Chapter 84: Children in orphanage

Liber Kingdom, Lu'an area, Maywei Sea Road east of Manolia Village.
The seaway built around the Arthurlia Bay has pleasant scenery, and the delicate soft sand and colorful shells can be seen everywhere. According to the locals, what the nearby villagers love to do in their free time is to enjoy the beauty on this seaway and take a swim.
Of course, roses are often thorny. Such a beautiful original ecological scenery naturally means that there are not too many human factors affected here-in other words, except for the built sea channel and the guiding light used to expel monsters, no changes have been made here. . Although it is safe on the main road, if you are too far away from the main road, you may encounter dangers such as monsters or waves.
Therefore, the warm and hospitable local residents will not only provide thirst-quenching clear spring water and fresh seafood soup to foreign tourists, they will also repeatedly and repeatedly urge that they must not miss the beautiful scenery because of nostalgia. Consciously ran to the range outside the avenue-that means that it may be attacked by Warcraft. The members of the Guerrilla Association of the Lu'an branch always receive several missions a year to find missing tourists near the seaway—sometimes they can save people at a very short time, sometimes they can only find corpses that have been devoured. It can be identified by remaining pieces of clothes and jewelry.
Without exception, when the duo of teenagers and girls from other places, Heilijia and Fei clearly expressed their interest in the beautiful scenery around the Meiwei Haidao, the locals explained in detail where the ebb tide is best and where the sunrise is the most beautiful. After this kind of thing, it is inevitable to repeat the above-mentioned exhortation again-although the two said that they have a certain degree of martial arts and have the ability to protect themselves, it is even more wordy if the adults are willing to believe the words of the two children. some.
In this case, the Philippines and Heliga had to deal with the matter hastily, and finally convinced the old people to stop worrying before embarking on the journey-it was not troublesome and angry, after all, the villagers were also thinking about their own safety. . Although Fei, who has always been afraid of trouble, is a little less interested.
Of course, when the two really arrived at the best view point recommended by the villagers, the amazing scenery had already made the previous depressing disappear
The white waves that had been surging for a whole day were finally tired and tired. They struggled to retreat to the embrace of the ocean mother, waiting to accumulate their strength, and once again fought against the reef on the shore at sunrise the next day. A large number of shellfish and conch were left on the shore, colorful and really beautiful.
"Heliga." Fei gently called Heliga, motioning him to look at the beach-Heliga naturally saw what was going on: There were several children about ten years old who were happily picking up nice shells.
"Kram, mine is more beautiful than yours!" The green-haired girl happily flaunted to the red-haired boy who was bending over to pick up shells next to her. The latter just murmured "Damn", and then immersed himself on the beach looking for something bigger and better.
"...Don't you want to go too?" Heliga asked helplessly, looking at Fei with a wonderful light in her eyes.
"Yeah." Fei answered almost immediately.
"...Okay. We're only... thirteen years old anyway?" After looking at the children on the beach, and thinking about their ages, Heliga finally decided not to pretend to be mature and stable by himself. My lord, since Fei really wants to go--and she wants to go--
"Ahhhhh! Help!" The screams from the children broke Heliga's thoughts. He raised his head in surprise and found a snail-shaped beast slowly approaching from the beach behind the reef-the boy named Kramm, whose foot had been entangled with the tentacles of the snail monster, could not break free. The other children were either unwilling to watch their companions being eaten, or they were so scared that they lost the ability to escape, and they were all there for a while--
"Crap!" Heliga thought to himself. He saw the snail monster extend another tentacles to the girl with green hair. In his hand, the strips of runes have begun to converge-although he decided not to display this special magic power easily, and in this case, there is no guarantee that it will not hurt the children close to him, but he will do nothing. If it's too late--
"Bang!" The sound of a gunshot from the other side broke the weird second of silence and stopped Heliga's hand. Fei, who rushed further forward, had already drawn out the blades of the double spear, and a guided bullet directly penetrated the tentacles entwining Kramm. The painful snail monster turned his head immediately, wanting to show this stranger who dared to disturb his meal--
However, if the snail monster has thoughts, it must find itself thinking too much. Because this petite girl in front of her is simply not something she can handle. After successfully attracting the snail monster away and leaving the area where it might harm the children, Fei turned on the serious mode. For a time, the bullets flew, the light and shadow flowed, the snail monster was wounded all over in an instant, and in the end, a portable guided grenade ended its life.
In the children's stunned expressions, Fei just yawned lazily, then walked to the snail monster's body that had been blown to pieces, and began to pick up something.
Maybe it is collecting glorious chips? Heliga thought so. The two also killed a lot of beasts along the way, but they basically didn't collect the shining chips-there will be some shining crystals on the monsters, but most of them are worthless shining stones, only a few spars. The fragments can be exchanged for money at the Daoli shop, or processed into a magic circuit-the two did not do this less along the way, it was not surprising that Heliga. He was about to approach the children who were obviously still in a state of panic, trying to reassure them. It was unexpected that Fei also came here at this time-and what he was holding was not a collected spar fragment, but a piece of it. Big conch!
"This is the biggest on this beach." Looking at Heliga who was a little surprised, Fei tilted her head slightly and said.
"..." Heliga didn't know what to say. What else can he say.
"Hey! You guys!" A penetrating voice came. A blue-haired woman with various weapons on her back hurried over with a worried grandmother beside her, "What happened here? "
"Special... Dean Teresa... Sister Karuna... Wu Wu..." Seeing the familiar elders and reliable guerrillas, the children finally walked out of the previous panic. One rushed forward, saying nothing, just crying-the scene that passed by with death just now was enough to scare them.
The blue-haired woman who finally broke free from the embrace of the children turned to the two calm children: "Huh... listen to the people in the village saying that the children ran to the sea to play, the dean was crazy... Fortunately Nothing happened, did you save them?" Although I didn’t see what happened, but looking at the children’s appearance and the fragmented body of Warcraft not far away, Karuna, a guerrilla, couldn’t understand it. What's the matter, she stretched out her hand without hesitation, "Thank you for your great help. My name is Karuna, and I am a regular guerrilla in the Luan branch."
"... Fortunately, my name is Heliga. This is the Philippines. We are warriors from the empire. We are still practicing." Heliga reached out and shook her hand-this was what Heliga had thought about long ago. By the way, he always answered the questioner along the way.
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