Chapter 482: : This is interesting!

Anski sat in an armed buggy and passed the road security checkpoint and headed for the presidential palace. Even if they and the anti-armed forces have begun to fight, but in his face, only see a face of indifference, with a decisive temperament in his eyes.
When Diordin died, he felt a conspiracy.
With the performance of Vasole in the past few years, re-election is almost a matter of ironclad. He does not believe that Vassoron will be greedy for power, use his means to clear his opponent, and he is still such an obvious opponent.
And he is a Vasoran faction, both of whom are friends, and understand each other's personality, so at the beginning, he firmly stood on the side of Vasorun.
But there are still some people who stand against it.
After a series of things, the situation became confusing, and when the American equipment appeared in the armed forces, things were already obvious, and some people were stalking.
But he can't help it.
The people are preoccupied, Diordin has a lot of prestige among the people, and there are a lot of supporters, there must be an account.
And the people need to explain that Vasorun stepped down.
Once Vasorun stepped down, the situation completely fell into the control of the black hand. He and Vasorran’s end are nothing to say, and their country may fall into the hands of the embarrassment, which is even more troublesome.
It is a pity that the public will not consider these things. They only know the anger that expresses anger and vents their dissatisfaction. Excessive venting, under the guidance of the black hand behind the scenes, makes things more and more complicated, so that it becomes a state of avalanche.
There are indications that the black hand behind is a veteran, and from the beginning, all this is planned.
After so many things, there must be someone to explain, I am afraid that this time Vassoron called him back, just want to discuss this issue.
Get off, Anski was surrounded by several soldiers and entered the presidential palace.
Followed by several high-level generals around him, as well as the core staff of the Vasorran faction, also followed Anski and entered the presidential palace.
In the office of the president, Vasullen and Ansky sit opposite each other, and the atmosphere is a bit depressed.
This situation in Angola is now terrible.
Westerners have pressured them to impose sanctions, and with the pressure of the United Nations, their small country simply cannot compete. And from the public opinion, they are still on the downside.
"Calling you back, I want to discuss something with you."
The exhausted voice of Vassoron broke the repressed atmosphere of the office, and Ansky nodded slightly, waiting for Vasorlen's following.
"The situation is very bad now. I am determined to let me down, otherwise I will not be able to calm down the people. Even if I have not done anything, it is not important."
Vasoran’s voice was helpless, and the people were used. He could only sigh.
"I am down to the fact that I am down, but I can't be led by some people with ulterior motives. So I thought about a way that doesn't work."
There is a way?
Ansky was a little surprised. Now it is their dilemma. There is a way to break the game. Maybe there is hope to resolve this dispute.
"any solution?"
"Government... change." Vasullen said two words with his teeth.
Ansky's face changed slightly: "What do you mean?"
Speaking of these two words, Vassoron seems to be a lot easier, sigh and say the idea.
"My current prestige is doomed to be president. They want me to step down, but I can't follow their plans. I have to control myself. This is the best way I can think of.
You mobilize politics... change, grab me, drive me down, then you take over the jurisdiction temporarily, lead the formation of temporary management and opposition to armed negotiations, and peacefully resolve their rebellion. Then you dominate the election and confirm that the people choose a person fairly to lead Angora.

Ansky quieted down and looked at Vasoran. He also knew that the old friend had made up his mind to make a decision.
"If they don't talk?"
"Then they will lose the support of public opinion. You can publicize the public on the radio and television and push them to the opposite side. Now our dilemma is mainly because the other party has completely discredited me and the public's anger is on me. You are detaining me and chasing me down, indicating that you and I have different positions.
The people will support you, and our own people will support you, and they will satisfy my demands for me to step down. At least it can be settled quickly, otherwise we will become the next battlefield here.

"Are you determined?"
boom! !
At the time of the two discussions, the office door suddenly opened.
Vasoran’s secretary rushed in, screaming and crying, his lips groaning:
Total... President, Mbo has sent troops to encircle the entire house, pay the guard’s gun, and come over here.

"What?" Ansky, who has remained calm, has changed dramatically.
His voice just fell, a group of heavily armed soldiers have arrived at the door of the presidential office.
"Ansky, is this your command?" Vassoron held last hope.
"No." Seeing this scene, Anski's face was pale, the capital was Mbo responsible for the guards, and the soldiers here were his people.
What are the consequences?
With a negative answer, Vasoran sat in a chair, watching the soldiers swarming in, and Mbo coming out of the soldiers.
"Sorry, both." Mbo sneered coldly.
Angola’s army, which guards the capital, has been demolished, and a large number of high-ranking servants, such as Vasualen and accomplices, have announced that they will temporarily take over jurisdiction.
The news came out, Angola trembled up and down, even international public opinion, the news of this sudden spread was caught off guard. The change in things is completely beyond the expectations of everyone.
Not long after, several senior generals of Angola unified their opinions, supported the change of Mbo, and elected the interim management. Subsequently, Mbo appeased the protesters on the television broadcast and called for the opposition to return to the negotiating table to resolve the incident peacefully.
"Mr. Lirik, Mbolai video call, I hope the two sides will negotiate." Murmi received the news and looked at Lirik next to him.
"Talk to them, our purpose has been reached." Lirik's mouth showed a smile and stood up: "I am going with you."
Although Murmi is an organization, there are very few people who know the specific plans in the organization. Murmi does not know the identity of Mbo, and this reaction is normal.
"What conditions should we mention?"
When the two went to the camp communication site, Murmi asked and he wanted to end the dispute. Because their purpose has been reached, they have already gained great benefits, and the organization should reward him.
"Public execution of Vasorion, or other conditions, what conditions to ask, not too much." Lirik laughed. Mbo is also their own person. Now the two sides are negotiating, they are all led by the organization, and they are just doing it.
The two entered the communication center and everyone looked at Murmi and Liric. They knew that Leroy was the one who controlled the whole situation behind the scenes, so he looked at Liric and looked with respect.
"Click on the video." Murmi spoke.
When I got the order, the technician in charge of the communication opened the communication video, and it was Mbo’s appearance of keeping the scum, wearing military uniform, very majestic.
Lirik and Mbo are smiling across the screen, just have a camera, and outsiders don’t know what they are.
Their plans are nearing success, and as long as the pretend negotiations are completed, they will be able to dominate the entire Angola, and God will not know it.
"Wasollen has been controlled by us. The struggle is no longer necessary. Can we talk back to the negotiating table?" Mbo spoke to Murmi.
Marching ant headquarters, building one.
Chen Mo is optimizing the design of the 3D printer, Angola's dispute, he only took a look at the news during this time, feeling that another country is in chaos.
Those things have nothing to do with him, so he did not pay too much attention to the research and design of 3D printers.
With the help of the ink girl, and the technical foundation developed in the early stage, plus the complete technical information of the 3D printer, the research is going very smoothly.
When he personally confirms the final details, he can start making 3D printers.
The ink girl stood quietly, watching Chen Mo concentrate on research, very quiet. Suddenly, the ink girl slammed her head and interrupted Chen Mo’s research.
"Well? What?" Chen Mo stopped and asked.
"I found the whereabouts of the person who kidnapped Dorivitz," said the ink girl.
"Well?" Chen Mo was suspicious and said: "Where is he?"
He was concerned about the kidnapping of Dollywitz because he was there. And it was later confirmed that Dorivitz was kidnapped by ‘RS’ and studied the special effects of the VFV virus. The VFV bioterrorism and Zhao Min were infected with the virus and almost went wrong.
All along, he asked the ink girl to pay attention to the whereabouts of the person, but the other party did not seem to appear in front of the networked camera, it should be hiding somewhere, did not come out, so the ink woman did not find each other.
But found it today.
"Here, he appeared in Angola’s video against the armed and military negotiations." The ink girl transferred the video of the negotiations between the two sides.
This is interesting!
Chen Mo looked at the video calls of both parties and was slightly surprised.
People all over the world understand in their hearts that Angola is opposed to armed weapons and ammunition assistance from Westerners and has an interest exchange with Western countries. As a result, the opposition to armed forces is related to the RS organization, and it may also be the power of RS organization control.
At the beginning, the RS organization used the VFV virus to cause serious social panic in Western countries.
What is the relationship between the two parties now?
Impossible, causing such a large-scale terrorist death, far-reaching, and significant losses, even in the North American and European countries, even if it is a fool, it is impossible to let go of the RS organization.
The only explanation is that Western countries do not know that opposition to armed forces is related to the RS organization, so they are assisted.
If the Western countries know that the people they help are trying to kill their enemies, what expression will those people be? Chen Mo thought of the expression of those people who vomited blood and madness, with a smile on their faces.
"Closely monitor all of them, have important news, and explain to me at any time." Chen Mo thought about it and continued: "Show me the information of this person and the information of relatives and friends who contacted him."
The unrest in Angola is a conspiracy, which can be seen by people with a clear eye. If it is not done well, it is planned by RS. Behind this person, there must be a higher host in the planning, he is just an executor.
Although this person has lived in Africa for a long time without a networked camera, unable to monitor the people he has recently contacted, but does not rule out the traces of his friends and relatives around him, no one can do the perfection without any traces, especially in this information explosion. era.
The RS organization has no direct hatred with him, but the last time the VFV virus has spread to Zhao Min, it is already enemies, and no one can guarantee that there will be no next time.
This anti-human organization is always a scourge.
This kind of organization, exposing one person, not catching the people behind, will definitely make a comeback. Therefore, Chen Mo still decided to take a look at it, find out the host behind it.
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