Chapter 66: night

Zhu Yanchen was sitting in front of the team. Old Dong Dong-Xia Liangsuo (sexual xing) went to the team and tightened the team. +++Full Tanmei novel: Thirty thousand people wandered around in the wilderness and mud, and finally arrived at the target settlement...the ruins next to it.
The huge stronghold is hidden under the ruins of the town.
With the help of machinery, the underground stronghold was compacted. The lighting is fully switched on, and it looks quite alike. As soon as the base was completed, people from the fourth family took the machine away and sent it to other settlements.
Thirty thousand people entered the underground one by one, and the strongholds had already been divided into large areas by teams, and each area had enough rooms. Players are used to carrying compressed (sleeping Shui) bags and rations with them, and the supplies are not nervous at first.
In order to prevent the people in the settlement from being nervous, Shu Jun led the team into the ruins from the uninhabited side. The settlement was far from the ruins, and no one noticed this team except for the workers who patrolled the ground that day.
It takes time for Shu Jun to settle the team. Zhu Yanchensuo (sexual xing) returned to the hotel first. Uncle Pan knew that this person had brought 30,000 people back, and he greeted him cheerfully as usual.
"There are too many people, and the food is still not enough." In the face of Zhu Yanchen, Ai Xiaoxiao showed the momentum of the captain of the fourth team. "It's better to solve the problem early. The command center has been staring at the fourth family recently. The transportation of materials will make life suspicious."
"Yeah." Zhu Yanchen was sitting at the table, recording something on a piece of paper.
"As for those people, I've probably seen them. The cleansing medicine is given in time, and they won't have sequelae." Ai Xiaoxiao stood up, "There is so much I can do at the moment. There are people in the fourth house, you can ask them to go. Well, I will go back to the city first."
"You take Mr. Dong back together." Zhu Yanchen stopped writing, "Be careful on the road."
Ai Xiaoxiao's eyebrows almost flew to the hairline: "The sun has come out from the west, I wish the Generalissimo knows that he cares about people-why, are you in a good mood?"
"This is Shu Jun's new blood sample, as well as data about the'(Zhenzhen) Pressure'. I collected a lot this time." Zhu Yanchen ignored her and launched a small box. "Take it back and have a look. By the way, ask the arms managers of the fourth team to be ready. I may try to make something recently."
"All right." Ai Xiaoxiao yawned and put the box into his arms. "In the middle of the night, I went to rest-that old man should still be there in the underground stronghold, right?"
"Sure, I will drag him back."
Underground stronghold.
After everyone rushed for a long time, Shu Jun did not immediately concentrate on instilling the truth. He only said that it was a game arrangement and asked each team leader to take care of the players and distribute the next wave of food by the way. People themselves are tired, get food, and soon feel at ease (sleeping Shui).
The situation in the Blackbirds is well known. He sifted out those "family happiness" and squad leaders who had not experienced many blows, and let them live in a room with Hu Yan, so that Hu Yan could explain slowly.
Even if you can't accept it for a while, you still have to get a shot.
After all this was arranged, Shu Jun still had no sense of fatigue. He looked down at the tip of his claws-before he was a person who carried the marsh, but now he is a personal marsh. (身shen) If the sensation of foreign bodies in the body disappears, he is very brisk.
But what is his condition, it is estimated that Zhu Yanchen will have to wait for the results.
Thinking of Zhu Yanchen, Shu Jun couldn't help but feel sad. Seeing that the situation was basically stable, he left the communicator and asked Hu Yan a few more words, then turned around and walked to the hotel.
As a result, Captain Shu still swaggered when he left the house, and he was close to the inn, but he had some cowardly thoughts. The touch of the other party's lips still faintly, Shu Jun made a few bends specially, bought some food, and then returned to the hotel relatively calmly.
The room is still that room, and I still snorted in the old place on Monday. Zhu Yanchen was sitting at the table with his back straight and writing something seriously. He changed (dry gan) clean clothes, his uniform was not wrinkled, and his white gloves were painted with a warm orange (color) by the light.
Shu Jun had seen this scene many times before. However, after that (kiss wen), he was like the first time he saw him, so the details were very strange.
Marshal Zhu's clothes are very close-fitting, the clothes are just right wrapped around the body, and they bring out beautiful muscle lines in their actions. Looking at this arm alone, it is thicker than the thigh of "Smoke" 16 years ago.
His facial features have the shadow of smoke. At the beginning, the fragile youth grew up (cheng), the rounded features basically disappeared, and the outline was deep and heroic. Those fears and fears disappeared without a trace, only calmness and concentration, and a sense of oppression belonging to (strong qiang) alone.
Seeing Shu Jun entering the door, Zhu Yanchen turned his face to the side, the chill between his eyebrows and eyes melted away, instantly softening a lot.
If Shu Junxin's chassis was good, it instantly became blank again. Shu Jun was calm on the surface, and he had already started to smash the ground inside - it wasn't that he hadn't suffered a lot, and he was still stubborn. If he wanted to do it, he had to make a cheat sheet in black and white.
At the time of life and death crisis, he can also use (kiss wen) to express feelings. But now the surroundings are very calm, he can't always use this trick to express emotions every time. It's only sixteen years. There are too many words to say, every word is choked in the throat, and even a word can't be squeezed out.
"The underground stronghold has rested there, and we can also relax for a long time." After a long while, Shu Jun raised the bag in his hand. "I bought some food, let's have a good chat."
Zhu Yanchen nodded, he put down his pen and cleaned up the table. Shu Jun pulled a chair and sat on the opposite side, arranged food and drink, and the atmosphere was solemn like a political meeting.
However, as high-level leaders on both sides, they are worthy of their identities.
"No need to reluctant (qiang)." Seeing that Shu Jun was trying to put the drinks on both sides absolutely symmetrical and delayed the opening remarks, Zhu Yanchen took the initiative to speak. "When we were young, no matter how deep the friendship is, it is friendship after all. You have just recovered your memory, and it is possible to confuse your feelings for a while."
Shu Jun released his paw instantly, abandoning his drink, and stared at Zhu Yanchen.
"As you said, I wasn't sober at the time. If that matter had anything to do with our cooperation..."
"Ayan, do you like me?" Shu Jun interrupted sharply when he heard that the topic had a tendency to deviate. "Not the kind of friendship."
Zhu Yanchen was startled, then lowered his eyes without answering.
Shu Jun supported the table with his elbows, and leaned forward: "What? I'll forget it, you haven't just recovered your memory, you should be able to distinguish it."
"This has nothing to do with the issue we are discussing." Zhu Yanchen raised his eyes again, looking like needles. "I just don't want you to misunderstand your emotions."
Shu Jun put a stool on the knee of one leg, and his pupils tightened, and he moved closer, as if he would start hunting in the next second.
"Really? I'm even more curious about what you think now." Today he is going to pry open the steel walnut.
Zhu Yanchen did not avoid Shu Jun who leaned forward, but looked directly into the other person’s eyes and sighed: "If you are impulsive and misunderstand your own feelings, we are together, and you will regret it later-I don’t know if I can let it go. ."
Shu Jun's heart shrank, and his heart was full of ups and downs.
Under the tacit understanding, he heard Zhu Yanchen's subtext. If I misunderstood this sentiment and later found out that I made a mistake, 80% of them would find it difficult for even friends to do it again.
However, Zhu Yanchen didn't know that the romantic seedling in his heart could not be stepped on before.
Indeed, at the age of eleven or twelve, their feelings cannot be connected with love. Shu Jun himself thought about whether he confuses his feelings and mistakes heartache and pity for love.
If he were younger, he might have to struggle with this for a while. But now, Shu Jun is very clear-there are many men in the Blackbirds who want to look good and have a figure, and he has no interest in them. But now, his gaze is stuck on Zhu Yanchen's neckline, which can explain the problem.
He longed for this person, pityed this person, and subconsciously thought about the future. Shu Jun didn't know when and how Zhu Yanchen was tempted. He only knew that in his life, he was afraid that such a special person would never appear again.
"You don't know if you can let go calmly?" He chewed Zhu Yanchen's response for a while, then smiled and responded. "Then don't let go."
Zhu Yanchen pursed his lips.
"I want to treat you as a brother. I've been a brother for a long time, so why bother torturing myself." Shu Jun sat back on the stool and shook his head with a smile. "Forget it."
"Forget it?" Zhu Yanchen's expression went blank, and his whole body froze for a moment.
"I planned carefully before." Shu Jun supported his cheek with one hand and said seriously. "I really thought about it, A Yan. The speed from strangers to friends and friends to lover is too fast. I thought about a good date and careful guidance. Let's start with holding hands, slowly-slowly- Come--"
He lengthened the tone.
"After all, I wish the Generalissimo to hold back for 16 years and find a girlfriend who likes women as a shield. He probably doesn't understand love. In case you treat me only a strange friendship, I won't take advantage of you , You can run at any time."
Zhu Yanchen remained motionless, and there was light in his dark eyes.
"As a result, you now say that you are worried that you can't calmly let go. I said Ayan, I will ask you again, and you can make it clear-do you like me?"
Marshal Zhu's throat moved with a complicated expression. He was silent for a few seconds: "...Hmm."
"How do you like it?"
Zhu Yanchen didn't answer this question. He held his fingers orthogonally, and suddenly exerted force, and the folds of the gloves immediately deepened. Shu Jun met that beam of gaze, and saw the suppressed desire and even a trace of paranoid madness from the bottom of the opponent's eyes.
"Then should I prove that I am not friendly to you." Shu Jun was not frightened by that gaze, and the smile on his face deepened. "This is easy-don't move, I will kiss you again."
He left his seat, grabbed Zhu Yanchen by the collar, and went down decisively (kiss wen).
This time, Zhu Yanchen's lips were warm, and his body had a warm smell of (dry gan). Shu Jun was no longer polite, prying the other's teeth open with the tip of his tongue, decisively deepening this (kiss wen). Marshal Zhu didn't seem to react at first, and only got up after a while.
After a sound of rubbing tables and chairs, Zhu Yanchen leaned his back against the wall and reached out his arms around Shu Jun's waist.
Shu Jun's waist was narrow and strong, and he hugged it quite easily. The two used the wall as a support, with their lips and tongue intertwined, (kiss wen) quite attentively.
(Kissing Wen) For a long time, Shu Jun suffers a bit-he must always pay attention to his fangs to prevent scratching the other's lips. With much distraction, Zhu Yanchen's breathing was completely controlled. I don't know if it's due to lack of oxygen or excitement, the numbness is burning along the spinal cord, and his brain seems to melt. Things around him became blurred, floating in the mist, and his satisfaction made him tremble.
"What do you think," (Kiss Wen) went dark, Shu Jun wiped his mouth with satisfaction, his gray eyes full of jokes. "Does this taste like friendship, my Grand Marshal?"
Before he could wipe his mouth, Marshal Zhu hugged him tightly. He buried his face in Shu Jun's neck, and the two got very close, taking each other's body temperature and smell with each breath. Shu Jun relaxes (body shen) body, let him hold it.
Zhu Yanchen got the acquiescence, and his arm used force again, as if he was about to get him into the body.
The world seemed to be static, and Shu Jun could feel his body temperature rising all the way. If this goes on, I am afraid that I will wipe the gun and make a mistake. But the atmosphere was too warm and pure, he couldn't force Zhu Yanchen down.
"Okay." Shu Jun thought for a moment, biting Zhu Yanchen's auricle with the tip of his teeth. "Tossing outside for a day, you can rest early."
I remembered that this man’s ears were ticklish, and he sighed badly: "You like me, I like you. We are also considered as a couple (guan), but (sleeping in Shui), your boyfriend doesn’t Will disappear."
It's really fierce to kiss and hug. Today's progress should be enough for A Yan, he thought thoughtfully.
However, the next second, the world revolved. When Shu Jun reacted, he was already pressed on the big (chuang) bed. Zhu Yanchen looked down at him from top to bottom, his eyes gloomy, as if to eat him alive.
"Then what." Shu Jun swallowed, his mind still staying at the stage of "innocent dating" without turning around. "Ayan, aren't you tired?"
"No." Zhu Yanchen's voice was a little dumb.
"Really not tired?"
"..." Zhu Yanchen ignored him, just lowered his head and bit his throat in revenge. Then he took a few deep breaths, trying to calm the hot atmosphere. "I'll take a (xi) bath, and it's okay to rest early."
"Didn't you just wash it? The clothes were changed, and the hair was not (dry) through." Shu Jun laughed loudly. "Now I'm going again. Are you planning to take a (xi) bath or take cold water?"
He glanced at Zhu Yanchen, who was trying to cover his body with a thin cover, and stood up sharply: "You wait."
At this point, it's boring to refuse—both of them are almost 30 people, one wiped the gun, the other went off, there was no reason to be coy.
It's better (gan gan) to respect their deteriorated friendship and "prove" their feelings to the end.
Before Zhu Yanchen could react, Shu Jun rolled out of the bed in a beautiful fighting posture and picked up Monday. He wrapped it in three layers of cloth, stuffed it into the box, and put it in the closet. Monday (sleeping in Shui) feels comfortable, too lazy to talk to him, just grunts like protest.
After that, Shu Jun went straight to the bedside table, scrabbled a few times, and found the small gift of turmeric—the big box of body lubricant.
When it was used to lubricate armor scratches, Shu Jun couldn't hold his face. The whole tube hasn't even been opened, but the first time I used it, I had to use it for its original function.
His speed was extremely fast, and Zhu Yanchen was about to roll over and get out of bed, but was pushed back by Shu Jun.
Shu Jun straddled Zhu Yanchen and went to his shirt decisively (take off tuo). Zhu Yanchen put a hand on it, and the white wrist was lined with dark skin, the contrast was particularly eye-catching.
Zhu Yanchen's eyes gradually became hot.
"You said you're not tired, don't regret it later." Shu Jun teased him, "Hey, hey, don't do it yourself (take off tuo)-I'll come, I've long wanted to try it."
He pushed away Zhu Yanchen's hand on the collar with a paw, and opened the buttons one by one (hook gou), showing strong and beautiful (chest xiong) muscles, followed by tight-lined abdominal muscles. The light jumped on the pale skin, printing the shadows under the collarbone extremely deep. The dark warm light made the atmosphere thicker and the air gradually became hot and dry.
The corner of Shu Jun's mouth rises, and the tip of his claw touches Zhu Yanchen's (xiong) mouth. He leaned over and started to deal with the pair of white gloves in the way—
He put his index finger against Zhu Yanchen's palm and pushed it down slowly (hook gou) with the sharp claw tip. The cloth was slowly cut open, (exposing) the white palm. Marshal Zhu's palms are moist and hot, and his breathing gradually becomes quicker, presumably a little nervous.
Yes, until now, his momentum is still winning. Shu Jun satisfactorily picked up Lubrication, and then he froze on the spot.
...What should I do next?
Regarding how to molest his grand marshal, when the two kissed (wen), Shu Jun had imagined several times in his head, and the action was smooth and flowing. He hadn't thought at the time that they could get to this point on the spot-leaving aside the question of reserve, Marshal Zhu was still a human body, and he probably didn't have much energy left.
Shu Jun grumbled and swallowed.
It is said that soldiers do not fight unprepared battles. Some things are not just courage.
Fortunately, I was full of confidence before, but now that the arrow is on the line, Mr. Shu can't think of how to continue smoothly, and he doesn't even know how to release his hand.
Marshal Zhu used his forearm to cover his eyes and chuckled.
"There is a word called'self-investing in the net'." He grabbed Shu Jun's lubricated wrist and whispered.
When speaking, this person still looked steady. But the uniform was wide open, and the palms of his palms were hot like soldering irons, and Shu Jun's head surged again, and he was lifted back under him obediently.
"A Yan, you have been planning for a long time." Shu Jun let go and surrendered. He bit Zhu Yanchen's neck with revenge, leaving a faint red mark on the tip of his tooth. "You must have checked it secretly."
After biting enough, he licked (kissed) Zhu Yanchen's earlobe: "...then give me some advice, sir."
Zhu Yanchen looked at him fixedly: "Can I turn on the light?"
"Of course it can." Shu Jun lazily spread out (body shen) body and put one hand (gou) on Zhu Yanchen's neck. "Don't be nervous, I will cooperate well. Anyway, you can't hurt me—"
As if the air was not hot enough, he lowered his voice again: "I don’t need to clean it up afterwards."
Facts have proved that Mr. Shu overestimated himself again.
Zhu Yanchen has always learned things quickly, and their (body shen) body is too fit. After a short running-in period, Shu Jun gradually became unable to control his body. The sensory shock exceeded his tolerance, and Shu Jun didn't dare to move by instinct, for fear that the sharp claw tip would hurt Zhu Yanchen.
While sobbing, he put his paws (hook gou) on the head of the bed, trying to pull his (身shen) body away, fortunately, he took two breaths in the sense of tsunami-like happiness (kuai). However, Zhu Yanchen's hand lightly covered the back of his hand, a little bit by bit the tip of his claws, and his waist was dragged back.
The dim light filled the room, everything was gentle and crazy, and the whole world was burning. Gradually, the breathing rate of the two finally matched.
With good physique, Shu Jun finally grabbed some dominance. The soft corroded quality supported Shu Jun's back and (hook gou) the back of Zhu Yanchen's neck. In the impact of burning nerves, Shu Jun stood up and (kissed wen) off the sweat from the tip of the opponent's nose.
He didn't remember when they stopped, only that when they woke up, they clasped their fingers together.
"I think, we are both tied here. Besides good night (kiss wen), we should add a good morning (kiss wen)." Zhu Yanchen opened his eyes and Shu Jun pecked his lips. . "Very good, that's it."
He watched Zhu Yanchen's gaze change from confused to trance, and then gradually warmed: "Your (body shen) body..."
"Come on, I'm such a big living swamp, what can I do?" Shu Jun put on his clothes neatly, and touched something casually. He picked it up with a wonderful expression for a while. "... Honestly, I care more about whether you have anything."
That was the lubricant that Yujin gave them, now it's empty, only a package is left.
Shu Jun looked at Zhu Yanchen, looked at the packaging in his hand, looked at Zhu Yanchen again, and finally blew his whistle.
Zhu Yanchen: "..."
"The brand is good, it seems we have to buy a few more bottles." Seeing that the other party was a little stiff, Shu Jun couldn't help teasing him. "Get up, let's go and have breakfast quickly, we will be busy afterwards."
"Shu Jun."
"Get closer."
"How..." Shu Jun was hugged by Zhu Yanchen before he finished asking.
The hug was gentle and quiet, Shu Jun slowed his breathing and let the person hug for a while. When Zhu Yanchen let go of him again, his whole body was like a rusty silverware, and the atmosphere around his body was brighter, without the initial depression and suffocation.
Shu Jun took a deep breath. In troubled times, this feeling is too good to be true.
The two got close and couldn't help but pick another (kiss wen). Shu Jun straightened up, opened the closet, and took out the whispered Monday. He could feel that Zhu Yanchen's gaze stayed on him.
"Okay, don't look, get up quickly."
Shu Jun's voice was smiling.
"I said, just (sleeping in Shui), your boyfriend will not disappear."
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