Chapter 161: Destroyed musician

The soft voice of the little girl suddenly made Meng Chao stiff. He stared at the little girl in front of him blankly, scared not to know what to say, and then the next moment he caught An Yuanyuan and was excited. +++ Cartino Novel Network
"Yuanyuan, did you call me, right? You called me, right?"
He looked at the lovely little appearance of his niece, who was beating heartily. The beating heart kept jumping around his ears, and he was about to jump out of his throat. At this moment, Meng Chao even suspected that he had heard it wrong, because after he was born, An Yuanyuan, who was diagnosed with autism, never talked. Even if she was crying, she was crying quietly ...
"Nine ... Nine ..."
An Yuanyuan's cute little face was on her head. Although there were still some fluctuations in her eyes, she grabbed her hands and shouted out this is not the normal word "舅舅", which directly led Meng Chao to pick up the child. Walked down the hall.
Outside, Antiy Lang was packing up the housework in the hall. Meng Tian went to the kitchen to clean the bowls. Although An Tian Lang was smaller than Meng Tian, ​​he really liked Meng Tian. So after giving birth, even if the child has autism He has not disliked him, but helped his wife to take care of his family, otherwise Meng Chao will not be accepted by him.
"Where's my sister?" Meng Chao came out with her baby in her arms, and An Tianlang gave a stun before returning.
"The kitchen."
Meng Chao was very excited, but was afraid to scare the child, so he calmed down and tried to calm down.
"Tianlang, call out my sister."
An Tianlang watched Meng Chao look so serious. Although he did n’t understand what was born, he hurried to the kitchen to find his wife, thinking there was something important, and soon Meng Tian was taken out of the kitchen by her husband. Pulled out.
"Achao? What's wrong?"
She hasn't done the housework yet. At this moment, she sees her brother hugging her daughter and (Lu) smiles. Although her daughter is sick, Meng Tian never thought of giving up the child.
"Sister! Do you know? Yuanyuan just spoke ... she talked!"
Looking at her sister in excitement, thinking that Yuan Yuan was willing to speak, it proved that such autism might be better, so Meng Chao was even more excited!
Meng Tian froze for a while, then lost a little bit on his face.
"... You heard it wrong?"
After her daughter was diagnosed, she never talked. This is five years old. Meng Tian has never heard her daughter's voice ...
"No sister! I won't lie to you! Yuanyuan, I'm 舅舅, I'm 舅舅, do you shout 舅舅 OK? I like you! If you call 舅舅, I'll buy you something delicious ~"
When Meng Chao was a police officer, she didn't talk so much, but she met An Yuanyuan, and she always seemed to be talking about her, holding her own neck. Although An Yuanyuan still looked a little sluggish, she kept repeating. In the words, suddenly opened his mouth.
The soft and lovely voice belonging to the little girl sounded in this hall.
"Nine ... Nine ..."
There are some abnormal characters, but these two words directly let Meng Tian cover her mouth, her eye circles became red, and tears suddenly fell down, while An Tianlang on the side also widened her eyes. , Look at my daughter, at this moment my mind is covered !!!
This is the first time my daughter has grown up to speak! He heard his daughter speak for the first time! Although not shouting dad! But this is my daughter's first talk! !! !! !!
The man didn't cry easily, because he didn't reach the sad spot. These two words directly made An Tianlang wink, and he cried, holding his wife, crying like a child.
Seeing how the two couldn't believe it, Meng Chao didn't expect it to happen. Then in the excitement of the two, the three teased An Yuanyuan gently. Although she was slow to react, she knew when she looked at Meng Chao and shouted, Although I don't say anything else, but this is already the biggest improvement. For a while, she seemed tired and was in Meng Chao's arms (Shui Shui).
Just holding the child in this way, Meng Chao couldn't bear to put An Yuanyuan in the room. At this moment, she carefully looked at the child, and excitedly looked at the eyes of the couple who were still red.
"Sister, since Yuanyuan will call me, I believe she will also call you in the future, and it will be okay ..." He looked forward to such a future, and felt that it was a miracle. , At this point happy and overwhelmed.
The couple also calmed down at this time. Meng Tian looked at his brother and knew his brother's affection for the child, but he and the husband also hugged the child every day. Why didn't the child learn to speak?
"Achao, why did Yuanyuan suddenly talk? Did you bring her any medicine?"
The fact that her daughter is autistic has made Meng Tian's status in An Tianlang's home unfortunate. Fortunately, An Tianlang really likes Meng Tian. After seeing the attitude of her parents, she moved out with Meng Tian directly. So this child is 5 years old and has not been brought by Grandpa (Mi Nai) (Mi Nai). Both were brought by Meng Tian's parents. An Tianlang felt that his daughter was important and could not understand that the parents thought that autism should be advanced. Saying that you do n’t want to be alive and harm others, now there is also some friction with the family (guanguan), and you only pay your parents every month, but you do n’t go back.
"No, I didn't give her medicine. How can I give my child any medicine? I am ... I am ..."
What he wanted to say, but suddenly thought of what he had just done, just because he saw Yuanyuan, he felt uncomfortable, so he just wanted to put a piece of music to calm himself down and let Yuanyuan listen to the music, But I didn't expect that Yuanyuan could talk after hearing this music! !! !!
At this moment, Meng Chao's eyes were glowing, thinking of the identity of the other party, and how he felt when he heard the music, and looked excitedly at his sister.
"Sister! I know what it is! It's music! It's the most innocent music in the world!"
Meng Tian is a bit unclear. Therefore, An Tianlang on the side is also anxious. However, both of them have heard about music therapy from doctors, but in fact it is of little use. Now I hear my brother say that with doubts on his face.
"Sister, this is the case. Didn't I help investigate before Chu Yunhui lost her 19-year-old son? It was my group who found the child first. The child is called Acai, but also an autistic patient. This year, 19 At the age, he had not attended school, but was able to play the best music in the world. I thought of Yuanyuan at that time, and recorded this audio. I just put it in the room, but I never expected that Yuanyuan started. Speak! She shouted at me !!!! "
I was overwhelmed by the excitement, even if I kept my voice down as much as possible, but Meng Chao's face was still very excited. He felt that the music in his mobile phone must be related to Yuan Yuan.
"Is that so?" Meng Tian was a little dazed, but she also tried to understand her brother's words. After thinking that the child was Chu Yunhui's child, she even felt that since she was a goddess's child, she must be very powerful! And I didn't expect that the child was also an autism ...
"Yes, I have already taken the leave tomorrow, so we will take Yuanyuan to see the doctor? I will take my cell phone and the doctor will tell me what the situation will be ..."
When Meng Chao thought that her condition would be better, she was really excited. An Tianlang on the side was very happy!
"I see!" He nodded, too, and the three decided this.
Later, An Yuanyuan put it on (bed chuang), and after the three adults came out, Meng Chao played the music played by Xiao Qingrong, which made the two adults feel very nice after listening.
"I can't tell where it sounds good, but I just feel good when I listen to it, as if suddenly opening up ..."
An Tianlang didn't understand the music, so he could only describe it like this. Meng Tian nodded, thinking that the music was very unusual, so he quickly asked his brother to share the video with himself. If the music really works, then it can There are too many people to help!
Meng Chao lived here at night because she was going to see the doctor with An Yuanyuan.
An Tianlang and Meng Tian were both unable to sleep (Shui), and An Tianlang was very excited.
"Wife, Yuanyuan will definitely get better, right?"
He looked forward to it like that, and hoped Yuanyuan would get better. He loved this daughter very much.
"Of course, I will!"
If you ca n’t see hope in the beginning, now that you can see hope, then Meng Tian hopes that she can seize this little hope, as if the drowning man caught the last straw for life, whether it is useful or not , Use it all! !! !!
Until three or four in the morning, the two were only sleeping (Shui), and they got up early in the morning.
The doctor had made an appointment to meet last night. When the three took the child to the doctor's psychological clinic, it was ten o'clock in the morning, and the appointment time was eleven o'clock.
Under normal circumstances, the psychiatrist spends short time with patients, so the charges are charged by the hour, and the long-term relationship is not conducive to the mental state of the psychologist and the mental condition of the patient.
It was eleven at rest, and they saw Dr. Liu, the doctor who had diagnosed An Yuanyuan before.
"Doctor Yuan, Yuanyuan spoke yesterday."
An Tianlang shared this news with Dr. Liu excitedly, so that Dr. Liu was also surprised, and immediately looked at An Yuanyuan held by Meng Chao.
"She spoke? What did she say?"
As a psychologist for so long, Dr. Liu has encountered many patients, such as those with autism. In fact, there is a 98% chance that he will not be cured. This thing is originally a congenital (sexual) disease. What has been born since the birth of the mother is that the world is not fully understood, and the soul has constructed another world, so the human force simply cannot recover the autistic person.
Because even the most hypnotic doctor, it is impossible to enter the heart of an autistic patient. If everyone ’s heart is like a house, then hypnosis doctors open the heart of others through hypnosis, but since The heart of an autistic person is deserted, there is no house in it, and it is impossible to open the heart of the other person.
"She called me, she called me." Meng Chao couldn't help talking and couldn't help laughing.
"Did something happen?" Dr. Liu rarely saw this. A girl like An Yuanyuan is actually very unlikely to have autism. Most autistic patients are There are almost no boys who can speak actively.
"Dr. Liu, that's it. I listened to Yuan Yuan, and Yuan Yuan would call me!"
Meng Chao was still excited. He felt as if he had seen Yuanyuan's hope of healing, and the eyes of Dr. Liu were shining.
"Oh? What song? Can you listen to me?" Dr. Liu knew about music therapy, but this kind of thing is actually not only slow to treat but also not effective. Many mental patients will not choose music therapy, which is laborious and wasteful. In the end, there may be no results in the end, so Dr. Liu does not think this is the effect of music.
"OK Dr. Liu."
Meng Chao took out his mobile phone, but this time, he has converted the video to mp3. Afu ’s identity is special and he ca n’t let others know. So in Dr. Liu ’s office, several people started listening to this tune. Dr. Liu first Hearing the cicadas, followed by a strange musical instrument, it seems that the song has never been heard before. After listening to Dr. Liu, he was also very happy ...
After listening to the tune, Meng Chao looked down at his Yuanyuan and couldn't help teasing.
"Yuanyuan, isn't it nice to hear the song you played? Isn't it good to call him?"
He said so, in fact, there was no hope to hear Yuan Yuan ’s answer. After talking to Yuan Yuan last night, I woke up this morning to the present day, and I have n’t spoken again. If not all three of Meng Chao have heard, It is estimated that Meng Chao will think that the sound he hears is a dream ...
Dr. Liu laughed and did not expect Meng Chao to coax the child so much. I just wanted to say that the child could not respond, because when Dr. Liu observed it just after listening to the music, An Yuanyuan's (color) and sight were not (fa) Make changes, as if not heard.
But the next moment, in this psychological consultation room, the cutest voice of the little girl sounded.
"... nine ... nine ..."
Her pronunciation is not perfect, it seems because she hasn't talked for a long time, but the vocal cords are still normal, while Meng Tian and An Tianlang looked at her daughter with excitement, and neither of them was jealous of her daughter calling for the first time Not myself, but thank you very much Meng Chao, if not Meng Chao, how can your daughter speak?
Dr. Liu was also shocked by the scene in front of him, and then looked at the phone, which was incredible, because his treatment of An Yuanyuan had not been effective for two years, and now, An Yuanyuan can speak.
For an autistic patient, as long as she is willing to speak, then she may begin to communicate with people. Over time, the disease will be basically treated ...
"What kind of music is this? What is it played out?"
He couldn't hear what was played out, but he felt very comfortable after listening to it. Now when he sees such a miracle, he finally thinks that this matter may have something to do with music.
"It's Ye Zi. It's a tune played by an autistic boy. It's a tune made by himself."
Meng Chao answered, and Dr. Liu heard that the composer of the song turned out to be an autistic patient, and it felt even more different. You know, autism is also a type of genius disease, of which 2% of patients At the same time of autism, he may have a stronger talent than ordinary people, and this musical talent is not impossible ...
"Although I don't know if this song has something to do with Yuan Yuan's illness, but Yuan Yuan is developing in a good direction. So, let me first arrange a time period for music therapy for you. My request is to train Yuanyuan with music and see if this music has changed Yuanyuan. Come to me again a month later, how about it? "
Dr. Liu is not quite sure whether this thing is right or not, but the child is young, and he cannot let such a small child take medicine. Autism is mental autism, not the kind of (shasha) injury (sex) ) Mental illness, no drug suppression, and no critical injuries, so Dr. Liu feels that it is still useful for the Meng family to go back and try.
Anyway, after listening to the doctor's words, the people in the Meng family found it useful, and An Tianlang also found it useful. Meng Chao happily asked her sister to train Yuanyuan and said that she would come back every night to take a look.
Later, the members of the Meng family also knew about this matter, came to see their daughter, and by the way thought about teaching their children to speak, they lived in An Tianlang's house.
They all took the first-line opportunity to do this, accompanied the child to listen to songs, and then let the child look at the photos, point to the people above to introduce these things and introduce their identity. At the beginning, when Meng Chao was only there, An Yuanyuan I would say a puppet, but in the next week, An Yuanyuan even learned to call mom and dad. This incident directly made An Tianlang and Meng Tian cry as fools, even the Meng family husband and wife. I can't cry, I just feel that the child's condition suddenly has a rush, anyway, it is developing in a good direction ...
In such an excited mood, Meng Tian opened the group she participated in. This group is a mutual support group for autistic children, because they are all children with autism at home, and most of them have only one child. Concerned, in order to be able to heal the children, this group was created. Meng Tian finally saw a dawn now, so finally I couldn't help sending out the video of An Yuanyuan calling her mother.
This is all people from this city. The mothers have met each other, so they knew each other. After Meng Tian posted the video, everyone clicked to see it, but it turned out that what An Yuanyuan called mother ...
This time Meng Tian burst directly! All mothers who love children come to ask Meng Tian whether An Yuanyuan is okay, why are they suddenly called, have they met any good doctors, or have any medicine taken, and want Meng Tian to introduce Yes, Meng Tian was taken aback by so much news.
And there are also many parents' pleadings. These people have paid a lot of hard work for their children and are not willing to give up their children. At this time, they can only beg for Meng Tian, ​​hoping to know if An Yuanyuan has changed to a great doctor. Otherwise, why would this all speak?
Seeing so much news, Meng Tian didn't dare to answer casually, and hurriedly called his brother.
Meng Chao was on the field and received a call from her sister.
"Achao, you know, I originally participated in our local autism mutual help group, which was filled with poor mothers and fathers like me. Now Yuanyuan is better, I seem to see hope, today I accidentally posted a video of Yuan Yuan talking. They were asking me what happened to Yuan Yuan. I ... I want to send that tune to everyone. Can you see it? "
Meng Tian also knew that this matter was not very good, so he still needed to ask his brother. When Meng Chao heard this, he frowned first and then said.
"This song is the original of Afu. It is bad behavior for me to record this way, so I cannot answer you for the time being, sister, let me contact Ms. Chu, or mother-in-law, and I will inform you if they want. "
The brother's rejection was unexpected by Meng Tian. She said that she could wait, only hope that all of this had a good result, and she had already made a decision. If Yuanyuan is really better, she plans to go to Shanghai with her husband Thank you! Although they don't have as much money as Ms. Chu, this is a little bit of a surprise for them, and it is the child's medical expenses.
Meng Chao hung up the phone and felt helpless. He sympathized with the sick children and the parents who took care of these children. After thinking about it, he took out his own and sent the past news to Chu Yunhui who had been added.
It's a pity that Chu Yunhui was very busy recently. Xiao Anrui's first blood transfusion started. This process is very long. At least one month, all the blood must be replaced, and then the operation can be performed to regenerate the blood, so Chu Yunhui had no time to look at it.
After waiting for three days without answering, Meng Chao was only able to call Mrs. Chen. At that time, there was a call from Mrs. Chen in the cell phone.
Fortunately, the call was answered, and Mrs. Chen did not change her phone number.
"Hello, Mother-in-law, this is Meng Chao, the police who visited your house before, do you remember?"
After Mrs. Chen came to Shangjing City, she received a call. It was a call from Mingyuan City. The police station called and the police informed Mrs. Chen about Chen Guixiang and Wang Xifu. Since Mrs. Chen decided to ignore all this, Naturally, it will not be controlled again. After hearing that her daughter and son-in-law were sentenced to ten years, they only hoped that they could regret in prison.
They had been in jail for ten years, but their own grandchildren had robbed others of their lives for nineteen years, and Mrs. Chen felt guilty.
"Of course, remember, Officer Meng, what are you doing?"
She thought that Meng Chao was going to say something about her daughter, but never thought that Meng Chao said something else.
"Yes, mother-in-law, didn't you record a video of Afu blowing leaves in your house before? I took it back to my sister's daughter and it's true, my sister's daughter is also an autistic patient. I am only five years old this year. I have never spoken, but after listening to the music, I can talk. Now they are called father and mother. I and my family are very grateful to Afu. Does my sister know each other? Young patients, they also want to listen to the tunes, and try to make them better. Can you see that the tunes I recorded at the time can be heard by others? "
Meng Chao knows that this tune is not necessarily copyrighted now, but he respects and appreciates Acai. If it were not for a genius like Acai, her sister's daughter would not speak ...
"It turned out to be like this, of course. In fact, when Acai was in the village, many people liked to listen to his tunes. If you listen to others, that ’s Acai's blessing. Take it. A Choi is not stingy. "
At this moment, Mrs. Chen finally understood why when the policeman was in his own home, he would ask all about Acai so seriously, and seriously understand the life and future of the autistic patient. It turned out that someone in his family was sick. Listen now The child seemed to be better, and Mrs. Chen was happy for him, of course, it would not prevent Meng Chao's behavior.
"Thank you Mother-in-law Chen, I really thank you very much! Good people like you will be blessed. I believe that A Cai's autism will one day get better. He is a genius!" Meng Chao boasted sincerely Award, because only the genius of this world can make such a song.
Mrs. Chen is also very happy.
"Of course, Acai, no, Acai has now changed its name to Qingrong, which is the name given by his grandfather, but it ’s okay, and Qingrong is also treating the disease now. He ’s really amazing. He heard it once. Will play the song ... "
I haven't talked to people for a long time. Madam Chen chattered on the phone. Meng Chao didn't feel bored. Instead, she talked to Madam Chen. The two kept talking about Xiao Qingrong for more than an hour, and waited for Madam Chen to say (gangan) I talked, and then hung up.
On the side of Meng Tian, ​​he soon received the news from his brother. After learning that he could share the music, he shared the music with family members of patients he had seen before and let them try it.
I hope they can also have obvious effects like Yuanyuan.
The fire of the stars can be ignored. Sometimes, when you plant a seed, you can take root and sprout, and grow into a real towering tree!
The parents who got the tune from Meng Tian were very grateful. Then they started playing music to treat their children for the first time. For two days, I didn't know how many parents cried in the group and sent a lot of videos.
That's right! Not only An Yuanyuan, but some other autistic children actually started to shout the closest person after listening to the music, but most of them are under 10 years old, and there is not much for the time being over 10 years old. Impact, but even so, it has shocked everyone, not only shocked, but also going to see a doctor, and then try to see if this music can completely treat the child.
On the side of Mingyuan City, a family of autistic patients suddenly started to pop a mysterious song. Because this song had no name at the beginning, but it called their children to speak for the first time, giving everyone endless. Hope, so this song played by leaves was named by all the patients' families-"Hope".
People in Shangjing don't know this, and Mrs. Chen now likes to listen to her own Qingqing playing the piano every day! That's right! After Dr. An left, although he would come here every day, he still felt that Xiao Qingrong's symptoms were not ordinary autism, so he let the people of Xiao family perform music therapy.
Just a week ago, the Xiao family came with a music teacher and played music for Xiao Qingrong. After knowing that his student was an autistic, he was a little tangled, but he never expected that a miracle would be in front of him (fa )gave birth!
At first, he wanted to train his students' sensitivity to this music, so he chose a gentle and elegant piano song to teach Xiao Qingrong, but he never expected that this Xiao Qingrong, although an autistic patient, listened to After playing it again, he can play this track, and it is better than he himself. No matter from or music sense, the feeling that comes from the song makes him the teacher completely kneel!
The people of the Chu family were also shocked. They originally thought that Qing Rong was a genius. As a result, after listening to the music, they could immediately play it. This has left Tuo's category and is more powerful than genius. presence!
Every day after the music teacher comes over, he will play new tunes, and Xiao Qingrong can learn it after listening to it. This kind of communication method makes the teacher feel unfulfilled, but there is a wonderful thing that cannot be said. He feels that he has witnessed a genius. Birth! !! !!
Grandpa Chu also looks at his grandson all day long. When he knows that his grandson is a genius, he feels normal! After all, my daughter is excellent in this respect! So I thought about it, and in the case of a piano teacher, I invited a violin teacher.
Then everyone witnessed the birth of genius again. Xiao Qingrong heard the violin tunes once and was able to pull them out, even more melodious than the teacher's tunes ...
Psychologist Dr. An feels that Xiao Qingrong is not an ordinary genius. This is more sensitive to music than Chu Yunhui and Xiao Kun. If it is cultivated for six months, it is estimated that it will be better than Chu Yunhui and Xiao Kun in music. Have more superb achievements! !! !!
Chu Yunhui was very tired every day. It was always too late after returning. Secretly sitting in Xiao Qingrong's room and peeking at her son, then silently shed tears, watching the sweetness of her son (Shui Shui). After all, only with the parents can one be assured. Chu Yunhui now has to take care of her daughter and can only ask her father and sister-in-law to take care of her son.
Chu Yunhui's sister-in-law's favorite now is to take care of Xiao Qingrong. This child is good and obedient. Like a doll, she originally learned to design. She has her own clothing company. Now she sees Xiao Qingrong. Inspiration erupted each time when the other party played the tune, and many clothes were designed. Except for the company to display, the rest were made into clothes and worn by Xiao Qingrong, making Xiao Qingrong handsome now.
Another day, Xiao Qingrong is wearing a Nordic style outfit similar to the little prince today. He had long hair and was combed high on his head. Then he wore a diamond crown on his body. It is a white (color) little prince in gold (color) tassel. The whole person is standing there, just like the little prince from northern Europe. It is beautiful and unusual.
He sat there, in front of the fresh (brilliant yan) flowers in the flower room. Although stunned, she looked at the airfield. She took the camera and left the scene to make the old wife Chen aside. No, Mrs. Chen has got along well with the Chu family recently.
[Host, are you still not talking? 】
618 is a little curious, in fact, the host's autism has gradually improved over the years. After all, although this (shen) body has innate (sexual) autism, the host's own mental strength is stronger (strong qiang) It's big, so it's long gone, 618 is really curious why the host doesn't speak.
"I don't want to talk." After answering 618 in his mind, Xiao Qingrong's gaze was actually on these beautiful flowers. He looked at these flowers and the rising sun reflected from the window, and he was in a good mood, although others could not see it at all.
He has to wait for a suitable opportunity.
Others would never know this, they really thought that Xiao Qingrong was the lonely genius in this world!
In the hospital, after waiting for more than a month, the operation was finally done. In the two wards, Xiao Kun, who donated bone marrow to Xiao Anrui, and Xiao Anrui, who received a donation, were in good condition. If he succeeds, Xiao Anrui's hematopoietic system will be rebuilt because of this operation, and there will be no problems after that.
Looking at her daughter's shaved hair, Chu Yunhui was also distressed, and Xiao Anxu on the other side was also busy recently and was a bit tired. This happened to serve two people. Although they had a caretaker, they still guarded themselves. As a son, Xiao Anxu has taken on the heavy responsibility of taking care of his mother.
He did not want his father and sister to wake up and their mother became ill, so he showed great concern to Chu Yunhui.
Every time Chu Yunhui was concerned, she was struggling. She could see the child ’s admiration for herself, and she could see the child ’s sincere heart, but the thought of the other ’s parents stole her child. And let Qing Rong grow up in that kind of environment, and now she can't speak, Chu Yunhui hates again, she hates that she didn't find it all that year, hates Xiao Anxu who occupied everything of her original son, hates her indecision ...
She could not bear the indecision of her husband and she was going to divorce her husband.
She knows that Xiao Anxu and her daughter will be shocked if this is said, but this is already the best way she thinks, because she doesn't want to see Xiao Anxu, nor does she want to see nothing after she returns from Mingyuan City. I asked Xiao Kun, my biological son.
She's had enough of this man.
"Mom, have you been too tired recently? I feel like I have something to worry about. I might as well go home and rest for a while, and I will take care of my sister and father." Xiao Anxu was very worried about her mother, knowing that her mother was very (fucked) this time Sister's surgery.
And it seems that since the mother came back from a business trip last time, she has been very indifferent to her father. Xiao Anxu has some bad guesses in her heart, and thinks whether her father and mother have quarreled, but the two have not quarreled for so many years, both (guan guan) The department is excellent. This time, no matter how the father pleases him, the mother seems to be cold to his father. Xiao Anxu feels that something big is happening.
Looking at his father's appearance, it seemed to be his father's mistake. Xiao Anxu even guessed the worst result.
That ’s-is n’t father Xiao Kun derailed?
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