Chapter 204: [撩! 】

Early next morning.
Dong Xuebin climbed up from the bed and looked at the table just before six o'clock. He was ready to sleep. He could change his mind. After drunkenness last night, he was fascinated by the teachings of Meixia. In my mind, in the impression, Yan Meixia’s thighs seemed to have touched the thighs. Dong Xuebin snorted and gave a slap in his head. You are stinking. If you drink some wine, you don’t know how to go southeast and northwest.
Dong Xuebin regrets this, I have to ruin my good image with my sister.
When this happened, I still don’t know how people look at themselves.
Climbing up from the bed and getting dressed, Dong Xuebin was embarrassed to walk out of the bedroom and look at the opposite door of the cottage. The door was closed. Yan Meixia and Yan should still be sleeping. Thinking about it, Dong Xuebin’s face was real. Can't hang, rushed to brush my teeth, and then didn't even eat early, leaving a note saying that I went to work, so I rushed to get the hand out of the door, and at 6:30, I went to the Public Security Bureau compound that almost no one had.
In the corridor, Dong Xuebin actually met Hu Yiguo, executive deputy director.
Hu Yiguo gave a slight glimpse and looked at him coldly. "Director Dong, early enough."
Dong Xuebin didn't smile at the smile: "There is no Hu Secretary early, you are a day-to-day machine."
Hu Yiguo glanced at him gently, didn't say anything, turned his head downstairs, and looked at the direction seems to be going to the criminal police team.
Hu Yiguo is the biggest political enemy of Dong Xuebin and the county public security bureau. Zhao Jinsong, deputy director of the county, and Wan Tao, director of the Chengguan Police Station, are all Hu’s factions. There are also propaganda ministers, Qiansen’s faction, and Hu Yiguo’s situation with the county. It is deeply rooted and it is not easy to deal with him. However, after a hacker attacked the county government website, Hu Yiguo grabbed the work and Dong Xuebin rushed back. This caused irreconcilable contradictions for the two people, so that the contradictions deepened and deepened, and the director of the Education Bureau, the money The matter of the department, so Dong Xuebin does not need to give him a good face.
Back at the office, Dong Xuebin picked up the newspaper and looked up.
The people from the county bureaus came to work in succession. Dong Xuebin heard about a thing. He understood why Hu Yiguo came so early. The case of trafficking in women and children that occurred before May 1st was a breakthrough. The progress of the criminal police team captured a criminal suspect in the morning. The criminal investigation is the area in charge of Hu Yiguo. He came early and estimated that he smelled the achievements of his political achievements and credit. After all, this is not a small case.
One hour……
Five hours...
Eight hours...
However, it is almost time to get off work, and Dong Xuebin has not heard any further progress in the case of trafficking in women and children. I only know when I found out that the suspect I had caught was very hard. No matter how the police tried it, he did not say anything. He only said that he was innocent and had nothing to do with the case. Although the police have analyzed that he is suspected of committing a major crime, the specific evidence has not been found yet, so the breach has not been opened.
After work, Dong Xuebin packed up and walked out of the county bureau, but when he thought of going home, his heart suddenly felt a little worried.
With a cough, Dong Xuebin touched the phone and hit the house.
"...Hello?" A soft, soft voice floated over and was spliced.
Dong Xuebin said: "Is it out of school? It is me, that, what is your mother doing?"
"Brother" screamed with joy and said: "My mother is in the cottage, I will call you her."
Dong Xuebin said busyly: "No need to use it, um, is there anything wrong with your mother?"
"My mother? My mother is fine."
"It's okay, um, then you said to my sister, I don't go back to eat at night, there is a meal outside."
Hanging up the phone, Dong Xuebin breathed a sigh of relief. He went to a small restaurant on the side of the road and asked for some food. While eating and pondering how to deal with Yan Meixia, he thought for a long time and had no results. At the end of the meal, Dong Xuebin Throw twenty dollars and check back home.
As soon as I entered the house, there was only the sound of the TV in the living room, but there was no one.
Dong Xuebin glanced at the half-open door of the hut, and saw that Mei Meixia and Yan were playing with things in front of the laptop, and the sound of popular songs came from the computer. Dong Xuebin hesitated, biting his teeth and pushing the door: "Let's go down? Hu Silin is connected to the Internet?" The wireless router thing, I greeted Hu Silin when I went to work today.
虞茜茜 虞茜茜 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Have you learned?"
虞茜茜 whispered: "Yes, not yet, but I will be right away, really."
Dong Xuebin touched her little head. "It's so smart, I have to learn, I won't ask me."
Yan Meixia has been afraid to look at him with her naked neck, and she has no words, and she is very embarrassed.
Seeing her, Dong Xuebin is also a bit embarrassed, no words to find out: "That, what is the big sister, what to eat at night?"
Yan Meixia hangs his head, "fried... fried two dishes, I also soaked beans, drink bean porridge, Director Dong, porridge and many more, I, I will give you a hot bowl?" Also wearing the ink-colored green dress dress yesterday, the stockings do not know if the change is not changed, but also the flesh color.
Dong Xuebin nodded, "OK, thank you."
When Mei Xia turned and walked away, Dong Xuebin’s eyes swept away, and couldn’t help but glance at her hips and lift her eyes. Dong Xuebin moved to sit next to her chair and teach her. The basic usage of some computers. I have been very excited since yesterday. It seems to be much more cheerful than before, and my smile is getting more. Dong Xuebin was very pleased. After a while, he went back to his house and changed his pajamas, lying in bed and waiting for porridge to drink.
The door was open, but when Mei Meixia came in, she saw Dong’s eyes closed and knocked on the door.
Dong Xuebin smiled and smiled. "I am bothering you."
"No trouble, no trouble." Yan Meixia took the porridge bowl and handed it over. "Burn, you drink slowly."
Dong Xuebin snorted and took a sip from the bowl. Well, it was very fragrant, so he drank it in a bowl.
"Director Dong." Yan Meixia looked at him slyly. "You, you still have a bath today, I will give you water?"
Dong Xuebin’s scorpion coughs,
No bubble.

"Oh, then..." Yan Meixia took the bowl of porridge he had finished drinking. "So I will pinch your feet?"
Dong Xuebin wanted to refuse. After all, what happened so badly yesterday, but somehow, he even made a ghost to nod his head, and he did not resist the temptation to pinch his feet.
Yan Meixia bit her lip softly, took the bowl and walked out of the house. After a while, she turned back and closed the door, as if she was afraid of her daughter. Looking up and quickly watching Dong Xuebin, Yan Meixia took off her shoes and went to bed with a little wife, kneeling on the side of Dong Xuebin’s feet, reaching out and touching his feet, holding the red lips and pinching the acupuncture points on his feet. "I, I went to the bookstore to read the book in the morning and learned some of the massage techniques above. I don't know if it is right."
Dong Xuebin inhaled: "very comfortable, hard work."
"...if you hurt, tell me."
"Yeah." Dong Xuebin was touched. Yesterday, she was so kind to her. Yan Meixia didn't remember it. Instead, she went to the bookstore to study the massage. Dong Xuebin naturally knew that her education was not high. Maybe she didn't know many words. After reading a book, I think it's hard to think about it. "Hey, big sister, what do you want to do when you are resting, go find a friend and go shopping, don't worry about it."
Yan Meixia grinned and shook his head.
Dong Xuebin was not persuading her, and licked her long skirt and the low neckline.
Yan Meixia Xu was noticed, and the body suddenly became tight, and the action of pinching the feet was also stiff.
Yesterday, I had no choice but to drink alcohol. Dong Xuebin had no intention of rehearsing Mei Xia in the future. But when she saw her, Dong Xuebin also wanted to understand some of her own glorious image in her heart. I can't recover it. Since Yan Meixia didn't say anything, then myself... There is one or two. After yesterday's business, Dong Xuebin's decision to take this step is relatively easy.
When Yan Meixia gave him a left foot, Dong Xuebin lifted a song on his right foot, moved it, and fell to the front of her skirt. Then, in the eyes of Yan Meixia’s shyness, she slowly swept between her knees. Going in, a few toes also opened the hem of the long skirt, the foot scorpion into her skirt, leaning to the left, the foot rubbing the meat stockings on her thigh and the hot little meat.
I don’t know what to do with Mei Meixia.
Yesterday, Dong Xuebin took advantage of it. Yan Meixia wanted to resist at the time, but he did not have the courage to live and die. Now, seeing Director Dong is even more excessive. Yan Meixia does not know how to be a good, panicked glimpse of a skirt. Dong, Director Dong, you, you..."
Dong Xuebin blinked. "Is there something to say?"
Yan Meixia bit her lower lip and bowed her head. She said, "No, nothing."
Dong Xuebin coughed and coughed, and his foot was stuck on the inside of her thigh. "Sister, sorry."
Yan Meixia shook her head, bite her teeth, took off the hand on her skirt and continued to pinch her feet, but the two thighs were slightly closer together.
After a while, Dong Xuebin pulled his foot out of her skirt. "Give me a slap in my head?"
"Yeah." Yan Meixia licked her skirt and blushes on the bed and walked a few steps to the side of him, facing him with his fingers in Dong Xuebin's hair, gently pressing his scalp. At some acupoints, consciously stayed, slightly increased the intensity, and was very professional.
"You can use this professional technique as a professional masseur." Dong Xuebin exclaimed.
"You have won the prize, and I also dropped out of school."
Dong Xuebin’s hand is not honest. Seeing her so close, the mature woman’s unique body scent comes to her face. Dong Xuebin puts her hand on her lap and squats her skirt a little. Gathering to his own hands, he was so beautiful that he couldn’t talk, and Dong Xuebin touched the stockings on her legs, licked it, licked it, pinched it, and finally, the big hand slowly held her thick. The buttocks.
Yan Meixia finally couldn't pretend to be invisible, and hurriedly grabbed the hand on her hip. "Director Dong, don't..."
Dong Xuebin smirked his hand and took it out. He changed the place and grabbed the waist of Yan Meixia.
This time, Mei Xia did not say anything, and the red fluttered his face and embarrassedly continued to give Dong Xuebin a head.
After a moment, Dong Xuebin smashed his eyes and looked up. He began to touch her small waist and slowly touched it until she reached her knees. Dong Xuebin’s wrist suddenly turned and she grasped her soft. Left chest. Yan Meixia froze and panicked and grabbed her chest. Dong Xuebin’s hand was smashed by her, and it was pressed from the outside. Several fingers were squeezed into her chest.
"You don't, please beg you." Yan Meixia can only send a weak request.
Dong Xuebin’s heart was soft. She saw that she was unwilling or forced. She took her hand and said,

Yan Meixia shook her head, her eyes were red and red, and the tears of the tears ticking down.
I rely on, what's the matter? Dong Xuebin was shocked. He knew that he would cry Xiaomei Xia, and he would not be like that. He would sit up in bed and feel distressed: "Hey sister, sorry, don't you cry?" Oops, I’m really a bit confusing in the past two days, that’s why you’re not willing, I’ll never be like this in the future, will you be? Don’t cry, I’m relying on me.

Yan Meixia whispered sobbing, and she was so weak.
Dong Xuebin regrets this, "I am really wrong, my sister, or you will beat me, come, I will never fight back."
"It's not your fault." Yan Meixia sniffed her nose. "I am... I remembered my husband, and you, it doesn't matter to you."
Dong Xuebin can't believe that he has nothing to do with him. He quickly apologizes and wipes her tears. "Don't cry, your husband doesn't beat you often? What kind of person do you want him to do?"
Yan Meixia cried: "Do not blame him, he is being ... is calculated by people, he is also for me and hehe..."
Dong Xuebin frowned. "What happened?"
"Director Dong, I said last time that I was asked to give you a school. Yes, but my husband’s business has been in my heart for too long." Yan Meixia wiped her tears and cried and walked down from the bed. I squatted on the ground. "Can you help me once more? It’s really one time. I just want to know who my husband was killed. I just want the murderer to be brought to justice. Know that you are a good person."
I am a good person?
Dong Xuebin, who just got her hands on her hand, couldn’t help but look old. "Cough, cough, scream, big sister, don't do this, don't do this, start to talk." Dong Xuebin quickly lifted her up and grabbed a pillow towel to hand her Let her wipe her tears. "Don't worry, slowly say, what the is going on?"
Yan Meixia her nose. "My husband is not self-killing."
Dong Xuebin’s glimpse, he thought that Yan Meixia’s husband committed suicide because he had too much debt.
Is that?

Yan Meixia said, "It must be the people of Jindi Mountain Villa. My husband was initially pulled into the casino by them. Since then he has lost a lot of money, but he is not reconciled, not only sells his home, but In the end, there were almost no pots and pans, and they went to gamble. In the end, the more they lost, the more they got deeper and deeper. Later, they owe a lot of money to Jindi Villa, but my husband still gambles every day. My husband came home and had injuries on his face. He was beaten by people and was beaten by the people of Jindi Mountain Villa. Later, he borrowed a lot of loan sharks from their leaders, and called me and you all night. What is the success or failure of this, this is his last gamble, OK, but..."
Dong Xuebin said: "What can I do?"
Yan Meixia was crying. "But that is the last time I saw him. He disappeared for several days. Finally, he was found dead in a lake. The police's autopsy turned out to be suicide. I don't believe that my husband could not leave me. I don’t care, I cried and asked the police to investigate the Jindi Mountain Villa. They must have killed my husband, but the result of the investigation said that there is no casino at Jindi Mountain Villa. How could I listen to my husband? Well, many people know that there is a place to gamble, but the police say no."
Dong Xuebin was keenly aware of a trace of unusuality. "Where is Jindi Villa?"
Yan Meixia said: "Diet, accommodation, entertainment, is a place like a resort."
Have a background? The life can be suppressed, except for this, there is no other explanation for Dong Xuebin: "What about your husband's body?"
Yan Meixia sobbed: "Half a year, it has been cremated."
"That is the important evidence can not be found? In addition to you and the shackles, are there other witnesses?" Seeing Mei Meixia hesitating and shaking his head, Dong Xuebin slammed his mouth, no body, and the case will not be investigated. Too much progress, and dragged on for so long, it is almost impossible to turn over the case.
Yan Meixia looked at Dong Xuebin with tears in her eyes. "Director Dong, please help me."
Dong Xuebin sighed. "From what you said, Jindi Mountain Villa is the most suspected, but things have been going on for the past six months. It is too difficult to check it now."
Yan Meixia cried even louder. In fact, she also understood that her husband’s hatred was unlikely to be reported.
It can be seen that Yan Meixia’s feelings for her husband are still very deep. The killing of the husband’s hatred is so long in my heart, and I have to endure the grievances with my daughter to ask for food and debts. The pressure can be imagined. Dong Xuebin is not persuading her, crying, crying may be better.
Oops, the door suddenly opened, and the red eyes rushed into the mother's arms. "Mother, you still have me, don't you cry." Apparently, she was led by her mother's crying. And he may have heard the words of Dong Xuebin and Yan Meixia at the door.
Yan Meixia back to her daughter, the mother and the daughter are more than one crying.
Dong Xuebin’s heart was moved again, and he just ate Mei Meixia tofu. He had a guilty conscience. He said,
Let’s do this, I will check it for you first.
He took the phone out of the house and left Two mothers and daughters, Dong Xuebin thought about it and called Qin Yong. "Hey, Secretary Qin, have you rested?"
"Not yet, Dong Laodi has something?"
"Well, I want to ask you about Jindi Mountain Villa."
On the opposite side, Qin Yong sighed and took a breath: "The outer suburb of the county, is the Jindi Villa in Huitian Township?"
"Dong Dong, what are you asking about it?"
When I heard this, Dong Xuebin knew that things were not simple. "Oh, just ask, I heard that there is a casino over there?"
"Oh, actually, I have heard of a lot of things about Jindi Mountain Villa. It is really not very clean. I heard that it has been killed." Dunton, Qin Yong said: "But Dong Laodi, I advise you, that place. I still don't want to move. When I first came to Yantai County, Director Liang seemed to have the intention to open a knife for Jindi Mountain Villa, but then it was no longer a problem. It involved the upper level and many county leaders. It came out and gave Mr. Liang a lot of pressure."
Dong Xuebin said, "Where? Who?"
Silence for a long time, Qin Yong said: "I heard that the boss behind the Jindi Villa is the son of the propaganda minister Qian Sen."
Dong Xuebin understands, no wonder there are cases that have been suppressed. Hu Yiguo, Zhao Jinsong, they are not all a faction with Qian Sen, and they can put down the Secretary Liang. A Qiansen may not be enough. To take the Jindi Mountain Villa to open the knife, 80% is blended into the upper level of struggle, is the contest between the county party secretary and the county head. Finally, from the results, it is clear that the faction of Liang’s faction has fallen.
Paralyzed, Dong Xuebin felt that things were really tricky, and even Liang Chengpeng couldn’t help? ?
Jindi Mountain Villa... Qiansen... Hu Yiguo... Zhao Jinsong... Wan Tao... Every time I read a name, Dong Xuebin’s heart is cold.
At this time, Yan Meixia and Yan came out of the bedroom and looked at him with hope.
Dong Xuebin is now fledgling. He has to pack up these things. He still doesn't have enough strength. But when he sees Mei Meixia's pleading eyes, Dong Xuebin's heart is soft, and he feels that he can't refuse her. "Hey sister, Don't worry, you need time to deal with this matter, but I assure you that if your husband is killed by someone from the Jindi Mountain Villa, I will definitely take the prisoner out of the law. One day, Dong Xuebin decided that it is necessary to do something for the people. The cancer of Jindi Mountain Villa must be pulled out.
虞美霞一听 The tears suddenly came out, and excitedly pulled the cockroaches and gave Dong Xuebin a sigh.
Yan Meixia is not stupid. Of course, she knows that the background of Jindi Mountain Villa is very deep, but what I did not expect is that Director Dong is really willing to be his own, and he is willing to offend those big people for himself. This makes Yan Meixia say something. The words came.
Dong Xuebin had no choice but to help him. "Do you bother me? Is it fast?"
Yan Meixia, who was helped by her, turned and cried: "Hey, you go back to the house first." She didn't want her daughter to get in.
When he walked away, Dong Xuebin said: "There is no one in charge of criminal investigation. I don’t have a head. I can’t insert it at all. I’m a big sister. So, you went to the Public Security Bureau to report the case in two days. If the case is determined to be unsuccessful, you will continue to report, and telegraph, the police station will not report to the county bureau, and the county bureau will not report to the city." Dong Xuebin is ready to make some moves to observe the reaction of Hu Yiguo and others. Of course, it is mainly to observe the reaction of the party secretary of the lower beam.
Yan Meixia nodded hard. "I, I understand, Director Dong, no matter what my husband's hatred can't report, I thank you, your great grace, I will never forget it in my life."
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