Chapter 672:

Chapter 672 sucks!
late at night.
Qi Yuehua was bitten by a snake. Dong Xuebin did not go through this kind of thing. He was a little panicked at the time. The district governor of Yuehua was still calm, but he took a big breath and took a breath.
"Is it painful?"
"Can you not talk nonsense?"
"This, what is blood?"
" your blood green?"
"Oh, I don't mean this. I mean the ones in the movie. Isn't the blood black or poisonous?"
Qiu Yuehua opened his hand. "Red is red, but can movies be the same as life?"
"Then, what should I do? What if the snake is poisonous?"
"……do not know!"
Dong Xuebin really served her, mature woman xìng, he has a lot of contacts, hey, Xie sister is also a more opinionate person, it seems that every time he meets, Dong Xuebin asks, the other party answers him Always a question, use the question to bring the question back, so that Dong Xuebin is very depressed, this is burning eyebrows, you can not do it seriously? What if the poison is dead? ?
Use b?
That's too late!
With Revere?
No, this is too obvious!
It’s better to say something to Xu Yan’s beauty. After all, technology has reached this level. Massage and beauty, drug freckle, this can be achieved, but this wound is not the same. If you give 耿月 revere back time, even snake Toxic, poison can be eliminated, but the wound will disappear as well. The blood hole of the two snake teeth will disappear without disappearing. How can this be explained? If you let Qiu Yuehua doubt, the secret of Dong Xuebin will not be able to live!
paralysis! In the end, it is poisonous and not poisonous?
Dong Xuebin is sitting on a needle felt. "How do you feel?"
Haoyuehua Meiyu is locked, not talking, obviously it hurts.
"Hey, this is not going to go in the middle of the night." Dong Xuebin patted his head with a sigh of relief. "This can't be done! I have to think about it! I have to think about it!" I think some snake venom will be fatal within an hour. Dong Xuebin was worried, even if he had a few arguments with the mayor of Yuehua today, Dong Xuebin did not want to worry about Yuehua.
"Ah!" Yan Yuehua sneezed with his nose.
Dong Xuebin said: "You should take off your wet clothes first, fast, and cover them."
Hao Yuehua squinted at him and did not move.
"I turned my back, you hurry!" Dong Xuebin in the back seat stood up a little, and turned back, squinting with one hand toward the windshield, not looking at her.
When Hao Yuehua had just gone to the woods, it was raining again. It was estimated that it was freezing enough. When he turned around, Dong Xuebin heard a sound of Sorzo.
"……All right!"
"Then I turned back?"
Dong Xuebin turned around and saw that the head of the Yuehua had covered the long cotton pad on his body. There was no smooth dress on his arm. From the side, she could see the side of her wen ng and the slender waist. The clothes are only left in the underwear, the mat is not wide enough to cover. As soon as she lay down, Dong Xuebin did not have a place to sit. He stood there halfway and halfway, and his mind began to move fast. From the face of Hao Yuehua, it was obvious that he could see the cold and painful god. Dong Xuebin was so upset. More urgent.
This can't be done!
It’s been five minutes, in case of poison xìng attack...
Suddenly, I saw the face of Hao Yuehua changed!
"What happened to you?" Dong Xuebin's spirit was stretched.
Hao Yuehua exhaled, began to force the big tuǐ, stunned, "some numb, pain!"
"Hemp?" Dong Xuebin said: "It's really poisonous!?"
"Don't think about it." Hao Yuehua smacked his eyebrows indifferently, exhaling: "The snakes in the woods are not necessarily poisonous. It should be fine. If there is, there is no way. I am so loyal to the moon, I have nothing to do with you, I This person... believes in life."
Dong Xuebin didn't like to hear: "What is the words you said! What is the fate of this? Crap!"
Hao Yuehua shook his head and said nothing.
Dong Xuebin thought about it and suddenly shot a big tu. "If it doesn't work, I will give it to you!"
Hao Yuehua looked at him, "How to get it?"
"Just get it!"
"What if you are poisonous?"
"The poison is poisonous. It is important to save people first. Listen to me!"
"No." Hao Yuehua said indiscriminately: "You don't have to worry, just like this!"
Dong Xuebin annoyed: "How can I leave it? You are with me! I have to be responsible for your life safety! Needless to say!"
"I said no!" Hao Yuehua's temper is a little up.
"You have to listen to it! You don't have to listen to it!" Dong Xuebin pulled the wet cuffs and squatted in the cracks. He took hold of Yu Yuehua's tuǐ.
"Xiao Dong!" Yu Yuehua said: "I let you loose!"
Dong Xuebin didn't listen. "I know that you can't hold your face. Is it hard to keep your face or your face?"
Yan Yuehua stretched his face and said: "I am afraid that you have an accident! This is not a movie! If you really want to be poisonous, do you think it is okay to it out? Do you understand science? Why do heart disease people have to eat when they are quick-acting?" Under the tongue? Because it absorbs quickly! If it is poisonous! You can't live!"
Dong Xuebin didn't take it for granted: "You don't care about me. I put the words here, don't say snake poison, I just eat a pound of crane red, I don't want to die and I can't die!"
"I don't care for you! Can't you hear?!"
"……can not hear!"
"Xiao Dong! Don't mess around!"
"It's your mess now! Not me!"
"Dong Xuebin!"
Dong Xuebin is saying: "You may not know me if you may not know me, but I don't care. If you have something wrong, I am here now, then I can't watch it. You have an accident, hurry up! Otherwise it’s too late! It’s five minutes!

Hao Yuehua glared at tuǐ, his face was terrible.
When Dong Xuebin saw it, he simply opened the hand of Qiu Yuehua and hugged her bare big tu, looking for a position, not very good, and changed her posture. She walked behind her tu, and opened it. Her right tu ǐ let it rise to the top, do not look at the expression of 耿月华, immediately made a deep breath, pressed the hot and dry mind, bowed his head and put his mouth together, sucking a bit at the wound!
"Ah!" Hao Yuehua sighed.
Dong Xuebin took a sip of blood, quickly spit out of the car, and then leaned over.
"Poisonous! Xiao Dong! Don't mess with me!"
Dong Xuebin ignored her.
The location of this wound is too embarrassing. In the big tu root, or the internal test, when Dong Xuebin sucked, his left face was faintly attached to her wet inside, and the nose was also a mature woman. Drilled in, the barrier can not stop, so that Dong Xuebin heart heat, but fortunately there is no light in the car, the moonlight is not particularly clear, most of the eyes are dark, barely calm and calm.
Don't think about it!
Hurry and do the right thing first!
Another blood was thrown out of the window by Dong Xuebin, and then pushed his hand regardless of Hao Yuehua's opposition. She continued to bow and she sucked.
a bite...
The taste of a piece of meat on the mouth is very good. Even if Dong Xuebin is worried about Yue Yuehua, he can’t be distracted. People’s feelings are mainly yòu people.
It’s been about six or seven minutes.
Hao Yuehua suddenly took a look at the following, "Okay."
"What is it?"
"...It’s not numb."
"That's good, then it's good, it shows that the poison is out."
Yan Yuehua looked at him and moved his mouth.
"What's wrong?" Dong Xuebin asked.
Hao Yuehua, "... Thank you, Xiao Dong."
Dong Xuebin smiled and said: "Hey, what do you do, should, come, I will tear you a piece of cloth."
Pulling the front seat cushion apart, I made a cloth, and Dong Xuebin squatted in front of the Yuehua District Chief, carefully wrapped her wounds, wrapped a circle around the big tu, and finally, she The long mat on her body tightened her tightly. "You sleep."
Hao Yuehua indifferent: "What about you?"
"I am going to the front, there is something you call me."
Just waiting for Dong Xuebin to climb from the seat to the front, his face was white, his expression suddenly froze, almost screaming.
Qi Yuehua seems to have noticed something wrong, immediately said: "Xiao Dong! What?"
Dong Xuebin smiled bitterly. "There is some numbness in his mouth."
"What!" Hey Yuehua heard it, and it was on fire. "What do I say to you? What do I say to you! You don't listen!"
Dong Xuebin sneered a sigh: "Nothing, it is estimated that it will be fine for a while."
"What's good! That's a snake poison!"
"...It's okay, small."
Qiu Yuehua refers to his nose. "You just do it! I said this early, I can't do this! I sucked it out! What do you do!?"
Dong Xuebin coughed: "Is it numb, shouldn't it be poisonous?"
"You are dizzy and not dizzy?"
"Oh, there is one thing, but it may be frozen, it doesn't matter with poison."
The atmosphere was silent and the atmosphere was not very good.
Qi Yuehua had already sat up, covered his hands and rubbed his eyes repeatedly, and seemed to be thinking about it. After a while, Hao Yuehua patted the open space next to him, "Sit down!"
"I let you sit down!"
Dong Xuebin is sitting beside her honestly. She only feels that her tongue is a bit I won’t bend, and the words are a bit stiff,

Yan Yuehua looked at his eyes, "Where is he?"
"The mouth is chún a bit..."
Before I finished talking, suddenly under the gaze of Dong Xuebin, Qiu Yuehua suddenly got a stinky face and got together, biting Dong Xuebin’s mouth chún, hey, took a sip!
Dong Xuebin was stunned and did not respond for a while.
Chún points, Hao Yuehua spit in the car in the mouth, looked up, and expressionlessly sucked Dong Xuebin's mouth chún, heavy azole!
Another spit out!
"Where is it?" Lu Yuehua asked coldly.
Dong Xuebin subconsciously said: "Hey, tongue, and some..."
Qiu Yuehua once again bowed his head and opened Dong Xubin’s chún with his mouth, grabbing his tongue and sucking hard! ! .
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