Chapter 293: : I think carefully

"Mr. Chen, have you ever thought about expanding the company's market?" Sios opened.

Isn’t it a question about ‘Artificial Intelligence+’?
Chen Mo was not surprised, and Sios’s title was in his expectation.
"This question may be kept and so on. If you want to discuss this issue, would Mr. Chen Mo want to expand your company's market?"
"Expanding the market? Our company's market has been expanding, not a problem that we don't want to want, it is already in action."
"Also, but I am talking about the market in our country." Sios said.
"Is the US market? I am a businessman. Is there money to make me refuse?"
When Xi's heard Chen Mo's answer, he immediately showed a relaxed smile. Many senior executives of the company and the official staff of Huaxia were present. He couldn't say a few words. Now there are only two people, but they can say it.
"We have a condition, that is, your company, build a production line in us, we can open up the domestic market to your company." Sios is somewhat expecting to say.
"So simple?"
"Yes, as long as you move the production line to our country and hire our workers to produce, the conditions are very simple, and we will have subsidies in terms of policy." Seeing Chen Mo's expression, Sios knew that there was a play and hurriedly spoke.
"I have to think about it carefully." Chen Mo said.
Sios was shocked and looked at Chen Mo’s appearance. He almost thought that Chen Mo had to promise, and he was preparing to be happy. He did not expect it to be such an answer. He did not understand why Chen Mo suddenly changed his face.

Is this condition not good? Building a production line there, we increase the employment rate, you can enter our market to make money, and there is government subsidy every year.

"The conditions are good, but for this company's decision, we need high-level discussions to decide, naturally we have to consider."
Chen Mo’s face is still a calm look, but his heart is as clear as a mirror.
It’s a fake visit to Sea City this time. It’s true that I want to make my own set. Moving the factory to the United States almost moved the entire set of technology, and the cost of production in the United States was too high to be worthwhile.
Companies in their own country do not want to move the factory back, let alone other foreign companies that may be restricted.
Sios naturally does not believe that the marching ant company has only one voice. As long as Chen Mo decides, no one dares to oppose him. However, Chen Mo said that he is not good enough to continue.
He was also a senior executive of the company. Chen Mo said that there is nothing wrong with it.
But he knows that in many cooperations, this kind of words almost means the meaning of rejection. Without clarification, it is a step for both sides. He naturally hopes that Chen Mo can seriously consider it.
Sios did not dare to force, too much to ask, but it would be disgusting, and then began to enter the next topic: "Mr. Chen, we are very interested in your company's technology, can you transfer or authorize?"
"There is no such plan for the time being." Chen Mo smiled and refused.
"Mr. Chen, don't be anxious to refuse, we want to buy the full production technology of holographic projectors and the source code of artificial intelligence, the price you said." Sios did not seem to hear Chen Mo's rejection, said.
"This way? Then I think about it carefully." Chen Mo asked with a smile.
Also consider carefully? It’s hard for Xi’s to hear these words than to swallow a little.
After a brief silence, Sios continued to speak with a hard scalp: "Mr. Chen Mo, are you interested in playing in our country? Or staying for a while."
"What is fun in the United States?"
Chen Mo has not been entangled in the purpose of Xi's, and I don't want to know that the so-called "artificial intelligence +" is just an excuse to talk to himself.
"A lot, romantic Hawaiian beach, Las Vegas desert, legendary Silicon Valley, etc. In the United States, you can enjoy complete freedom, without the limitations of others, there are many beautiful women, it is a paradise for the rich.
With Mr. Chen’s ability, go to our country and do whatever you want. Many rich people in the world want to immigrate to our country because of the low tax revenue and good living environment. If Mr. Chen wants to come, we are very welcome.

Sios looked at Chen Mo and wanted to see something from him.
This time he came over, the visit was a fake, and the main purpose was Chen Mo. If you can convince Chen Mo to move the production line of holographic projectors to the United States, or convince Chen Mo to immigrate to the United States, that is a big profit.
Generally speaking, young people today are pursuing freedom, money, beauty and power. He only needs to start from this aspect, and may have unexpected gains.
A genius like Chen Mo, which country does not want? Moreover, Chen Mo immigration, the marching ant company will also become a US enterprise, which is a two-pronged effort. Of course, this kind of thing can't be said straightforwardly.
"It turned out that the United States is so good, no wonder I heard that the air in the United States is sweet."
Through the translation of the robot, Sios naturally did not hear the deep meaning of Chen Mo's words, and did not read a certain news. He thought that Chen Mo was yearning for the United States, and his face immediately showed a happy smile.
"Well, the air in our country is really good. I just came from your capital. The smog is very serious and it is easy to make people sick. Our country has a good environment and good medical conditions. Does Mr. Chen Mo want to live in our country for a while? Visa is easy, so your family can move around."
"Oh, there is no travel plan for the time being, I will consider it carefully when I look back." Chen Mo said with a smile.
Since the mercenary attacked him, he knew that some places could not go, and the consequences would be serious.
This country of the United States, let alone think about it.
The one who brought the mercenaries over was one of the directors of Apple.
In China, there are people who dare to send people to kidnap him and go to the territory controlled by the capitalists. He will be supernatural and eventually will only be slaughtered. After all, he is a foreigner.
Is there no plan, or careful consideration?
Sios was almost spurted out by Chen Mo’s words. He felt that he had said so many words, and he was completely playing on the cows. At this time, he wanted to curse people.
Are the scientists who are immersed in research, the IQ is too high, and the emotional intelligence is depressed? In the country, it is also the communication with those scientists. In Chen Mo, it is also the topic terminator.
Can't you answer in other words?
All three topics were terminated by Chen Mo's ‘careful consideration,’ and Chen Mo said that he was too embarrassed to continue.
"That Mr. Chen carefully considered, in terms of price, we can pack you satisfied." The smile of Sios is somewhat far-fetched.
Three questions, Chen Mo gave him the same answer, are perfunctory. I am afraid that this trip will not be a big gain. The young man Chen Mo is more difficult to deal with than he imagined. It is an old fritter.
"Yes." Chen Mo nodded.
He never thought about transferring technology. Technology is the core of a company, and it is impossible to transfer technology.
Nowadays, many people are jealous of the technology in his hands. If he sells it casually, his company’s core competitiveness will be gone, not to mention the fact that the other party is still the US government.
"Mr. Sios, I heard that you came to our company and wanted to visit the learning experience. I will take you to our company to see it."
Chen Mo got up.
From the very beginning, Sios came for him, or to look at his skills. It was not for communication. He didn't have to waste time.
Seeing that Chen Mo did not continue to talk about it, Xios was not reluctant to sort out his mood and followed Chen Mo to leave the reception room.
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