Chapter 259: [狠人! 】

Chapter 259 Deaf!
Outside the office building.
It is getting closer and closer to the final explosion time.
To the road, a face is not a word, Cao Xopeng is also anxious to sweat, I did not expect that the situation will evolve into this, Xie County, one death, Yantai County will become the focus of national attention, this negative impact is who Unbearable, let the jailbreaker sway into the Yantai County, and also hijacked the county magistrate to the time bomb on her body. This is the dereliction of duty of all the county leaders in Yantai County, not only to the road, Cao Xupeng Huang Li Liang Chengpeng Everyone else will be implicated, and no one is alone.
There are 40 seconds left.
Thirty-nine seconds...
Thirty-eight seconds...
Hu Silin cried with a voice in her mouth.
"Xie County Chief!" There are two policemen and several ordinary people who have fallen into tears. The two police officers are the two people who were responsible for protecting Xie Huilan’s safety and confronting the gangsters. Several ordinary people are also gangsters and rushed up. The reason why people who didn't have time to run away became the way they were now. Xie Huilan was also trying to protect their safety. They had to take the initiative to be held by Wu Daguang. At that time, if the county magistrate did not immediately retreat to find a bunker, even Wu Daguang detonated the bomb. Xie County magistrate is not dead, they are for them, in order to protect them!
There are twenty-five seconds left...
There are twenty-four seconds left...
Liang Chengpeng shouted: "Director Dong! Why haven't you come out yet?"
A policeman said: "Mén is locked over there, and Director Dong said that he will come out immediately."
"Immediately? How long has it been? It’s blasting! Why haven’t you seen him yet?

Some of the leaders and policemen of Liang Chengpeng and others are very puzzled by Dong Xuebin’s actions. The bombs in the county have no way to do the bomb disposal experts. What did Secretary Dong ran in? Send to die? But what does this mean? Only Huang Li knew the relationship between Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan, and knew why Dong did not want to rush in!
But what is said now is too late!
There are still ten seconds, even if the gods come, they can't save them!
"Xie County Chief!"
Five seconds left...
There are four seconds left...
The scene was suddenly chilling, the time seemed to stop, and no one spoke again. Many people couldn't bear to close their eyes.
Three seconds...
Two seconds...
one second……
Time is up! !
Finished! It’s all over!
Some of you close your eyes, some block your ears, and some still cry.
Can be biased, waited for a second, waited for two seconds, but did not hear any explosion!
what happened? Is the countdown not zero?
Xiang Dao and Cao Xupeng and others have a glimpse. Look at me. I look at you. No one understands what happened. Is the power of the bomb not so big? It was just a shallow explosion on the head of Xie County. There was no mén on that side, so there was no sound. No, the bomb disposal expert should not be wrong. The power of the bomb is enough to spread to the mouth of the office building. How can it be a little bit quiet? This is impossible!
Liang Chengpeng was shocked to see the two bomb disposal experts, "How did you not blow?"
The two were also very surprised. "No, is it wrong?"
bump! Visit dang!
Without warning, a loud noise came out!
Everyone was shocked, and they subconsciously stepped back and tried to avoid the bomb! However, the sound from the office building was not so dull, let alone the airflow of the bombs. Nothing was born. Everyone looked at each other and looked at it. The sound of the sound just seemed to be not a bomb explosion, but something squatting at mén. The movement on the ground.砸mén? Who is 砸mén?
Then the answer is revealed!
Hey, hey, the silent scene of the bird suddenly sounded a footstep, it was floating from a distance, everyone glimpsed, brushed all over the past, blink of an eye, wrong mistakes. The glass mén of the office building was gently pushed away from the inside, the high plate, the capable nv suit, the black sè high heels, actually a person who should never appear here - it is Xie Huilan! !
Hu Silin cried very, "Xie County! You, you are fine!?"
The next moment, Dong Xuebin also pushed away mén and smiled at everyone.
"Board! You are fine?"
I rely on! What the is this situation? ?
Everyone around them is incredulous. Everyone is waiting for the bomb to explode. It has already been determined that Xie County and Director Dong have no hope of surviving. Whoever wants the party to walk out is soaring, this contrast is too strong. It makes people feel a little bit too!
Xie Huilan only said one sentence, "Director Dong has removed the bomb."
Hula! Boil the pot underneath!
The bomb was removed? Director Dong gave it to someone else? ?
After listening to this, not only the people around me, but also the first reaction to Daoli and Liang Chengpeng and so on are "this is impossible". The two bomb disposal experts on the scene are not top-notch, but at least they are professionals. The bombs that they couldn’t even touch, let Dong Xuebin remove it easily? Are you not a nonsense? But everyone knows that Xie Huilan is the head of a county. She can't make such a joke. Moreover, the two of them are standing in front of everyone without any harm. The facts speak louder than words. This has already explained the problem!
The bomb was really demolished!
It was really dismantled by Director Dong! !
Dong Xuebin said modestly: "Today's luck is good, and the lines inside have been cut and not fried."
This understatement made Liang Chengpeng and Huang Li and others pour netbsp; the two bomb disposal experts were stunned and felt that this was purely playing their faces! I just cut the line and did not blow up the bomb. I am relying on it! Do you have a limit to your luck? You thought you were cutting lentils! That is a bomb! That is a time bomb!
The two were afraid of any accidents, and they asked, "The Dong Bureau, how do you cut the line, did the bomb stop?"
Dong Xuebin recalled, said: "The blue lines I cut, the third, fourth, fifth and sixth roots can be cut, and later cut the wire, and then cut the first and second ninth and The twelfth blue line, and later cut the metal word, um, I can't remember it later. I have two copper pieces that I opened, and finally the two blue lines are cut together. Just stopped, then broke the red line ng, the above numbers are gone, um, I think it should stop, the bomb is still inside, I did not dare to move."
The average person can't hear the meaning of Dong Xuebin's actions, only feels very 1uan.
But how can the two bomb disposal experts not understand?
The older-aged expert was stupid, and said: "You started cutting the third to the sixth roots? According to the arrangement of the bombs, there are indeed four lines in the blue line. ', only the right to cut these four to start behind, but those blue lines have been camouflaged, the line connection can not see, we have been analyzing for a long time to be sure that the third can make God cut, you, how do you know The fourth, fifth and sixth are also 'protection lines'?"
Another expert has no words: "The copper piece is also the key. You must cut a certain blue line and wire before you can open it. If there is a slight deviation, the bomb will be detonated. You... just give it away?"
"There are two last blue lines. How do you think about cutting them together?"
Dong Xuebin knows, "Isn't that said, I am lucky."
With their dialogue, everyone also understood, relying on, really let Director Dong be méng right? ?
But many people don't think so, 瞎méng? Let's go! More than a dozen blue lines, one red line, two metal wires, two pieces of metal pieces. Under this arrangement, a layman can smash the cats and kill all the orders, and cut all the lines and detonate them. The chance of a bomb is not even one millionth of a chance, méng? You give me a try!
Two bomb-removing experts now have an idea in their minds - meeting a professional!
In fact, the number of bomb disposal experts in China is very limited. If you want to cultivate a lot of time, you don’t know how much money you spend. One Yantai County is not likely to be a real bomb disposal expert for a long time. Both of them also count Not a very professional person, only spent two years in the gun explosion department, the experience of excluding "fake bombs" is quite rich, but the bombs that can be really guns are not much contact. However, when it comes to eyesight, the two still have it, so they don’t believe that this is a luck. They think that Director Dong is not a deep treasure!
For a time, many people began to look at Dong Xuebin.
The gunmanship is outstanding, his skills are very hard, and he is hacking technology. Now even such a complicated bomb is easily removed!
I go! Who the is this?
After this incident, many people have had another layer of understanding of Dong Xuebin. After today, I am afraid that no one in Yantai County knows the name of Dong Xuebin anymore, and single-handedly kills the office building, demolishes the bomb, and saves the county magistrate. This is another piece of political achievements. In addition to the deeds that sounded incredible in the past, Director Dong really did not shoot, and he was shocked when he shot!
The crisis was lifted. Dong Xuebin followed Xie Huilan and walked outside the cordon. Several hundred meters were isolated here. The two had just walked halfway.
Dong Xuebin’s luck in the rest of his life, he finally survived. It’s really a life of nine deaths!
Xie Huilan netbsp; but at this time, no one expected a scene of birth!
A loud bang bang from the office building! A hot 1ang whip comes!
Even the blink of an eye has not passed! Hey! The glass on the outer layer of the office building is all broken! Suddenly shè to the surrounding! The crowd in the distance has not suffered any damage because there is still a long distance! Dong Xuebin’s left tuǐ was hit by glass fragments! The screams fell to the ground! And Xie Huilan’s smile has always solidified there! Hey! Xie Huilan fell to the ground! The back of the brain and the back are all smashed into pieces by the glass fragments! It’s dead on the spot! The body is terrible!
"Xie sister!!" Dong Xuebin!
"Xie County Chief!"
Dong Xuebin never imagined that Xie Huilan was rescued after a lot of hard work, but he was still killed by a bomb!
Wu Daguang! I am grassing your uncle! !
b five seconds! !
The picture suddenly retreats!
Dong Xuebin’s mouth was hung with a happy expression, and he followed Xie Huilan to the county leadership.
Huh, Dong Xuebin, who had come back to the smile, smiled and received it. He threw himself at Xie Huilan on the side of the side. "Hurry up!" Throwing Xie Jie down to the ground!
I haven't waited for everyone to understand what's going on, and when the bomb is loud, the bomb will blow up!
"Xie County Chief!"
The roar of the ear yù聋! Countless pieces of glass flew over!
Everyone's heart mentioned the eyes of the blind, hiding the dodging flash, for fear that the debris also flew to them!
In a short time, Dong Xuebin, who was holding him tightly on the back of Xie Huilan, raised his head slightly. The back of his body was full of dust and glass scorpion. The bomb disposal expert said it was good. The power of the bomb was too great. As for the impact, the glass was shattered, and every piece of glass was as sharp as a knife. Dong Xuebin’s shoes had a glass scorpion, but fortunately escaped. He hurriedly climbed up from the ground. "Xie County! How are you? The injury is not hurt?"
Xie Huilan coughed a few times. "I am fine."
Dong Xuebin felt that his body was off, "That's great! Call! Nothing is fine! Nothing is fine!"
In the distance, the police officers of the bureau rushed up to protect Xie Huilan and Dong Xuebin and took them to a safe place. The scene just scared everyone!
A bomb-removing expert's face sè pale: "It is a remote control! Wu Daguang has a detonator on his hand!"
Another expert said: "The detonator has a distance limit! He is still nearby! Did not go far!"
In the office, although the bombs have been blown up countless times, Dong Xuebin and Xie Huilan almost died at the same time. Dong Xuebin couldn’t see Xie Huilan’s appearance, but this time, he clearly saw it. The picture of Xie’s tragic death, the fire is almost rushing to the top of the head!
Wu Daguang!
If I don't die, you are ng! My mother is not surnamed Dong!
Dong Xuebin shouted: "Give me a house-to-house search! Find out the surname Wu! Come on!"
Without Dong Xuebin, the people in the bureau immediately acted. Liang Chengpeng was furious, picked up the phone and called the county bureau, and continued to add police force. Even if he digs three feet, he must find out Wu Daguang!
A minute passed.
Five minutes passed.
Suddenly, there was a cry from the intercom. "Find Wu Daguang! On Renmin North Road! He grabbed a Chevrolet! It is going north!"
Liang Chengpeng ordered: "Take him!"
"Prisoner cars are too fast! We can't catch up!"
Dong Xuebin face sè a sink, b five minutes!
Time has returned again!
The sound of the walkie-talkie is all in the ear.
"How have you not found? Go to the South Road!"
"Is there a West Road?"
"Report, there are no prisoners for the time being!"
Dong Xuebin’s body b is not much left. Five minutes is what he wants to return to the maximum. Now it seems that b still has thirty seconds left. Without saying a word, Dong Xuebin opened the car mén of a police car nearest to him. "Get off!"
The driver was embarrassed, and then he was defeated by Dong Xuebin!
"Board, what are you doing?"
Dong Xuebin did not answer the answer, got on the train and stepped on the oil mén, and flew towards the north road!
The North Road, which was just mentioned on the intercom, was just a few hundred meters away, but the time was obviously not enough. Dong Xuebin did not go to the place where Wu Daguang grabbed the car, but turned a corner and flew in the direction that Wu Daguang was about to go. Go, all the way, pressing the horn, a car, passing a red light!
One hundred meters...
Two hundred meters...
When he passed a crossroad, Dong Xuebin had already seen a Chevrolet coming in from a distance and two police cars behind it!
On the Chevrolet.
Wu Daguang’s face is very ugly, his brother is dead. He came back to Yantai County to avenge his brother. He hijacked the county magistrate and settled the time bomb. Everything went smoothly. The reason why Wu Daguang did not detonate on the spot was mainly to detonate the bomb. He also does not want to die so arbitrarily, the time bomb can make a to hold the police force, he can escape by chance, there is no detonator to threaten, but who thinks, people are not as good as days, time is up, the bomb actually Not fried!
When Wu Daguang reacted, he immediately pressed the detonator to manually detonate the bomb, and then thought about fleeing.
Really fucking! I don't know if the bombing didn't kill the nv!
Looking at the police car that was chasing after him, Wu Daguang sweared a swearing word. At this moment, he suddenly had a police car at the intersection. Wu Daguang’s heart sank, and then he smiled coldly, not hiding, not facing the police car. When he opened the past, he knew that if he avoided it in a corner, he could not escape under the chase of so many police cars, so Wu Daguang made a gesture of dying to let the police think that he was not afraid of death, thinking that he Get out of the way, so that they will have scruples, they have a chance!
Wu Daguang increased the oil mén and sneered: "I don't believe you can't let it go!"
To the contrary, Wu Daguang was shocked by the fact that the police car on the opposite side did not seem to let it go. He did not hesitate and rushed toward him!
Wu Daguang can not believe that the other party is really afraid of death. At this time, it is courage to fight!
The two cars are getting closer!
Twenty meters!
Ten meters!
Six meters!
Wu Daguang finally panicked, and said that he had a hard-hitting master. He quickly slammed the steering wheel and hurriedly turned!
It’s too late!
Dong Xuebin had already blinked his See him turn the direction, and actually chased the steering wheel!
The police car opened by Dong Xuebin directly hit the side of Chevrolet! An earth-shattering loud noise exploded!
The airbags of both cars exploded!
Wu Daguang squinted his eyes in disbelief. The left half of the body was almost drowned by blood, but after a moment of waking, people fainted! Dong Xuebin was also injured. Seeing Wu Daguang escaping, he slowly closed his eyes and jīng exhausted his consciousness!
The two police cars chasing after them stopped and slammed.
A few police officers got off the bus and saw that it was shocked that the driver was actually Director Dong!
Also, apart from Director Dong, there are not many people who dare to collide with this desperate!
It is worthy of Director Dong!
It’s a curse! !
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