Chapter 71: Eve of the final battle (4k single

"Haha, I've been recognized." Xie Li just smiled, and took two steps back. "Are you the newcomer from the "Hunter King" to fight us? "
"Although it's not like that, but I should be the one." Heliga shook his head slightly, "Although I want to join "West Wind" by myself, not the group leader wants me to come in..."
"Your name is... Heliga, isn't it?" Shelly asked, "but the name I heard from my father is obviously..."
"Bernardo is my...official name." Heliga interrupted her, "I hope my friends can call my real name, Heliga."
"That's it...well, don't care." Xie Li shot a gun, "I originally wanted to fight "West Wind Fairy", but it seems that a fight with you should be more appropriate. "
"Oh?" Heliga raised an eyebrow. "Actually, I have to ask this question too...Your side, Badr Orlando has not said, should you exercise restraint before the decisive battle and keep your distance from your opponent?"
"I said it,'s so boring! No one in our place can fight me!" Shelly pursed her mouth dissatisfied, "So, I can only come here to have fun. "
"Although the head of the team said not to conflict with the "Red Constellation" casually..." Heliga squinted, "But anyway, let the other party's people rush to their base camp and they were attacked... …If you don’t do anything in this situation, you are sorry for the reputation of "West Wind"? "
"Haha! That's it!" Shelly raised his axe and spear and rushed up.
"I'm not the same as you fighting mad." Heliga waved his left hand, and an enchantment was erected. Although Shelly broke through in an instant, but the short pause also allowed Heliga to make room to avoid this power. Vulgar blow, "Give you one last chance, now hurry back to your side, and I don’t have to pursue this matter... If I want to continue, it’s not just a simple result of deciding the outcome. "Heliga actually didn't need to be so arrogant, but Shelly's attack on Fei just now made him very angry, and she didn't consciously say cruel words.
"Do you want to fight? Come on, come on!" Xie Li did not show any timidity, but looked even more excited. Her red hair looked even more fierce at this moment, "Come and enjoy the battlefield!"
"Huh." Seeing this, Heliga no longer hid himself, and the golden vindictiveness surged all over his body, intertwined with the red vindictiveness surrounding Shelly.
Heliga knows the reputation of "Bloody Shelly" spreading far and wide. The opponent is the captain of the "Red Constellation" and has the individual combat strength of the "Trap Division" and "Destroyer Beast". In addition, the opponent is the "Red Constellation". The descendants of the immediate family have excellent combat bloodlines and are still very young. It can be said that it will be sooner or later to reach the ranks of "God of Fighting", "War Ghost" and "Hunter King"-in other words, Xie Li is Among the entire Western Continent Jager Regiment, the young generation has the most promising future.
But Helika was not afraid at all. Even if the strength he can use on the surface is not as good as his opponent, he wins in weirdness, in flexibility, in the ever-changing, unpredictable-not to mention, Heliga has seen what Minimonier showed him, "Dragon A corner of the original power! It really doesn't work, when you play your hole cards, no one can withstand the golden storm except for those above the extraordinary!
Shelly’s attack is full of aggressiveness. The huge axe in her hand named "Red Skull" wields horribly wind. If it is too close, she will be attacked continuously. After being opened, she will be shot by machine guns. It can be said to be able to cover A short-range all-round all-round weapon. In addition, Shelly has the same intuition and reaction speed as when a cheetah hunts food, it is really not an easy task to win Shelly in a short time.
"Look at the move!" The girl's sweet drink came from the left rear, Heliga immediately took a step back, and the axe spear pierced her left waist. Heliga cleverly grasped the gun body of the axe gun with one hand, and the thunder and lightning in his hand was surging, and the gesture was about to pass along the gun body to the girl behind. Seeing the situation, Xie Li yelled and slammed her weapon out, and stepped back to a place two or three meters away from the young man.
As soon as the last step was stopped, a burst of frost spread all over the boy's body, and the temperature around a dozen meters dropped a lot in an instant.
"Not bad." Xie Li gritted her teeth, "Pretending to be destroying "Red Head" with lightning, but actually used a frost-like thing. It seems that the way you fight is really insidious. "
"You are, you can see what I have left." Heliga said so, but he didn't think about using this simple method to solve his opponent, "but fighting is sinister... as a hunter. Bing, did you ask the other party to be fair?"
"Haha, I'm not taunting you, but complimenting you." Shelly said with a grin, "Speaking of which, what is the principle of your magic? You don't seem to have hidden a force device in your body. ."
"My magic? It's a gift from the gods, just like your blood." Heliga scorned casually-anyway, that's the truth to a certain extent, "It's not a low-quality thing that can be imitated by a tactical force. ."
"Haha, it's funny, it's so funny." Xie Li's grudge became stronger all over, "I--"
Before she could say her words, Xie Li's expression changed, and she suddenly lost her temper and fell to the ground.
"What's the matter?" Fei was a little surprised when he saw this weird scene from the side. Why did the opponent fall before he even started to fight?
"Ha... I really underestimate you..." Shelly opened her mouth laboriously, and said reluctantly, "What is that knife..."
Behind Shelly, there was a wound that was neither light nor heavy, which was wiped away by a sharp blade. The wound itself is nothing, even if there is a little pain, Shelly, who has been on the battlefield for many years, will not care. She can't even blink her brows, at most it only arouses her more fighting spirit, and it is even more impossible. Let her gathered vindictive all disperse. But this time there was a strange power in the wound, which instantly emptied Xie Li's strength from her body, causing her to lose strength and fell to the ground.
"This is the "West Wind Blade"...or "Wind Blade". "Heliga picked up the short sword that bounced at her feet, "It has the ability to absorb human endurance. "
"So that's it." Fei and Shelly both nodded. Fei probably guessed what happened. It is possible that Heliga had already noticed Shelly’s arrival. He specially installed a change-based spell in the hidden place to pop up the "Wind Blade" to attack the opponent when the battle became fierce. . But Shelly did not panic after the defeat at this moment, just sighed frankly: "I didn't expect to lose here... But forget it, if you lose, you lose. This is also true." She looked at Heliga, " Come on, kill me. Didn't you really want to do this before?" Shelly naturally pointed to the murderous aura that she had just attacked Fischeriga just now.
"...Forget it now." Heliga shook his head. "It's no good to make a big mess now, just let it go. After a while, when you recover your strength, go back by yourself and stop doing things again."
"Ha...I know..." Shelly murmured, struggling to stand up, but found that she still couldn't use her strength, "How long will it take to recover!"
"If a wound of more than ten centimeters is wiped out, ordinary people are afraid that they will die immediately..." Heliga turned around, "but you are very powerful and your vitality is very tenacious. I think it should be fine after two or three hours. That's the problem."
In fact, Heilijia doesn't know how long it will take to recover, but when he hits people with the "Wind Blade" in the regiment, the wounds he wiped out usually recover within ten minutes. Although he doesn't want to kill Shelly now, it is good to make the other party depressed for a while.
Sure enough, Shelly was like a discouraged ball, and slumped back to the ground in annoyance. Heliga looked secretly funny, and wanted to ridicule a few more words, but suddenly realized that Fei gradually approached the "Bloody Shelly" lying on the ground, as if she wanted to say something.
"Philip." Heliga called out Fei, and Fei turned her head: "What's the matter, Heliga?"
"Don't go there." Heliga shook her head and motioned to Phil to stay away from Shelly.
"Why?" Fei tilted her head, expressing puzzlement.
"Who knows if she will sneak attack when you are not paying attention." Heliga curled his lips. Although he no longer had the intent to kill, he did not forget Shelly's totally unpredictable strange behavior, and who knew that his strength was far beyond normal. Will the human Shelly recover faster than other team members? If the other party gets serious or wants to retaliate viciously, she can only use his hole cards to protect herself-he doesn't want to expose it now This power is in front of outsiders.
"No, no. Don't worry." Xie Li raised her head again and said, not too strenuous this time, it seems that her strength has recovered a lot, "The victory or defeat is already divided, I will not entangle you again... …Just let the "West Wind Fairy" speak with me. "
"I'll guarantee this. Let Fei and her peers of the "Red Constellation" have a good exchange. "A strong voice sounded, "The Hunter King" Lujia Kraussell and the elites did not know when they appeared at the entrance of the camp. With Lujia Township, Heilijia relaxed and no longer struggled with this matter. He believes that now that the "main force" of Westwind has all returned, even Shelly will not make any outrageous moves.
"Come with me, Heliga." Lu Jia whispered, Heliga understood--80% of the confirmation was the last step before the duel, and he followed the captain.
Fei squatted in front of Shelly, and she looked curiously at this young generation leader among her opponents who was only one year older than herself.
The huge compound axe gun "Red Head" lies quietly beside Xie Li, and the two daggers inserted in the leggings are also slightly out of the sheath, and there is no intention to take it back-Xie Li now seems to really give up The fight went on. It's incredible, Fei thinks this way. Shelly looks like a cheerful girl full of health and vitality, but is able to laugh and say such things happily, launching attacks on other people wantonly?
When Fei looked at Shelly and fell into thinking, Shelly was obviously also watching Fei. She could smell the "West Wind Fairy" in front of her body that smelled like her own, but it was a little different. Although there is no need to continue fighting, she is still very curious about this peer.
"Yo, "West Wind Fairy." Shelly took the initiative to say hello, "My name is Shelly Orlando, how about you?" "
"Fei Kraussell." Fei replied softly, and she was also very curious about the peer in front of her.
"Claussel? Isn't that the last name of "The Hunter King"? "
"Um... the head of the group gave me this name." Fei's tone was a little proud. Although she was a little bit guilty of her peers who were slightly better than her in all aspects, she was the only one who could Stand up in front of anyone and say it-Lujia Kraussell, gave himself this name and last name.
"So..." Shelly thoughtfully, "Then, doesn't he treat you like a daughter?"
"...Perhaps this is the case." Although he had never called that personally, Lu Jia played the role of a father.
"Although I don't know why, I feel that "The Hunter King" is more like an ordinary father than my father. "Xie Li said casually.
". Why?" Fei asked curiously.
"The Hunter King" didn't want you to be on the battlefield at first, right? Shelly said, "but my father and uncle have practiced me and Randy to death from the beginning. "
"You... don't like this?"
"No, I didn't mean that... It's just that, in ordinary people's understanding, a father would not do this, right? But the two of them are completely different. Maybe this is our family's problem... But, I don't hate it at all?"
"I enjoy the feeling of fighting and everything on the battlefield. The thrill of fighting, the thrills of life and death... I accept all this, and love all this. So I don't resent them at all... It's just that I am a little curious about you. ."
"..." In response, Fei was speechless. After a while of silence, Fei who spoke again changed the subject: "You also came to see the leader of the battle with the "Fight God"? "
"Yes, nor is it." Shelly waved her hand casually. "Actually, I didn't want to come by myself. My father doesn't care about me... Only this time, he pulled me here regardless, because there is no battlefield. Participate, I'm bored like this..."
"Why this time?" Fei was curious.
"Probably, it is related to some funeral matters...If your uncle is killed in the battle, my father should take over the command of the "Red Constellation". But I don't care about these things, as long as I can fight. "
"...The captain will definitely not lose." Fei bit her lip.
"Really? They should be evenly matched, right?" She glanced at Fei, and Shelly continued to say something that surprised Fei: "In fact, these wins and losses have nothing to do with me, ah... Back to the battlefield..."
Fei, who was very concerned about her leader, suddenly felt a strange sense of strangeness when she saw the girl in front of her who didn't care about the result and the life and death attitude of the "Fight God".
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