new type of weapon from the regular army.
"Yes... from the house of the Marquis Rogner, there will probably be around twenty?" Heliga nodded, "As far as I know, when he hired the hunters, he didn't let them operate. Mecha soldiers, since there are ready-made pilots, training is also saved. You can act with them as the core at that time... Then there will be no problem, right?"
"Nothing." Boris said immediately-with this kind of thing, he has confidence in his countrymen. Besides, this time he came, but after he attracted the attention of the master "Arrow of Divine Might," he sent a new elite.
"The Hunter of the North" was vaguely to fall apart after the death of Barrestan. Even if the situation in the hometown is dangerous, the nature of human infighting is still undoubtedly revealed-hunters of different origins and different regions have started fighting on various levels internally, almost splitting the originally united hunting group. In this case, several Dinghai Shenzhen members of the former regular army senior officers had to discuss together several times, and thus elected a new leader-that is, the former deputy leader of the "Northern Hunter", Barrestan. Dazuo's right-hand man, Peter Gregory, the former Grand Duchy known as the "Arrow of God".
Some people have always felt that Peter Gregory, who uses a huge guided bow, is just an auxiliary type of battlefield supporter, but few people know that he throws a hard bow with his bare hands, and still has the right "Skinny Wolf". "Varut's powerful boxing technique. At the same time, he is even more powerful if he has weapons in his hand. The various bows and arrows he shoots are considered to have the power of the anti-material guided sniper rifle produced by "Black Atelier", and are generally used as an auxiliary for archers. Duties, he can also perform well.
Such a strong man gradually emerged after the "North Hunters" group of dragons without a leader, and became the sacred needle of the new hunters. Boris only had the position of leading a brigade by himself only a few years ago. As a result, they have the power to directly contact the bosses of the northern hunters. The latter immediately showed great interest after receiving the report and details of Boris’s job as an employer in Ereponia, and asked Boris to keep in touch with him.
Of course, Peter is not an out-and-out leader of hunting troops like the "King of Hunters" and "God of Fighting"—because the Hunter of the North is on the list of illegal organizations listed by the Northumbria government, but the autonomous state government In fact, he had to rely on the money that the hunters brought back to his hometown to make a living. In such a peculiar situation, Peter's existence was actually in a gray area. The senior officials of the autonomous prefecture government all know that he is actually the leader of the "North Hunter", but they have never paid attention to it and pretended not to know. In return, Peter will also pay attention when performing various tasks, and try not to let this group of hunting soldiers cause too much trouble, and add obstacles to the big figures at the top of the autonomous prefecture.
In short, Boris dare not neglect the things that can make this big figure with great actual power within the autonomous prefecture pay attention. In this case, the old friend Martha and the church didn't know when they hooked up, but he left the matter behind. After a long period of thinking, Peter Gregory finally issued his decision-to send several elite troops that are still on standby to the empire, and declared that he would only accept Heliga Kholzwill and The employment contract of Olibate Lize Yanor.
Boris, who didn't know the meaning behind this, could only faithfully implement the orders of his superiors-to bring the news to Heliga, and wait for his decision.
"Is that so..." Heliga had never heard of the prestige of "Arrow of Divine Might". Especially when he consciously inquired about "The Hunter of the North" and tried to get close to them. However, the attraction of such a big fish in this situation was somewhat unexpected by Helika. It seems that the leader of the "North Hunter" is more keen than he thought.
"The leader said, this elite unit will accept your employment at a low price." Boris repeated Peter's instructions, "and under good conditions, he will not let these people refuse the order to die rather than withdraw. "
"The organic armor is here, so don't worry, do you?" Heliga smiled-it seems that the hunter leader has never relaxed his efforts to observe the situation in the empire. In his view, perhaps the current Heliga and Olibat are already his ideal partners.
"Although it will take some time to win the attention of the high-level people in Northumbria... But if you can do this now, it's not bad." Heliga calculated with his fingers, twenty sets. All kinds of mechas, plus some equipment, such as self-propelled rockets, that the regular army reluctantly handed over under their own compulsion—when the positions and strongholds are prepared in advance, they should be able to act enough. The role of.
The decision had been made, and Heliga would no longer hide it—he took out a check from the Bariahat Metropolitan Bank from his arms and handed it to Boris.
"This..." Looking at the denomination number above, Boris was slightly lost-he had never received such a large order in his life. Although this sum of money may not be considered sufficient considering the number of people who actually acted in this "North Hunter", such a large sum of money is originally rare.
"I hope that the one billion mila bought, and the defense line from the hunters in the north will be stronger." Heliga didn't seem to take the money seriously, just said softly.

"You're really willing to...that's almost all of your gains this time." After sending Boris away and letting them decide the details of the subsequent deployment, Heliga and Levi started talking again.
"Accurately speaking, it is all the living money that can be obtained." Heliga corrected. How can the Earl of Amancia’s assets be tens of billions of mils, but most of them are his investment shares in major companies. And the income brought by real estate in various places-these money, what Heilijia said, is temporarily unable to take. This billion mila was used to support him with a portion of the duke’s funds used by Euses.
But if he can perform better, I think it’s worth it compared to the future earnings.

"It must be enough. Their skills are not bad... In this case, there are thousands of such mercenaries with the help of mecha soldiers and regular army heavy artillery." Levi curled his lips, "just "demonstration". Said, "Iron-Blooded Prime Minister" probably hasn't seen this kind of battle. "
"Since you know that he is not dead, you can't lose on the momentum." Heilijia smiled confidently, "And now I have figured out some things with Olibat. Therefore, there is even more no scruples...Next We just need to wait for the day when the decisive battle arrives."
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