Chapter 162: Destroyed musician

In the face of this son's worries, even though Chu Yunhui was angry at the other side, she did not feel that everything was the child's fault, but she still couldn't accept Xiao Anxu in front of her and took away her original son's position. +++ Mobile reading visit
Recently, after Xiao Anrui had surgery, Chu Yunhui stayed in the hospital all day. She could only see pictures of her son who came from Daxun on her mobile phone. Seeing those photos, Chu Yunhui might have been tired, but at a glance When the child looked so energetic, he was not so tired instantly.
Xiao Anrui is originally leukemia. This condition is to replace the bone marrow and then regenerate hematopoietic cells. As long as the new blood circulation starts to normal, then the disease will get better. So Xiao Anrui rested for a week and the doctor determined that the operation was done. Xiao Anrui ’s body has begun to recover quickly, and hematopoietic cells have begun to regenerate. I believe Xiao Anrui will not experience such pain in the future.
Knowing these things, Chu Yunhui held her daughter in her arms. After her daughter lost her hair, she brought a hat. This summer was a bit hot. Chu Yunhui didn't want her daughter to wear a hat, but the girls' families loved beauty. So it cannot be stopped.
Xiao Kun ’s (body shen) body also recovered quickly. After all, if you take good care of it later in the operation, it will definitely recover. After learning that her daughter ’s body will not have any problems in the future, Xiao Kun is very happy, even if the body is still in pain, he is still not happy.
He understands his wife's indifference to him these days, and knows why his wife is indifferent, but seeing that both children are here, he can not take the initiative to ask about the child, and can only deal with the matter of the daughter after the dust has settled This thing is that Xiao Kun never knows what his silence made him miss and what Chu Yunhui had figured out.
Ten days after Xiao Anrui's surgery, the time has come to early September. In fact, according to time, Xiao Anxu should now go to the United States. He studied at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, USA. This place is also where Xiao Kun graduated. It is the best university in the music industry. It can be said that only the world's top genius can go to this school.
Lying on the sick (bed chuang), looking at the child waiting to go back and forth, Xiao Kun really didn't understand. Why is such a filial son not his own son?
"An Xu, isn't your school going to start? Are you ready to pass?"
Schools abroad should start in advance. Xiao Kun hopes that his son can get more education in the school and later become a musician like him to win glory for the country.
"It's going to start school, but I've already asked for leave with my mentor. I'm not very relieved about this situation with my sister, and your dad needs to take a break for this surgery, so I plan to stay at home for another two months. Make up for schoolwork. "
Xiao Anxu (Lu) gave a reassuring smile to his father and stated his plan. In fact, he had taken time off from his tutor to see his sister was seriously ill. As an older brother, Xiao Anxu was naturally unable to leave the country. His studies are important, but his sister More important than school.
"..." Xiao Kun should have been happy when he heard this, but when he thought of his wife's indifference, he felt that it wasn't the taste in his heart. Anyway, he had raised children for so many years.
"It's been hard for you these days. If your mother says too much to you, don't listen, you know?"
He thought about it, but he couldn't figure out how his wife would talk to Xiao Anxu. The wife was a woman born in a military family. The was originally strong, and she asked her son not to tell him his identity. Xiao Kun was somewhat surprised, and it was even more unpleasant at this moment. He always felt that while in the hospital, his wife always seemed cold to his son.
"No, mom has been too tired recently. She has been busy with you and Ruirui. She is a woman. (Fuck cao) My heart is a little tired. How can you say too much to me? Dad, do n’t think about it too much."
Xiao Anxu was a little surprised, (showing) a soothing smile, he wanted to know if there was something between his parents (fa), but in this case, parents do n’t take the initiative to raise it, he is naturally not good to say, The father can only be told by the side words that the mother is fine.
Many people adore his father, saying that his father is a very good pianist in the world, but Xiao Anxu felt that his mother and grandma and grandfather were very powerful. They all exist to protect the country. He is a soldier who protects the frontier. Although his mother is The Cultural Regiment, but also a female soldier who has seen the world. Xiao Anxu used to worship soldiers when he was a child, hoping to join the army, but his father did not agree, and Xiao Anxu could only choose to play the piano with his father.
When he was very young, Xiao Anxu remembered that his parents had a rigorous discussion about what he did and did. After he learned the piano with his father, the father always showed off in front of his mother. I learned the violin with my mother, but who knows that her sister doesn't like music very much, and she is not forced by (强 qiang).
After so many years, Xiao Anxu was used to the world of piano, but sometimes he still feels regretful. If he can choose again, he hopes to be a soldier who defends his country.
"..." Xiao Kun looked at his son who didn't know everything. He didn't know what to say for a while. He could only be silent. Finally, Xiao Anxu gave him something to eat, which made Xiao Kun finish eating (sleeping) Shui) wrote.
Today, my mother went home and rested for a long time. After Xiao Anxu watched his father (sleeping Shui), he went to accompany his younger sister Xiao Anrui, and the two played in the ward.
While at home, Chu Yunhui was standing in the flower room. She wore a red (color) dress that she had stayed at home with her favorite violin on her shoulders, and played a cheerful violin song.
This is the famous violin song "Skylark". It is also a must-have for studying violin music. Chu Yunhui closed her eyes slightly. The violin in her hands seemed to be another world. The cheerful and clear voice flew up, giving a kind of mountain forest. The feeling of joy (kuai) that the skylark flew up.
At this moment, the morning light from the window was refracted from the glass and hit Chu Yunhui's body, so that she could hardly see her age. This song made people feel happy after listening to it, as if in a mountain forest.
This is what Chu Yunhui started to do after she knew her son was a genius. Although she was in a hurry every time she came back, she would play a piece for Xiao Qingrong every time. Now she already knows What a genius the son is!
At the end of the song, although the old lady Chen did not understand the music, she was still happy to listen, while Chu Yunhui took the violin and walked towards her son. Then, she passed the value of millions The violin was passed to his son.
Xiao Qingrong has never spoken, but his behavior has begun to take the initiative. Every time he is played, he is willing to play repeatedly. Whether it is a piano song or a violin, he is very light in his hands. .
Even Chu Yunhui never thought that his son would be so genius. He didn't look like he was the first person to play the violin.
However, since entering the circle, Chu Yunhui knows that there are always many geniuses in this world.
At the beginning, Chu Yunhui started learning the violin from the age of three. Like the piano, the western instrument such as the violin and the piano must be practiced from a young age. In fact, most of the domestic musical instruments are the same. There will be achievements, like if you want to learn when you are an adult, there will be few achievements.
Today Xiao Qingrong is still a child carefully dressed by Chu Yunhui's sister-in-law. He is wearing a red (color) knight suit, with gold (color) fringes on his shoulders and collar. Stepping on black (color) boots, this is made of a special ice silk fabric, in September, which has not left this summer, it is very cool.
He stood up and habitually walked towards the window of the flower room. This is his unique habit. His slender figure is very beautiful set off by clothes. In addition, he has long black (color) hair and is knitted. After combing it high on the head, there was a big braid, which looked even more expensive and chic.
When he came to the window, there was still no expression on his face. He placed the violin on his shoulder and closed his eyes.
Chu Yunhui stood by, looking at her son with anticipation. She felt that the child in front of her was better than she used to be, because his music has a soul!
When the sound of the violin that jumped like sunlight rang, with the buzz of birds, a piece of sunlight refracted, and Xiao Qingrong, who was set off in the light, was like a real prince. He closed his eyes and sank in such a violin. In the middle, the violin with a vibrato made a clear and transparent sound (color), and it was like the call of a lark, which made people feel like they were in the jungle and heard the call of a lark.
Mrs. Chen didn't quite understand it, but she just felt that her own Acai played good songs, but Chu Yunhui suddenly heard the difference between this music and music.
The "lark" she plays is very nice, but she doesn't have the feeling of experiencing everything. This kind of thing is very important for a musician, which is called sense of music.
A musician may have extraordinary skills, but what the music ultimately needs is the soul. What can stay in history is the music with the soul.
She looked at her son with such a gaze, but never thought that she saw a more shocking scene.
With the vibrato in the jumping of "Skylark" and the cry in the light, there were actually a few sparrows falling on the window of this flower room. They stood in a row and then screamed, as if following the " The song of "The Skylark" resonates in general, from one or two to more than a dozen. They are standing chubby and screaming with their heads up, so cute, that in such a violin sound, Chu Yunhui is simply not Can't believe the picture in front of me.
What kind of music is that even animals can move?
This has gone beyond what music can explain, as if for a split second, this song has a soul and a soul that attracts animals.
At this moment, Chu Yunhui was excited, not only excited, but also an indescribable pride. She decided that she must let her son stand in the highest place in the world! Let everyone be shocked and proud! Let everyone know what a genius her son is! !! !!
At the end of the song, the sound of the violin stopped, the chubby little sparrow was still babbling, and after a few seconds, it left the window of the flower room, circled for a while, and flew away ...
Xiao Qingrong put the violin on the table and sat down again. He always did so, turning a blind eye to the people around him, but he would not refuse what the surrounding people did.
"Yunhui, look at those cute little sparrows. In the past, Qing Rong was playing music at the window. In winter, there are little sparrows coming over every day. I just put some millet outside his window to let those birds eat. Today, this incident reminded me of Qing Rong, but he liked the animals. He also attracted a little fox before. The little fox was injured. After listening to Qing Rong's tune, he stayed in his room. I ate it, and healed it before leaving ... "
Suddenly I think of things many years ago. It seems as if the old lady was full of smiles in her eyes, thinking that this animal is a kind of sex, just like the little fox that year, was injured in the winter, I did n’t have any food, so I came to Qingrong ’s room. She fed the food and raised it for a few months. Later, she always secretly delivered a lot of pheasants, but then she disappeared and did n’t know where to go. Now ...
"Qing Rong's music will attract these little animals?"
Chu Yunhui's complexities are suddenly complicated. Although she thinks her son is a child with congenital (autistic) autism, she has such a talent. If she was raised from a young age, I am afraid that she is already well-known both at home and abroad?
"Yes, Qing Rong can recruit animals. When he played a tune, many small animals who couldn't find food stole (touched Mo) in winter, and I also fed some."
As for why there is not much in summer, it is always in the village. Besides, this little thing is smart, and there is no shortage of food in summer.
After knowing this, Chu Yunhui was even more complicated in her mind. She was more certain that she could no longer be entangled in this way. Her own affairs with her husband and many other things needed to be made public!
After lunch with his son at noon, Chu Yunhui returned to the hospital again. After seeing that her daughter was recovering well and she was in a good spirit, she explained to the caregiver that she paid more attention to the father and daughter, and then took Xiao Anxu to the hospital. Nearby cafe.
The two chose a private room. Only the sound of the piano in the cafe came from across the curtain.
"An Xu, your dad and your sister have trouble you recently." She took the initiative and knew that the child in front of her was also innocent. The real culprit was already in jail, but even so, Chu Yunhui didn't want to follow her. Xiao Anxu got along again.
It's okay to say she's cruel, and that she has no heart. After knowing how her own son has survived for so many years, it is difficult for Chu Yunhui to look at Xiao Anxu again.
The more she sees Xiao Anxu today, the more she can think about what her son, the same age as Xiao Anxu, has encountered and what her life was, and all of this is what Xiao Anxu should live.
Even if Xiao Anxu does not have congenital autism, the Chen family is the real home of Xiao Anxu. He has occupied the nest for so long, and it is time to know everything.
"Mom, I'm not hard. There is a nursing staff in this hospital. I just have to see, how are you resting? Okay?" Xiao Anxu was worried about her mother's recent fatigue, not to mention that Sister, mother has not even gone to work, the family is very worried about the sister.
Chu Yunhui nodded, she knew how much the words spoken today might cause to Xiao Anxu, but when all this happened, wasn't it a blow to her?
At this time Chu Yunhui's eyes looked at Xiao Anxu with a touch of emotion, but she could not stop her thoughts.
"An Xu, I know that you were a kid who did n’t care about me when you were young. When you started practicing the piano, you also talked to your father. My mother was always busy working, and seemed to be an incompetent mother, but For all these years, in my heart, you have always been a very good and proud child. "
That's right, Xiao Anxu was well educated, not Xiao Kun's indecisiveness. His people are as firm and clear as his music, full of sunshine.
It is hard to imagine that an indecisive Xiao Kun would educate such a child with his own ideas.
Even before she wanted to study abroad, it was Xiao Anxu's idea.
Listening to his mother, Xiao Anxu felt only a little in his heart. I didn't know what it was, but he felt inexplicably uncomfortable, and for a moment felt as if he was about to lose something. He looked at the mother in front of him and just wanted to speak, but was beaten by Chu Yunhui. Off.
"I came to you today to tell you something. In fact, after your sister was hospitalized with leukemia, our family performed bone marrow matching. Only your father matched it. I did n’t match it, but the doctor happened to be A friend I know, he feels that this blood is a bit wrong. After the identification, after DNA identification, you and Xiao Kun and I have no kinship, so it is impossible to donate bone marrow to Rui Rui. "
Chu Yunhui said everything in a hurry, but Xiao Anxu in front of him was stunned, only to feel that every sentence that his mother said didn't seem to understand him, so Xiao Anxu was stunned for a long time. No response.
"Before Ruirui surgery, I said that I was on a business trip, and I was actually investigating this matter. I went to Mingyuan City. You should know that you were in Mingyuan City when you were born, but I did n’t know it at that time. You are not my child, someone has deliberately replaced my child. "
Saying these things in Chu Yunhui's heart like a knife cut so blandly, this woman didn't know that her voice was shaking at this time.
"I found my son. He was diagnosed with congenital (autistic) autism since he was born. He is an autistic, abandoned by your biological parents, raised by your grandparents, and your biological mother. I personally took advantage of the power outage in the nursery room of the hospital and replaced you and my son. Now they have been caught by the police and sentenced to ten years in prison. An Xu, you said, is it all God is playing with me or is he playing with you? "
The mother's trembling voice, a little red eyes, and what she said made Xiao Anxu finally understand the ins and outs of the matter. When I was in the hospital, I always felt that the relationship between parents was not as close as before. Now look He came because of himself. He wanted to come to his father to hide him, but after the mother knew the truth, she didn't want to accept her child ...
That child ... does he have congenital autism?
For a while, Xiao Anxu was sitting still, his face (color) was not good, not that he felt the news was terrible, but that he was like a dove in the nest of a dove, and was found by his mother at this time, and then ... … Are you going to be kicked out of this house?
Unprecedented turmoil, so Xiao Anxu could only look at his mother pitifully, but suddenly did not know what to say.
"Your dad also knew about this for the first time, but he didn't allow me to tell you. Later, I went to find Qing Rong alone, but your dad let me hide you from your sister's operation. I'll tell you about this after the dust of your sister's operation is settled. Now that your sister's operation is over, I think you should know the truth, and ... besides, I plan to divorce your father. "
Chu Yunhui was unprecedentedly calm. After experiencing all this, it is difficult to calm down.
It ’s good to have a child around her. She also feels that An Xu is a painful child, and she is smart and well-behaved, but can this offset the life of her own son for many years? Can it offset the sins committed by his parents?
Chu Yunhui could not forgive.
"... Why divorce?"
Xiao Anxu finally asked the first question. In his eyes, the relationship between parents has always been very good. At this time, when he thought of the divorce, the first thing he thought of was himself. Xiao Anxu was almost Instinctively said.
"Mom, if one of these things is wrong, then this person is me, not my dad. I have understood what you mean, and I will accept what you want to do in the future, and I respect all your decisions . "
When he was sitting there, he wanted to understand. Since the mother had asked him to speak, it must have been the result. The mother ’s biological son had returned. It is naturally impossible for him (a fan of the sinner) to stay with his mother. Around him, Xiao Anxu was lost and ashamed as never before.
He was not afraid of the future. After a short shock, he immediately thought of a kind of shame on his mother, because if he hadn't occupied the nest, his mother would not have been so sad.
Looking at the red mother in front of her eyes, which he rarely saw, belonged to her mother's cry, Xiao Anxu didn't want to.
In his heart, his mother has always been the most powerful woman in the world, and she should not cry for anyone.
Even at this time, the child in front of him is still so considerate, Chu Yunhui nodded, feeling that Xiao Kun did not teach this child after all.
"The divorce is because of my biological son, and your father's attitude makes it difficult for me to accept it. Of course this matter is related to you, but the fault is not with you, An Xu, you are a vested interest in this matter. I used to look at your son's eyes to see you, but I know that you are also innocent in this matter, so I wait until I divorce your father to say, how about it? Rui Rui, I hope you can hide it and wait for her (Shen) When I get better, I will tell her about it myself. "
Chu Yunhui began to condense her emotions. After saying this, watching Xiao Anxu nodded, she picked up things and left.
She didn't know how embarrassed she was when she went out. Even if she thought that she did nothing wrong, Xiao Anxu had snatched away her son's things. But for such a child that has been raised for many years, Chu Yunhui is still a bit uneasy. Be patient
Xiao Anxu, who was sitting in the cafe, was stunned. He looked at the coffee in front of him. After a long time, he did not know how long he finally lowered his head, and his tears fell down. His grievances were silent, and I did n’t know who to tell. Suddenly all relatives became strangers, the mother's defense and indifference, and the father's worried and restless eyes, all of which made Xiao Anxu certain that her mother said everything was true.
Everything is true.
He is not a child of the Xiao family, it is his original biological parents who replaced his mother's child that gave him his current life ...
Xiao Anxu's heart filled with unbelievable embarrassment and shame. He was always the one with the brightest sunlight, but at this moment, his head fell down and began to cry, as if the sky suddenly darkened.
In the next few days, Xiao Anxu's performance was normal. Even Xiao Kun did not find anything wrong with his son, but after another half a month, he could be arranged to be discharged. Xiao Kun could walk for a while, and they returned. At home, Xiao Kun has begun to secretly urge his son to go to school abroad. When the son goes abroad, he slowly convinces his wife that when he has two sons, it will be fun!
These are not important to Xiao Qingrong. Xiao Qingrong has now become the big treasure of the Chu family, everyone is petting, and as long as he is a teacher who came to teach Xiao Qingrong to learn music, he suddenly fell in love with Xiao Qingrong, a talented student. It can be said that every day is wonderful.
Unlike ordinary people, ordinary people will think that autism is sick, how can they live in the future!
But for these so-called musicians and artists, they heard Xiao Qingrong's most beautiful music sound, and they even felt that Xiao Qingrong was the genius that God sent to this world! Genius has some other flaws, which are normal! How many disabled geniuses in this history?
Don't look at Qing Rong who doesn't speak, but the sound of the music is better and more beautiful than ordinary people say!
It's almost two months later in Mingyuan City. Now An Yuanyuan will already call her family. Although the response is still not good, she has improved more than before. I don't know how much! It almost made Antianlang and Meng Tian crazy and happy! ~
Although the relationship with his parents (guanguan) is not good, An Tianlang told his parents about his daughter's upcoming recovery. The Anjia couple rushed to the door. It turned out that they had long wanted to admit it, but they couldn't lower their heads, so After knowing that An Yuanyuan was likely to recover, he hurried to his son's house, the old man came, and Meng Tian couldn't refuse. An Tianlang was afraid that his parents would say something bad, but he never thought that An Tianlang's parents would give the young couple. The two had 1.6 million.
This money was originally saved for his son. Later, the son did n’t spend much money on marriage. It was awkward. In the past five years, the Anjia couple regretted it, but they waited for the son to apologize. This is the case for adults. The way to apologize is also straightforward.
This 1.6 million is enough to buy a house of 140 square meters in Mingyuan City. It is said that it is to buy a house for An Yuanyuan, and then let the child be a dowry.
An Tian Lang was shocked.
At night, the couple lay on (bed chuang) and sighed again and again.
"Daughter, my parents ... hey, I don't know what happened to them."
At the outset, he said something so cruel that An Tianlang couldn't bear it anymore. He was cold with his parents (guanguan), and now he didn't agree with each other and gave money. He made An Tianlang want to plead with his wife, and thought it was strange. Strange.
Meng Tian was soft-hearted, seeing her husband say that.
"Your parents are confessing money. They said that Yuan Yuan, they are all elders, and they bowed their heads. My parents knew this and told us to forgive them. Recently your parents held Yuan Yuan too. It hurts a lot. I hated your parents in my heart before, but now seeing them please me like this.
After An Tianlang ’s parents came, he almost flattered Meng Tian, ​​and he completely lost sight of it before. The 1.6 million yuan was directly sent to Meng Tian ’s account, but he did n’t give it to his own son. It is enough to prove their trust in Meng Tian.
"... So, did you forgive them?"
An Tianlang wanted to forgive him, but he still had to see his daughter-in-law. His parents had said too much. Although it has changed, An Tianlang still hopes his daughter-in-law can accept this matter. If he can't, then ... Just go and see the parents, the province's Meng Tian is aggrieved.
"Well, this is between loved ones, and there is nothing to forgive or forgive. Do you think I don't know that you go to your parents after a certain period of time? The gifts for the Chinese New Year sent by my company are sent directly to you Mom and dad over there, do you think I filled in the wrong address? I don't think it's all family. "
Meng Tian is not a cruel person. Although I have n’t met often in the past five years, there has been some exchanges. An Tianlang ’s parents were sorry to apologize, but they also secretly bought things for people to send over. .
"Haha! Daughter-in-law, I know you're the best! My family Yuanyuan will definitely get better! At that time ... let's give Yuanyuan another brother, okay?"
He turned around and hugged his wife. He only felt that his wife was a virtuous man, and his heart was so beautiful that he just felt that everything in life was getting better.
Meng Tian did not refuse this time, but nodded instead.
This time, An Tianlang was so excited that he could not hold Meng Tian in circles.
The husband and wife had been fooling around for a long time, and in the morning, they took their daughter, An Yuanyuan, to return to the clinic.
Recently, Dr. Liu was also shocked, because besides An Yuanyuan, there were several young patients who even shouted after hearing this song! Although in the past two months, apart from shouting, the others have not changed much, but it is enough to prove that this song is useful!
"I think Yuanyuan's situation is now moving in a good direction, but I have also listened to you. Now, Yuanyuan still ignores everything except the reaction to your title. I think it should be a tune. The problem of efficacy is like a course of treatment. This tune may be only so effective for autistic patients, but I think that since this tune is effective, then we can ask the person who made the tune I will record some more songs to heal the sick, and I would love to visit this great musician. "
Dr. Liu recently saw that many children are getting better, at least on the surface, so he is very happy for the children. He has listened to the song many times by himself, and feels relaxed every time he listens. It seems that although I don't understand why people with autism can respond, but Dr. Liu believes that once this matter can be determined, then the person who made this tune is a true talented musician!
Something like music can bring happiness! Of course, it can also be used as an adjuvant treatment. If this person's music is really effective, will not many autistic patients in this world have a chance to see this glorious world again?
"Dr. Liu, me, I'll let my brother try and see if I can contact him."
Hearing that there must be follow-up music in order to continue to get better, Meng Tian felt that there was a new expectation, but thinking of the identity of that person, he was a little bit embarrassed, thinking of the money he got, he wanted to buy a house for his daughter. Now think about it, it might as well be treated as a medical treatment, even if it is the son of her goddess Chu Yunhui, as long as it is useful for her daughter's illness, she also has to look for it! !! !!
"Okay, of course, it ’s best if you can get in touch. I also hope that miracles can occur in autistic patients. Now this" Hope "has brought hope to many people. In addition to Mingyuan City, there are better places Autistic children have also heard this song, Ms. Meng, I hope you can find a better future than Hope. "
Recently, Dr. Liu is very busy. He has contacted those with autism. Most of them have heard the song "Hope", which makes Dr. Liu feel more amazing. He has asked who made this song, but he didn't. It is known that Meng Tian never said outside.
After the consultation, Meng Tian called and asked Meng Chao to come home for dinner. Recently, Meng Chao was also very happy, because Chu Yunhui's case was promoted, and Yuan Yuan began to talk, and it was almost windy to walk happily every day.
So when I heard it at the dinner table, my sister wanted to go to Acai first, and then she understood what her sister meant.
"... I'll give it a try. If you can really see Acai, that's best."
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