Chapter 258: [Remove the bomb! 】

Time passed by every second.
In the office, the numbers on the time bomb are falling fast!
One second, two seconds, three seconds!
Tick, ticking, ticking!
The syllable of death back to dang in the room, less than six minutes left from the bomb explosion! Xie Huilan’s eyes hang with anger, and flashed a lot of emotions, anger, anxiety, touch, and softness in a flash. It was a complex look to the extreme. Xie Huilan stared at Dong Xuebin’s eyes and looked at him. Look at him and look at him. Dong Xuebin also gave up hope completely. At this time, he was let go. He tightened his sister’s soft and soft hands. He sat silently beside her, took her, held her, and accompanied her. .
Death is getting closer to two people!
"You go!" Xie Huilan finally squeezed the words from his mouth.
Dong Xuebin is indifferent. "Do you still make sense now? Mén locks have been smashed by me."
"You call someone to 砸mén! It's still too late!" Xie Huilan took a breath, "I beg you!"
Dong Xuebin reached out and took the phone out of his pocket and directly turned off the phone. Xie Huilan yelled: "Noisy!"
"I always thought that I could live to 70. The most unfortunate is at least fifty or sixty years old. People are not as good as days. Oh, I didn't think about a few minutes." Dong Xuebin looked at the time on the time bomb. Xie Jie, there are still more than five minutes, don't say if you can't leave, just the last time, don't pay for it again." In a tone of voice, "Since I can't save you, I didn't plan to leave this house." Trick...,... finally talk about it."
Xie Huilan said: "Idiot!"
Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly: "You are dying, you still yell at me."
"There are people who are stupid than you at the bottom of the world? You are looking for you! Oh!"
Dong Xuebin looked at him. "Xie sister, I only know that you also care about me. You slept me for a long time last night. I thought you wouldn’t bother me except me. In fact, what I said last night is also If you love to marry who you marry, you can’t do it. In fact, you can’t do it in your heart. If you don’t have you, I still live well. Actually, don’t say that you are away from you, that is, you can’t see you for a few months. I estimate I have to eat no more.

Wen Yan, Xie Huilan Mei Wei slightly softened a little.
Dong Xuebin pinched her hand: "I also know that I am stupid, Wei Nan drove over, and even the police line did not dare to approach. After watching it for a while, I quickly got on the bus. Even the bomb disposal experts came in. In a minute, I quickly went out. "I was afraid that the bomb would go away. Oh, I was stupid. I also gave mén a sigh. Thank you, Xie, you said that I was not suitable for the official, too impulsive." I also understand that I also want to change, but I still can't do it."
"" "You can't do it!"
"What can I do if I can't do it?"
"I don't believe you can't open this mén! You don't do it! You don't want to do it!"
"Xie sister, you will let me finally impulsively." I really can't listen to you this time.

"When did you hear about me?"
"After, I will listen to you in the future." Xie Huilan opened his hand. "There is only five minutes left! What are you talking about?"
Dong Xuebin said: "...that's the next life, I will listen to what you say in the next life."
"Dong Dong Dong! What do you want me to say?" Xie Huilan also wanted to slap him a meal, but he couldn’t say anything when he said it, and turned it into a soft sigh. She reached out and took the initiative. I lived in Dong Xuebin’s hand. "You must listen to me this time. Call the outsiders, let them open mén, you are still young." The road to go is still very long. You will accompany me to die together... …has no meaning?

Dong Xuebin said: "I can't go without meaning."
"Don't say this."
Ticking, ticking, ticking and leaving the bomb explosion for four minutes! Xie Huilan kept screaming at him and persuaded him. He wanted Dong Xuebin to leave immediately, but the nephew said that he was dumb and said, "Dong Xuebin did not mean to shake it. He sat still there and did not move. Xie Huilan’s heart Tightly, I understand that nothing is useless, even if someone really wants to open mén now, Dong Xuebin will not leave.
"I'm sorry." Dong Xuebin apologized for the sake of many things. Xie Xilan sighed at him and sighed. "After now, I still apologize."
Dong Xuebin said bitterly: "I don't have a chance to say it now, Xie Jie, I am really sorry, people will die and their words are good, they are dying, I don't want to lie to you any more, I really like you. I don’t like it, I’m the same, for the sake of both of you, I won’t frown when I go to the knife and the oil pan, so I really don’t know how to be good. She can’t bear it, you and I can’t bear it, I really I didn't want to make you angry like this, I... "Oh......... I"... Xie Huilan looked at him faintly. "Don't say, I forgive you.

Dong Xuebin glanced, "Xie Jie.........
His hand, Xie Huilan said: "No matter what you do, I forgive you now."
Child.........Is not mad at me? "Xie Huilan closed her eyes slightly. "You have to make a last few minutes with me. How do you make me angry?

First... thank you.

"These two words should tell me that there is someone who loves me so much, and I am content with death."
One second passed...
Five seconds passed...
Ten seconds passed...
Hey, the office's mén was suddenly screwed up. Seeing that there was no way to open it, a burst of mén sounds came in. It was a member of the Public Security Bureau, and someone called the name of Dong Xuebin.
"Director Dong, are you inside?"
"How is mén locked? Go find the key! No time!"
"Xie County Chief! Director Dong! Open mén!"
Seeing Xie Huilan’s eyes, she was going to shout at the outside, 踹mén, Dong Xuebin’s eyes quickly slammed her mouth, turned to the outside and told them to go first, and they immediately went out. After a few seconds, there was no movement outside. Dong Xuebin took the hand off her red mouth net and re-sitting to Xie Huilan. One of them did not look good. "I am so easy to be heroic, you don't Dispel my positive xìng line? Well with you, this is the last thing I can do in my life, let me finish, can't it be done?" Xie Huilan put on his face, "said from sī "I want to take you away, but I can't."

"Not that you take me away, it's a trick to go together."
Dong Xuebin stood up and walked over to Xie Huilan and hugged her. "There is still more than two minutes. Is the trick hand-in-hand, or is it good?" Xie Huilan slowly closed her eyes. "I don't want you to die!"

"I don't want you to die either."
There are two minutes and thirty seconds left!
Dong Xuebin said: "You know that the injury to my fracture on the tu is not good enough. I can't open the mén with my ankle. Now I open the phone and call them outside to let them come. The time is too late. The cross is also dead. The vertical is also dead. Don't say those words, okay, you know I won't go."
Xie Huilan closed her throat and suddenly flashed a glimmer of tears in her eyes, slowly sliding down her cheeks.
Dong Xuebin’s heart trembled, rubbing her cuffs on her face..., you.........Cry?

Xie Huilan did not say anything.
Dong Xuebin said: "I still see you crying for the first time. I thought that your xìng ge would not shed tears in this life."
"I am not a shovel, how can there be no tears?" Xie Huilan opened her eyes. "There is a firm determination in the scorpion. "If you can go out alive, let's choose a good day next year and get married." Let's put on a hundred tables. The wind and the scenery will do the wedding affairs.", Dong Xuebin sighed, "can smash you", my ancestral graves have to smoke, my mother must be happy.

"Well, let the old man have fun."
But everyone knows that they are afraid that there is no chance to go out to this mén again.
Dripping tea...
Dripping tea...
The countdown is only two minutes and fifteen seconds.
Xie Huilan side, "Bin, you come to the front, let me finally look at you.", Dong Xuebin, um, go up and kneel in front of her, ".........Look."
Xie Huilan reached out his face and head. "That fell into the water." If you didn't save yourself, I can't live today, no matter what happened later, "I owe you, I haven't lived in this life." The words of the Qing Dynasty, after the reincarnation of the next life, I will slowly return you.

Dong Xuebin’s eyes are also wet.
Then you will marry me in your next life.

"Okay.", "I will marry me next life."
"...good.", "The next life is also." "Well, no matter how many times you have a baby, no matter how many thousands of years, I will marry you."
The tears in the eyes of Dong Xuebin hugged her, for fear that she suddenly flew away. Xie Huilan also hugged him with one hand, with a shallow smile on his face.
one second……
Two seconds...
Three seconds...
The two are embracing each other and are ready to die.
"There is still two minutes." Xie Huilan suddenly said: "Bin, hand me the scissors.", Dong Xuebin looked at her, "What do you want to cut the scissors?", "No time, finally give it a try, I I want to cut a few lines at random, huh, huh, if I am lucky, stop the timer to ng with a scissors?", Dong Xuebin shook his head: "The bomb-removing experts have no way, we are even worse." Xie Huilan said: "I also know, but it is more meaningful to die in your own hands than to wait for death. Don't you think so?" Dong Xuebin thought for a moment and nodded. "Then let me come, I Luck has always been fine.
After saying this, Dong Xuebin suddenly fell on the spot!
Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
Trimming? Trimming? Trimming?
Teng, Dong Xuebin stood up in vain from the ground. "Scissors? Where did I just throw the scissors?"
Xie Huilan, "What are you worried about?"
Dong Xuebin took a breath, and he said: "I think of a solution! You may not have to die!"
"...What?", "Remove the bomb!", Dong Xuebin hurriedly looked around and finally saw the card clip on the side of the chair tu, and he slammed it over, and he would The scissors were pinched in the hands. "I have seen the movie! Is there a sequence of lines when the bomb is removed? As long as the lines are released in order, the timer will stop! Right! Right! As long as you don't cut the error The line will do!"
Xie Huilan said: "It is said that the line of such bombs is not even a trace of the bomb disposal experts. I heard that it is very complicated."
Dong Xuebin said: "They can't! But I can!", "...bin, are you really?", "Really! Of course!" Yan Xuebin has already been in front of the bomb. "Trust me! I Definitely able to tear it down! Certainly!", Xie Huilan smiled aloud. "You cut it, don't have too much pressure. I hope the bigger the disappointment."
There is still a 44 second left!
The bomb case was touched by the bomb disposal experts. The circuit "wires and copper pieces inside" were clearly visible, but what surprised Dong Xuebin was that the pictures of the bombs taken in the movie were quite different from the ones in front of them. Many of the lines in the film and television works are red, blue, yellow, green, and so on. The two lines are woven together, such as two blue and green lines that are tied together. Only one of them is correct. By the difference between the sè.
But the bomb on Xie Huilan is not the case at all.
The blue lines inside the blue sè are all blue sè, only one is red sè, in addition to a lot of copper pieces, there are circuit boards, and even a few thin copper wires. No The two-way choice of the red line blue sè, without the probability of 50%, the knowledge learned in the film is not used at all. Dong Xuebin knows that "the film and television works have some fictional elements, and it may be that this bomb is special. There is too much blue line in the same face, so there is no way for the bomb disposal expert.
It’s all blue lines. Which one do you want to cut?
How to do? How to do?
Dong Xuebin’s attention has all been concentrated. I hope that the only way to live is to be able to make God far away. Calm and calm.
one second……
Two seconds...
Dong Xuebin was so anxious that he was sweating down. Now he can't allow him to think about what to cut!
Dong Xuebin held a glimpse of luck and cut it against the only red line!
Hey! The red line is broken!
next moment! A boiling hot air burst from the bomb! Engulfed Xie Huilan! Engulfed Dong Xuebin! Engulfed the entire office! Dong Xuebin hasn't responded yet. "There was a black in front of him. He entered a world where he couldn't see his fingers. He knew that he and Xie Jie were both killed. Well, Xie Huilan's beautiful body was crushed and Dong Xuebin's eyes were red. Now!
Bsp; the picture flashes!
Dong Xuebin held the only red line with the scissors card. He was trying hard, but he quickly held his hand and spit it out. He took the scissors out of his heart and looked at the side of the eye. He was ready to follow. My first blue line has started to cut back!
Hey! Dong Xuebin cut the first one!
Bang! Hot 1ang once again tore himself and Xie Jie's body!
Dong Xuebin screamed in pain, and shouted: "bsp; time has returned!"
Dong Xuebin gasped for a big mouth, and refused to recall the horrible taste. He chose the third blue line. "A scissors will fall! Oh! Dong Xuebin has closed his eyes and can be expected." The gas in the 1ang did not impact. "Looking at the bomb and looking at the bomb!"
The line is broken, but it is not detonated!
Became! Become a one!
Although the timer is still lingering, Dong Xuebin can't help himself! has hope! There is hope!
Dong Xuebin did not dare to delay, and hit the iron ground and cut it to the fourth line. Hey, the line was broken, and there was still no detonation!
Become a child!
Fifth root...
Sixth teaching...
Dong Xuebin cut it so slyly, and how many times he died, Dong Xuebin has been numb. A total of fifteen blue lines, all cut by Dong Xuebin, except for the third, fourth, fifth and sixth four lines, the rest can not be cut short, will immediately cause an explosion, the timer is still not What changes, the red line Dong Xuebin also tried, still can not cut.
By this time, all the blue lines wrapped in insulation were cut by him.
Then sticking out the scissors, Dong Xuebin has no line to make the scissors, and the cut can be cut.
After taking a deep breath, Dong Xuebin looked at the line slightly and put his gaze on the two thin wires without insulation. As soon as he raised his hand, he cut a short scalp, and the glare of the glare rushed into the eye. The bomb exploded in an instant. Dong Xuebin immediately called the sentence k, and then quickly stopped his hand, changed the direction, and put the scissors into the other wire. He used a little force to "snap"... nothing happened.
Another one is broken!
Dong Xuebin jīng God, the scissors returned to the first wire, the result is still not good, this line can not be cut temporarily, too much to think, Dong Xuebin is not even a little knowledge of the bomb-breaking, can be silly People have stupid tricks, he twisted his wrists, and began to cut the lines of the blue sè, one "two, three, just broken from the third to the sixth, this time again Broken four, the first and second ninth and twelfth.
Dong Xuebin’s eyebrows were a joy, and he turned back and cut the red line.
This is still not the case. The bomb did not know that it was the first time that Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan were blown up.
Then choose the wire!
Oh! The last wire can be cut again, and nothing unexpected!
Dong Xuebin slightly grasped some rules. He watched the timer on the bomb still go in a second. He continued to cut the blue lines that were still broken. This time, the seventh and eighth roots were also broken. However, Dong Xuebin knows that he has taken another step from victory, but he has not waited for him to be happy, but there is nothing wrong with it. The red line does not work, the remaining blue line does not work, metal Silk is gone.
What should I do?
Can the line that can be cut gone? ?
In Dong Xuebin's view, it took a long time. But after every time he used k, he quickly cut the scissors, so the bomb only passed more than 50 seconds, and now there is one minute and eight seconds left!
However, it is too late!
He didn't have to cut it!
Dong Xuebin was not willing to be killed like this. "A bite of his teeth, the heart of his heart has come up again, and swearing a swearing word, Dong Xuebin has cut into one of the two metal pieces on the circuit board. Regardless of the force of the three seven twenty-one, the metal piece suddenly distorted and was bent away from the circuit board by scissors. What surprised Dong Xuebin was that the bomb did not explode!
There is a play!
This copper piece is also an organ!
Dong Xuebin quickly went to pick up another piece of metal, "Hey, this is easier," and it was opened.
There is only one red line and a few blue lines left on the bomb, and there are no other institutions. Dong Xuebin took the test and decided to cut the blue line. This time, three more blue lines were cut. Now there is only one red line and two blue lines!
As early as Dong Xuebin's first fall of the scissors, Xie Huilan had already embraced the determination to die, watching Dong Xuebin's face with a smile, waiting for the bomb to take both of them away. Hey! The line is broken, but nothing happened! Those bomb-removing experts didn't even dare to touch a line. Dong Xuebin cut it right when he came up. Xie Huilan thought that his luck was really good, smiling, not talking, waiting quietly for the coming of death.
Then the second line is broken.
The third "...fourth teaching...,...the fifth...
In a twinkling of an eye, Dong Xuebin has cut off more than a dozen lines, and even the metal pieces have been broken, but still innocent. Xie Huilan’s resolute expression of death was gradually collected, his face became more and more sloppy, and he became more and more speechless. When he saw Dong Xuebin’s face, Xie Huilan finally spoke.
Bin, I think God is right. You really care, your luck sometimes makes me wonder what to say." Looking down at the bomb, Xie Huilan smiled a bit, "Is there three lines left by you?"
Only thirty seconds left before the bomb exploded.
Dong Xuebin hurriedly said: "Which of these three lines can't be cut, paralyzed! How could this be?"
Look at him, Xie Huilan sighed. "You have tried your best, no..." Even if it is."
"What counts! I am still waiting to get out and marry you!" Dong Xuebin is getting more and more annoyed, the red line should be very important, probably the last one can be cut, but now, the two blue lines can't move. What to do if you cut it and cut it? Own bsp; no matter which aspect has no time before!
Dripping tea...,...dropping tea...,...dropping tea...,...
Dong Xuebin sweat gradually soaked the back, what the is going to do, why can't I cut it!
There are fifteen seconds left before the bomb explosion!
Dong Xuebin was crazy to grab his head and slap his head!
Are you going to die? No hope?
There are still ten seconds left in the bomb explosion!
Eight seconds...
Seven seconds...
Six seconds...,...
Five seconds..."...
Xie Huilan explored and took the hand of Dong Xuebin. "Last life... remember to listen to me, don't be so stupid."
The next year is a fart!
I want this life!
Three seconds, "...
Two seconds...,...
Dong Xuebin slammed up and slammed up, and he took the scissors and stretched it over!
No one can! Then the two blue lines of his mother cut together!
Hey! Blue sè broken!
drop! The time bomb uttered a long drop!
do you died? Is it fried? Dong Xuebin smirked and closed his eyes gently.
One second two seconds, the expected explosion did not come.
Huh? Dong Xuebin opened his eyes, and then, under the sight of Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan, the number of the timer stopped!
Stopped in a second position! !
I rely on! Stopped!
Dong Xuebin finished a little, and quickly cut the red line!
Oh! The timer has completely disappeared this time! What number is gone!
Dong Xuebin’s movements are almost impossible to speak. Hey, cut the tape with Xie Huilan’s waist directly!
One second passed, two seconds passed, or nothing happened! Xie Huilan finally stood up from the chair and blinked a little unbelievable. "No bombing? Really not fried?"
Dong Xuebin’s tears almost fell, and she hugged her when she stepped forward! Xie Huilan's eyelids are also a wet, and he also hugged him with his arms open. "You can do it! This will let you give it up??"! .
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