Chapter 72: terribly upset

Fei was in a mess.
Shellie's words that day disturbed her.
"I don't care about the victory or defeat between them. For me, it doesn't matter even if the "Red Constellation" is completely defeated. As long as you can continue to enjoy the battlefield, that's it. "
Shelly said this.
When I was very worried about the leader's victory or defeat, and even his life, and worried to the point that I couldn't sleep at night, the other party's "Bloody Shelly" just answered her with such a nonchalant attitude.
"Why?" She asked Shelly, also asking herself inwardly.
"Because even if the uncle dies, it will only be up to my father to take over the operation of everything in the regiment. For me, it has no effect at all?" Shelly tilted her head, acting like an unidentified Fei.
"But... isn't he your father's brother?" Fei's focus is here. She didn't understand, why did the other party first think about the influence on the organization called "The Hunting Corps," instead of worrying about him as a "family"?
"Because, that kind of thing doesn't matter." Shelly said in a relaxed tone, "If uncle can win this contest and come back alive, that's one thing, but if he doesn't come back, it's just because his own skills are not as good as yours. "The Hunter King". So, what's the pity? With insufficient strength, it is natural to die on the battlefield. "
After that, Fei basically didn't remember what she had chatted with Shelly. All afternoon, she struggled with Shelly's words.
When he was so frightened, the other party didn't care--what's the joke?
As a result, it didn't take long to completely regain her strength. After dealing with the wound on her body, she smiled and said to Fei, "Goodbye, next time I have a chance to play together", Fei did not notice the last words of Shelly.
"What's the matter? Fei?" A head with silver hair appeared in front of Fei's eyes. Heliga sat across from him with two compressed biscuits. "Is there any problem? You have been like this since the afternoon. Up."
"Heliga." Fei shook her head and refused the food offered by the other party. "In the afternoon, Shelly said something that made me... very puzzled."
This feeling is really incredible. Why can you say frankly any deep entanglements and contradictions when facing him?
Whether facing the team members or the team leader, I have never felt this way.
"What did she say? Did she provoke you again before leaving?" Heliga asked. He always felt that the red-haired girl who feared the world would not be chaotic would sooner or later make big news.
"Not really." Fei shook her head. "She just said that she didn't care about the victory or defeat of the leader and "Fight God". Even if the "Fight God" died, it didn't matter, or something..."
"She said something like that..." Heliga took a bite of the compressed biscuits. "That's it, it fits her character."
"Heliga... understand?" Fei stared at Heliga, "I can't at all..."
"Philip, you are very worried about the victory or defeat of the captain, right?" Heliga was chewing on something and said in vague words.
"Well...I have confidence in the captain, but I am worried, if he..."
"No, it's not the problem." Heliga swallowed the food and interrupted Fei. "Worrying about others is often out of two considerations. One is out of fear of the person or affairs he will face... …Or in other words, it’s the fear that your own interests might be violated. Fei, think about it, whether it’s you, Leo and Jeno, or the group leader, who is worried or afraid of that Is it a "battle god"? "
"...No, no. The team leader will definitely win." After thinking for a while, Fei said firmly, "Although the "battle god" is as famous as the team leader, I still believe that the team leader will win the final victory. . "
"Yes. Fei, that's right." Heliga shook her finger. "The second case is... due to some kind of intimacy, unconditional worry, or "fetters". "
"Hmm...I can understand this feeling." Heliga sighed, "I went out to learn martial arts for the first time. My mother knew that my master would be an extremely good swordsman, even if I learned everything. I won’t get hurt, but I still shed tears of worry. Well, although I have caused a lot of misfortunes later..." At this point, Heliga scratched his head.
"What is the mother's worry about her son?" Fei tilted his head. It was not that he hadn't heard other people tell similar stories.
"Yes. Even if I know there will be nothing wrong, I still feel uneasy...Even if it is me, I sometimes think of whether the parents who are still at home are well and whether they are made things difficult by... those people again." Heilijia said softly. , "Because it is a family member, so it is so."
"Family...?" Fei said the word softly.
"Well. In addition to the affection between family members, friendship and love may also cause this feeling. I think, Fei must regard the head of the group as one of his most important people, even if he knows he is The omnipotent "Hunter King" on the battlefield will still be so worried. This is normal, nothing, but it further explains how strong the bond between the group leader and everyone and the Philippines is. "
"Then... why, "Bloody Shelly" she—"
"Why doesn't she seem to care about the safety of her uncle's "Battle God"? "Heliga interrupted Fei directly, he knew exactly what Fei was wondering, "I think, probably this is the nature of the "chaser regiment"... Except for the battlefield, he doesn't care about everything... in fact, most of the chaser regiments It's probably all like this, but the two regiments I've stayed in... both look like a big and harmonious family because of the character of the head. "
"...Um..." Fei closed her eyes and thought for a while, then nodded. She remembered the other hunting regiments she had encountered in combat missions. After being defeated by the commander and Leo Geno, she left the wounded comrades and ran away. There was no meaning to save them... Those who were injured and unable to escape had only confession and unwillingness in their eyes, but there was no hope that their comrades might come back and help them.
"So, the practice of "Red Constellation" can only be said that they are worthy of the berserkers who have been passed down from the Middle Ages to the present. They are worthy of the best spokesperson of the word "hunting", and they are worthy of being the one who made Calva. The existence of the dark world of the German Republic, which has been a headache for a long time, is indeed an existence that the military of any country cannot despise. But what about it? The fetters between Fei and the "West Wind" and everything that you have experienced together are also irreplaceable precious treasures. "Looking at the glorious Fei in her eyes, Heliga gently placed her hand on Fei's head, "So—"
"The previous words are pretty good, but this action can't be regarded as missing." A joking voice came from the dark with a dangerous voice. Heliga looked back abruptly: "Jeno!"
"Come on, Heliga, let's have a good chat..."
Heliga suddenly felt that Jeno had a special trait that he couldn't refuse.
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