Chapter 565: : The Hand of Washington

Babu Hawa was recovered by the Syrian government, and the last border port of Idlib province against the armed control was cut off.
This battle became the last straw that was crushed against the armed forces.
The besieged opposition armed forces were in a state of total collapse, and there was almost no fighting. They abandoned the important towns such as Mhamdan and the Alameslin, and looked at the winds. Internal defections abound.
The land where the Syrian army has passed will win without fighting.
Even if the Western Group made an excuse to send a plane to bomb a few times, it still could not stop the pace of the big forces.
The wing of freedom opposes the armed high-level, and there have been serious differences. The main battle and the two sides began to quarrel and change their minds.
Not long after, there was a guilt inside the wing of freedom, and the leader of the peace-seeking leader was led by the late night, trying to control the leader, Hissett, and finally planned to fail, and the two sides exchanged fire.
The wing of freedom is completely divided into divisions.
The two factions guilty, Hassan received the name of the referrals, taking the opportunity to lead the Tigers, attacking the city of Idlib.
The wing of freedom is disintegrated inside, and the tiger forces of Hassan are headed by war robots, clearing against the armed forces, and the large forces are steadily pushing forward.
The battle of Idlib city lasted for one day.
The leader of the Wings of Liberty, Hitsett, was killed by war robots in the battle, and the armed forces lost the last heart and many people surrendered.
In the end, the Syrian government army led by Hassan completely controlled the city of Idlib and captured 4,000 militants. The rest of the team was disbanded and laid down to escape.
The group of 50 military advisers sent by the Western Group to oppose the armed forces were all captured. Under international pressure, the Syrian state finally released the 50 military advisers.
Since then, the Syrian civil war has ended in a government victory.
The outside world was unpredictable for the sudden change of the Syrian state. With the advantage of war robots, in less than a month, the Syrian nation settled for more than a decade of civil war.
War robots have almost become synonymous with the most horrible battlefield.
The manufacturers of war robots, the ants defense and the soldiers who provide weapons for the robots, are equipped with two companies. They also stand firm in the ranks of the world's top arms manufacturers because of the victory of the Syrian government.
However, the war did not end.
Before the recovery of Idlib, Bashar had publicly issued warnings to the troops who had not allowed to enter the territory of Syria through television broadcasts. However, half a month later, the troops entering the territory of Syrian Arab countries still did their own way and did not leave the territory of Syria. the meaning of.
In the end, the Syrian nation couldn't bear it. Let the Hasan Tigers who had just settled on Idlib attack the north and directly drive the army of the country in the Syrian territory.
Hasan’s tiger troops, while approaching the country’s garrison, let the air force carry six warm-pressure bombs, invest in the country’s territory in the Syrian state, and then take the lead in the demon squad equipped with intelligent robots and the well-equipped silver camp. , traversed.
In just one day, the troops stationed in the territory of the Syrian State, 1,300 soldiers died, and the tanks and armored vehicles lost 82 tanks and armored vehicles. The cost was heavy and they fled and returned to the border of the country.
Then Hassan led the silver camp and the war robot squad, airborne in the southwestern part of the Syrian Arab Republic, with the intention of regaining the Golan Heights.
The news spread that the country immediately stopped bombing and harassing the Syrian state and entered a comprehensive state of readiness, such as the enemy.
The news of the change of the Syrian war situation has spread, making the world shocked.
Nowadays, there are war robots and intelligent equipment in the Syrian state as the cards. Although the air power is lacking, the combat effectiveness of the ground forces has reached a stage of terror.
The repatriation of the country has no way to sue the United Nations and ask the United Nations to discuss the resolution and impose sanctions on the Syrian state.
The stage of the game of the world's great powers has also shifted from the Syrian national battlefield to the stage of the UN General Assembly.
In addition to the assistance of the United Nations to the United Nations, the request for sanctions against the Syrian nation, and the Western group headed by the United States, plus the countries of the country, the country, the island country and South Korea, drafting an agreement prohibiting the entry of war robots into the battlefield, also submitted to the Security Council. Beautiful name: In order to avoid human beings suffering from the crisis of intelligent robots, destroy humanity.
In the end, neither agreement was passed.
The sanctions imposed by the Turkish countries have been rejected by the United Nations without any mercy.
Because the Syrian state has publicly warned of the illegal entry into the territory of the Syrian state, it is only the soil country that has not been taken care of. It is an indisputable fact that the Turkish countries invaded the territory of Syria, and the Syrian state has the right to self-defense.
As a result of this resolution, the Tuguo country swallowed a dumb loss, and it was only guilty to the Syrian state.
The Western Group’s agreement to ban war robots from entering the battlefield was directly rejected by the Eastern Powers of the Security Council.
CIA headquarters.
Linna is in a secret meeting.
The changes in the Syrian battlefield, the emergence of war robots, helping the Syrian army to win wars and stabilizing the domestic situation in Syria have threatened their global strategy.
As for the war robots and the Syrian army, they don’t have to worry about it. The Pentagon will be responsible for it, and she won’t know.
The purpose of the CIA meeting was to identify plans to deal with Chen Mo and the marching ant group.
The victory of the Syrian civil war, to a large extent, is the victory of the marching ant group technology, intelligent weapons and war robots, which won the greatest contribution to the victory of the civil war.
The current marching ant group, with its terrible technology, has already made Huaxia's cutting-edge technology field a leader, and war robots are a good example.
Some media and comments in the world have begun to recognize China's leading position.
They are now a downhill empire, dilapidated buildings and systems that can collapse at any time.
Get Chen Mo, get the cutting-edge technology of the marching ant group, and they have the opportunity to return to the world's leading position in science and technology.
But it is currently impossible to steal the technology of the marching ant group.
In recent years, the CIA has dispatched more than 40 top secret agents to Binhai. However, all of them have not returned together, and there is no news. Some agents have just stepped onto the land of China and lost contact.
The penetration of the marching ant group has never stopped. It has been successful through the internal staff of the anti-force ants group. However, those who have been rebelled will not be dismissed for a long time, and all their efforts are in vain.
The marching ant group is the most difficult bone they have encountered in their work.
"Now the marching ant group is an unprecedented business empire, its influence is intertwined, leading the development of China's cutting-edge technology, it can no longer threaten its status by external forces. Want to disintegrate this business empire, only from the inside, like the Soviet Union same."
It’s Mellon, an old man of nearly 60 years old, who is not outstanding, ordinary, but he has a special position in the CIA and is the team leader of the 'Hands of Washington’.
The hand of Washington began in the Cold War and was established to disintegrate the Soviet Union.
When he first entered the CIA, Milon entered the hands of Washington to participate in the plan to disintegrate the Soviet Union. He also participated in guiding public opinion many times, causing some countries to fall into chaos and civil war in order to achieve their goals.
To achieve this goal by this means is the most convenient and cheapest.
He is now the head of the 'Hands of Washington'.
This time his plan is not a country but a high-tech company.
In his resume, it was the first time to break a company, but he was very interested in it. If the marching ant group is pulled out alone, it will definitely be comparable to many countries.
"How to do it?"

We will first talk about the advantages of the marching ant group. If we want to completely disintegrate an organization, we must start with their most powerful aspects.

Mellon is not in a hurry to slow down the PPT in the computer.
"The biggest advantage of the marching ant group is Chen Mo, and the purpose of our plan is to destroy Chen Mo or let Chen Mo rebel out of China for our use.
Then came the second advantage of the marching ant group, a stable and united management. This management team manages all the things in the size of the marching ant group. It is this united management team that allows Chen Moyan to follow the law and prepare the materials and affairs he wants to study at the fastest speed. The efficiency of the workforce horror is due to the leadership of this management team.
These are the two most powerful advantages of the marching ant group. They are also the strong cornerstone of the marching ant group, disintegrating one of them. The business empire of the marching ant group will enter a recession and even fall apart.

Mellon’s words made the people on the field nod.
"Based on this direction, we have formulated two plans. The first one, using the domestic 'spray' in China. Stinking Chen Mo's reputation, he hated the status quo of his country's environment, and even left China and immigrated to other countries."
"What is the spray? Our spy?"
"No, no, it is a group of interesting people, all over the world, but China has a large population, so China is especially rich."
"Interesting person?"
"Yes, it is a group of people who have a lot of trouble. This kind of person likes to vent their hatred and dissatisfaction with reality on the Internet, and is easily controlled by emotions, so it is easy to be used."
Milon smiled and said.
"As for another plan, it is to dismantle the management of the marching ant group, and the most direct approach is to start with Zhao Min, who is the core of the marching ant management."
Mellon tapped the picture and basic information of Zhao Min displayed on the PPT.
"She is single, is the plan to blow her up?"
A CIA executive saw the information, laughed and laughed, and others laughed.
"Your thoughts are good. She is now the richest woman in the world and one of the top ten most influential women in the world. Her decision-making is the decision of the marching ant group.
You can soak in her, and you can take a private jet to Dubai to eat golden ice cream tomorrow, and you can sit on a gold toilet every day. Of course, it is also possible that Chen Mo will catch you and feed you into the sea.

Milon also smiled and said seriously.
"Chen Mo is surrounded by three women. These three women help Chen Mo the most and manage his three most important places. His wife He Xiaoyu is responsible for the family and his life; Zhao Min manages the size of the entire marching ant group. Affairs; as for the mysterious assistant ink girl around Chen Mo, rumors are responsible for the brain of the marching ant group: area 1."
From the foreign speech and lace news of the employees of the marching ant group, they can get a lot of information.
The words of the ink girl represent Chen Mo's words. It is rumored that the ink woman has the highest authority of the marching ant group, and can transfer any level of technical information of the marching ant group, which is even the authority that Zhao Min does not have.
"Why don't we start with this ink girl?" asked a senior executive.
"Because she is the shadow of Chen Mo."
They checked all the information about Chen Mo and all that they could find, and they got detailed information after all.
"The data shows that since this woman suddenly appeared in Chen Mo's side, she has not left Chen Mo half-step, and she does not leave. Chen Mo went out on the occasion, she has her figure, even living with Chen Mo, and we have no background about her. information."
"So beautiful, still living together, Chen Mo's wife does not object?"
"No objection, rumors that the relationship between the two is still very good, affectionate sisters."
"It's good to have money."
A senior executive showed a ‘I understand’ expression.
"I think so too."
Mellon also smiled.
They have investigated, all the information about the family of the ink girl, the identity background, etc., a blank, can not find any traces, only one name, does not rule out that Huaxia official sent to Chen Mo, all did not choose ink women.
"We know that Zhao Min and Chen Mo are intimate and one of Chen Mo's most trusted people. I don't know what the relationship between the two is. But I know that women like jealousy. This is the weakness of every woman, especially for The person you like.
We can create an anecdote about Zhao Min and Chen Mo, and let Xiao Yu doubt their relationship, leaving Zhao Min and He Xiaoyu. Chen Mo’s backyard caught fire and the family and the company had problems at both ends.
Once Zhao Min is forced to leave, the management of the marching ant group will be inconsistent. The feelings of Chen Mo and He Xiaoyu will also be cracked. We have a lot of room for operation, thus disintegrating the ranks of the marching ant group and letting them split the marching ants. group.
If Chen Mo and He Xiaoyu are divorced, He Xiaoyu will be able to separate Chen Mo's wealth and the shareholding of the marching ant group, and the shareholding of the marching ant group will also be under control.

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