Chapter 693: : Rosen's plan

After the island country occupied Oceania, it did not rush to continue to expand, but began to digest the kangaroo that was hunted.
There are still some resistances within the Australian country, but in the face of absolute strength, the sporadic resistance can not withstand a trace of turmoil, and it is slaughtered clean.
The haze means that the island country can easily complete the suppression in Oceania, start to promote the cultural concept of the island country, completely replace the cultural consciousness of Oceania, and fundamentally destroy the foundation of the Australian country.
From the beginning to the end, the actions of the island countries were exceptionally smooth, no one stopped them, and no one helped the kangaroo.
Unsurprisingly, the Australian country has completely perished, and the time is short, beyond imagination.
At this moment, ASEAN is also aware of the horror of the island nation.
From this plan and steps to destroy Australia, the island countries are more horrified than the North American group, and their strength is not weak. Aware of the dangerous ASEAN, they began to look for China to buy smart weapons and equipment, in order to prevent them from being used after the island countries digested the foundation of the Australian nation.
The situation in the world is very lively and it is full of fire.
"Damn, rabbit."
Shanahan's face was black like a pot of gray, staring at the battle map, his eyes were red, and his mouth was very uncomfortable.
The occupation of South America was blocked.
As Rosen thought, Huaxia people sold equipment to the South American Group to consume their strength.
The war started very smoothly, and it took only a week to conquer several island countries in Central America without any blockage. When I was fighting with the South American Group, it was very smooth at the beginning.
The form of war has long changed. The current war is not based on the number of people winning in the past, but on technology and equipment. In the application of art of war, they have played so many years in the world, with absolute authority and the right to speak.
Destroy the enemy's air defense system, seize air superiority, satellite attacks and network control, occupy the advantages of information warfare, and destroy the South American Group's power grid system.
After the war, a series of actions were very smooth, accurate strikes, sea, land, air, information, four-in-one tactics, they almost paralyzed the entire South American group.
But when they advanced on land and prepared to occupy the city where the South American Group headquarters is located, there were problems.
When their vanguards attacked Rio, they encountered war robots and were completely annihilated. Their war robots were also destroyed by hundreds of aircraft while fighting the South American group of robots.
The war robot of the marching ant group.
The news, as if a bucket of ice water poured over their heads, the idea of ​​occupying the South American group for a short time was ruined.
China is a war robot that is extremely difficult to deal with, and when they are ready to take advantage of the air superiority, carry out carpet bombing, and destroy the South American group’s rebellious army, the accident has appeared again.
Their stealth bombers were shot down two.
A $2 billion bomber, with only one action, lost $4 billion, and Shanahan’s heart was bleeding. Later, it was discovered that China’s anti-stealth radar and intelligent air defense missiles appeared in the hands of the South American group’s army.
They have always looked down on the South American group, and they have suffered two big losses since they were caught off guard.
Both major losses are related to China.
The unwilling Shanahan is mad.
In a wartime secret battle room in Washington, Eva sat on the sofa and looked unsatisfied. Next to her, Rosen is holding a small drink of red wine.
After reading the information given by Shanahan and Tom, Rosen, who was always crazy, was also very serious. The red wine glass in his hand was also put down.
"Do you have a good countermeasure?" Eva said.
Rosen thought about it and took another sip of the red wine glass. He licked his lips and looked at Shanahan and Tom: "Is the Northeast Asian war situation not provoked?"
"No, Huaxia sent heavy troops to guard the border, strict inspections, and imprisonment. They seem to have an agreement with the new Soviet Union. They do not provoke war in Northeast Asia and maintain communication. The two giants have joined forces to maintain stability in Northeast Asia. People dare not provoke the battle there."
Rosen poured a glass of red wine and stared at the map.
"Block the airspace around the South American Group and block the waters of the South Pacific. Don't let Huaxia's equipment be transported to the South American Group. The South American Group is weak, and the war weapons and equipment that can be purchased this time are limited, blocking the flow of Chinese equipment into the South American Group. Channels, they will consume their equipment and ammunition.
Some equipment can be assisted to the small countries in South America who are pro-used, let them go to bite the South American group of participating countries and accelerate their equipment and ammunition consumption. When the ammunition is consumed, we will do it again.

Rosen’s gaze shifted from a map of South America to Asia.
"The destruction of the kangaroo by the island nation has already caused ASEAN's vigilance. Now ASEAN is sure to ask for China to purchase equipment. The situation in Southeast Asia cannot be picked up. South Asia has Pakistan to deal with India. Good layout, good means."
Rosen finally understood why China has strong stability in Northeast Asia.
Huaxia also saw the desire of the island country to expand, and squadrons, forced the island countries to go south, or South America, or Oceania, or Southeast Asia, no matter which, the war can not burn them.
Now that the island countries occupy Oceania, the ASEAN countries have set up a broad barrier between Oceania and Asia.
As long as they strongly suppress the situation in Northeast Asia, assist the Pakistani railway, and sell weapons to ASEAN to deal with the island-controlled Oceania, they can keep all wars out of the country.
"So how are you going to lay out now?"
After Eva heard Rosen’s explanation, she looked dignified.
Huaxia also has strategic masters in the layout. If Huaxia is in the game, Huaxia will get the biggest cake in the later period of the war.
Rosen looked at him and picked up the laser pointer after drinking red wine.
"South America here, based on the blockade and consumption just mentioned, after the consumption is completed, it will quickly dismember and annex. ASEAN here, mainly based on differentiation. We are wooing South Vietnam, Lijiapo and Indonesia.
These three families have a bad relationship with the dragon, which has caused ASEAN to disintegrate from the inside and create chaos in Southeast Asia. Support the shackles of South Vietnam and let them go north. As for Northeast Asia here..."
Rosen flashed a cold light in his eyes.
"The first time I messed up the bear, the bear was in the old age, and the economy was the worst. The war is burning money. They can't support two big wars at the same time. Once the economy is exhausted, they will collapse from the inside like the old times. We can Divided into food.
Moreover, the president of the new Soviet Union, the age is high, the hero is late, they have no strong successor, and once the man falls, the new Soviet Union will fall.
We joined the European Union and they fought in Europe. We crossed the Bering Strait and entered Northeast Asia, letting them ignore it. Once the bear is tired and sees us, the island nation will join the battle and share this big cake. The island nation was suppressed in the island for a thousand years, and their desire to expand was stronger than anyone else.
However, we should not force too much, mainly to consume, warm boiled frogs. They have mushroom bombs. If they are too aggressive and crazy before destruction, no one can afford it.

In the combat room, everyone looks to Eva.
Eva thought a little and nodded, agreeing to Rosen's layout.
"Mars is hit by an asteroid and it has changed."
Howell took a photo and hurried into NASA's headquarters. The white hair shook, his face was happy, and he laughed into a chrysanthemum.
He was a Mars researcher at NASA. Just last night, when he used telescopes to observe Mars, he found that Mars was already unrecognizable.
An asteroid hit Mars, causing this.
The detector on Mars failed in the past few years, and the satellite was old and retired. They have not launched a new Mars probe, and now they can only understand Mars through a telescope.
Jim took the photo and looked at it, letting the technicians take the electronic photo to zoom in.
It’s really an unrecognizable photo that appears on the screen.
"Would you like to launch new detectors and satellites and explore Mars? This discovery is very important, like the early forms of the Earth. Once cooled, there may be conditions for life." Howell is eager to say.
"I'm afraid not."
Jim looked at the photo and shook his head.
"It is now in the war period. All the redundant projects we have now are almost stagnant. Domestic funds are mainly used for military expenditures. We don't want to engage in these big projects. It is not allowed in an extraordinary period."
"Oh." Howell looked disappointed.
"I am afraid that we will have to wait until the end of the war to have funding to support the continued exploration of Mars."
NASA announced that Mars was hit by asteroids. The news, in the war years, such as mud cows into the sea, a little stunned and disappeared. The outside world will not associate this kind of impact with human manipulation.
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