Chapter 65: Return to the team

Near the venue. +++ The latest Danmei novel ranking:
Hu Yan was calm on the surface, with a heart stuck in his throat, unable to get up and down.
He used stones to temporarily form thin shell ships, and arranged for the blackbird's core combat force to push the fleet. The stone boat travels fast on the wet mud, but its capacity is limited after all. A ship can hold four to five hundred people when it is fully paid, and Hu Yan can't support dozens of ships at the same time.
Fortunately, the combat players are well-trained and do not fall behind casually. Everyone clung to the back of the team by their own ability. The team of 30,000 people is mighty, all abilities fly together, it is so obvious that he wants to cry.
Fortunately in the misfortune, City Y did not know what to do, and suddenly raised the alert level. The purification mist of Yan (yanyan) drifted around, covering them.
However, there are too many players. It is only a matter of time before the army of city y cut Hu Yan. Hu Yan wanted to cry without tears. He knew the truth, but couldn't explain it clearly, so he swallowed hard.
"Go south first." An old man didn't know when he squeezed in.
"Lao Dong?! When did you—"
"Let you go south, don't talk nonsense. Don't let the team fall apart, be careful of people from city Y getting in."
"The weather in the south is not right, maybe there is an erosive storm." Hu Yan gasped like a toothache, "Lao Dong, I understand the detour, but this direction..."
"The purification machine should be turned on. There is a doctor in the team and the follow-up medical treatment can keep up." Old man Dong said coldly. "I smuggled a few military purifiers to protect the head and tail of the team. The rest of the team used temporary purifiers to deal with them. Time should be enough."
I have to say that after knowing the truth, Hu Yan was still a little bit resistant to humans. Although Shu Jun made him believe in Old Man Dong, Hu Yan was still uncomfortable.
The situation is urgent now, so I have to listen to the old man first.
As a result, the erosive storm in the south had not yet formed, and heavy rain fell at the venue. By the direction of the wind, the rain cloud moved towards the y city. Unnatural stagnant water is increasing, city Y is low in terrain, and the real eroding storm forms first behind them.
"Luo Duan." Hu Yan murmured, his face under the mask pale. "He wasn't the only one in the sky just now, how many people were there?"
Even if the weather is used, the previous Luojuan is absolutely not so (strong qiang). The picture of Luo cut off (killing sha) teammates dangled in front of him, and Hu Yan hadn't digested it, yet another reality was suppressed.
"Eight out of ten. Nine is the blinding method." Old man Dong looked in the direction of City Y, "using the corrosive quality to forge the figure, (gan gan) disturb the judgment of the command center."
Hu Yan struggled for a while, but he asked directly: "Why are you helping us?"
This is no different from betraying mankind.
Dong Lao's pleated hands gripped the boat's edge. After a while, he smiled lukewarmly: "If you want me to say it is for righteousness, do you believe it? Even if you believe it, can you feel at ease? It won't be good, ask What use are these."
Hu Yan turned his head angrily.
"But we will cooperate happily." Dong Lao-or Xia Liang, added in a low voice. "Our leaders on both sides are a bit interesting, maybe they can really overcome these hurdles."
The old man raised his eyes and looked at City Y, which was almost flooded by the storm: "Team Hu, you should concentrate on leading the team. City Y has opened a-level protection. At most, something happened to the buildings on the ground and underground. Zhu Sheng won’t Give up tracking."
"Fine, I know."
Above the venue, Luo Duan stood in the center of the storm, his face covered by a large black robe.
After being incorporated into the small erosion marsh, his ability (strong qiang) has been multiplied. Although he can't control the wind like Shu Jun, but (fuck cao) he can do countless hands and feet.
During this time there was a wind blowing from the south. As long as he borrows this wind and makes a little trick, the erosive storm will sweep the city. During the festival, city Y strictly enforced B-level defense and could not cope with this sudden storm.
y City buildings will be severely eroded, and citizens will also be implicated, putting heavy pressure on the city’s medical system. He alone caused great damage, and those in the command center should pay attention to it if they don't pay attention. The homeland is bloodied, people's grievances are boiling, and the situation is in line with interests, Zhu Sheng is bound to take a shot.
As long as hatred is ignited, war will inevitably follow.
However, I don't know why, the waste that faked Zhu Yanchen suddenly increased in grade, and immediately purified the air around city y. The storm can still form, but it can’t hurt people. At most, it will flood some underground facilities and ruin a few roofs. This level of contradiction will not force the citizens to complain. Maybe it will have the opposite effect-this kind of trivial matter, the coalition government has to be distracted and send people out to wipe the (pi) shares.
With this move, he didn't hit the point.
……No (guanguan) department.
Luo Duan saw the wind and rain raging. The black rain hit the (yanyan) plastic flowers and the green artificial turf. The lights went out and everything gradually turned into black, white and gray.
When it comes to fighting, he can't just prepare a set of plans, let alone such a major event.
In the current situation, he also thought about the next move. Seeing Yining's team quickly withdrew, Luo Duan raised his mouth, and his dark white eyes gradually turned into a normal appearance. Taking advantage of the raging storm, he slowly lowered, removing the cloak that was in the way.
Yining naturally brought a lot of military purification machines, but he gave them all to the people in the surrounding settlements. The guards quickly set up their formation, tried to cover everyone with the purifier, and marched towards the nearest settlement.
The Marshal's special car did a good job in anti-corrosion, and Yi Ning University can directly take the car back to the city. However, the young marshal gave it to the old man and the children. He just wrapped the anti-erosion tarpaulin and followed the brigade.
...As Luo Duan guessed.
The tarp could not stop all the rain, even though the whole body was tightly wrapped, some raindrops still got on Yi Ning's skin. Black rain was a hundred times worse than acid rain, and Yining let out the most powerful purifier, and the watery skin quickly began to ache.
Yi Ning gathered the tarpaulin on his body and quickened his pace.
But as I walked, the splashing raindrops disappeared. A huge umbrella suddenly appeared above his head.
Yining hurriedly raised his head - looking around, large, crystal clear water umbrellas appeared on the heads of people living in the neighborhood of about 10,000 people.
"Luo Duan?!" Yining was taken aback, "You didn't go with Hu Yan and the others?"
"The weather in the south just now was wrong. I took two people to check it out. When I came back, I encountered an eclipse storm." Luo Duan made a worried expression, "I saw Hu Yan and his team faintly on the road, so I let mine People followed."
"Why didn't you go together?"
"There is no rain in the weather forecast. I wonder if it was the beginning of a disaster..." His words were left in the right way, and Yi Ning can definitely understand-Luo Duan is always a careful player and likes to study games. Background, he is the pre-task to see if there are any emergencies.
"As a result, I thought a lot and didn't find anything unusual." Seeing Yining's expression changed, and finally fixed to "I understand", Luo Duan smiled again. "Now I'm going to catch up with it, but I will forget it with you. Anyway, you have a purifier and emergency medicine, but you lack the hardware to protect you from the wind and rain."
"The groundwater side—"
"...No (guanguan) department, they are always clever and have their own ideas."
Luo Duan lowered his eyes.
"And someone will take care of them."
Yi Ning was not aware of any difference, but became worried on other levels. At any rate, he had been sitting in the marshal's seat for long enough, and he knew what Zhusheng would do when things happened just now.
The dispute between himself and Zhu Yanchen didn't come to an end, and was interrupted by the group of black robe (chengcheng) people. Through the chaos, Zhu Sheng can justifiably postpone his retirement and continue to control the command center.
Yining also listened to Zhu Yanchen's speech. The new-type He (Chengcheng) people led by Zhujia are waiting to be put into use. As soon as this happened, Zhu Sheng could concentrate on destroying the old models.
...Speaking of it, the Zhujia who is responsible for the protection of city y is also. The counterfeit Zhu Yanchen will not raise the city defense to Grade A for no reason, and take 10,000 steps back. Even if he does not intend, he can still earn a wave of reputation. When the vote is held again, there will naturally be more supporters of the fake Zhu Yanchen.
The co-authoring chaos ends, and there are good wishes for the family everywhere.
Yi Ning's brows slowly frowned.
Zhu Yanchen, who opposed the advancement of the player system, is no longer there. There is no fundamental contradiction between him and Zhu Sheng, so he won't get to this point. If the Heipao people really arranged for Zhusheng, I wish the old man is playing with the health of the 10,000 people.
If it weren't for Luo Duan's timely appearance, even if they were protected by a purification machine, the health of these 10,000 people would have deteriorated a lot-the settlements were remote, and the follow-up medical treatment would not be comparable to the city.
He cannot put the people in the settlements into the hands of such leaders.
"What happened just now?" Seeing Yining's recollection, Luo Duan added firewood quite naturally. "I heard people say that a weird man who claimed to be a'warrior' appeared on the square, Marshal Yi, did you arrange that?"
"It's not me." Yining was still thinking, his tone a little heavy.
"Don't mind, I'll just ask."
"Marshal Yi!" Yi Ning did not answer yet, a guard rushed out of breath. He glanced at Luo Duan unexpectedly and pulled Yining away.
The voice of the guards was very low, but they had been smashing the marsh and had been entrenched in the command center for many years. Luo Duan pretended to watch the storm and heard it clearly in his ears.
"The situation came from the signal soldier, and Zhu Sheng sent troops."
"So fast?"
"It's because I'm afraid that the people will run away. It's easier to get rid of them as soon as possible. However, the buildings in the city are damaged and a little messy, so he only sent a small team."
Yi Ning sighed: "Listening to this situation, at this stage, the focus is on tracking."
Then you can leave the feat of killing (sha) to the fake Zhu Yanchen. Yi Ning shook his head angrily—whether Zhu Sheng had arranged for black-robed men, reduced the number of pursuers, and focused on tracking, these were definitely his deliberate actions. Once time drags on for too long and the battle line is stretched, all settlements will inevitably suffer first.
The settlements full of old, weak, sick and disabled people are gone, and the old-style Hecheng people are gone. New types of integrators entering the market will not even have employment conflicts.
The more Yi Ning thought about it, the more frightened.
"After sending you to the colony, can you help me contact the large army? The storm was too bad just now, I patronized myself and the communicator was damaged." Luo Duan said just right.
"You follow me back to city Y."
"But the activity side..."
"Emergency mission, this is an order." Yining looked serious, "You come back to city y with me."
He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, his expression was very complicated: "The situation has changed recently, you stay with me first."
Luo Duan looked at him for a while, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Yes."
South, in the storm.
"Someone is pursuing it." The Blackbird team member in charge of scouts rushed up, "What the is going on, Team Hu. Is this really a task? (Stabbing ci) too excited, right?"
"Don't worry, let's speed up." Hu Yan gritted his teeth.
"The opposing team went into battle lightly, we can't get rid of it!" The Blackbird team was also very aggrieved. "Boss, we must pay attention to the arrangement of the purifiers, and also pay attention to whether anyone is left behind. If (强qiang) speeds up, the team will disperse--"
"It's almost there." Old man Dong said suddenly.
"What's the end?"
"The two should be here. If they don't come again, we can only start the war ahead of time. Forget about the surname Shu, your sister-in-law probably won't like that scene."
Just like a spell, the wind around the team stopped instantly.
Outside of the large force, the wind force was suddenly higher by several levels. As soon as the tracker stood firm, he was entangled in the (chest xiong) mouth by something unknown, and threw it all out, and a small team fell apart in an instant. Everything (fafa) was born so fast that they could not see anything clearly. A few seconds later, each of the trackers threw their mouths and chewed on mud, and the demonic black wind whizzed and rotated in front of them.
Since he was separated from the army, no one wanted to die in such a storm for nothing. According to the regulations, they failed to assemble and turned back dejectedly.
"Don't say it, it feels good to throw people. I like it."
Someone landed on the bow of the thin-shelled boat with a groaning voice.
Shu Jun supported Zhu Yanchen, and the two fell onto Hu Yan's boat. Unlike Zhu Yanchen, who was heavily armed, Shu Jun didn't wear a mask this time, and his face was carefree.
"Bench team?!" The blackbirds who came to report were instantly excited, "Why are you here? Are you a special guest at the event?... Why did you change your look?"
"That's right." Shu Jun jumped onto the boat board lightly. "How is my new look, isn't it super chic?"
Hu Yan's throat choked: "Squad team..."
"With me here, it's okay." Shu Jun (Lu) smiled, paws Hu Yan on the back of the head. "It's hard for you to maintain so many boats... Let's take a rest first."
Hu Yan's eye circles were red, and he sighed with a trembling: "Yes, what happened to (fa)? I'll talk to you slowly."
"Next to the east, I will adjust the route. Even if you throw off the trailing team of the pioneer, it is better to be cautious." Zhu Yanchen patted Lao Dong on the shoulder, his voice calm. "We will take you to the new base."
"Are you...?" Seeing that this person was so tightly wrapped, the Blackbird team members were so muffled that they didn't dare to recognize him.
"That's your sister-in-law." Shu Jun answered Zhu Yanchen in a calm tone. Zhu Yanchen chuckled lightly and didn't correct anything.
Immediately, he glanced at the team member who was about to faint: "Oh, I hope Uncle Pan and the others are ready. There are a lot of guests in this wave."
He waved his hand, and at the bottom of the boat, which was invisible to everyone, a dry hand made of corrosive material drilled out of the soil, pushing the boat forward. (脱tuo) Leaving the storm zone, the wind converged easily, and Hu Yan's shell fleet was a few minutes faster.
Dozens of thin hull ships broke through the fog and rushed to the horizon in the wind. Shu Jun sat down on the bow, looking at the direction of the destination. The wind blew his cheeks, and Shu Jun suddenly realized that he hadn't felt such a feeling for a long time.
The smell of blood and mud still remained in the nasal cavity, and the surrounding was dim and terrifying, but everything was full of hope.
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