Chapter 416: : The shock of Wan Yuanzhen

"This is the data center. All the experimental materials of the institute will be placed here. The authority of the academician can be accessed here."
Chen Mo took Wan Yuanyu into the data center of the institute.
The data center is still full of metal, minimalist future technology. In addition to the 24-hour watched robot, there are various cameras and sensors.
Inside the thick tempered glass wall, it is the host of the data center. Without the authorization of Chen Mo, the outsiders cannot get close to the host.
The computer in the lab is connected to the host here. You need to copy the data and view the highest level of technical information of the institute. You must enter the lab. And entering here, no electronic equipment is allowed, and the security level of technical data is not lower than the security level of any research institute in the world.
"Then I will pick up some information first."
Wan Yuanzheng can't wait, and at the prompt of Chen Mo, he began to look at the information of Chen Mo's research. Even if it is him, it only has the right to view and cannot copy.
Since the last time he saw Chen Mo's simulation data, he has been obsessed with this information.
In theory, the technology of controlled nuclear fusion energy output can be realized. If successful, the human energy history will change.
Although they do not think that Chen Mo can be successfully developed in a short time, it involves new nuclear fusion technology.
The research on the Tokamak device has encountered bottlenecks. Chen Mo’s theoretical research may be a new direction. Even if Chen Mo’s theory is unsuccessful, some places may be the stone of other mountains.
After transferring Chen Mo's theoretical data, Wan Yuanzhen was addicted to it, and he kept looking at every sentence of the theory and every formula.
"This this……"
The more you look at it, the more dignified you look.
There are tens of thousands of simulation experiments, and the data of each simulation experiment is much more complete than the data given to them. Now he finds that the data that Chen Mo gave them is just the tip of the iceberg. Now that he sees the complete theory, he is shocked.
This set of theory shows that in the [Star Ring] reactor, it can achieve self-sustainability.
In the fusion reaction, helium will be trapped and other problems, and he will not be able to participate in the fusion reaction. This leads to fewer and fewer ruthenium in the reactor, and finally the steady-state operation of the reactor cannot be maintained, and the fusion reaction is terminated. Therefore, the issue of self-sustainability has always been one of the bottleneck technologies for controlled nuclear fusion.
Chen Mo's theory of controlled fusion has solved the problem of self-sustainability.
Although it is only theory and no practice, it has to be said that there is such a possibility.
At present, the industrial preparation of '氚' is to use the reactor neutrons to bombard the target materials such as lithium fluoride, lithium carbonate and lithium magnesium alloy, and then enrich the crucible by thermal diffusion.
In addition to the artificial preparation of cockroaches, there are also cockroaches in the natural world. The cockroaches in nature are produced by high-energy neutron bombardment of the nucleus carried by cosmic rays.
The reaction of light nuclear fusion is: 氘 (2D) + 氚 (3T) - 氦 (He) + neutron (n) + a large amount of energy.
Each 氘氚 fusion produces a neutron n of 14 MeV energy.
According to this data, under the extremely strong magnetic field, the high-energy neutrons n produced by the fusion reaction of 氘氚 轰 轰 氘 氘 氘 氘 氘 氘 氘 氘 氘 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。
Because of a fusion reaction, only one neutron is produced, so there is no need to worry about uncontrolled chain reaction, and there is no way to control the number of neutrons. This is one of the reasons why nuclear fusion technology is safer than nuclear fission technology. Even if some neutrons can't hit the 氘 atom, you only need to fill in some 氚 适 at the right time, and the consumption of 氚 will be greatly reduced.
The idea was studied in the research, and their researchers have thought about it, but there has been no technical solution. Now in Chen Mo's theory, [Star Ring] can solve the theoretical basis of this problem.
If feasible, this means that a core problem with controlled nuclear fusion has been addressed.
However, Wan Yuanyi felt a little uncomfortable next.
Because the data only records the theory of self-sustaining, the specific technical solutions do not appear on the data. The technical information of the entire device of [Star Ring] is not in the data.

Is there any technology related to self-sustainability?
asked Wan Yuanzhen.
"The technology related to self-sustaining is not here, there is us. This is the theoretical data that can be shared with the researchers of the nuclear energy group. The technology of the nuclear energy group needs to be developed by the researchers in the group. It is shared by both parties. Those technologies are not When the [Star Ring] core components in this respect, the marching ant group will provide production," Chen Mo said.
The core components of [Star Ring] involve the materials and technology of the divertor, as well as the normal temperature superconductor materials, and the self-sustaining technology. It is impossible for these technologies to be unconditionally placed in the nuclear energy group. He also has reservations.
Otherwise, after the Academy of Sciences got those technical skills, he regretted it.
"That is, the question of self-sustainability has been solved theoretically?" Wan Yuanzhen did not think too much. He was concerned about the success of this technology.
"Yes, you only need to set up a [Star Ring] to experiment, you can verify whether the technology is feasible."
Wan Yuanyi smiled in surprise, and spent most of his life in the study of nuclear fusion. Now he sees the dawn, even if it is only theoretical, he is still happy.
With his decades of experience, those theoretical formulas know that there is no fake at a glance.
In addition, in the simulation experiment of Chen Mo, the plasma turbulence model has been established. This turbulence model is more convincing than the theoretical data.
The plasma motion in the tokamak device is very unstable, and scientists cannot understand these instability well, so there has been no way to improve the design of the tokamak device to suppress these instability.
With the turbulence model of the plasma, even if it is simulated, this is also a good news.
Originally, there was some doubt about whether Chen Mo could develop nuclear fusion technology. Now, when he saw this theory, his doubts were all dispelled.
"Academician Chen, I have something to ask."
"You said."
"I want to copy these theoretical materials to the Academy of Sciences in Huizhou. I don't know if this is the case. This theory is certainly not helpful for the study of controlled nuclear fusion." Wan Yuanzhen asked some questions.
"Yes, these theories are shared, but advance reminders, these theories, don't make papers published," Chen said.
"In this respect, we definitely understand." Wan Yuanyi was overjoyed, and he did not expect Chen Mo to be so refreshing.

Can the plasma turbulence model be?

"This can't be done." Chen Mo shook his head: "They want to see the turbulence model of the plasma, they can let them join the team, I authorize them to view it, the information can not be copied."
When I heard this answer, Wan Yuanzhen had some regrets and did not say much. That is the key technology. It is normal for Chen Mo not to pass it out. Chen Mo has given them enough.

Would you like to go to your lab first?

"it is good."
Looking at the information on the computer screen, Wan Yuanzhen is a bit reluctant.
Even if I only looked at it roughly, I have already given him a lot of surprises. If I study it in depth, I will definitely have more surprises. But now that I have just arrived, there is a lot of time to study, and I am not in a hurry.
On the evening of the same day, Wan Yuanzhen was allowed to pass Chen Mo's permission to copy the information of the controlled fusion theory and contact Li Chengzhi to send it back to the Huizhou Academy of Sciences.
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