Chapter 264: : Shopping malls like battlefields

When Alexander returned to the room, he sat on the sofa and thought about the next contact with Zhao Min.
In order to cooperate with the marching ant company, they have controlled a telecom operator in a small country in Europe. This time, the first is cooperation, and the second is to seek for marching ants to finance the company and expand the company.
Today, Chen Mo said this, Chen Mo did not agree, and did not refuse, but let himself talk to Zhao Min.
As long as Zhao Min promised, with the funds of the army ants company, their group's network resources will be strong and strong, and they will certainly grow and develop in the future. They will also work more deeply with the army ants.
This time, I came to the army ant headquarters to further strengthen his cooperation with the army ant company.
While thinking, his cell phone suddenly sounded and he looked at the number. The next moment, Alexander's face became unsightly.
"Okay, I will go back as soon as possible."
Hanging up the phone, Alexander frowned, relying on the sofa, his face could not see the anger, after a long time, dialed a phone.
Upon returning home, Xiaoyu stood in front of Chen Mo and helped him untie his tie. Her movements are natural and gentle, as if I am used to it.
This is what Xiaoyu often does.
These little things are the flavoring agents of life. Just like Chen Mo also often blows her hair, doing something for each other can also give life a little more fun.
After the shower, the two also sat together on the sofa in the hall.
Xiao Yu is in Chen Mohuai, holding a fruit platter and watching TV. Chen Mo, who is also holding a tablet, is thinking about the design of miniature holographic projectors.
"Husband, incense burner beach villa, the house has been built, ready to start renovation. The style of decoration, if you want to change, I can talk to the construction party." Xiao Yu suddenly opened.
The design of the villa is designed by Chen Mo to help the female woman to design according to his favorite style. After doing the work of designing the drawings and calculating the load-bearing capacity of the house, hand over the drawings to the construction party.
After that, all of them were following the small fishing, and Chen Mo never asked.
The construction party is the China Construction Group of the construction company's army ant company headquarters. I didn't expect the action to be so fast. Now it has begun to be renovated.
"I should ask if you have a style you like. The interior design is designed by the ink girl according to my thoughts. It must be the style I like. If you have an idea and want to change it, you can talk to the construction party, as long as you like it." Chen Mo said.
"Don't change it, what you like is what I like." Xiao Yu took a piece of apple meat and put it in Chen Mo's mouth.
"Then don't have to change." Chen Mo said.
The style of the villa is the style full of futuristic and technological sense, and the theme of the ocean. Xiao Yu likes the sea, so I will definitely like the villa there.
"Why did you want to build a big villa like that?" asked Xiao Yu.
"There is no money for spending more money."
This answer makes Xiao Yu unable to spit.
"And, this villa is used for marriage later."
Hearing the wedding, Xiao Yu stayed, looked up and quietly looked at Chen Mo, seems to be dreaming about something, suddenly laughed silly.
"Your unexpected appearance is to fantasize about wearing a wedding dress?" Chen Mo saw Xiao Yu's silly smile and couldn't help but laugh.
"Nothing." Xiao Yu's face was red, and there was a dim sum.
"You will blush when you lie and be shy, and you will not be able to lie when you lie."
"Bad egg, ignore you." Xiao Yu's careful thoughts were dismantled, snoring and pretending to be angry.
"I will personally design a wedding dress for you in the future." Chen Mo said.
Xiao Yu’s voice was filled with surprises, and his eyes were all with small stars. Just now, he was thrown into the clouds.
She does not ask Chen Mo whether it will be designed, but in her mind, Chen Mo is omnipotent, and there are also ink women who are helping.
"I didn't even yell at my bad guys, just ignore me."
"Have I said that? I didn't say it." Xiao Yu blinked and looked forward: "Quickly say, what you just said is true."
"Of course it is true, I promised to let you be the most beautiful bride, this is not to say."

Reward you for one of my favorite strawberries.

When he first came to the company the next day, Zhao Min brought a message to Chen Mo. Alexander last night, booked a ticket directly back to Europe.
This news is beyond Chen Mo's expectations.
Yesterday they only had a meal at the hotel, and they were prepared to talk to them about the telecom operators today. I didn't expect to go back so soon.
"What happened?" Chen Mo asked Zhao Min.
"He contacted me last night and talked to me about the shareholding of telecom operators, but I refused." Zhao Min said.
"I can't be rejected by you, don't tell me, don't you?"
"Of course it is impossible. I also woke up this morning and received the news." Zhao Min took care of his thoughts, took out his mobile phone and opened the news page and handed it to Chen Mo.
"Last night, a core executive at Rothschild Bank committed suicide. At least the reason for the news was suicide. How specific is not clear.
In the hands of this executive, there is an investment plan of Roche, and all the contents of the plan are leaked, including plans to cooperate with our company. For investment institutions, investment plans are their roots, just like the technology of our company, which is a trade secret.
Roche's main business is now investment and consulting business. This kind of thing happens, and the confidence of investors and customers is a blow. It can be said to be a crisis of trust. Investors are now very dissatisfied with them, especially the few companies in the plan.
It was not long before Alexander took office, so young, and there must be people who refused to accept it at home. I am afraid they will have trouble in the near future.

"It seems that things are more complicated than we think." Chen Mo said.
"It's really complicated. Shopping malls are like battlefields. It's the most basic thing. The information is the root of the battlefield. Knowing ourselves and knowing each other can be the generals of Changsheng. When Roche's investment plan is leaked, the map of the troops is lost. Continue. It is very likely that the opponent will dig and slam."
Zhao Min paused and continued.
"And the industry rumors that there are consortia to deal with Roche, their large investment, after the planned leak, there have been some conditions, this is a precursor."

It’s wonderful.
Chen Mo said:
They plan to have our company, will we have trouble?

"will not."
Zhao Min shook his head gently and placed a plan in front of Chen Mo.
"This morning, I got the plan of Roche's leak through the channel. That's it. About our company, this is the business of working with us on the mobile phone business, as well as plans for telecom operators.
I refused to control the telecom operator. If the mobile phone is attacked, we are only failing to enter the European market again. It is impossible to talk about the loss and it has no effect on our internal decision-making. We have nothing to do, just eat melons and watch the show.

After talking with Zhao Min, Chen Mo returned to the laboratory.
Roche’s business is not something they should manage, and it can’t be controlled. The complicated interests, and casual participation, will only bring trouble.
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