Chapter 292: : Artificial Intelligence +

Several cars slowly entered the army ant company headquarters park. After a while, more than a dozen figures appeared, led by two people.
Michael Sios, deputy chief technology officer of the US Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Yao Yi, secretary of the coastal city. Followed by the two, there are several reporters who took cameras and photographed and reported on his visit.
At this time, Sios, attention is on the headquarters of the Army Ant Company.
He has seen the headquarters of the marching ant company more than once in the information and news. Now he comes over and sees it with his own eyes.
This enterprise, as its age, is still awe-inspiring, and people can see its bright future.
Starting from the capital of China, all the way down the south, he visited the headquarters of several important technology companies in China. Here is the last stop of his trip to China, and the most important stop.
Not long after, the group was led by the staff and arrived at the door of the Ant Colony headquarters.
The small fisherman waiting at the door saw the two coming over and greeted him.
"Yao Shuji, welcome." Xiao Yu first shook hands with Yao Yi.
"Little fisherman assistant, I didn't expect to see you for a while, you became more beautiful." Yao Yi smiled at Xiao Yu, the identity of Xiao Yu, he knew, naturally did not dare to put on the shelf.
"Thank you for the praise of Yao Shuji." Xiao Yu smiled and smiled at West Oss: "Hello, Mr. Sios, I am the assistant to the president, He Xiaoyu."
"Hello, Ms. Ho." Sios looked at the little fisherman and smiled and shook hands with her.
"President and chairman, waiting in the reception room, please come with me." Xiaoyu opening, led several people to the company's reception room.
Not long after, Xiao Yu led a group of people into the reception room.
"Yao Shuji, I haven't seen you for a long time."
Chen Mo and Yao Yi greeted each other and then looked at Sios and his party. In this delegation of Sios, including him, there are six main personnel. In addition to his assistants, three people are technically-born people.
After a brief look, Chen Mo also smiled and reached out: "Welcome to your arrival, Mr. Sios."
"Mr. Chen, hello." Sios also shook hands with Chen Mo: "Long-await your name."
After a short visit, both parties also entered the reception room.
The reception room was large enough and arranged in advance. Yao Yi and two government staff members sat on the side of Chen Mo, and the accompanying staff of Sios and the visiting group sat on the other side.
Chen Mo put on the prepared translation headset and went to the topic: "I don't know Mr. Sios, come here to find me, is there anything?"
Sios smiled slightly.
"Your company has always been the leader of the world in the high-tech field. This time, it is learned, just like your "Journey to the West" in China. We want to hear Mr. Chen's thoughts on the future development of science and technology, give us some Inspiration experience."
Chen Mo seems to think of something, revealing a smile. However, everyone did not notice the strangeness in Chen Mo's smile.
"The first industrial revolution, entering the steam era, the second industrial revolution, entering the electrical age, after the Second World War, we entered the era of science and technology, the 21st century, is the third revolution of biotechnology and information.
The world is looking forward. The Internet era is coming. The next industrial revolution is artificial intelligence. The future is the era of ‘artificial intelligence+’. This is a development trend.

"Artificial Intelligence +?" Sios looked at Chen Mo.
Not only is Sios, but everyone else looks at Chen Mo. Now those people are popular with Internet+, and now Chen Mo says an artificial intelligence +, this is a new concept.

For example, our company's financial system uses our own artificial intelligence financial system. The ability of this artificial intelligence system is equivalent to a senior accountant. It can assist accountants, quickly register accounts, and conduct intelligent statistics. Make a report.
Using this financial system, accountants can complete the previous day's workload within an hour, greatly improving work efficiency and reducing error rates.

"In addition to the financial system, there are office systems, mobile smart assistants in life, all of which use artificial intelligence.
Not only have we developed this way, the Ali Group recently opened the artificial intelligence design platform Luban, an artificial intelligence designer. From the beginning to the present, within two years, its design ability reached the P6 level, which is a senior designer.
Of course, from the creative point of view, artificial intelligence can not replace the designer's work, but when man-machine combination, artificial intelligence can carry out some repetitive design work, reducing the designer's workload and speeding up the design.
Artificial intelligence + can also be considered as a variant of ‘Internet+’. Internet + is used in the economic field, artificial intelligence +, used in the field of life and work, human-machine combination, combining human thinking and machine speed to make work more efficient and life more convenient.

When Chen Mo finished speaking, he stopped and seemed to be very satisfied with his own words.
The people on the field looked at Chen Mo with surprise. If they say it from other populations, this is still to be studied. But Chen Mo is one of the authoritative figures in the field of artificial intelligence. This kind of words was said by Chen Mo and seems to have a bit of flavor.
The artificial intelligence of the marching ant company is in the forefront of the world. Does this mean that the next step of the marching ant company is to create artificial intelligence + era?
Including Sios, my heart did not consciously think about it.
Even Zhao Min heard these words and began to think about it. As Chen Mo said, it may not be feasible.

It’s wonderful.
Sios smiled.
Everyone is worried about the arrival of the artificial intelligence era. Mr. Chen has a unique idea.

"Oh, thank you." Chen Mo nodded with a smile and accepted his praise.
Sios continued to open his mouth. After opening the topic, the two began to talk normally. More often, Sios was asking, Chen Mo answered.
It seems that I am very interested in artificial intelligence +, and there are many problems with Sios, all of which involve this topic. Chen Mo is also faintly talking about it, and it seems that the atmosphere of communication is very harmonious.
After more than an hour, the conversation between the two stopped.
"Mr. Chen Mo, I have a ruthless invitation." Sios paused and spoke.
Chen Mo and Zhao Min looked at each other and knew that the topic was coming. They turned to look at West Oss and smiled aloud: "Mr. Sios, please say."
"I am very interested in what you just said about ‘Artificial Intelligence+’. Can we talk alone and explore this issue in depth?
Sios had a gesture of communication.
Yao Yi on the court did not consciously look at Chen Mo. He came here this time and was nominally accompanied. He didn't even want to know that the reason why Sios came to Binhai was more for the marching ant company.
Now I want to talk to Chen Mo alone, it is even more intriguing, but he can't say anything.
"Talk alone?"
"Yes." Sios looked forward to some expectations.
"Of course." Chen Mo smiled and promised to come down.
"Yao Shuji, I have something to talk to you, otherwise we will go out and talk."
Zhao Min saw Chen Mo promised to come down and immediately led Yao Yi and left the reception room. Followed by the assistants from Sios, also left the reception room to go to the rest area, not long after, only Chen Mo and Sios were left on the field.
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