Chapter 265: : Alexander's phone

Rothschild Bank executives committed suicide, and the investment plan leaked things, continuing to ferment through the Internet and various media.
The mall is an information game, the opponent knows your information, and you don't know the bottom of the opponent, the final result will be miserable. As an investment institution, the investment plan is leaked, which is very serious. Almost naked, bare naked, exposed to the opponent.
In the investment plan of the company, the market value is affected, there are varying degrees of changes, there are serious declines, and there are also rapid rises. After all, they are all companies that are valued by Roche. The prospects are certainly not bad. Ordinary investors will naturally join them.
The marching ant company is a sole proprietorship and has no listing, so it has no real impact. There are several companies that have publicly announced that they will discontinue cooperation with Rothschild Bank and turn their business to another investment bank.
Rothschild Bank is also greatly affected by the credibility of the industry because of this incident.
But for outsiders, this scene is enough to watch.
This family, which has been inherited for more than two hundred years, has always remained mysterious. This incident exposed them to ordinary people and it is impossible to keep a low profile.
Another is the investment plan leak, but also ‘suicide’, just like the spy war TV series. Many people don't believe in such a wonderful story, there will be no deeper inside.
Because there are marching ants in the plan, this news also occupies the headlines of the domestic media.
The marching ant company has always been a hot topic, and this plan leaked, and it also exposed Roche's cooperation with the marching ant company.
Regarding the various rumors of the Internet, the public relations department only issued a statement that was not painful, and other things did not respond.
The main character of this incident is the Roche family.
As a supporting role, the marching ant company has not been affected too much and continues to operate as always. The bigger network paradox, they have personally experienced it, and now this is simply drizzling.
Chen Mo is designing a miniature holographic projector in the office. The medium holographic projector is being remodeled and the sample has not yet come out, so he first designed the micro holographic projector.
"Mer brother, Mr. Li came back with Wang Hai." The ink girl suddenly spoke.
Chen Mo stopped the action in his hand.
Wang Hai, they were taken away by Li Chengzhi. It has been half a month and finally came back today.
"Take them directly."
Not long after, the enchantress robot took Li Chengzhi and others into Chen Mo’s office. With him, there are eight people, Wang Hai and Yangge Luoyong.
All the staff arrived.
"Boss." Wang Hai saw Chen Mo and gave him a ceremony.
"You're welcome." Chen Mo looked at four people: "How do you feel?"
"It feels very good now." Wang Hai said confidently.
The other three also followed.
They were scared by this potential development. At first, they were a little bit embarrassed, but after they actually used the potion, they knew the horror of this potion.
Now they feel that they are stronger than the peak state before retirement.
"That's good." Chen Mo nodded and looked at Li Chengzhi: "You go down first, and I have a little talk with Li instructor."
A few people nodded, knowing the next words, they were not convenient to listen, they turned and left.
When they left, Li Chengzhi sat on the sofa and his face became dignified: "The test of the drug was very successful. After the test of this time, the results showed that in addition to the development potential, the drug can increase the immunity and vitality of the human body. Is..."
Seeing the appearance of Li Chengzhi, Chen Mo is also serious. This is what he took out. Looking at Li Chengzhi’s appearance, it seems that there is something wrong with it.
"It can extend life," Li Chengzhi said.
"Is there still such a thing?"
Chen Mo was slightly surprised. It was a real accident. The technology he got from the technology library did not record the characteristics that can increase the life.

A few days ago, the potion was used on an old head who was close to the oil.

Li Chengzhi was very cautious and his voice was deliberately depressed.
"The old headmaster, who stayed in bed when he was young, was bedridden last year. A few days ago, he was judged by a doctor, he left after a week. Finally, he and his son agreed to become a volunteer. .
After using the medicine, I can get out of bed and it is still fine. The doctor checks and judges that he can live for a while, and how long it will take before he can know. However, Wu Bing said that according to his physical condition, there is no accident, no more than two years.

"Not bad." Chen Mo nodded.
It can increase life for more than a year, and it has not increased the horror of hundreds of years, but this is an extra surprise. This pharmacy will not work for the second time, so it will only increase once in a lifetime, and it cannot grow indefinitely.
Otherwise, this medicine is really against the sky.
Chen Mok knows that in the science and technology library, there are technologies and drugs that can increase the life span of human beings. It’s just that he hasn’t gotten such a high right now.
"Yes? Countless medical technology, let the current people, the average life expectancy is extended a little, you have this anti-day effect when you come out with this medicine. You just said it is good? Now people who know this news are The password is closed."
"So, tell me?"
Li Chengzhi is speechless.
"You are the inventor of the pharmacy. You have the right to know the water. If you need research afterwards, you will need your help, and then tell you, it is not very good."
"In advance, I don't have much time to help. The last time I went to the capital to explain the technology to you, it is very interesting. I have a lot of research topics now. I don't know how to do it. You are so many experts, let me help. Can't say it," Chen Mo said.
He must give Li Chengzhi a vaccination in advance, or else he will come to find himself, then he will not have to study.
"Don't worry, I said maybe, not necessarily, at most, just answer a few questions."
Li Chengzhi knows that there will be such a result and he does not care.
"The other thing is that since your situation and identity are very special, Wang Hai has also been a special soldier. We gave Wang Hai a special treatment to protect you."
Li Chengzhi has a ‘gun’ gesture, and the answer is self-evident.
"That's a good relationship." Chen Mo grinned. "If you want to let the four of them sing Lanlan, they will stay. During this time, I will like them."
These people are all elites in the elite. The more you come, the better. Chen Mo will not be too much.
"They can't do it." Li Chengzhi shook his head. "They are in special circumstances. The first batch of super soldiers are still in the exploratory stage. They have to go back, train and quest to explore the potential of this new service. When they get to that stage, if they are willing to come out, I will introduce it here, they are not willing to come out, and the future of the troops is bright."
"Okay." Chen Mo said helplessly.
Chen Mo and Yangge met a few people. After bidding farewell, Li Chengzhi took them away.
Wang Hai was also called into the office by Chen Mo.
"Your business, Li instructor told me. Starting today, your salary is increased by 50%. Work is still the original work, by the way, in the company's security team, find a few seedlings to train." Chen Mo said.
The things he encountered were not once or twice. The first time he almost got an accident. So he always pays attention to the security issue.
"Understand." Wang Hai several people focus on the head.
They all know that Chen Mo is trusting them and will let them contact the secret medicine so secretly.
If they don't follow Chen Mo, they just go home. When they are ordinary people, they may marry and have children, and run for the family. They can have the current situation, which is given by Chen Mo.
The best way to repay Chen Mo is to protect his personal safety.
After chatting with Wang Hai, Chen Mo continued to start his own work. But not long after, the ink girl prompted him to have a call.
Alexander's phone.
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