Chapter 205: [虞美霞 has an accident! 】

Early the next morning.
Under the instigation of Dong Xuebin, Yan Meixia began to call the report, because her husband was in the outskirts of the county, and Jindi Mountain Villa was also there, so Yan Meixia first called the Chengguan police station, and it turned out that people had said that the case had been closed. He refused to accept it. Later, Yan Meixia called the county public security bureau. Because he was calling at home with his family's home, the other party might recognize the number, so the other party immediately recorded the situation and reported it to the above.
"Okay, I went to work." Dong Xuebin grabbed his handbag.
Yan Meixia immediately gave him shoes. "Would you say that I still play today?"
Dong Xuebin said: "Play, then fight, if you let you do the record, you will pass, and tell the truth."
Yan Meixia Yi, there is Director Dong giving her support, she has a lot of courage, her husband’s hatred has been in her heart for too long, and now she finally sees a glimmer of hope. How can she not be excited, but there are also concerns. Secretary, if things are too big, I am afraid to trouble you."
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "I just want to make things big, as I said."
Yan Meixia moved to see him, "Thank you."
County Public Security Bureau.
In the morning, Dong Xuebin came to his office and turned the file. In general, the usual case will not alarm too many people, even in the case of a major case. Like the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, the chairman of the trade union, at least these leaders who are not responsible for investigating the case will not know, but the case of Mei Xiaxia But everyone was alarmed, no way, now who does not know that Xiao Dong’s family has invited a nanny to call Yan Meixia, and the report phone is also called by the family’s office. This is more sensitive and it is hard to stop. People think that this is the intent of Director Dong. That is to say, the person reporting the case is the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau. Who knows this big event? In just two hours, it was spread throughout the county bureau.
Secretary Xiao Dong wants to move Jindi Villa? ?
Many people who know the inside story have taken a sigh of relief.
In the office, the phone on the table of Dong Xuebin screamed, and was called by Hu Silin, the director of the office.
Hu Silian is an embattled master. The relationship with the leaders of the county bureau is good. Especially in the past two months, Director Xiao Dong went very close. I heard that the director of the family had reported the case and opened the person who had been half a year ago. In the murder case, Hu Silian asked for a phone call without thinking. "Director Dong, Jindi Mountain Villa cannot move."
Dong Xuebin smiled, "Why?"
Hu Silin explained: "The director Liang has never been there to discuss it. There are too many things involved."
Dong Xuebin said: "Sister Hu, thank you for reminding me, I know how to do it."
Just hang up the phone, ring the bell, ring the bell, the phone is ringing again.
This time, the deputy director Qin Yong called. He smiled bitterly: "Brother, what are you doing? Jindi Villa... oh." Dong Xuebin has shown the means of political struggle and solved the case since he went to the county bureau. The ability to let Qin Yong appreciate, finally won such an ally, Qin Yong did not want him to accident, "criminal investigation is managed by Hu Yiguo, Chengguan police station is the jurisdiction of Wan Tao, you ... you can not insert, ask me to say or wait It’s easy to wait for Mr. Liang to have action on the side.

Dong Xuebin understands that he said that the Secretary of Liang Liang, in fact, said that the people behind the Secretary of Liang Liang had made efforts, but the fact that the Liang’s faction had been planted at the Jindi Mountain Villa last time, and the possibility of taking the Jindi Mountain Villa was very small, even if One day, I don’t know what year and month, so Dong Xuebin is ready to start with a strong, provide some ammunition, and want to see if there are any county party leaders willing to give this head.
The third call was made by Liu Dahai, director of the Huitian Township Police Station, and also advised Dong Xuebin the same.
The fourth call was a person that Dong Xuebin did not expect - Hu Yiguo.
Hu Yiguo said to the phone: "Dr. Dong, I heard that your babysitter reported the case? I just learned about the case six months ago. It was suicide. I have already finalized the case. Why should I report it? This case will not be It is a waste of police force to file a case."
Dong Xuebin sneered: "My babysitter reported the case? What happened? Why don't I know?"
Hu Yiguo’s tone is yin,
I don’t know, even if you are doing your babysitter’s job, she will call a phone in an hour. What is it like? Ah? Also call the city? The case has been checked and the person is also cremated. What kind of trouble is she still making? This is called harassing phone call. Does she want to be detained by law and order?" Hu Yiguo’s attitude is justified by Dong Xuebin’s speculation, which is really related to Jindi Mountain Villa.
Dong Xuebin did not show weakness: "He, Secretary, you are not right. If you have doubts about the case, you have to check it. You can't ignore it because you have already closed the case. What if the post-mortem results were wrong? Who? Can you guarantee that there will be no mistakes in the cases you have checked before? If you are not willing to investigate, this is irresponsible to the people. How can you still be held in public security? Are you threatening the people?"
Hu Yiguo looks awkward, "I will say this if your babysitter continues to make trouble, don't blame me for not giving you face."
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Don't give me face. If my nanny is really guilty of the law, you should arrest it. This is a society ruled by law. Even if the relatives of the leader make mistakes, they will be sanctioned by law." Dong Xuebin can't believe Hu Yiguo dare. Grasping Meixia, the things of Jindi Mountain Villa were originally sensitive. Hu Yiguo probably didn’t want to make things big. I really want to catch people, and the taste that I want to cover is too strong.
Finally, at 10:30, Dong Xuebin and so on came to the phone he had been waiting for.
Liang Chengpeng, who just returned from the capital in the morning, "Director Dong, come to my office."
Dong Xuebin promised a quiet silence, stepped up the stairs and knocked on the door into the office of the director.
"Director Liang, how is the old lady's body?"
"After you left, I suddenly got a fever. Later, Qin Dean organized an expert consultation and checked it. It’s okay, now it’s almost finished. My lover is accompanying the old lady at 305 Hospital. It is estimated that I will be discharged in a few days. Liang Chengpeng was flipping through a file and saw Dong Xuebin coming. He reached out and motioned for him to sit down. He stood up and walked to the water dispenser and took a paper cup to pour Dong Xuebin into the water.
Dong Xuebin dared to let him down, and rushed to the road: "Don't, Liang, I come by myself."
The reason why Liang Chengpeng was so polite to Dong Xuebin, Dong Xuebin’s background accounted for a part. In Beijing, he could see the energy of Director Xiao Dong, but most of the reasons were that Dong Xuebin saved Liang Chengpeng’s mother’s affairs. This situation, Liang Chengpeng owed Not small.
Dong Xuebin sat in the chair after receiving the water himself.
Liang Chengpeng looked at him. "I heard that you want to move Jindi Mountain Villa? That place is not simple."
Dong Xuebin nodded. "I know, but for whatever reason, it can't be compared with a human life. It is a murder case, and it is also suspected of gambling and other criminal cases. Although things have yet to be investigated, there may already be more than one person. I reflect the problem of Jindi Mountain Villa. This is a society ruled by law. It cannot be used because of which background has a background. The case of murder is not investigated. What other cases can be investigated? If there is a background, it will not be investigated. What is the use of the Public Security Bureau?"
Liang Chengpeng smiled helplessly. He admired the most of Mr. Xiao Dong’s mouth. In the past few times, no matter what happened to Director Xiao Dong’s mouth, he could tell you some truthful reasons, for personal matters, for the sake of personal matters. Regardless of official business, let Director Xiao Dong say this. Anyway, he always makes sense. "...Is there any evidence?"
Dong Xuebin’s momentum was stagnant, and he coughed:
There is not yet, but there will be some investigations.

Liang Chengpeng gave him a look. "How do you want to check?"
"Looking for the first to seal the Jindi Mountain Villa, and then slowly start, ah, gamble, sweep the yellow, these will do."
Liang Chengpeng shook his head. "If it is so simple, I have already checked the Jindi Mountain Villa and scanned it. You can't sweep it, grab the gambling? I used to go there twice. I found nothing but got a few cards. And dice, this method can't."
Dong Xuebin frowned. "There is a response in the Public Security Bureau. Someone will give them a ventilated letter. I will take my person and be sure to catch it." Hu Yiguo must have a very close relationship with the son of the propaganda minister Qian Sen. Such a big leader is in the Public Security Bureau and can catch talents and ghosts.
Liang Chengpeng waved his hand. "It's not as simple as you think. Jindi Mountain Villa is also much more than the magical power you imagined. Xiao Dong, let's put it on, it's not enough." Liang Chengpeng didn't want to take it. Jindi Mountain Villa? However, the director of the Public Security Bureau did not enter the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, and once he was involved in the above leadership, Liang Chengpeng could not stand up.
Dong Xuebin said: "Director Liang, that is a human life, can you play?"
Liang Chengpeng sighed: "Let it go, come to Japan." Liang Chengpeng of Jindi Mountain Villa is clear, but he is also good for Dong Xuebin, and he does not want him to have an accident.
Dong Xuebin firmly said: "I reserve my opinion."
Liang Chengpeng smiled helplessly and said nothing.
Secretary Liang disapproved, and the forces behind him did not come out. This is Dong Xuebin’s mental preparation, but even so, he did not let him give up the idea of ​​winning the Jindi Mountain Villa. It’s for the sake of that person’s life. If you can’t find the prisoner, it’s okay to say that the prisoner is now in front of him. It’s the people of the Jindi Mountain Villa. The police even checked and did not check the Jindi Mountain Villa. Dong Xuebin is very annoyed
Nobody helps? Nobody helped me anymore.
I still don't believe that I am still alone to find out for you.
Dong Xuebin immediately called Chen Meixia, "Hey sister, continue to give me trouble" Dong Xuebin now needs a breakthrough, need a flaw in the other side
When I was eating at noon, Dong Xuebin noticed that everyone was surprised to see their eyes.
Yes, many people in the county bureau now know this and they are all too much to admire Xiao Dong. This new deputy director can really fight. He just took Hu Yiguo off in a few days. Later, I was challenged by the Director of the Education Bureau, Zheng Zhi, and then all the leaders of the Finance Department. Now, the director of Xiao Dong is going to fight against the Emperor Jindi and the forces behind it. It’s too tossing by you.
During this day, the pressure from all sides is very large, but it has been decided to seek justice for Yan Meixia. Dong Xuebin naturally does not care about this pressure.
After work, Dong Xuebin went out of the county bureau and went to the family hospital.
Coping with the face, suddenly a Buick Regal stopped in front of Dong Xuebin, the car door opened, from the back seat down a man of about 30 years old, the man is very white, face, hands, neck, like a woman's skin, the whole The feeling of giving people is also hazy. "Director Dong, long-awaited name." He called Dong Xuebin's name and smiled and reached out to shake hands with Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin shouted suspiciously with him, "Are you?"
"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I called Qian Fei, Qian Sen is my dad." Qian Fei said that he would observe the expression of Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin’s heart is slightly stunned, the son of the Minister of Propaganda? The behind-the-scenes boss of Jindi Villa? OK, I am not looking for you, you come to the door, and Dong Xuebin’s pretense suddenly realizes: "Oh, it was the son of the minister of money, disrespectful and disrespectful, you are...etc."
Qian Fei smiled and said: "Just wait for Director Dong."
Dong Xuebin said: "Oh? Looking for me something?"
Qian Fei smashed him, and said that you installed what you put on it, but he smiled and said: "Nothing big, I want to ask Director Dong to have a meal. Let's eat and say?"
Dong Xuebin is not giving him a face. "Oh, nothing, I have something to do."
Qian Fei’s mouth jumped and jumped, and he said with a heart:
Director Dong, let’s take a look, it’s not a long time.

Dong Xuebin knows that this set is nothing more than a gift to send money to block his mouth, not want to turn up the murder case, or ask himself to corrupt it, and then do something tricky from it, this kind of scum People dare to kill, what else can't do? Therefore, Dong Xuebin will certainly not go to the banquet. "Small money, if you have something, you can tell me here, even if you eat."
Small money? Small money is also what you call? Qian Fei was cold in his heart. He watched Dong Xuebin’s eyes for a few seconds. He nodded at the end.
Well, that changed the sky
turned and left.
Dong Xuebin did not look at him and continued to go to his family.
Buick Regal, Qian Fei stared coldly at the back of Dong Xuebin's departure. "Give a face to a face, a small director, or a deputy. There are too many people who don't force themselves. Don't give him a taste. He really thought that he was a personal thing, Dong Xuebin, this is what you asked for yourself, hey, drive, and return to Jindi Mountain Villa. When the driver stepped on the gas pedal, Qian Fei took out his mobile phone and made a few calls.
The next morning.
In his heart, Dong Xuebin got up very early. Just less than six o'clock, he sat in the living room and had tea to think about things.
Oops, the door of the mother and the daughter's bedroom suddenly opened, and the beautiful beauty of the sling with the nightdress came out from the inside. It seemed that I wanted to go to the bathroom. I just found that there were people in the living room just two steps away, scaring her. One jump, "Dong, Director Dong, have you woken up so early?"
"Well, I can't sleep."
"You wait a moment, I will give you breakfast soon."
Yan Meixia's face was hot, and she subconsciously grabbed the short hem of the nightdress and pulled it down. The result was a pull, the fabric on the chest was short, the cleavage was very deep, and Mei Meixia hurriedly licked her chest. She hurried into the bathroom, and when she came out later, she quickly took the skirt and hurried back to the small bedroom to change clothes.
Looking at the small appearance of Yan Meixia, Dong Xuebin showed a smile. If she didn’t know that she had such a big daughter, Dong Xuebin really didn’t believe that her sister was in her thirties. What wrinkles, second, the character of the big sister is too shabby, too conservative and too weak, really like a high school student.
After a while, Yan Meixia and Yan were dressed out.
Yan Meixia softly said: "Wait a moment, I went to the small supermarket in the east to buy a pound of eggs, and the family is gone."
Dong Xuebin is not hungry, nodded.
Yan Meixia found a basket from the kitchen to cross the arm, and gave Dong Xuebin the fullness of the tea, which was the door.
When the door is closed, he will sit next to Dong Xuebin. "Brother, I am jealous of him...he..." It is obviously also a case of concern for him.
"Do not worry, I will solve it." Dong Xuebin touched her little head.
Hey, shallow, "Thank you, brother, you are very kind to me and my mother."
Dong Xuebin’s old face is red. Indeed, he is so good for both the mother and the daughter. It’s so good that he feels a bit embarrassed. Dong Xuebin now has to admit that he is not only sympathetic to them, but also deep inside the mother and daughter. Some of the good feelings, of course, the good feelings are just the name of the elegant point, in fact, they have ideas for them. Thinking of this, Dong Xuebin licked his own bite, you are stinking, thinking about it.
Twenty minutes passed.
Hey strangely said: "Why don't you come back?"
Dong Xuebin didn't take it seriously. "The supermarket may not open the door."
Another twenty minutes passed.
"Brother, do you call my mother?" He was a little anxious.
Dong Xuebin is also wondering, but can make a phone call and find the ringtones in the bedroom - Yan Meixia did not bring a mobile phone. It’s almost an hour, so why not come back? Where to buy eggs? Dong Xuebin took the squat and stood up and said with relief: "Your mother must go to the supermarket in the north to buy eggs. You should go to school first. Don't be late, I will go there to find your mother."
After sending it to the door of the family's hospital, Dong Xuebin went to several food markets and supermarkets However, after looking for more than an hour, he did not see the shadow of Yan Meixia.
Dong Xuebin’s heart jumped and felt a little bad.
The bell rang and the phone suddenly rang. Dong Xuebin immediately picked up, who thought it was Hu Silin's voice.
"...Director Dong, is your babysitter at home?"
Dong Xuebin said slightly: "I am looking for her. When I go out and buy an egg, I haven't come back for two hours. What do you ask her?"
Hu Silian took a breath. "It really is her. I just received a report. Someone saw an alley in the east of our family's home. A beautiful rural woman was brought to the car by several people. It was a van, although the license plate. Different, but it is similar to the witness vehicles in the case of trafficking in women and children in Yantai County. It is suspected to be a group of people."
Trafficking in women?
Was Mei Meixia tied up? ?
Dong Xuebin’s fiery look is picked up.
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