Chapter 160: Destroyed musician

The case came to an end, Chu Yunhui took Zheng Guoan and others to the police station the next day. Others were arranged in the hotel to take care of Acai and Mrs. Chen, and Chu Yunhui was again welcomed by the people in the bureau. +++ Cartino Novel Network
"Miss Chu, all the ins and outs of this case are here. According to the existing laws of our country, if this matter is sentenced, it will be at least ten years' imprisonment. I don't know how you planned it?"
Wang Changan felt that it was shameless to replace the children of other people in this way, but the final result still required Chu Yunhui to make a decision, and the son of Chen Guixiang and Wang Xifu, Xiao Anxu, was still in the Xiao family. Go, Chu Yunhui reluctant, that is also a big problem.
"Let them go to jail." Chu Yunhui had read all the information and listened to the police to make clear the ins and outs of the events, but she did not expect that a small trip would change the fate of her son's life. Nineteen years. !! This is really nineteen years!
For nineteen years, his own son was abandoned by the so-called adoptive parents and diagnosed with autism and abandoned in a small mountain village. If it wasn't for the husband and wife of the Chen family, the child would not know what happened ...
And what about Xiao Anxu's nineteen years? I have been loved and loved since childhood. I started learning piano with Xiao Kun at the age of two and a half. At the age of five, I followed Xiao Kun to participate in the first piano concert in my life. After that, I even released records at the age of ten. In the circle of the piano, Xiao Anxu is the prince with the halo on his head. The true family is profound! Even before her daughter became ill, Xiao Anxu had just participated in a foreign youth piano competition and won the first domestic champion in so many years! Can this be owned by Chen Guixiang and Wang Xifu?
But what about his son? Nineteen years of stupidity, even if it is autism, but still has such a high musical talent, Chu Yunhui almost feels as painful as acupuncture, recently Chu Yunhui has not been able to (Shui Shui) Attention, whenever I think of my own son, I feel very sad.
"Ms. Chu, you can rest assured that the police will definitely give you the best way to deal with this." Wang Changan also instructed the sadness of the woman in front of her. She couldn't say what she wanted to comfort, and she could only say so.
But it was about knowing the ins and outs of the matter. Although Chu Yunhui was uncomfortable, this time she thanked everyone in the police. She brought a gift, a perfume that she endorsed. Each policeman gave a bottle, and the girl liked it. Perfume, boys can give it to girlfriends or family.
Such a generous look made Wang Chang'an originally think it was a matter within his own police station, but Chu Yunhui said that the perfume is her heart, thank you all for your busyness, after all, the police station these days It was really sleepless, and in the end Wang Changan nodded, and everyone accepted the gift, not a bribe.
After staring at the police station, it became Zheng Guoan's affair. Chu Yunhui planned to stay here until she was judged before returning to Shangjing, so she went to the hotel first.
Everyone in the police station has perfume, but everyone is embarrassed to remove it. A group of big men looked at this perfume very rarely, but the policewoman talked about the origin of the perfume.
"This perfume is the first perfume endorsed by my goddess. The name is called the care of the goddess. It is said that this is because the master who made this perfume first saw the inspiration from my goddess for the first time. This perfume is the top perfume brand in France. We ca n’t buy it at home. Now a bottle has been fried for tens of thousands. The official price of this bottle is more than 3,000 ... I really did n’t expect the goddess to be so intimate! Goddess' care! This Good name! Isn't this the blessing of the goddess? "
The words of the policewoman directly made the men in the police station immediately watch the perfume differently. This small bottle of perfume even cost more than 3,000 yuan? The prices are tens of thousands?
The monthly salary of their police is just a little bit. This kind of thing is enough for their monthly salary. This time, if the director did not take the lead to collect gifts, it is estimated that no one in the police station dare to collect it.
Everyone was talking about it. Director Wang came back and saw that the atmosphere was solidifying, and there was perfume on everyone's table, and he coughed.
"Everyone has worked hard recently. This case can be solved so quickly. Finding a biological son for Ms. Chu is inseparable from everyone's efforts. Therefore, I did not reject the gift from Ms. Chu. This is Ms. Chu as a military mother. Thanks to us, I hope everyone can cherish it, or use it for yourself, or give it to the most important person, Ms. Chu said, this perfume is called the goddess' care, I hope that every time you call the police, you can Get the goddess's care! Go out safely, come back safely! "
As soon as these words were spoken, everyone applauded immediately, one by one, not excited. Wang Chang'an looked at the crowd and called Meng Yue to come to the office. After all, this case Meng Chao has the credit for breakthrough (sex), so he still has to Reward it.
There was a jubilation inside the police station. After Chu Yunhui returned from the hotel, she found that her son Acai was still sitting there quietly, but Mrs. Chen did not know where to go.
"Where is Mother-in-law Chen?" Chu Yunhui asked the soldiers aside.
"In the kitchen, it seems to be cleaning the leaves."
There are two soldiers here to watch Mrs. Chen and Acai to ensure their safety.
This room is a presidential suite with a dedicated kitchen. In fact, no one will cook here, most of them are making coffee or the like, and Mrs. Chen is holding a glass container with a green inside.
"Mr. Chen." Chu Yunhui came over, "Are you doing (gan)?"
Mrs. Chen heard Chu Yunhui's voice and did not turn around, and continued washing the leaves.
"I'm cleaning the leaves. This is Acai's favorite leaves. I specially select them and usually put them in the refrigerator. I take them out to clean when needed. Acai likes it."
Chu Yunhui looked down, and found that there were no leaves in the glass container, and she remembered the song played by her son yesterday afternoon, and her heart softened into a piece.
"Really? What kind of leaf is this? Can you tell me?"
She is very easy to make people feel intimate. This is the case with Chu Yunhui, because she has been in the army for a long time, and it is easier to speak with people. (Guanguan) Department is not so embarrassing.
"You are a big star, you should know a lot of instruments. I think Acai is talented in instruments. He likes listening to music the most. In addition to playing the tunes by myself, I will also play a lot of good music for him Listen, he listened seriously ... "
Mrs. Chen is always chattering about Acai's affairs, with her pet, Chu Yunhui doesn't have any jealousy. She just feels that her son has such a person to take care of him, and is very satisfied.
Just thinking of Mrs. Chen's daughter and son-in-law, Chu Yunhui had a little bit more hatred in her heart. I don't know if I should tell the old man what I know today.
At noon, everyone had a meal, and Acai was arranged to go to sleep (Shui), but Mrs. Chen didn't (sleep Shui), sitting in the living room with Chu Yunhui, she took the initiative to speak.
"Xiao Yun, I have already asked the comrades who came with you. You have a child as old as Acai. Then Acai is your child now, is your son, is it my daughter's son?"
Instead of saying my grandson, she used the words of my daughter and son.
Chu Yunhui froze, and did not expect that Mrs. Chen would take the initiative to bring up the topic. In the end, she did not intend to conceal the other party and nodded.
"Yes, he is the son of your daughter and son-in-law. Now that my daughter is hospitalized because of illness, he doesn't know who he is yet."
This matter, Chu Yunhui will make it clear after going back. After all, the dove has always been wrong, and that position originally belongs to his own son.
After hearing this, Mrs. Chen's face (color) suddenly turned white, and she didn't know what she thought of, and her hands in front of her were a bit uncomfortable.
"I heard you call in the morning, did you go to the police station? Is there any progress in losing children?"
She seemed to have guessed something, looking at Chu Yunhui with a little stun, even if the corners of the eyes were already reddish, it was (Qiangqiang) holding back no tears.
"..." Chu Yunhui didn't know what to say, after all, she would send the old man's daughter and son-in-law to the prison for at least ten years.
Mrs. Chen had some overwhelming glances at Shang Chuyun Hui, and she had already guessed everything, and sighed, holding out Chu Yunhui.
"Stupid boy, you do n’t need to feel sorry for me, it ’s my wife. I'm sorry for you. I have been thinking these days. I think that since Acai is your child, my daughter's child must be raised by you. You are a good woman. You must have been very good at raising that child, but my family has allowed Acai to suffer so much. Before, I could n’t figure out why my daughter hated Acai so much. It ’s not a full moon, and my mother ’s mouth (Nai Nai) was not willing to feed For the children, or did I buy (milk Nai) powder for the big ones, did they make mistakes? Since the police can find Acai, they must have found them, right? Did my daughter do it? "
For her daughter, Mrs. Chen had her own thoughts in her heart. In the early years, all her thoughts were on her daughter. Later, she had been missing for many years. Mrs. Chen knew that her daughter was not a filial person, and she was also selfish Plus, countless times in the past two days when I thought of Acai ’s daughter ’s reaction, I even felt that my daughter knew Acai ’s identity from the beginning. Otherwise, I would not hate Acai so much ...
As a mother, how can you hate your children?
Unless, she knew the child was not her own.
Chu Yunhui was also red-eyed, and she was holding her hand. After so many days (qiangqiang) bear the mask finally broke down, tears kept falling, looking at the pitiful, so that old wife Chen also cried Come, there are only two women crying in the room, one crying his son's grievances, and one crying his daughter's mistake.
After not knowing how long, Chu Yunhui wiped her tears and looked at Mrs. Chen in front of her.
"Mother Chen, the police have informed me that your daughter replaced my son nineteen years ago, so both of them need to pay for their actions. This case has already been filed and may be in jail."
She said the result, and Mrs. Chen stayed for a while, but then did not feel much distress, but looked at Chu Yunhui instead.
"It's because they made a mistake, they changed their mistakes to pay the price, and it should be in jail. A Cai has suffered with us all these years, and she doesn't know that she is not conscientious, Xiao Yun, without telling you, I have talked with myself since After my man raised A Cai, my daughter never came back to see us again. She was afraid to see A Cai and get around. This family member has become an enemy. "
She is old and has too few things to manage. Her daughter has grown up and should pay for her actions. She hasn't lived a few years. As long as she can keep Acai, it is already something that makes her happy. Something happened.
"Mother Chen, you still have Acai, he will be fine in the future, even if it is not good, I will filially obey you on his behalf." Chu Yunhui promised that she was not an angry person, although The matter was done by Chen Guixiang and Wang Xifu, but the efforts of Mother-in-law Chen on Acai could not be done by ordinary people, so Chu Yunhui would not anger her.
The two said that they had opened up this matter, but there weren't so many gaps. Watching A Cai eating, dazing, and blowing leaves together, these simple things have already made Chu Yunhui very happy.
In the evening, Chu Yunhui received a call from her husband Xiao Kun.
"Yunhui, when can you come back? Ruirui is seriously ill, and the doctor said that chemotherapy may be required before surgery ..."
Xiao Kun's voice was extremely painful. Thinking of what his daughter might suffer, she couldn't wait to replace it.
"Is the bone marrow matched?" Chu Yunhui was calm and calm. Now this idea, leukemia can be treated, although the process is more complicated, but since it is sick, it must be treated.
"Well, my match is good, and I can use it at that time, but the pre-operative preparations are more complicated, and I don't know what Rui Rui will be like at that time." Xiao Kun listened to the doctor about chemotherapy and radiotherapy and blood transfusion. It sounds so painful to listen to it, not to mention that all this will be born to his daughter.
"Then I'll go back tomorrow." Chu Yunhui re-worked out the plan and then said.
"I found our son."
As soon as this sentence came out, there was no sound on the other end of the phone, and I didn't know if Xiao Kun was too shocked, or did not know how to deal with this matter. Xiao Kun did not speak for a long time, Chu Yunhui waited like this, no Open again.
After a while, Xiao Kun asked a word.
"... So, how is he?"
He was reluctant or contradictory, and he felt complicated when he said this sentence.
"No, he's not good at all." Chu Yunhui's voice became even more indifferent. She thought that her husband might be partial to Xiao Anxu, but she didn't expect her husband to reject her biological son in this way.
At this moment, Chu Yunhui just felt cold and isolated.
The other end of the phone became silent again. Xiao Kun didn't seem to know what to say. He had wanted to wait for his wife to say it, but the wife didn't say anything, so she could only say something uncomfortably.
"So, are you going to bring him back? If you bring him back, what will Anxu do? He and he don't know about it yet. He has been busy in the hospital recently. Yes, shall we tell him now? "
He was speaking in a hurry, and in his tone was defending Xiao Anxu. Such a husband made Chu Yunhui even colder.
Obviously she has already said that her son's condition is very bad, not at all bad, but the husband has not cared about his son at all, but is worried about Xiao Anxu?
"This is your business. I haven't returned yet. If I go back, I will tell him personally, and I don't want to hide it from you. My son exchanged with Xiao Anxu 19 years ago because Xiao Anxu's mother changed it. My child, so now the police station in Mingyuan City has filed a case. Within a week, I believe they will be sentenced, and the certified physical evidence is there. I believe you understand what I mean. "
Chu Yunhui knows that things between adults should not be angry with young children, but Xiao Anxu, as a vested interest in this matter, Chu Yunhui cannot face him in a calm mood, because he took away his son All life.
Xiao Kun did not expect to hear such words from his wife. He knew that his wife had always been strong, and said that he would tell Xiao Anxu, and he would surely tell Anxu that it was naturally uncomfortable, and he did not care about it for a while. Truth, begging.
"Yunhui, I beg you, do n’t tell Anxu about this for the time being? Ruirui ’s disease is still so serious, and she is going to prepare for surgery. If you do, let Ruirui know that his brother was not born. , That Ruirui will definitely be irritated ...
After all, he took his daughter out as a shield and made Chu Yunhui sneer, but he saw the man he had been with for years.
After she sneered, she gave Xiao Kun an answer.
"Okay, I won't tell Xiao Anxu until the matter is good, and everything will be resolved after the matter is good."
By that time, you will be solved together.
She hung up the phone directly, thinking of her son who had never said a word since birth, and the daughter who is now lying on the sick (bed chuang), her eyes were red again. This time, she called her brother's phone.
Chu Yunhui has been a child of a compound since he was a child. The grandfathers who counted up were old Red Army soldiers. His father worked in the military region and his elder brother, so she was a literary soldier, and later married Xiao Kun, who was not in this circle.
Both father and brother disliked Xiao Kun's weak personality, but Chu Yunhui liked it at the time, and agreed to the marriage. Now it seems that his father and brother are right, Xiao Kun's personality is The good point is that the character is weak and indecisive, and the bad thing is that there is no distinction between right and wrong.
Can the adopted son be separated from his biological son?
After crying with his brother and telling about Acai, Chu Yunxi took a phone call and scolded him, and said that he would immediately find the best psychiatrist and let his sister take the person back to the courtyard to take care of his father. Father I have retired these years, and spend my free time at home ...
Because of my daughter's affairs, I had to stay in Mingyuan for a while, but now I have to leave. Meng Chao also sent a gift, which is Wang Cai ’s ID card, but this ID card is no longer Wang Cai , But Xiao Qingrong.
This name is the name left by Chu Yunhui. After the first child was born, it was originally named for Grandpa. Grandpa chose a lot of names at that time before choosing this. It said that the country is too peaceful now, and I hope that the child will later To be rich and rich.
It was only that Chu Yunhui didn't use the name at that time, because her husband begged her to use the Xiao family's order. The Xiao family arrived in this generation and the order was An. All the children had an Ann in their names. Eventually the child was named Xiao Anxu.
Now it seems that all of this is about God's own will. After getting this ID, Chu Yunhui was in a mixed mood.
"This name is good, Qingrong, Qingrong, it's strange."
Mrs. Chen is also literate. Although she does n’t know much, she still knows Qingrong. After hearing the name, she feels much better than Acai, and deserves Acai's face.
"This is my grandpa's name for Qing Rong before. It has a moral meaning. It is to hope that the country will be clean, and that the child will be rich and rich."
The explanation of Chu Yunhui's smile made Madam Chen think that the name is better, and that the cultural person named it well, and the meaning is good!
"Okay, okay, Ronghua is rich and rich, I think this name is excellent!"
Destiny seemed to be back in the cross flow, Chu Yunhui took a friend's private jet back to Shangjing City the next day, and took Xiao Qingrong and Chen Chen directly to the old house.
She still has to take care of her daughter in the future. There may be no way to take care of her son, so the best way is to temporarily entrust her son to his father and sister-in-law to take care of him.
On the day that Chu Yunhui came back, the Chu family was there. The grandfather Chu, the elder brother Chu Yunxi, and his wife were anxiously waiting for Chu Yunhui.
The car stopped outside the courtyard. Chu Yunhui helped Mrs. Chen get out of the car. Then she saw her son getting off nicely and sighed. The son really looked no different from ordinary people. Why is it autism?
When he was brought in, Father Chu was in a hurry. The family stood and waited, and then they saw Chu Yunhui at the door and Xiao Qingrong, the long-haired boy behind him.
"Dad, brother ..." As soon as he saw his loved ones, Chu Yunhui was aggrieved again, and her eyesight almost burst into tears, which made the on the side feel bad.
"Okay, no matter how old you are, don't cry, just return the child." Father Chu was also distressed, but his daughter (fa) had such a thing, so he didn't know what to say.
A few days ago, Rui Rui's troubles had already made Father Chu annoying. Now it's always affection to say that the eldest son is fake. It made Father Chu really kill Xiao Kun, the son-in-law!
"Dad, brother, sister-in-law, this is my son Qingrong, this is Granny Chen who has been taking care of him."
I had said this to my father on the phone before, so everyone in the Chu family knew who was in front of them.
Everyone hurried to introduce themselves, and then they set their sights on Xiao Qingrong.
"After all, this child ... still uses his father's name. If your grandfather is still alive, I'm sure I'm happy." After hearing the words, the people in Chu's family were all in a mixed mood. The child really did not look at anything, didn't speak, and stood there stupidly, thinking of his daughter's autism, and Chu's father was uncomfortable.
"Dad ..." Chu Yunhui was about to cry again, and Chu Yunxi asked his wife to hand over a handkerchief to her sister and said quickly.
"Dad, don't blame your sister. She is also the victim of this incident. How uncomfortable do you look at her? And Qing Rong, this child needs a doctor to come over now. The more you consult tomorrow, at home, what do you think? "
Chu Yun came back from the army specially, after all, his sister's affairs really shocked him, so he took the leave as soon as possible ...
Father Chu is not blaming his daughter, but he is distressed. He doesn't talk softly. He can only prepare people to eat, and everyone eats together.
Mrs. Chen was uncomfortable at first, but later she watched the family get along well and slowly relaxed.
When I got the news yesterday, Xiao Qingrong's room was ready at home, and Xiao Qingrong went to rest after dinner. The same was true of Madam Chen.
Chu Yunhui told her father and elder brother what she thought, and she really got the support of the two, and Chu's father promised to take good care of Qing Rong and let Chu Yunhui go to Ruirui's business first.
Chu Yunzheng took annual leave and was able to rest for a month. He just accompanied Qing Rong to see his illness. These days, he is bound to be busy.
On the second day, after Chu Yunhui greeted Xiao Qingrong early in the morning, she went to the hospital because her son was important and her daughter was also important.
When she came over, Xiao Anrui had pale cheeks and couldn't move while lying on the bed (chuang). After the first chemotherapy, she looked very uncomfortable. When she saw her mother, she became red-eyed.
"Mom ..." She called in a crying voice, making Chu Yunhui cry, and the two big men on the side were at a loss.
Xiao Kun had something in his heart and didn't know what to do. Xiao Anxu was worried about his younger sister. Recently, he has been taking care of his younger sister in the hospital. Now this situation, he is uncomfortable.
"Don't be afraid, Rui Rui. Mother will always be with Rui Rui afterwards. Don't be afraid of Rui Rui."
Gently (mo) touched her daughter's cheek, held her daughter's hand, hoping to give her daughter strength, Chu Yunhui didn't know why God wanted to treat her so cruelly to her, but her son found it. The daughter can also heal. After all the restlessness, she will still move towards a better life.
It seemed that the existence of a mother reassured Xiao Anrui a lot, so she soon slept (Shui) and looked very comfortable.
Chu Yunhui stayed in front of her daughter's bed like this for a long time.
"Mom, drink some saliva. It's been a long time since you came here. Would you like to eat fruit?"
Xiao Anxu worships his mother very differently from his father. His father is his teacher in music and the indicator of music, but his mother is the most admired person in Xiao Anxu ’s heart, because his mother is a soldier Anyone who can make a great dedication is a great person.
From an early age, Xiao Anxu was brought up by Xiao Kun. The more he did so, the more he worshipped Chu Yunhui.
About this involves the distance of affection. Just like the relationship between many housewives and husbands, children are always urged by their mothers to do their homework and asked by mothers to do this and that, but the father is never You will be asked, your father will take you to play every time, take you to many good places, and then you will feel that Dad is better for himself.
Xiao Anxu is the same. Due to her different identity, she is more busy than Xiao Kun, a big musician. Many of Xiao Kun's music festivals and concerts are all paid or commercial, but Chu Yunhui has to follow When the troops ran and performed for the soldiers, there was no charge.
Chu Yunhui is also good for this son, but after all, because of the working relationship, she can't expect to be together for a long time.
"Well, pour water for me." Chu Yunhui nodded, and Xiao Kun aside looked at his wife and realized that his wife did not reject Xiao Anxu. He was relieved that he had been nervous about his son's affairs these days.
In the hospital, the couple's minds have long been apart, and they are both guarding Xiao Anrui, while at the Chu family, Dr. An's diagnosis has come out.
After almost a day of "communicating and understanding", er, as long as it is observation, Dr. An has come to a result.
"The patient has autism, but I have heard the patient's song, but I have a different understanding from everyone. Did you hear it in the afternoon? Qing Rong's music is full of vitality, full of wonderful wonders and curiosity about the world, This is not like the performance of autistic patients. Generally speaking, most of autistic patients will sink in a spiritual world they have constructed, so they will not communicate with anyone, and this situation of Qingrong is like It ’s one of the most prominent situations in autism. I ’ve encountered some of these patients before, but to be honest, there are geniuses in such autism patients, but the world they have constructed It's dark and horrible, pathological, and cheerful and cheerful like Qing Rong are extremely rare ... "
After one day of understanding, Dr. An also listened to the tune played by Xiao Qingrong, only to find that this case is really strange, and that an autistic patient has both a strong qiang and cleanliness, which is even more strange!
In order to verify this, Dr. An specifically twisted his tie and sat in front of Xiao Qingrong. Although the other party had not moved, he heard the other party ’s dissatisfaction when he listened to the music. After he had finished the tie, the other party Just started to be happy again.
This is a very strange phenomenon. The performance of the other party does not look like an autistic patient!
"Can this condition be treated?" Chu Yunzhen was really worried, this is the sister's son, the biological son!
Dr. Fang was asked in this way, his brows frowned.
"I haven't finished it yet! What are you anxious about!"
He is in his sixties and is the best psychiatrist in the country.
"I think Qing Rong's condition is not ordinary autism. Instead, it consolidates Asperger's syndrome. This condition is a neurodevelopmental disorder, and it is also one of autism. Mainly manifested as social disorders and abnormal hobbies. Generally speaking, although such disorders can cause problems in social status, they will also establish their own 'friend circle' and like to be noticed, so I suspect The reason why he does not speak is not because autism cannot speak, but because he doesn't want to. Did you hear his music? So full of charm, lively joy, spring day, summer cool, so It ’s hard for me to think that he is an autistic, and his music is proud ... "
Dr. Fang continued to state his point of view. Although Chu Yunzheng was somewhat incomprehensible, he heard only one sentence.
Will Qing Rong not want to speak? Can't you say it?
"So, how can you let Qing Rong speak?"
As long as Qingrong is able to speak, it proves that this disease has the potential to be cured. Anything is possible, and Chu Yunxi hopes for a chance.
"... I need to continue to study this. He likes music. I think he can talk to him from music. Isn't your sister a violinist? Let her play the violins to this child. He likes music.
Dr. Fang intends to go back and sort out his medical condition today, and plans to make follow-up diagnosis data.
As far away as Mingyuan City, after work, Meng Chao drove to his sister's house.
Knocking on the door, it was Meng Chao's brother-in-law An Tianlang.
"Super son, aren't you saying you can't be busy lately? Why are you here now? Come in!"
It was dark outside, and An Tianlang was a little surprised to see Meng Chao. He used to be a brother to Meng Chao, but later became Meng Chao's sister, and the brother became a brother-in-law.
"Go to you! Do you think I would like to see you, am I not here to see my sister and Yuanyuan?"
He said, walking in with a bag, Meng Tian just placed the food, and when he saw his brother, he was very happy.
"Achao, you are here just now. Let's cook and eat."
Meng Chao handed the gift directly to her sister.
"Sister, this is a gift for you. The goddess's care was given to me by the superstar Chu Yunhui. You must like it."
Meng Tian liked Chu Yunhui very much. When she got the gift, she saw Chu Yunhui's signature on it. She was very happy. She hugged her brother in the past and let An Tianlang envy and envy.
The three ate together, Meng Chao asked.
"Where's Yuanyuan?"
These three words made Meng Tian startled and then said.
"Playing in the room, she's eaten."
An Tianlang on the side was also a little sad, Meng Chao didn't speak, and went to the small room after dinner. That place was An Yuanyuan's room and Meng Tiann's daughter's room.
Pushing the door open, Meng Chao saw a five-year-old child sitting on the floor playing with blocks, with a smile on his face (shown), and used to hold the child in his arms.
"Yuanyuan, I'm here ~ I'm here to play with you ~"
I saw that the child being held by him had no response at all. It seemed that he didn't know him, didn't resist, and didn't talk. It was so drowsy, but Meng Chao didn't care. He took out his mobile phone and took his favorite song in the past two days. Release it.
"Yuanyuan, listen to the song with my uncle, it sounds great!"
With the playback of the mobile phone, the cicadas sounded with the sound of Qinglang leaves, but it caused the child he was holding to move his ears, while Meng Chao continued to hold the child chattering, spit and sip, and did not know that he thought He was shouting at others.
After playing for a long time, Meng Chao sighed at seeing that the child hadn't responded yet.
"Yuanyuan, I'm leaving, will I come back to play with you next time?"
He squeezed the little girl's face and didn't plan to hear a reply. As a result, when he bent over and placed the child on the ground, a soft and sweet voice sounded in his ear.
"... nine ... nine ..."
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