Chapter 414: Look in the cosmic vacuum! [For subscription]

With regard to the powerful mutation of the big mosquito this time, Dai Fu Ni, who already considered herself "Earthman", was full of expectations.
And it was at a time when Da Fu Ni became more of a "Earthman" and had more recognition of her identity!
Click! Click! !! !! !!
The huge building made of metal has more and more cracks and denser!
Finally, with a loud bang, the building seemed to be bursting apart and completely collapsed!
An inexplicable sharp and long-sounding sound emanating from the broken building.
At the same time, a huge monster that was so indescribable as if it were a rocket that couldn't get a clear picture of its shape, screamed into the sky towards the sky.
The huge monster at this time cannot be seen at all. The only thing that understands it is the huge body, which is totally incredible!
You know, in this gray-yellow star, the most huge flying monster is the mount of the white life body before, which is the most powerful individual that the biochemical empire can fight in the sky on this planet!
However, that individual's IQ is not high, and even flying individuals with higher IQ are rare in the entire biochemical empire.
But right now, this huge flying monster, which makes it almost impossible to see the figure, is so huge that it is close to the flying monster that the diplomat and his party are riding on! ?
Most of the living creatures present did not see the real figure of the monster, but as a fairly strong woman, Dai Fu Ni reluctantly saw the figure of the other!
This monster is dark and has an incredibly streamlined beauty, but just glanced at it, Dai Fu Ni was deeply shocked by its mechanical body!
As a fighting life body, is a monster really powerful? Just seeing the figure of the opponent, you can see a little clue!
This clue is the clearest manifestation in the evolutionary beast.
The moment the big mosquito appeared, the first moment she made De Funi understand that her power this time was not imaginable!
Flying monsters traveling in the sky, flying higher and higher, gradually lost their sight in the eyes of everyone.
Jia Yan is indeed in the thrill of completing the mutation, with a skyrocketing desire
On this planet, there has always been a sense of depression. After all, as an alien life body and an evolutionary beast, he has always been cautious, but in the past on earth, he has not tried such a period of depression!
Even in the era of little mosquitoes, he grew rapidly and immediately became a powerful giant mosquito monster!
But when you get to this gray star, let's see what he has experienced? !!
After being chased, he was forced to become the so-called pet of war, and had to fight the so-called monsters with low intelligence!
After that, it was the white life being pursued, which defeated and escaped.
That's all humiliation!
At this time, Jia Yan is half of the naturally occurring pleasure after the mutation is completed, and after a long period of depression, the heart itself wants to erupt, so there is a direct release of energy!
He didn't know how powerful he was, but his body feels really good!
This feeling is indescribable!
"It's too strong, it's too strong! I haven't made any mistakes in self-debugging. How powerful is it? I don't know myself! Hahaha!"
Jia Yan rushed towards the sky.
As he swims, he examines his body.
At this time, he really mutated, and the length of his head and tail reached 30 meters, which was less than 20 meters before, and he had grown by more than ten meters!
To know these ten meters, it seems to be huge. It's a different situation again!
A white living body that was about the same size as him before is now near his body, which is a small point, and even riding on his body does not seem inappropriate.
Of course, it is impossible for Jia Yan to let her ride!
The surging energy in the body is also constantly agitated!
In the case of tight muscles and looseness, a powerful surging force makes it feel like a forefoot knife-shaped stab can destroy a hill!
Jia Yan's efforts were not in vain. At this time, he just got the kind of gain from debugging his body!
Strong and unmatched, he dare not imagine that if he now fights with those opponents again, the opponent will be his own enemy! ?
"Even the most powerful white life of all the enemies I have experienced, may not be my all-in-one enemy ?!"
He has no other contrasts, only the most powerful 'Diplomat Master' among his opponents, as a comparison.
But thinking of her, the ‘child’ words she spoke a few days ago lingered quickly in Jia Yan ’s heart.
Jia Yan sighed and remembered his thoughts from then on. Some weird, white life forms are shifting there.
Suddenly, he put his eyes on the gray-yellow clouds above his head.
"Diffany told me before that powerful life forms have a clear hierarchy in interstellar civilization. After this mutation, I also have a feeling of breakthrough in the realm. I do n’t know if I have reached the so-called 'Star level'? "
In the powerful system brought by the biochemical empire, there are four levels, the first level is the ground level, the second is the sky level, the third is the sky level, and the fourth is in the nearby star field. No star star appeared!
According to Da Fu Ni's later explanation, reaching the star level is an absolutely powerful life body. In all interstellar civilizations, this is the top powerful person. Although the star level is also powerful, weak, powerful, and even easy Fight against a large group of starry stars of the same order, but anyway, starry stars are the most powerful existence in this star field, which cannot be denied!
"The most significant feature of the starry sky is that no matter which way you reach this level, the body will naturally form a ability to survive in the starry sky and to last forever!"
In the compound eyes of Jia Yan looking at the sky, a bright luster moved.
"The easiest way to test if you are a star power is ..."
"Look into the cosmic vacuum!"
The big mosquito turned around, and at the same time exerted strength, flying towards the top of the tall head, suddenly flying up!
His speed, I don't know how fast, if we want to use the speed on the earth to describe, then more than twenty times the speed of sound, that's all there is!
This mutation may really be Jia Yan's biggest enhancement in history!
He has never been more confident in himself.
His speed, even if he was flying upwards, exceeded twenty times the speed of sound. The pleasure of moving ten miles and hundreds of miles made him have the idea of ​​being a somersault and being able to reach Sun Wukong thousands of miles!
It's extremely happy, this powerful, even for Jia Yan, it is an incredible degree!
"I must be starry now, it must be!"
He is extremely determined for himself.
As a somewhat arrogant existence, after knowing that there are two starry levels on this planet, he cannot tolerate it!
In such a close place, there are actually two more powerful beings than myself!
As a terrible giant mosquito, Jia Yan's invincible thought has always been deep into his heart. If he mutates again, but the planet is still being crushed by two powerful beings, he will definitely be relieved!
So he firmly believes that he will reach the same level as those two beings!
Even the starry sky is the most powerful existence of this star field. Although there is a great difference between each individual, Jia Yan believes that at the same level, he will at least not be afraid of any so-called alien powerhouse!
Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !! !! !!
A giant monster reaching thirty meters soared into the sky.
He was so arrogant that nothing seemed to be able to block his actions. The area he was in, the sky he was in, was the absolute king, and everything beside him could not refuse his existence. Can't resist the existence of this king!
The life forms below, such as Dai Funi, are staring at each other in a stunned way, because the distance is far away, and the monster's body has also become a sight in the eyes of all life forms!
"Miss Daphne. This ... is this Lord Assassin ?!"
Gasping, Orux, also arrived at this time because of the news of the building breaking.
Dafu Ni glanced at her, and gradually flattened her shock in the bottom of her heart. Finally, a smile bloomed at the corner of her mouth!
She looked at Orux, showing a smile she had never shown before.
"Yes! He is Lord Assassin, big mosquito ..."
Da Fu Ni's smile was almost unbearable. It seemed that the big mosquito was powerful. In her opinion, it was already the biggest guarantee. Even if there were so many maggots and gaps between her and the big mosquito, but At this point, she didn't care. Seeing such a powerful companion, she had a firm and stable grasp of what happened next!
Orux was also stunned. As a person with De Fu Ni, they both guessed that the 'tentacle monster' was actually the living body of the big mosquito. He also had an idea before, that the assassin is actually A powerful and mysterious evolutionary beast. But now when he sees the big mosquito really retreating for a while, it suddenly becomes huge. The fact is really in front of him, but he is not calm!
That's an evolutionary beast!
And this assassin, it seems really powerful, I do n’t know how much!
He stared at the rapid upward flight in the sky, but it turned into a small spot in the blink of an eye. He didn't know how high it was and disappeared into the horizon.
Suddenly, he froze and seemed to think of something! ?
"Is the Lord Assassin flying towards the universe? No, Miss Daphne, find a way to call Lord Assassin down! Come on!"
The big frog is almost like a swinging slap, almost trembling all over him. He had never thought that the evolved Assassin would rush into the universe, otherwise, he would yell when he was close up!
His expression made Da Fu Ni also stunned, and then weirdly said: "It is impossible, Master Assassin does not carry a communicator, and you know that even if he carries a communicator, long-distance communication on this planet is impossible. Is that right? Is there anything wrong with flying to high altitudes? "
On this planet, due to the interference of the warring parties and even multiple parties, almost close communication cannot be guaranteed, let alone long distances, even those military forces have no way to do this.
Jia Yan stabbed. His body was a few kilometers and a few seconds, the distance was far beyond the team's best communication distance, let alone Jia Yan did not carry a communicator at all.
The body of the big frog of Orux keeps jumping up and down, anxious.
"It's more than wrong, it's simply wrong with the sky. Didn't you see this when you and the Assassin came to this planet? Outside this planet, that's where the Star Wars and headquarters of various countries are located. If they really go out of the atmosphere, they will be discovered in an instant. What a danger! "
Dauphin froze.
She and Jia Yan did not come to this planet through ordinary methods. Before, they did not know much about the situation of this planet. In addition to knowing some ground things, they competed for the forces of interstellar civilization outside the atmosphere. Don't know much.
Now that I heard the words of Aulux, could it be that the outside world of this warring planet is not a safe situation at all, but is also full of power competition and competition? !!
Olucks was crying, he could see that, even if Deafuni and the Assassin were not stupid, they didn't understand much about the things on the planet. So I was crying and told the news I knew!
After listening, Dai Funi was also shocked, and then looked at the sky, there was no trace of big mosquitoes, and her eyes became dizzy ...
Boom boom boom boom boom boom! !! !! !!
Jia Yan soared in the sky.
"It seems that the atmosphere of this gray-yellow star is much larger than that of the earth. At tens of kilometers, air still exists."
Jia Yan watched his wings. Although the flapping of the wings had no effect at this time because of the thin air, Jia Yan flapped his wings. At the same time experience the thinness of the surrounding air.
When he found his strength, he really did n’t know how much he was stronger. It was definitely more difficult to escape than the huge gray and yellow star than the earth, but when he found himself soaring into the sky, he became Without too many relays and curved flight, you can use the extremely high speed and endless follow-up force to break through the constraints of gravity in a straight line!
At this point, he had already evoked his brainwave power, and most of the flying pressure had already taken over the brainwave power.
However, Jia Yan found that in the outer layer of the gray-yellow star whose gravity is getting lower and lower, his feeling of using brainwave power to fly does not consume brainwave power so much.
Not only is the power of brainwaves several times stronger, Jia Yan also knows that this is his own understanding of the power of brainwaves, as well as those studies, in this period, he has obtained the fruits he needs.
If Jia Yan was the first baby to talk about brainwave power, he still does n’t have a strong brainwave power level, but he has already mastered the power of brainwaves. Level up. Moreover, the total amount of brain wave power of Jia Yan seems to be far more than the average owner of brain wave power. After this mutation, he is confident. Even the white life body is impossible in the total amount of brain wave power. Better than yourself!
With such a huge brainwave power, plus a little brainwave power control ability, so that now he can control his own flight, no longer during the solar system, flying in the cosmic starry sky, bumping Look like.
"Very good, at least until now, I haven't noticed the effect of vacuum on me, and the effect of temperature on me."
Jia Yan knew that if he was on the earth, then at this time, he finally came to the area of ​​the atmosphere relative to the outer layer of the earth. At this time, he experienced super low temperatures and his body did not show much discomfort.
He has a greater confidence in the self-confidence of his current body!
"Slightly into the cosmic vacuum, traveling for an hour or two, you can find out, do I have the ability to survive in the universe for a while!"
Jia Yan does not know whether the so-called starry sky class is completely able to survive in the universe or whether it is based on a survival time.
If only for a period of time, then Jia Yan had already experienced the experience of being able to survive before, or even earlier, this mutation, so he thought that it might not be so simple to judge, maybe a powerful starry sky class A living body should be able to survive in the universe to be considered a starry sky, right?
Otherwise, how can it be worthy of the name ‘Starry Sky’!
When Jia Yan was thinking ...
He was moving forward very fast, and a huge silvery figure appeared suddenly!
This figure is silver and white, and it seems to be made of metal. The sense of technology that is in line with aesthetics is dazzling. It is a very outstanding design.
But even more awesome is its size!
This huge man-made machine actually has a body of more than 500 meters!
In the dark and deep cosmic starry sky, this is an out-of-the-ordinary behemoth. Even compared to the large mosquitoes whose body length reaches 30 meters today, it is an incredible giant monster!
At this moment, the huge aircraft was flying in the direction of Jia Yan!
It didn't take long for Jia Yan to find the body of this huge monster ...
He froze.
Afterwards, I just felt an incredible sense of crisis and locked myself in!
This is the sense of crisis born naturally after the living body has reached a certain level. It is not so magical to say, it is just the natural feeling of the living body through the change of the surrounding environment.
Of course, for a powerful living body, this sense is an essential life-saving ability! !!
Thanks to the book friends who rewarded! !! !! !! !! !! !!
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