Chapter 673:

Chapter 673 is still on the mouth!
In the woods.
The rain screamed and washed the lonely Cayenne, under the vague car glass, the air in the car dàng with a sly atmosphere.
Dong Xuebin actually took the wěn from the district governor of Yuehua.
This is what Dong Xuebin never dreamed of. It was too sudden, and he was not prepared at all.
Of course, it is a bit wrong to say that it is awkward. Dong Xuebin understands the thoughts of the mayor of Yuehua. He did not care about the snake venom and helped her to it out. As a result, Qi Yuehua was fine, and he had a toxin on his side. It seems that there is still a spread. Trends, the mayor of Yuehua must have been unwilling to go. After all, it was because she saved her that she had become such a thing, so she had to take it to him.
It’s too hooked.
What is it?
Dong Xuebin's brain is dizzy, and Qiu Yuehua's old-fashioned mouth is a hot, soft, even small tongue that can be clearly felt, very slippery.
Qi Yuehua is still sucking Dong Xuebin's tongue, again and again.
I got it for three or four minutes.
Hao Yuehua’s head retired from his mouth, chún, and the two men had a point of pún, and there was a trace of saliva in the middle, which was made into a thin filament.
That picture, don't mention it anymore.
It’s a memorable one.
"How do you feel?" Hao Yuehua raised his face with a poker face, and his hands screamed and sprinkled the spit from Dong Xuebin.
Dong Xuebin blushes and hurriedly whispered, "Much better, thank you."
Qiu Yuehua’s brain closed his eyes.
You are trying to save me, thank you!

"Basically nothing, it should not be poisonous, or the trick will not live to the present, hey, this time, or else sleep?" After that, Dong Xuebin sneezed, his wet clothes have not yet I took it off, it was already trembling, and it was frozen. "You are lying down, I am going to the front." Just now Dong Xuebin was shocked by the poisoning thing, but the mayor of Yuehua was so absorbed and immediately emptied his mind. It became energetic.
After such a thing, Dong Xuebin clearly felt that the relationship between the two had changed.
Hao Yuehua yelled at him, "No cover, how do you sleep?"
"Oh, I am a real person, and I can do it."
"You have a fever, how do you do it?"
"It's okay, I'm not so mad... oh oh!"
"Do you look at it yourself? Is this still not mad?"
Dong Xuebin laughed and sucked his nose. He said that my anger is not good. The car is such a big place, just a long mat that is not soaked, can I still grab you?
Qiu Yuehua lay down, covered the body with a mat, and leaned sideways, facing the seat, and the meat tún with white flowers was also faintly out of the small half, and then, the length of the Yuehua District was hesitant, the next sentence Then Dong Xuebin stunned. "The clothes are off, cover them together!"
Dong Xuebin snorted, "How to cover?"
"...How do you say that?"
"I, huh?" Dong Xuebin was not sure: "You mean let me be with you... Together?"
"Come on! Don't catch cold!"
"Yuehua District Governor, this, this is not appropriate, you still have..."
"I didn't say anything to a woman, what did your grandfather grind? Ah? Love doesn't come in! No one is asking you!" Hao Yuehua didn't take care of him any more, and he lay back against him, motionless.
Dong Xuebin immediately tangled, and said that the buddy is not a polite thing, you are fierce, you are humble me, I will not go in? The buddy is freezing to death, do you think I am willing to sit with the stupid? I am not afraid that you are not convenient!
What should I do?
Can't get in?
Dong Xuebin is more important, Beijing people, but this time he is already shaking, and he can't care what face, life is important.
paralysis! Go in and enter! Who is afraid of who!
Dong Xuebin gritted his teeth and began to undress. He took off his shirt and k-piece, screwed it up, and wringed the clothes of Haoyuehua. This was a slight side and looked at the head of Yuehua. The back of the side lying there, the heart is a cross, barely bent over, and climbed up carefully. The rear seats are not spacious, which cars are like this, lying sideways, the limit is generally a person on the top of the sky, the Yuehua district chief lying sideways, just leaving a little empty space, Dong Xuebin up, I almost fell off the seat.
Too crowded!
I even met the back of the long white flower of Yuehua District!
Dong Xuebin's body was stretched, and she noticed her. Seeing that Yue Yuehua had no movements, she was relieved that she would block a distance in front of her. She was afraid that she would encounter her hair, and then she used a difficult posture to face her sideways. Lying on the back of the head of the district, he did not dare to move.
At this time, the mat was handed over.
"Cough, thank you." Dong Xuebin picked up the mat and pulled a little bit on himself, but he was not willing to get too much, most of which was left to Yu Yuehua.
The two of them lie down almost together.
People, of course, can't move at all. Sometimes, Yue Yuehua slightly moved his lower limbs. The fat tún department was squeezed onto Dong Xuebin tuǐ. Sometimes Dong Xuebin gently twisted tuǐ, and his knees fell into the Yuehua District Mayor. On the big tu, I don’t want to touch it at all, that is impossible.
After lying for ten minutes, Dong Xuebin’s body became hotter and hotter.
Too much toss!
I have to die!
Dong Xuebin may have a little fever, or it may be that the snake venom has not gone clean. He doesn't know what he thinks. He suddenly whispers: "Yuehua District Governor, have you slept?"
Khan, said you can still promise?
Dong Xuebin coughed: "I... well, I still have some numbness on my mouth, this, cough..." This is the truth, indeed the tongue is still big.
On the other side of the moon, there was a moment of silence. Soon, she turned over slightly.
Dong Xuebin quickly gave up and let her turn over and face herself.
The two faces face to face, only a few centimeters apart, and breathing can hit each other's face.

Where is he?
she asked.
"It's still there, mouth, tongue."
Hao Yuehua looked at him with a black face. "What do you mean?"
Dong Xuebin's face is red. "It's boring, it's really boring. I just... just say, it's okay, then, let's take a break." Hurry and close his eyes, no good intentions to see her.
嗨 What do I say about this!
Dong Xuebin! You are still addicted, are you?
Dong Xuebin has no face and simply closes his eyes and sleeps.
I can wait for a little while, suddenly there is a gas spray in front of my face, it is the voice of Hao Yuehua, " mouth!"
Dong Xuebin, "Ah?"
"I want you to open your mouth!"
Dong Xuebin opened his mouth.
I saw that Yu Yuehua was stunned by his eyebrows. He bowed his head under the gaze of Dong Xuebin and took a look at Dong Xuebin’s mouth chún!
Really soft!
......! .
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