Chapter 415: It was shot down [6,000 words]

(Yesterday, a book friend reminded me to change 6,000 words. So today, 6,000 words. Add 1000 words more. Thank you for your reward and genuine subscription. Thank you !!!)
Jia Yan's strength has already made him have a kind of power like prediction!
At this moment he felt that the oncoming powerful warship sent out a sense of threat that could threaten his life!
"not good!!!"
In the compound eyes of the large mosquito, a horror appeared.
Under his attention, the distant flying battleship was like an incredibly powerful monster that locked Jia Yan's place early, and the huge muzzle that had begun to appear aimed at him!
This is an Otto warship!
At this time, the commanders inside the huge battleship were also a look of astonishment. After all, as a member of the Osto army war machine, this battleship is also an extremely important part of the war.
For the data of the gray and yellow stars below, they can be described as extremely complete, but they have never heard of such a powerful monster in the gray and yellow stars!
"Don't retrieve it. Since there is no previous information, we have the right to kill it in accordance with the 79th clause of the wartime clause! The main gun is turned down and optically aimed!"
"The optical sighting is complete!"
"The spinner fine-tunes!"
"Fine sync turned on!"
"The main gun countdown counts down to ten seconds, and the timing starts!"
"The countdown begins, ten, nine, eight, seven ..."
The astonishment at the bottom of Jia Yan's heart became stronger and stronger!
He wants to cry without tears. This is also his own lightness. You know that this is a planet controlled by powerful alien civilizations, and it is also a planet of war. Outside the atmosphere, it is not normal to have a starship. !!
Just in Jia Yan feel the crisis over there!
I saw the huge battleship ship, suddenly there was a powerful light, shooting out! !! !!
At the same time, the threat he felt was suddenly reaching its peak!
In the depths of the distant sky, a sudden light seemed to pierce the dark universe starry sky!
Jia Yan found that the other party was more than 20 kilometers away from him, but their attack reached his eyes in a blink of an eye!
Extremely fast!
Except for the Osto disc laser attack, which was once suffered before, it is faster than any other attack he has suffered before!
Although this attack is not the speed of light, it is definitely not slow, and it is definitely stronger than the disk attack! I do n’t know how many times!
Jia Yan seems to be able to feel that the huge red light contains extremely terrible energy.
This is an attack taste that Jia Yan has never tried!
It was almost the moment when he couldn't react, that attack had already come to his own!
At this time Jia Yan seemed to be returning from shock, trying to dodge himself, but it was already too late!
puff! !!
He could almost hear the illusion of a foreign body entering his body.
This red light has a similar taste compared to the Ostto red light suffered before!
But in terms of power difference, that's a big difference!
It is twenty meters thick, that kind of red, extremely bright, as if to compare the light of the sun!
Because Jia Yan had not suffered such an attack for a while, he had not responded well before, and was actually given by the other party.
At this time, he had an extreme crisis!
"Zhan Lan defense, get me up!" Jia Yan was terrified. Fortunately, the instinct of the former opponent still exists. At this time, Jia Yan was the biggest means of urging his own mutation!
It is also the most powerful thing that Jia Yan has been mutating and powerful-the blue defense!
He had never thought that the other party would launch an attack in such a distant place, so even if there was a sense of crisis in his heart, for him, there was no precaution at that time.
At this moment, the attack came in an instant, and helplessly, only to launch his most convincing defense force.
Azure defense!
That's right! If you want to ask Jia Yan about her mutation this time, apart from self-adjustment, what is the most powerful improvement? He will definitely say that it is his own blue defense!
In the past, the defense of Azure Blue would only appear passively until he reached a critical point, and it was often the transfer of defense of Azure Blue that was not as fast as those rapid attacks, which caused him to be injured several times.
But this time, because of the self-adjusting scheme, Jia Yan spent a lot of energy to quickly arrange this blue energy to the surface of the exoskeleton, and for the blue defense, because for a long time Therefore, this time he can feel that he has explored its transfer mode. At this time, the danger is coming, and he really used his own transfer mode in an instant to call the blue mode!
Jia Yan's body, in a thousandth of a second, there was a touch of bright blue!
This azure blue is not a small area, but appears all over the body!
This time the blue defense was obedient, and it was such a fast response that it represented its first time and was finally completely conquered by Jia Yan!
His defensive power has taken a new height!
In distant battleships, countless calculations and wartime mapping are also being performed.
"The fifth-level energy cannon shines and hits the target!"
"Target has an unknown energy response!"
"The optical mapping response is still ongoing, and the target is not damaged!"
An observer is reporting data in an emergency.
"What? How is that possible!"
In the command cabin, the tall man seated on a tall subject was a bit of horror!
There was a shock in his look, and then he clicked on the imaging optical screen in front of him.
The scenery in front of distant space is quickly zoomed in.
The red light shot through, and a huge monster was hit hard by the red light, but the fierce red light, although it enveloped the whole monster, did not annihilate it into the cosmic dust directly!
Under the attack of huge energy, his body fell fiercely towards the gray and yellow star. The surface of the body was sprayed with flames, and even a strange blue color appeared in the flames.
Although it looks terrible, from the surveying and mapping data, there is not much loss in the life index of the other party!
Can still be said to be jumping around!
"What kind of monster is this? Being able to resist the attack of our Yuton-class main gun is definitely not inferior to the existence of the star-level class! No, even if most of the star-level class exists, it is impossible to face our main gun intact! This monster's defense is more powerful than the average starry sky class, quickly investigate its identity, and quickly notify the gray and yellow star command headquarters! "
The battleship commander, after seeing that the flying monster was attacked by the main gun, did not cause much damage, and suddenly had a different color command to continue!
At the same time, he looked at the falling giant, but at this time he really wanted to order the pursuit, but the other party was outside the atmosphere of the gray and yellow stars. If he continued to pursue, it would be a violation of the war regulations, which would cause the gray and yellow stars to be tense in international relations!
So he had no choice but to stop the warship and retreat towards the rear.
Because it is so close to the gray and yellow stars, even if it is to solve a monster that suddenly appears, but at this time there must be a lot of interstellar civilization forces, focusing their hostile eyes on them!
Jia Yan rides down the planet under the speed of the gale!
He had extremely intense pain throughout his body!
At this time Jia Yan's body still had flames, bright red, covering almost his entire horizon.
But the luster in the compound eyes was still extremely bright.
Azure defense has always been his absolute ultimate defense, but Jia Yan has been struggling to make him completely obey his command.
This time the space flight that tested its strength encountered a space battleship that had only been seen on the gray and yellow star media. Although this was not expected, for Jia Yan, it also tested the blue defense. Moment!
Such moments directly make him have a great understanding of his azure defense!
Although there has always been a huge recognition of the Azure defense, but because of its various disadvantages, every time the Azure defense is turned on, it is luck.
But this time the defense of the azure blue was both luck and an expected event!
After all, he was spending a tremendous amount of effort in order to make a more reasonable change for the blue defense in the course of mutation!
But everything was as expected!
"Okay! Even a 500-meter battleship main gun can defend it! The performance of the azure defense is amazing!"
Jia Yan had previously learned that these civilized warships, five hundred meters, were already the main battleships for space warfare. No matter how powerful, there were only spacecraft carriers of the order of one kilometer.
Although defending an attack is nothing, many starry sky can defend it, but Jia Yan looks inward at this moment, he knows that although he looks scared now, he is still on fire and looks miserable. But the real injuries were almost nothing!
The strength of the Azure defense is all-round!
Jia Yan knew that he was finally strong from the accidental defense before and reached a kind of normal defense!
As long as he has the blue defense, as long as he has the material to provide defensive energy, his defense may be his true invincible advantage now!
"And I will be hit before, or because I was not prepared, where did I meet before, an enemy that would launch a precision attack 20 kilometers away ?! So the next time I encounter, I must have a way to avoid it!"
Township guide here, Jia Yan is determined.
For this soaring flight, he was thinking about the cosmic starry sky and testing whether he had reached the star level. Now, although the original idea of ​​the test has not been completed, he still has an answer!
Since even a 500-meter-class space battleship main gun can defend, the others do not need to be tested. Even if only looking at defense, he is really ...
Star level! !! !!
As Jia Yan fell, the red flames around him gradually receded, and the smile in his heart slowly enlarged. After that, the raging laughter appeared suddenly in the surrounding air!
This may be the first time after Jia Yan's rebirth, he laughed so loudly for the first time, as if everything had a relief, his heart was open and extremely comfortable!
That ’s right, he finally has a strong feeling about his own strength. Previously, even if he had almost invincible strength on the earth, the existence of aliens, the existence of alien civilization, He seems to be a trowel hanging over his head, and it may fall at any time and destroy himself!
So in the past, even if he had the strength, he still lived in a state of fear all the time.
But now, in the face of a very powerful technology battleship for aliens, he feels that he has the ability to confront him directly, and the kind of horror that has been faint in his heart suddenly has a huge release. !!
Even he also understood that every time he just mutated successfully, he was not really powerful, because there must be a process of continuously absorbing the energy of mutation. After a period of time, he would even make a great progress!
So he laughed and laughed loudly indulgently!
"Hahahaha ..."
The falling body has reached the cloud position of the gray and yellow stars, because of the shaking laughter, all the surrounding clouds have collapsed!
Skyrim seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes because of this big mosquito!
But less than two kilometers near the ground ...
Laughter suddenly closed!
The big mosquito body flew down quickly!
The excitement in his heart was immediately put away.
As a powerful living body, the kind of ambition in his heart at this time, or the desire for power, has not disappeared after this unprecedented and powerful mutation, but has grown wildly after knowing his true strength. !!
His goal became clearer!
Now it is starry sky, but the starry sky powerhouse, according to Dai Fu Ni, there are many, the powerful difference among them is also extremely great!
Jia Yan's goal is not even starry at all!
At this step, as an 'evolutionary beast', if his goal is not to be a 'star beast', that is, a star, how can he justify his rebirth adventure! ?
Therefore, his mentality is finally put down, after all, compared to the powerful starry beast, his road is still far away!
Bang Bang Bang Bang! !! !! !!
The sound waves of the sky continued to pass, and Jia Yan rushed down.
The Earth Convoy is in sight.
Jia Yan looked at the large expanse of buildings in Huangzhou, and the streets and roads where many building shadows kept appearing. There was a trace of emotion in her heart. This woman, Da Fu Ni, is really stronger than him in such things many.
Although I do n’t want to admit it, when I manage this team myself, the Earth team at this time is prosperous and I do n’t know how many times!
"Master Assassin!"
In the desert below, still standing on the spot, Orlux and Daphne suddenly found the appearance of this giant.
When Jia Yan's arrogant appearance appeared in front of them, both of them took a breath of cold air!
The previous big mosquito was just a powerful monster that had not reached twenty meters.
Although powerful, all we know is that his strength is by no means the highest on the planet.
However, even though the appearance of this landing is very similar, his body is even larger, reaching a height of thirty meters!
And faintly can feel that the taste contained in it is definitely more in line with the aesthetics of the strong. Just these few points, we can know that the big mosquito at this time is by no means simple and large, and may be in combat strength. , With a sea change!
Orux swallowed hard, and then thought of a possibility, that the assassin, who had been able to rival or even defeat the fifth strongest of Jinmo, might even be in this vast Jinmo, maybe These are the first three powerful beings, but now ...
Could it have hit the first spot? !!
He couldn't believe it!
But fortunately, this assassin master is obviously not capable of flying into the universe. He must have fallen because of his inability to fly up. Otherwise, how could he not be attacked by the civilizational warships outside the atmosphere? How about it?
He looked at the body of the big mosquito, and there was not much external damage. The blue material was also hidden inside the exoskeleton at this time, so he thought the other party was not attacked at this time.
If he knew that the assassin Lord in front of him could not only fly outside the planet's atmosphere, but even be able to fight against a 500-meter Misto space warship, he would not know what expression it would look like!
"Olux, you go. I'll talk to Daphne."
Jia Yan dropped his huge body, next to his 30-meter body, Daifu Ni, about one meter nine, and Orlux, about one meter five, at this time looked like an ant, very small. .
"It's ... yes!" Oluxus's face changed, and then, looking helplessly, Daphne, who had not changed her face, responded with disappointment.
Compared to Da Fu Ni, he knew that he could not compare, even the relationship with Master Assassin, maybe Da Fu Ni was much closer.
Olucks had no idea how far Dai Fu Ni and Jia Yan had been ‘intimate’. If they knew it, they would have opened their fists because of shock.
Olucks walked away in disappointment, and the big frog was obviously a little lost.
Regardless of this guy's departure, only the two guys, one big, one small, standing on the ground.
The surrounding lifeforms all left with interest because Master Assassin had something to talk to Master Dafu Ni.
In the desert area of ​​Nuoda, there are only huge giant 30-meter giant mosquitoes, as well as Dafu Ni who is proud of looking at the big mosquitoes!
This is the first time Jia Yan has faced with Dai Fu Ni after the battle with the white life!
Previous conversations and working together were things that had to be carried out because of fighting. And they didn't really meet.
At this point, it was a long time to see each other, and they both had an uncertain mindset.
Daphne wondered if the other party would kill herself. And Jia Yan was thinking, this woman who told herself, did she really help herself this time? !!
For a time, Jia Yan did not speak. However, Dai Funi looked at Jia Yan's body, and finally found that part of the exoskeleton had a clear blue defense that had not subsided, so she questioned strangely.
"What happened just now ?!"
Jia Yan bowed his head and looked at his body, and then smiled suddenly: "Nothing, it was shot down by a battleship."
Shooted down by a battleship? !!
Daphne's eyes widened suddenly.
So, did the big mosquito really fly into the sky?
And under the attack of a space battleship, he returned without damage!
What else was said to have been shot down by the battleship? No more? !!
Ordinary people are hit by a space battleship. That's not ‘one shot’, but there ’s no residue left!
She was shocked and stunned for a long while, then only slightly relaxed.
After all, before that, she was already guessing whether the mutation of the big mosquito could reach the star level. If it can resist the attack of a space battleship, even a small battleship, it is not a rare thing. After all, she knew that even the big mosquitoes on the earth were able to defend the existence of the huge red light of the metal building!
At that time, he was already able to defend against the attack of small warships.
So just after a moment of astonishment, De Fu Ni also accepted more ideas of her own. It's a good thing that large mosquitoes can be more powerful.
For a woman who has lost her dream and just wants to return to the land where she was born and raised, at this time there is really not much hostility to this evolutionary beast.
"Well, Big Mosquito Master, next time I hope you don't do such dangerous things at will. We in the Earth Fleet can only rely on you to exist. I hope you don't do such mindless things again." He shook his head: "I hope that this flight will not cause you much trouble. If those guys above chase them all the way down, our team will be finished."
Jia Yan heard that he had been talking about the team's topic, and could not help but feel strange.
You know, the Earth team, and the so-called Earth Army, were all casually made by him. Now that he has completed the short-term mutation goal, the existence of this team is dispensable for him.
Unexpectedly, Dai Funi had a different idea! ?
"Large mosquito master, I know you may not have thought too far about building this team, but I am extremely concerned about the existence of this team. Do you know why ?!" Da Fu Ni sipped a master, as if she was Say hello to Jia Yan.
"Because we want to return to the earth, the help of the team is indispensable! It is best that the team can develop, so that the speed of our collection of materials can be greatly improved!"
Dai Funi was talking about things, and then she spoke a word that surprised Jia Yan again.
"Do you know what I mean by returning to earth? Is that the way we came over, that's right! Gravitational waves!"
"After I returned to Rulan Empire Headquarters before, I used a series of tests and data collection using the high-tech equipment there, plus some of the data I had, I have calculated to be able to repeat the data of the last gravitational wave event. It's up! "
"What ?! Can it really repeat itself ?!" Jia Yan was startled.
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