Chapter 554: . Zhang Zhongchen is seriously ill

When Da Nan heard Xi Nuan say this, he nodded quickly.
Xi Nuan stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, killing all the zombies and zergs nearby, and said:
"Now go and find a few people you can trust. I will give you some supplies. You can feed everyone and then start to work. I have lived here for a while, and I can’t talk about how familiar it is. Knowing the pros and cons, there is a research building here. The contents were almost emptied by us at the time, but there should be something in it."
"I have cleaned up all the bugs and zombies in your place, and asked them to clean them immediately, and then let everyone live in in a semi-enclosed manner. There are more old, weak, sick and disabled people in the institute, and more capable people live. Outside, if you encounter troubles, I can help you. I don't know why you chose this place. There are really no supplies here, and it takes a lot of effort to reclaim the land."
After Xi Nuan finished talking, she brought out some rice and vegetables. She found that the land on her farm had opened up a lot, which was very fertile golden land!
Moreover, a small stream appeared next to the ranch, which looked very good so that she could raise fish and shrimp.
Although the deep-sea fish are good, they still have to catch Yu Qiyue and she can eat them. In the two months that Yu Qiyue is absent, Amo is all about cultivation, and she is also all about cultivation, so the deep-sea fish Shrimp eats a lot less.
Sure enough, after the ascension, many warnings that were not easy to achieve before are now easily achieved.
Danan nodded happily after seeing those eating and drinking, and hurriedly left to take care of what Xi Nuan had explained. She looked at the back of Danan leaving and shook her head triumphantly...
how to say.
Danan hasn’t grown up yet. It’s still too difficult for a twenty-year-old boy to carry a city, but at least Danan is still good at the moment. Although the decision-making power is weaker, overall execution is still good. Remarkable.
The things she explained, Da Nan can do things very quickly and have a high degree of completion.
When Xi Nuan watched Danan leave, she grabbed her mind and walked inside. She came to Zhang Zhongchen's room according to her head position. As soon as she pushed the door and entered, she saw Zhang Zhongchen lying there with her eyes closed, her face pale...
She could feel that the energy in Zhang Zhongchen's body had begun to dissipate.
She couldn’t feel anything before. After she soared and turned into a half immortal, she could feel that everyone’s body had a yuan pill. Ordinary people’s yuan pill was dark red, but Zhang Zhongchen and the others might be because At that time, she gave a lot of pill for reasons, so their Yuan Pills were bright red, and all of them were shiny.
"How do you make yourself like this? It's not like you."
After Xi Nuan said this, she saw Zhang Zhongchen open her eyes and glanced at her, then closed her eyes again and said:
"I used to think that people are dead when they die. I didn't expect to have hallucinations, but I didn't lose sight of you before I died. No loss, hehehe...cough cough cough cough..."
When Xi Nuan saw that Zhang Zhongchen was out of breath there, she started talking nonsense, which was a bit funny. She walked over to support Zhang Zhongchen's arm and input some energy.
After Zhang Zhongchen's expression improved, Xi Nuan said:
"It's not a loss if you can see me before you die? Then you can see me if you haven't died. Are you making a lot of money? Zhang Zhongchen, how do you feel like an old man now. Cough, cough, and uneven breathing It looks so embarrassing."
Zhang Zhongchen realized at this time that he was not dying, but Xi Nuan had come. He opened his eyes and looked at Xi Nuan, and said in confusion:
"Why are you back? Why are you here? You..."
Xi Nuan waved her hand to interrupt Zhang Zhongchen's questioning, and said with a smile:
"Are you a hundred thousand why? Ask, ask, ask. What will you look like if I don't come back? And, how did you choose this place? White snake fresh air is a good city, why are you so good? Come here? It's all in ruins. I have suffered such a serious injury. Look at you, really... don't understand the current situation?"
Zhang Zhongchen reluctantly sat up and looked at the wound on his abdomen. It turned out to have healed seven or eighty-eight. The original inflammation was also healed. He thought it was a bit magical. Xi Nuan was really timely rain for them, too. The poison that I dare not touch.
With this woman by her side, she is destined to be safe and not dangerous.
This also means that oneself can never do anything independently, always rely on her.
But what makes him most uncomfortable is that they want to be independent, but every time in a critical moment, it is Xi Nuan who is saving them and helping them.
This is really a bit like a bitch.
But Zhang Zhongchen has no other ideas now. He can save his life and care about whether he can stand or not. Besides, meeting old friends is also worthy of joy.
"What do you think is the first step if you want to occupy White Snake City?"
What is the first step?
Xi Nuan pursed her mouth... It must be...
Xi Nuan instantly understood what Zhang Zhongchen meant. Bai Snake City, Xinfeng City and Liumang City are in an inverted triangle shape. The Baisnake City is full of biochemical research objects. She had been there once at that time. The city is not far away. If Liumang City is occupied, the next step is to occupy White Snake City.
And although it is barren, there are indeed no messy biochemical weapons. If White Snake City cannot be occupied, they can still go to Xinfeng City, which is a good place, but...
Xi Nuan vaguely remembered that there seemed to be people there, but after a long time she couldn't remember it clearly, but remembered that she did not go to Xinfeng City among the three cities at the time, and sent someone there.
It also caused some trouble.
She remembered that the biochemical drugs in White Snake City had already been synthesized at that time, but whether they were all synthesized, or if they reacted with something and then evoked a threat, it was impossible to tell. .
If something really goes wrong, then Xinfeng City will definitely suffer. The only place that can be a little better is Liumang City where Zhang Zhongchen is located, anyway.
This is simply a gamble.
"Your wishful thinking is pretty good, but why do you make yourself like this now? You are betting your life every day, and you are also a gambler. Look at the whole body is injured, it is really not a clean place here. , Just here to heal your wounds, aren’t you afraid of infection? Men have been rough, but they didn’t say they could be so rough.

Zhang Zhongchen did not speak, but nodded tiredly.
Xi Nuan was not angry, she got up and started to pack things for Zhang Zhongchen, and said as she packed up:
"Here must not be able to live anymore. It is all dust. I will pick you up when Da Nan is done with it. The facilities of the research institute can still be used. Your plan will take at least three years. Here will also be in the future. It must be your foothold, so you still have to do it well. But it's really interesting that you make yourself like this."
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