Chapter 481: : Dilemma

Angola opposed the armed exchange with the armed forces controlled by Vassoron and opposed the death of five armed men. Seven people were killed and 11 were injured in the Vasorran army. The bombs fell into civilian areas, killing 9 civilians and 31 people. Injured.
The fighting between the two sides has started, leaving international public opinion in vain.
Another country is caught in a civil war.
The first exchange of fire, until the end of the sunset, both sides publicly accused the other party to fire.
Not long after, the opposition armed forces released a video to the public. The gunshots came first from the military controlled by Vassoron. The news caused unprecedented anger in Angola’s domestic and international public opinion, and also satisfies the hypocritical label of Vassoron. .
An famous reporter from Angola publicly criticized the Vasorlen dictatorship on Twitter. The next day, the reporter’s body was found at home and had been assassinated and cruel.
Various news were exposed, and the public grievances were completely boiling. Some people have begun to attack the isolation fences under the military, which has triggered new contradictions, and international public opinion has also been driven.
The United Nations called on both sides to calm down, stop the exchange of fire and return to the negotiating table to solve the problem.
The country headed by the US began to pressure the Angolan authorities at international conferences, demanding that Vassoron respect the wishes of the people, resign and step down, accept investigations, and publicly sanction the high-level Angola headed by Vasorion.
With the support of all parties, the opposition armed forces joined the two major towns and began to approach the capital. They only opposed the armed forces and did not have air power and armored weapons. After winning two important towns, the two sides’ war situation once again fell into confrontation.
The presidential palace of the capital of Angola, a middle-aged man in a gray suit and gold-rimmed glasses sits in the first seat of the office. He is the president of Angola, Vassoron, with brown-black skin and short, flat hair, with a little whiteness and a lingering exhaustion in his face.
Looking at the news reports in the West, he was angry at an unprecedented time.
Those media portrayed him as a cruel dictator.
From the time Diondin was killed, he felt that he was led by his nose, and the public opinion was also guided. All kinds of dirty water poured over and let him talk.
Ordinary people preconceived the news. From the very beginning, he thought that he was a black hand of murder. Now even if he clarifies many times in domestic radio and television broadcasts, he believes that he is not half.
This is a deliberate conspiracy, as if there are a few black hands behind it, no matter how he does it, the final result will be distorted, especially international public opinion, which gives him a sense of powerlessness.
Angry people, soldiers who are constantly defecting, the boiling of international public opinion, the pressure from the United Nations, and the sanctions of Westerners have made his pressure unprecedented.
He has lost most of his people's hearts, but he relies on the support of his army. This situation does not know how long it can last.
The Westerner is already supporting the opposition to deal with him.
From the information from the front, we can know that the anti-armed forces have acquired a large amount of weapons and equipment in a short period of time, which is better than their army.
That is a Western weapon, and he has to doubt that behind all this is the support of Westerners.
The purpose of the other party is very clear. If he wants to step down, then the so-called election can be manipulated.
He wants to quit and step down, but he doesn't dare.
When he stepped down, he could never cleanse his charges. He would only be judged as a wicked person, and his country would fall into the hands of those with ulterior motives. By then, he would become a sinner.
It is already a dilemma. His president, certainly can't do it. It will only be worse if he drags on. There is only another way to solve this crisis. Seemingly determined, Vasorlen sighed and raised his head and spoke to the secretary next to him.
"Amu Da, informed Minister Ansky that they are coming back, there are important things to discuss."
Anski wants to go back to the capital.
On an island in Angola, Ridman received the news and his face was a little smiley.
From the death of Diordin, the chaos was following his plan. The only accident was that the Westerners contacted Murmi to give them aid and equipment.
With this kind of benefit, he naturally will not refuse.
Now, under their guidance, Vasoran has lost the support of the people and international public opinion. He has no choice but to be a good man. He thought that Vasorion would voluntarily resign and step down. Then he could arrange the name to be on the stage and control Ango. Pull.
Vasorun did not step down, but he was surprised, but it was also expected.
The only difficulty that made him feel was Anski. Anski is a loyal figure of the Vasorun faction, and his position is firm. Once he has not solved Anschi, he will take Vasoran. Anski will definitely send troops. When Angola will fall into a long-term civil war and chaos.
This is not the result he wants, so he has been waiting for an opportunity.
It seems that now, the opportunity is coming.
"Let Mbo prepare, according to the original plan, Vazorron and Anski will be in the nest." Ridman opened his mouth.
Standing next to Ridman's poison rose nodded, took out an encrypted phone and dialed a number.
Mbo sat in the camp and looked at the news from all parties. His face was calm.
Starting with Diordin’s death, he knew that the organization’s plan was already underway. But the organization never contacted him, and all this is explained, the time is not yet.
Once the time comes, the above will definitely give him orders. Because he understands the character of Mr. Riederman, he must achieve his goal when he starts.
Now within the army, there have been some voices against Vassoron. After all, public opinion is not on Vasorran. His refusal to step down has already caused the country to fall into chaos.
Now Vasorlen’s impression of outsiders is: dictatorship, greed.
There have been some soldiers who could not resist the temptation to defect to Murmi, but the larger defection was stopped by him. He believes that as long as there is a tie, there will be many soldiers against Vasorran.
He did not do this. From beginning to end, he and Makani did not say a word, and the arrangements for Vassoron and Anski were heard.
This performance allowed him to quickly gain the trust of Ansky.
As one of the most elite teams, Mbo’s mission is to guard the security of the capital and guard the safety of Vasorran.
It can be said that the presidential palace is now under his control, but the organization has not allowed him to act, so he has not shown it, quietly doing his own thing.
He has already got the news, Anski was called back from the front by Vasorran, and he had a hunch that he was an opportunity.
When Mbo knocked on the table and thought, a leader came in.
Seeing the people who came in, Mbo’s spirit shocked and immediately straightened his waist. This is the leader of the organization to enter the team, but also his assistant. As a general, he has a lot of eyes to look at. It is inconvenient to do a lot of things. In some cases, he needs to contact the organization through his assistants.
At this time, my face came seriously, and there must be something big.
"General, Mr. came to the news, waited for Ansky to come back and act according to the plan, and the net was exhausted." The armed leader said softly at Mbo.
Upon hearing this order, Mbo’s eyes lit up and nodded slightly.
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