Chapter 415: : Nuclear Fusion Research Institute

Science Island is located in the Bund of Xiangjiang District, covering an area of ​​more than 6,000 acres. The island has a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery. Due to the distance from the city center of Binhai, there are not many people living around the area. This small island has not been developed.
When the nuclear fusion project was confirmed, Chen Mo was officially promised to the coastal city officially applying for the island as a place for nuclear fusion research.
This unknown island has become a place of concern for people in Binhai City, known as the Science Island of Binhai City.
Next to Science Island, an armed police detachment is stationed and has a natural security force.
After the island was identified as the experimental site of the Nuclear Fusion Research Institute of Huaxia Nuclear Energy Group, the official city of Binhai City will also move the nearest police station to the small island to provide sufficient security for the project. surroundings.
Among the islands, there are veterans hired by Huaxia Nuclear Energy Group as the security force of the island.
The car team of Chen Mo and others entered the Science Island under the of the special police. The group of people also came down from the car and looked around to familiarize themselves with the environment for future work.
The research institutes and dormitories at this time have been completed, and other living facilities and construction are continuing. At the same time, various projects are being carried out at the same time. Many workers and machines are in the construction isolation area that can be seen everywhere.
The area where everyone is located is the central area of ​​Science Island, and the main nuclear fusion research institute is in front of them.
The main body of the institute [Star Ring] is underground, and the exterior is only five stories high. It looks like a large ordinary building, arched, white, and very large. Fingerprint recognition and face recognition are used at the door. Once an outsider is found to be mixed in, the artificial intelligence will sound the alarm security personnel and will automatically close the channel.
The most important experimental data center, only Chen Mo and Wan Yuanqi can enter, even if Zhao Min and Yang Mingqi can not get close, and the data center also needs voiceprint recognition and gait recognition, copying the data also has to confirm the identity.
The four-fold intelligent identification function, it is harder for outsiders to sneak into the research data and steal the research data.
All the fingerprints and facial information were entered into the database, and Chen Mo and the team entered the institute. The outside of the institute is unpretentious and the interior is very futuristic.
The minimalist style of the science and technology, with the technical support of the marching ant company, the entire research institute has been intelligent. In the entrance of the institute, there is also a patrol robot and security personnel from the army ant company.
Entering the smart elevator, the pedestrian also entered the laboratory where the [Star Ring] was installed. The laboratory is a circular area of ​​ten meters in diameter and four stories high.

This is the construction area of ​​[Star Ring].
Chen Mo from the corridor overlooking the empty space below, said:
The experimental device of [Star Ring] will be built here. Your mission is Auxiliary building [Star Ring]."
"Chen Chen, we don't know what you said. The structure of the [Star Ring] device is like this. How to assist?" Chen Mo finished, with a ponytail tied to the side and a female researcher wearing round metal frame glasses.
Bai Lijing looked at Chen Mo directly, and his eyes were a little dodging. He did not do anything wrong, but he was a teenager who was a few years older than Chen Mo. The graduates from the physics department of the world famous universities, compared with Chen Mo, seem so small. Live the road.
Looking directly at this legendary figure, she is somewhat inferior. But this younger than her, there is always an attractive charm that makes her somewhat inexplicable.
"So this is what you need to learn."
Chen Mo led the entire team into the channel, and soon went to another lab. It is also a circular laboratory, except for computers, which are holographic projectors.
"start up."
At the time of doubt, Chen Mo opened the microphone opening of the console.
I saw the light in the lab dim, the holographic projector lit up, and a three-meter-high instrument was projected into the center of the lab.
The internal structure is invisible to everyone, but in appearance, it is very different from the Tokamak device. The waist of the device is like a bloated fat man, and there are not as many pipes as the tokamak device.
Looking at the shape of the holographic projection, the entire team of people could not help but marvel at the advancement of holographic technology, and then began to look at the device that Chen Mo called [Star Ring].

Can this device be used for experiments? What about full-superconducting technology? Without superconductors, the super-strong magnetic field needed for fusion reactions is not achieved.
One researcher could not help but groan.
He did not dare to question Chen Mo loudly, but he still had doubts.
‘Oriental Super Ring’ is almost the world's most advanced full-superconducting tokamak device. It uses superconducting technology and low-temperature superconducting technology to provide super-strong magnetic constraints to achieve steady-state and high-constrained operation of the device.
Does Chen Mo have superconducting technology? Is there a divertor material?
These technologies, the state can not give it to individual research, this device has only one shape, and it has to be doubted whether it can conduct nuclear fusion technology research.
His embarrassment, people around him can hear, nodded and agreed.
This is indeed a problem. The nuclear fusion reaction requires a super-strong magnetic field to accelerate the helium atom and let the temperature reach the high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees required for the fusion reaction. It is almost impossible for ordinary technology to achieve this condition.
Although Chen Mo is very powerful, they also have to doubt the feasibility of the device.
It is not ruled out that Chen Mo’s theory is correct, but Chen Mo can do it without the experimental conditions required to complete those theories. This is their suspicion.
Chen Mo naturally heard the embarrassment of the researcher, and he did not care. Such a big project involves too many complicated technologies. The difficulties are more clear to everyone. These researchers have questions that are normal. If you see the model, you believe that he must succeed. That is not normal.
"This is the [Star Ring]. As for the technology of the [Star Ring] device, you don't have to worry about it. I have prepared for this preparation. Your task is to assist me and assemble the components of the device into a [Star Ring]. ""
Chen Mo said calmly.
"You have 30 people, specializing in high temperature plasma physics, high temperature superconducting physics, material physics, condensed physics, magnetic physics, etc. According to your profession, go to their respective laboratories, and your lab has intelligence. Robots, computers and holographic projectors.
Your task is to understand the working principle of the part of the device module that you are responsible for, as to whether you can collide with new sparks and see yourself. If you have any research, you can submit project information and apply for funds. The project is feasible and the group will give you funds.
Remember, the information you will learn next is all special information and is not allowed to be circulated. Don't be surprised to learn new things and write new articles that you find.
This research institute is not used to publish papers for you and to increase your own gold content. You can come here, the confidentiality regulations should be clearer than I am. The consequences of the technical leak are serious. Everyone understands that I will give you a shot.
If you suspect me, I feel that the experiment can not be successful, it is a waste of time here, you can leave now, I will not blame you, will not stop you, the Academy of Sciences should arrange you to other units, after all, this field is very lacking. If you stay, work according to the tasks I have arranged, otherwise I will personally chase you away, and when you are, my face will not look good. Of course, if you have any questions in this process, you can ask me. I will answer your questions in detail if the conditions permit.

Chen Mo suddenly became serious, and the majestic voice made the whole team silent.
Everyone looked at each other and was at a loss.
The age and education of all of them are higher than Chen Mogao, but Chen Mo’s instructions are not allowed to refute, because Chen Mo is now an authoritative person, and when they come here, they are quite Chen Mo’s students, refuting the consequences of the tutor, they naturally know.
If you build a [Star Ring] in Building 1, he dares to use all kinds of robots with confidence, but here is the Institute of Nuclear Fusion, and some things have to be reserved.
Moreover, people are more flexible than robots, and [Star Ring] is built. Some work smart robots cannot be replaced. They must be personally carried out, so Chen Mocai needs their assistance.
After everything was finished, Chen Mo was asked to go to their own labs and led Wan Yuan to the research center's data center.
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