Chapter 85: Kross Lynch

"A warrior of the empire?" Karuna thought to her heart. Although the history of the empire's invasion of Libel many years ago still made her a little bit grudged, the two in front of her could undoubtedly not be counted like that, and their fathers committed the crime. The crime of aggression can't be counted on them, so they just continued: "Honestly, I helped a lot. If something happens to these children... I really don't know what will happen to the dean."
"It's strange." Heliga was puzzled. "The beach here is said to be safe. There will be no monsters, but how..."
"I came for this." Karuna said helplessly, "The association received a commission from the Guidance Workshop, saying that a guiding light on the Meiwei Haidao was damaged and needed to be replaced in time. I was here to do this. It's something..." Karuna shook the guiding light component hanging on her other hand, and Karuna continued: "I didn't expect to encounter Dean Teresa who came out in a hurry on the way. She said the child We didn’t come back within the scheduled time, and I promised to help her find it together. I didn’t expect..."
There is no need to elaborate on the latter matters. Since the children were all right, Karuna didn't say much after appropriate comfort. She skillfully replaced the broken old lamp, and because there were other orders to do, she hurriedly left. The kind woman on the side, Dean Teresa immediately walked over and sincerely expressed gratitude to Fei and Heilijia, and invited them to the Marcia Orphanage to have a meal, which can be regarded as an expression of some insignificant gratitude. The hospitality was difficult, and coupled with the fact that a large group of children who had just been frightened and the dean who had no power to restrain the chickens were walking along, it was not possible that they would encounter other dangers on the road. The two had to agree and went to the orphanage together.
Dean Teresa did not lie. After placing the children, she went to the warehouse to take out all the ingredients and tried to prepare a hearty dinner carefully. When Heilijia and Fei saw this, they tried to help. Fei had only made the simplest battle rations, while Heilijia didn’t even make battle rations. In the end, the two of them just helped to do some washing and preparation. Dean Teresa takes care of all the chores like ingredients.
However, in the process of preparing food together, the two people who have been chatting with the dean also got a lot of information about the orphanage
Dean Teresa and her husband Joseph opened this orphanage in this beautiful seaside forest. Both of them are very kind people. Although this is basically not related to a comfortable life, the two are happy, and the simple villagers around also praised the couple.
Unfortunately, Joseph passed away in an accident, leaving the orphanage only Dean Teresa to support. Although the kind villagers would send various supplies from time to time, Dean Teresa still found it very difficult to support. However, no matter how hard the life was, she was able to sustain it. After the hardest period of time, everything is getting better now.
If you have to say something unpleasant...that's probably the pressure from the Lu'an government. The government has always wanted to plan this beautifully landscaped land as a high-end villa area, in order to generate a lot of income. The mayor actually prepared a place to rebuild the orphanage, but the place was dilapidated and dirty. Dirty, and surrounded by discordant people, is very detrimental to the growth of children. Coupled with Dean Teresa's unwillingness to give up this cozy little room with precious memories of herself and her husband, the lobbyists sent by the city government always return empty-handed.
The two sides have been in a stalemate in this way, and it was okay-but in recent months, the government has suddenly stepped up the urging of the orphanage to relocate, and it has been much more intense than usual. Although I don't know what happened, Dean Teresa still resolutely rejected these requests.
In addition to these trivial matters about the orphanage, what Dean Teresa said the most was to thank the two of them-she did not blame the children, they were already scared enough, and now what they need most is meticulous care and Consolation, on the contrary, Heilijia is a little embarrassed to say-although the beach is a dangerous area, if you observe carefully, you and Fei should be able to see that there is a problem with the guiding light there, so you can warn the children in advance.
In a short while, Dean Teresa's sumptuous dinner was over. The delicious seaweed soup, the delicious small shrimps, as well as all kinds of exquisite side dishes and stew pot fungi, all made Hailijia and Fei, who have been solving problems with lunch and fast food during this time, a feast. After eating and drinking, Dean Teresa also invited the two to live in the orphanage during their stay in Luan, and Fei and Haili Gaziqi agreed.
Living here, although part of the intention is to repay the dean, the two of them can't just live for nothing. The children in the orphanage have done things like helping to clean the yard, weeding the vegetable garden, feeding chickens and cows, and they are quite skilled-the two took on the task of going out to purchase. Leaving the orphanage during the day to wander around, admire the seaside scenery, or go to the urban area of ​​Lu'an to experience this prosperous small city-by the way, I ran into Karuna near the Guerrilla Association. The other party also greeted him kindly, and after learning that the two had rescued the children in the orphanage, the other guerrillas and passing citizens also showed their approving glances at the two, seeing Heilijiadu A little embarrassed—going to the market in the evening, completing the purchase according to the list and going back—the two spent nearly a week in the orphanage.
Of course, today is an exception. Dean Teresa said that there will be a distinguished guest visiting this evening, and he wants to prepare delicious dishes in advance, so the two came to the market early in the morning to purchase fresh ingredients. Fei and Heliga completed the task early and returned to the orphanage with a lot of ingredients. They realized that it was too early, so they decided to go to Manoria Village. By the way, I also brought Kramm with him, because the latter was yelling to come out early in the morning, and the shadow entangled by the beast seemed to have disappeared the other day.
When he arrived in the village, Kram screamed and ran to find his friends. After enjoying the sea view, Heilijia and Fei went to the famous local hotel "White Mulian Pavilion" to buy a bento, and they were walking towards the observation deck by the windmill
"Heliga, look." Fei tugged at the corner of Heliga's clothes, and Heliga looked at the situation. A girl with violet hair, wearing a clean uniform, walked towards the two.
"Excuse me, I'm sorry..." the purple-haired girl started, her voice polite and educated, "Excuse me, did the two see a ten-year-old child passing by?"
"I didn't see it, but I brought one." Before Heliga could answer, Fei spit out first. Heliga gently squeezed Fei's arm and cleared his throat: "It's only a ten-year-old child. There are many in this village... I wonder if you can provide more information?" People who were nurtured by the empire’s traditional etiquette, in front of the girl’s polite way of speaking, Heliga unconsciously picked up the etiquette he hadn’t used for a long time, which drew Fei who hadn’t seen him in this posture next to him. For a moment. The girl in uniform in front of her was obviously taken aback by the sudden change, but she quickly adjusted and continued: "The child has brown hair and always wears a gray shell on his head. Ray hat."
"Isn't that Kramm?" Fei answered again this time. The girl in uniform nodded immediately: "It's him, so you know?"
"In fact, we brought him here." Heliga said. "He said he wanted to come to the village to find friends to play with, so he brought him here by the way. If he is still there..." Heliga pointed out Pointed in a direction to the north, "It should be still there."
"Thank you." The girl bowed slightly as a thank you. Suddenly, she seemed to be thinking of something, and asked with some doubts: "Ah...Could it be that you are the ones mentioned in Dean Teresa's letter? The children were saved by Warcraft—"
"It's such a thing, but it's not a big deal." I thought that I would meet an acquaintance in the orphanage again. Heliga was already grateful for how to deal with this kind of familiarity, "It's just easy to do, it's not worthy of your concern."
"Haha...You are too modest, and please allow me to thank you." The girl said sincerely, "My name is Kroes Linxi, and I am a child from the Marcia Orphanage. I am currently studying at Jenny Wangli. College."
"It turns out to be from an orphanage..." Heliga suddenly realized that the girl in front of him took this matter more seriously than ordinary people. Since the girl was born in an orphanage, it is not difficult to understand, but because of this, he suddenly I remembered one thing the Dean mentioned: "Then, the VIPs mentioned by Dean Teresa, who need a sumptuous dinner to entertain...should be you?"
"Did the dean say that?" Kross lowered her head embarrassingly, "Obviously there is no need to work so hard..."
"Don't say that." Heliga comforted, "This is something Dean Teresa is willing to do. You don't have to take it to heart. Besides, if you can be admitted to this well-known university in Libel, you must be the dean. I will definitely be proud of you." The reputation of the Royal Academy of Denise has spread even in the empire, especially among the noble circles.
"...Thank you for saying that." Kross smiled kindly, thinking of the kind woman who treated herself like a daughter, Kross couldn't help smiling.
"Nothing." Heliga waved his hand, "Since you are in a hurry to find Kram, please go and see in the direction I just mentioned, maybe you can find it."
"Well... what about you guys?"
"We still want to stay here for a while." Fei said vaguely. She had already eaten the bento she had just bought. "Me and Heliga will go back tonight."
"...Well, that's it. See you tonight."
"Well, see you tonight."
Kross hurriedly ran in the direction Heliga was pointing to find Kram. At this moment, Fei has wiped out nearly half of the bento. While licking the sauce on her fingers, she looked at Heliga with some subtle eyes: "Beautiful big sister, are you fascinated?"
"No, okay." Heliga admitted that the girl just now did have a unique temperament, but she certainly didn't like what Fei said.
"Huh~" Fei continued this subtle look.
"..." Heliga looked helpless. In the end he took the initiative to admit defeat: "Okay, okay, I admit that there is a little..."
"Heliga lied to me." Fei pouted angrily, "compensate me."
"How to compensate?"
"Your seafood rice." Fei ordered chicken nuggets with sauce, while Hailijia had seafood cream rice.
"Is this again..." Heliga reluctantly opened the lunch box, took a spoonful of rice to Fei's mouth, "I really can't help you..."
"Look at others!" At this moment, the voice of a young girl full of vitality came from the seat next to the windmill. It was a girl with orange double ponytails and sportswear, whispering eagerly to her side. The handsome black-haired boy said, "Hurry up. Hurry up. Hey. Me!"
Seeing the posture of the girl with two ponytails, Heliga suddenly felt a strong sympathy for the black-haired boy who had never met.

P.S: The black-haired teenager and the double ponytailed girl, does anyone want to guess who it is... well, if you can’t guess it, you probably won’t be reading this book (funny
P.S2: It was raining today and I didn’t go out, so it’s rare to update normally once, and I added 1.5K words, so I’ll say I’m an author of conscience (no(being beaten)
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