Chapter 103: : Unsettled

At the headquarters of the Altice Group, Kang Bomin was not in a good mood after he learned that the people of the Army Ant Company had returned to China.
Originally, the cooperation with the marching ant company has been almost completed.
The second generation of butterfly-eye mobile phones, which he used, especially smart assistants, is a very useful software. It can make people completely say goodbye to the era of palm control mobile phones. Plus the delicate appearance of the butterfly eye, a higher grade than the Apple phone.
If they cooperate with the marching ant company, their Altice Group will definitely be able to take more communication market share.
As a result, at the last minute, the board of directors actually disagreed with the cooperation and asked him to ask for the acquisition of the shares of the army ant company.
They all underestimated the determination of the marching ant company.
The matter of acquiring shares was rejected without hesitation. The people who marched the ant company returned to the country overnight, and even did not even talk to them.
He has a hunch that he may have lost a very important partner this time. With a sigh, Kang Bomin took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.
The news of the failure of the marching ant company and the Altice Group was quickly passed back to China.
During this time, the development of marching ants is too fast, and the domestic market share of the high-end mobile phone market is constantly expanding. Now it is ready to enter the international market. The failure of the marching ants in this trip to Europe has also become the focus of media attention. The European media has just heard the news, and the country has been reported by various media.
"The pace of internationalization of marching ants is blocked" - Global News.
"European fear of oriental marching ants invade! 》Financial News
"Reuters: Altice Group and the marching ant company failed to end" - Phoenix News.
On the Internet, various articles appeared, experts from various fields also emerged, and began to comment on the failure of the marching ant company's cooperation.
The marching ants came all the way and the roads were very smooth. This was the first time that they encountered a refusal to cooperate and it was the first step to take the country.
In recent years, the domestic market situation has become rigid, and major markets have been occupied by major players. It is more difficult for small businesses to enter the market.
The sudden emergence of marching ants, like a group of fierce ants, left and right, suddenly broke through this rigid situation. Among young entrepreneurs, the marching ant company has become a legendary benchmark.
Now the marching ant company is a miracle of the development of domestic companies. Every move is in the spotlight of the media. This trip to the army ant company in Europe was the first time the marching ant company hit the wall.
This means that the time for marching ants to enter the international market will be slowed down.
At this time, a group of reporters are waiting anxiously outside the marching ant company. Seeing Zhao Min’s car approaching the company, a group of reporters swarmed.

President Zhao, may I ask why the Altice Group refuses to cooperate with you?

"How does the marching ant company develop next?"

Will the marching ants work with other telecom operators?

"When is the marching ant company going to go public, what do you want to say about this cooperation failure?"
All kinds of problems were all shouted out, and I ignored Zhao Min’s hearing.
Zhao Min quietly looked at the reporter outside the window, blocked by security.
She did not expect that they would come back one day, and their failure to cooperate with the Altice Group would actually come out and be passed back to China.
However, this incident did not have much impact on them.
The marching ant company is not a listed company and will not be affected by public opinion and stock market volatility. This is only the first failure to enter the international market, and has not had much impact on the domestic market.
After separating many reporters, Zhao Min’s car slowly entered the company.
Chen Mo's office area.
"Mer brother, the information you need is found."
Chen Mo looked at several pieces of information on the desktop, all of which were information from European telecom operators and European consortium families.
Vojonda, France Telecom, Orange, Deutsche Telekom, Altice.
They are all involved in this telecommunications company that prevented them from entering the European market. These companies almost monopolize the major telecommunications markets in Europe.
European telecommunications companies, all refused to cooperate with them, there is absolutely flawed inside. After the ink girl got the information through the surveillance investigation, things seemed to be a bit clear.
Behind the major operators, there are still a few big consortiums.
They just wanted to step into the European market and they were stared at by these oligarchs. Sure enough, this land of capital, the water is unimaginable.
At present, I am afraid that I will not be able to enter the international market in a short period of time. After all, outside is a world of capital control, and there are interests that will definitely make those oligarchs rush to snatch.
"Mer brother, Zhao Min came over, already outside the experimental area." When Chen Mo looked at the information, the ink girl interrupted him.
Zhao Mingang walked into Chen Mo's office. Chen Mo was already sitting on the sofa and saw her coming in. Chen Mo pointed to the opposite seat.

Why don’t you take a day off?
Chen Mo asked.
"A day off is enough. Now the company can do a lot of things." Zhao Min took a sip of the water from the robot and leaned back on the sofa.
"This time I was a bit unwilling, I signed the contract and it was temporarily changed. Now the news leaks out, they should be intentional."
"It’s fortunate that I haven’t signed the contract yet. If they sign up, they will find trouble again, and things will be more headaches.
Chen Mo said:
This time, first develop in China, the international market does not have to think about it for the time being.

In the high-end mobile phone market, the main markets currently are China, North America and Europe. The European market is now inaccessible, and the North American market is even less likely.
In many areas, it is a capital monopoly market.
Most of the market resources are controlled in the hands of big capital and big consortia. If there is anything that does not meet their interests, they will use this monopoly right to threaten to kill.
"There is no way to go out during this time. Foreign capital markets, unless enough benefits are given, will feed those wolves. Otherwise, we outsiders want to enter, it is more difficult than imagined." Zhao Min said.
She knows more about Chen than Chen Mo.
In recent years, the newly emerged companies have not been blocked by acquisitions, or they have been controlled by shares, and they cannot escape the palms of several giants.
At the beginning, Chen Muruo retired, and now the army ant company, is only the end of the acquisition.
In the domestic market, there are government regulations, and occasionally there are some companies that can grow bigger. Like a sudden take-out app, sharing a bicycle, but still can not escape the palm of several giants.
Outside, those capitals are even more unscrupulous.
The western capital structure has solidified, and once there is a threatening momentum, it will be strangled and eaten separately.
Either surrender or die.
If the marching ant company was originally out, I am afraid that it has already been eaten without bone residue. Now, both domestically and abroad, there are a lot of big capitals staring at the shares of the marching ant company.
"Where is this robot, when are you going to let it go?" Zhao Min pointed to the robot behind Chen Mo.
This robot is a good thing. If it can be launched into the market, it is undoubtedly a huge shock, and it can definitely detonate global topics.
Chen Mo looked back at the robot: "It's still early, its hardware and software technology are not fully mature. A lot of data is still being tested and it is impossible to bring it to market."
The robot is now controlled by the ink girl, so it is easy for the ink girl to write a smart software, but there are still big problems in the hardware, especially the battery and chip.
"Well, tell me about its technology."
And Chen Mo explained some things about the company, Zhao Min just left Chen Mo's office.
Time is slowly passing, and the cooperation between the marching ant company and the Altice Group has failed, and the heat has slowly subsided over time.
Only the heat of this wave has just subsided, and another storm has hit again.
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