Chapter 566: :Malone's plan

Syria has the deterrent of war robots, and countries are quiet because they are afraid of losses.
National military companies, through the wars in Syria, also realized the terrible war robots, and began to develop weapons that can target war robots.
The war in Syria has come to an end, and the struggles between the parties have changed from the beginning of the hot war to the international war of words.
The country is strictly guarded against the Golan Heights.
During the years of war in the Syrian Arab Republic, the economy was bad, the people were not living, and the domestic cities were devastated.
In view of this situation, the Syrian state did not start with the country, but began to sweep away the scattered armed forces in the country and prepare for reconstruction.
The already faltering Syrian country finally got a chance to breathe.
"The leader, already done."
Venter handed the photo in hand and a hard drive to Mellon.
Above the photo, a man and a woman holding hands, wearing a mask and snuggling. From body shape, hair style to eyes, to dressing style, they are similar to Zhao Min and Chen Mo.
Mellon looked through a few times. The next few pictures of the two were on the bed. The side faces were almost exactly the same. Even people who knew them would think it was true.

Photos and negatives are real, not afraid of identification,
Venter said.
They spent a lot of work on this set of photos.
I found a person who was similar in shape to Chen Mo and Zhao Min. The face was micro-finished, with makeup and easy-to-wear technology, special shooting angles, and finally photo processing technology. Now it seems that the photos are completely Chen Mo and Zhao. Min two people.
The photo is taken in real time, there is no trace of synthesis at all, and it can be completely fake.
This is the first step in their departure from He Xiaoyu and Zhao Min. As long as things are big, there is a crack in the relationship between He Xiaoyu and Zhao Min, and their first step plan is successful.
Chen Mo is also under pressure and is more likely to be defeated.
Once Chen Mo loses his prestige inside the marching ants, he can shake the foundation of the marching ant group and force the marching ant group to split. The next operability will be much higher than the current state of the iron plate.
Strong enemies, external pressure may make them stronger, so they choose to disintegrate from the outside of the enemy, in order to completely destroy the enemy.
"Not bad." Mellon flipped through it and gave a thumbs up.
The development of the marching ant group has helped Huaxia accelerate its rise, allowing the marching ants and Chen Mo to continue to develop, and the world will be left behind by them.
A divided marching ant group, they also have the opportunity to finger dye.
The building of the marching ant collapsed, no matter how bad, Huaxia officially eats meat, they drink some soup, and it is still possible to get some skills and talents.
If they can force Chen to leave China, then their chances are even greater.
The value of Chen Mo is definitely greater than that of the marching ant group.
"In the hard disk, in addition to the film, there are a few pieces of audio, we are based on the sound lines of Chen Mo and Zhao Min." Wente said.
"Slow down, the rest of the movie will do." Mellon handed the photo and hard drive in his hand to the assistant next to him: "Next, follow the plan."
The assistant took the photo and the hard drive and left the office.
Binhai City, Phoenix Mountain.
The construction of the Flying Ant Space Center is very fast.
Because the design of the Feifang Aerospace Center is detailed, the construction plan is also calculated by the ink girl through a rigorous calculation, and has a complete construction plan, so the construction speed is very fast.
It can be quickly constructed, mainly because of the flying ant space center, and there are not too tall buildings. The main body of the space center is just a ten-storey building.
The largest building is the hangar of the space center.
The hangar is a single-layer steel structure. The steel is a special high-strength steel with a yield strength of 600 MPa. The entire hangar is supported on 14 pillars. The roof can withstand the weight of 1000 tons of equipment in addition to the general load-bearing capacity. It is 450 × 150 meters, divided into two spans.
This hangar was built to assemble and repair space planes.
In addition to the hangar, the main facilities are the airport and runway of the aerospace plane, as well as some large warehouses and space center research institutes.
Chen Mo did not do research on the rocket, so he did not build a rocket launch tower. The rest of the facilities are the dormitory and entertainment facilities of the staff of the Space Center.
He plans to use robots and intelligent management for the entire flying ant space. Only a small number of labors, as auxiliary personnel, settled in the Fei Ant Space Center.
Technicians must rely on intelligent robots to lead the training, as a talent reserve for the marching ant group.
In addition, there are also a group of security personnel who are artificial, and most of them are secured by robots.
For the convenience of transportation, the space center leads to the direction of the marching ant group headquarters, and also specially digs up three mountains to open up a road wide enough.
Chen Mo is not bad money, paid double the salary, directly let the winning bidder of China Construction Company hire two people to dump, and build the Fei Ant Space Center with the fastest speed.
Money can make a ghost push.
A few months of construction, the 6,000-acre space center is now nearing its end, leaving only some greening and finishing work.
Chen Mo stood on the airport open space in front of the hangar. The top of the head was blue sky and white clouds. The front hangar was full of busy people.
Automated handling model robots in area 1, large automatic 3D printing equipment, CNC precision machine tools, intelligent lifting robots, and various odd-shaped intelligent machine spiders, measuring robots, welding robots, working robots transformed from war robots... ...
These machines and equipment are all machines in the area No. 1, which is the first time exposed to outsiders.
Even the workers who assisted in the handling of these robots felt extremely magical, just like coming to a world of robots.
Ink women use robots to convey various instructions, and the layout of the hangar is carried out in an orderly manner, and the efficiency is much higher than that of ordinary workers.
In addition, there are various kinds of sealed special containers. As for what equipment is installed inside, no one knows. There is also a large aircraft casing wrapped in sealed canvas.
During this period of excitement, Chen Mo's aerospace design has been completed, including large ion engines, and some parts have been manufactured.
Now that the space center is built, it is time to build a space plane.
"If these robots are put into production plants, I am afraid that countless workers will be unemployed." Zhao Min looked at the scene with amazement.
Chen Mo’s horrific research and manufacturing efficiency are related to these robots.
Usually half a month's workload, in front of these robots, can only be completed in a day or two.
This efficiency is not comparable to ordinary labor.
"These devices will not appear in the ordinary factory for the time being," Chen said.
The technology of machine replacement workers has matured. Most of the work, especially the repetitive work, only requires one procedure, and Chen Mo will not put these machines into social production for the time being.
The replacement of labor by a machine is a process that cannot be done overnight.
If there are a large number of unemployed people in the society, it is easy to cause social problems, and the official will not agree.
"These devices will be slowly opened to our company's factories. After adaptation, they will be promoted to ordinary enterprise factories, and the social production efficiency will be greatly improved." Chen Mo said.
"Ion engine propelled aerospace aircraft, you should know, what does the technology contained in this space plane mean?" Zhao Min asked.
Every technology of Chen Mo is far beyond the times.
Especially like this aerospace plane, the technology it contains may not be able to be studied even if it is given to the present people for a hundred years.
This technology exposure will definitely trigger a tsunami in the technology circle.
The spacecraft of the ion engine, at least in the exploration of the solar system, will mature rapidly. After laying the foundation, it will meet the Star Age.
"Some technologies can't be hidden forever. There is always a day of exposure. Now it is gradually exposed. There will be more in the future, and it will be better."
The development of science and technology, the more you reach the back, the less you can hide. Unless he does nothing, there will be a day of exposure.
The layout of the marching ant has been rolled out, the foundation of the company has been consolidated, and the influence of various fields has taken shape. Therefore, Chen Mo began to try to let go of his hands and feet, and development did not have to be too scrupulous as before.
"The researchers and scientists of this era are indeed pitiful. I am afraid that I will live in your shadow for a lifetime." Zhao Min looked up at the busy machines in the hangar.
"I am more fortunate." Chen Mo said.
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