Chapter 694: : Yan Liang and Yan Qingfeng

"The North American group blocked the South Pacific and blocked the airspace in South America. This move is a bit interesting. They want to cut off the passage of our equipment into the South American group, and then catch the South American."
Zuo Qian took the information in his hand and immediately understood the intention of the North American Group.
In a short period of time, the plan to occupy South America suffered two major losses. The North American Group has realized that they are helping the South American Group, and the plan will certainly not be too smooth.
Therefore, they had to block the South Pacific and cut off their equipment flow into the South American Group.
"Bypassing and killing, differentiation and support, they want South America to collect internal consumption, and then annex it?" In the strategic combat room, another think tank said: "Although the time is longer, it is the most secure."
Left nod.
"But not all, we have trouble with their plans, and now their plans have to change. In return, they will certainly not let us be quiet for too long. They will pull us into the water, where are they pulling our water?"
Zuo Qian is thinking and deducing the next possible action of the North American group.
Together with the big head, everyone is guessing what the North American group will be.
The purpose of the strategic deduction is to gain insight into the opportunities. First, the enemy will analyze the enemy's plan in one step, and from the general direction, get the overall strategic advantage.
The combat room fell into silence.
"Now let's do some deduction. If we are the strategic think tank of the North American Group, how will we lay out and pull us into the water."
Left thousand went to the holographic sand table and stared at the holographic world map.
Everyone else was surrounded, and the head of the big man also stood next to the holographic world map.
"North-east Asia."
"Southeast Asia."
Two people in the combat room blurted out and said their answers.
"Talk about the reasons."
Zuo Qian touched the scar on the back of the left hand. This was a small mistake when he was commanded on the battlefield. After being discovered by the enemy, he was hit by the bombing during the bombing. Now he has developed the habit of touching this scar. Only then can he be reminded of his comprehensive analysis of the situation.
The staff of the Northern Theater were full of doubts.
"In Northeast Asia, we have heavy guards and a stable agreement with the new Soviet Union. At this point in the island, we should not make trouble here. And ASEAN now asks us, what trouble can they create for us?"
"Our previous layout only analyzes the situation of five countries in Northeast Asia. We have not analyzed another situation. If the sixth party's North American group crosses the foot, cross the Bering Strait and go to the bear?"
The staff officer who said 'Northeast Asia' used a laser pointer to draw an arrow from North America, pointing to the Far East of Western Siberia.
His name is Yan Liang, he is a special soldier, has performed special combat missions, and has experienced a real battlefield. Later he was admitted to the State. Defense. University Strategic Command Section. After graduation, he followed the left-thousand-out command and aid, which is considered one of the students of Zuoqian. It is the key training staff of the General Staff.
Everyone in the combat room is silent, and his mind is thinking about what happens after this happens.
After hearing the harsh analysis, Zuo Qian also glanced at him with appreciation.
It seems to be encouraged, and the spirit of strictness is shocked.
"Now the North American group is besieging the South American group, and the annexation plan is stagnant. The North American group only needs to unite with the European group and fight at both ends. The new Soviet Union cannot be both at the end. Now it is not during the Second World War. Although the Russian economy has improved a bit in recent years, it cannot support it at the same time. Such a huge war consumption. If the economy collapses, they will repeat the same mistakes and fall apart.
Now that Northeast Asia is stable, it is the island countries that dare not face us and the new Soviet Union. But the North American group will intervene and will be daring to the other three countries in Northeast Asia. There is a leading brother to take the shot, the island country and these two sticks, will never let go of this expansion opportunity, down the stone, then this place will be chaotic.

Yan Liang used a laser pointer to draw an arrow between Sakhalin and Western Siberia between the three countries.

Why is it sure that the island country and the two sticks will definitely participate?
one general asked.
"Because of desire. Hope."
Left thousand does not hesitate to add.

From the top to the bottom of the stick, it has been self-proclaimed how strong it is in history, which land is theirs. The island country has been suppressed for thousands of years, and it has great hatred with the old Soviet Union. Both national consciousness and social consciousness are both There is a desire for the territory, which is a good opportunity to expand the territory. If the new Soviet Union collapses in Europe and the United States and their joint attacks, they will naturally get the land they want."
"If the North American group really crossed the Bering Strait, what should we do?" asked the commander of the Northern Theater.
"It's not how we do it, but what the new Soviet emperor did."
Left thousand shaking his head.
"Their goal is the new Soviet Union, and then we pull the water, we have no reason to participate in it, there is no need to let our soldiers bleed to help him keep the house."
It was because of the weak national power that they needed a strategic buffer in the face of the game between the two powers.
Now they don't need a strategic buffer. Whoever wants to attack will fight.
"When the North American Group intervenes, Northeast Asia will be in a big chaos, and the North American Group will take the opportunity to pull us into the water. We only need to be strong, who will marry us, we will kill who, do not reason, do not need to be merciful.
After cleaning them up, they will return to the defense and not participate in the war here. Others, let them fight, we don't intervene, see how the great emperor makes decisions. But we have to consider the worst case, that is, the bear is using cannons in this area.

The head of the big head nodded and agreed with the idea of ​​Zuo Qian.

Southeast Asia?
asked the commander of the Southern Theater.
Everyone looks to the staff officer who speaks Southeast Asia.
Zuo Qian did not explain, indicating to him.
The warrior must always grow up. He can't always support the decision of the General Staff Department. He needs some talented young soldiers to constantly enrich the decisions and ideas of the General Staff Department. It is also training the younger generation of combatants.
The officer who said that ‘Southeast Asia’ is a major school in the Eastern Theater, named Qi Qingfeng, is one of the youngest people on the field. He was born with military experience and had overseas combat experience. In the exercises of red and blue confrontation, he had a lot of brilliant achievements and commanding experience. He was promoted as a general candidate by relying on the military achievements.
This time it is rare to follow his commander to participate in the decision-making layout of the General Staff. He is also a little excited now.
Seeing the eyes of the great head and General Zuo Qian, he turned to him, and Yan Qingfeng also felt the gaze encouraged by the commander of his theater.
"The North American Group wants Southeast Asia to create trouble for us. We can differentiate ASEAN from within. The four countries of South Vietnam, Lijiapo, Indonesia and the Philippines are not good with us. They only need to support these four ASEAN leaders and let the islands promise not. Attack them.
In order to give us trouble, the island country will agree with the North American group's proposal and even assist in several cases. If the two sides worry about elimination, ASEAN will point the finger at us.

Zuo Qian appreciates nodding: "What about countermeasures?"
Encouraged, Yan Qingfeng is also more confident in his heart.
"We can also support the old, Malaysian, Cambodian and Wenlai countries that are closely related to us within ASEAN and let ASEAN fight internally. If ASEAN splits internally, these four are our strategic buffers."
"Very good." Left-handed focus, unrecognized appreciation: "Today's general report."
When I heard Zuo Qian’s words, the commander of the Eastern Theater with Yu Qingfeng’s face was green. This is in the face of the head of the big head, who is brazen enough to ask him, how can he refuse? But also happy for Yan Qingfeng, after all, his soldiers.
Zuo Qian saw the ugly face of the commander of the Eastern Theater and smiled and continued.
"South Asia here, Pakistani Railway has our help, and has the upper hand in the war with Indo, India has no time and no courage to provoke us. The Arab League is trying to get rid of the country and the Ottoman Empire." The alliance uses our equipment, which belongs to us completely. There is no problem in both directions. So it is mainly the problem in the two directions just mentioned."
"Where is South America? Do they still do business?" asked the staff of the assembly department.
Zuo Qian did not answer and looked at the head.
"The blockade across North America is risky. They want to ship it back on their own. They can also contact the marching ant group. The marching ants have arsenals in Africa and only need to cross the African continent and the Atlantic Ocean to reach South America. The strength of the ant group is very easy to do.
The North American group wants to block South America, but he only pays attention to us and does not count on the marching ant group. If they are capable, they will not block the two oceans and all the coastlines. The forces will be dispersed and they will die very badly. Said the great head.
The staff officers present were all bright.
The world game is in the midst of a white-hot stage.
The actions of all parties continued, and Chen Mo did not idle.
The South American Group has come.
The South American Group sent a team of ambassadors, and Chen Mo did not have much surprise. The South American Group is among the world's top powers. The weakest party is only a little stronger than a deserted Africa and weaker than the Arab League.
Without the host of a powerful country, it is now surrounded by North America and ready to be annexed.
As the world's top arms dealer, the South American Group has been looking for them, which is completely unexpected.
The South American Group's ambassador team is led by a middle-aged man named Blair, who looks ordinary and looks calm, but the deep-eyed worries are lingering.
"Mr. Chen is really a talented man. When he is so old, he will build a business empire, young and promising." Blair can sigh.
"Mr. Blairke has won the prize. What is it about looking for me this time?" Chen Mo did not talk nonsense with the other party, introduced the theme and came to the fore.
Blair could look at it with a smile and immediately said: "This time I came to Mr. Chen, mainly for one thing, we hope to buy a batch of equipment."
"What to buy?" Chen Mo was not surprised by this.
"A lot, we need to look at the features and performance of the equipment." Blair can smile on his face: "The more the better, the stronger the better."
Chen Mo ran, now South American Group is besieged by the North American group, at stake, without strong weapons and equipment, it is difficult to withstand the North American group's attack, but the North American Group is now blocking the South American Group.

Ordinary trading, we are not responsible for transportation. If we need to ship the equipment, the price will be much higher, and you need to pay the deposit in advance.

"We need you to transport the past, the price is not a problem." Blair can look the same, seems to have long thought of this situation: "As long as the delivery is as soon as possible, other aspects can be discussed."
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