Chapter 741: :crisis

Kong City Lala's tight spacesuit, loosen the handle and floated to the observation deck of the space station.
His location is the Space Space Station of the Marching Ant Group, which is a tourist of the Space Station.
Nowadays, space tourism is very developed. It only needs 10 million. After half a month of training by flying ant space, it can adapt to this weightless state and get into space.
The average billionaire has the ability to experience the charm of space.
Floating to the lookout cabin, Kong Cheng looked out to look at the space outside the window.
This period of space tourism, for five days, he has been up for two days, used the space telescope to watch the universe, and has a new understanding of the vastness of the universe.
Only by being immersed can you realize that kind of smallness, and the world has proved that aliens in the universe exist.
The billions of years of the universe, the history of human development, is just the moment between the bombs, and the short life of mankind is even more worth mentioning.
At the time of emotion, Kong City frowned and looked at a strange point in the distance. Not yet, the point seems to suddenly appear.
Other space stations? It is also a spaceship of the marching ant group.
Curious, Kong City turned a small goggles in the cabin to that position.
There are simple applications for training these devices during training.
When looking at the true face of an unknown object, Kong Cheng opened his mouth and stayed in the woods.
"I don't know why, I have a little bit of uncertainty."
Xiao Yu took Chen Mo’s hand and walked on the beach. He suddenly stopped and his brow wrinkled.
Suddenly she had a feeling of flustered, and she always felt that something bad happened. This is the sixth sense of a woman.
"Well? Is it uncomfortable?" Chen Mo asked nervously.
"No." Xiao Yu shook his head and couldn't tell where it was bad.
Since I found out that I was pregnant, I couldn’t sleep well, and it was very hard. When Chen Mo had time, he took time to accompany her.

Maybe it’s a problem with the sea breeze? Go home now?

"Wait, I made a wish."
After the fisherman finished, he closed his eyes with his hands together. Xiao Yu, who grew up on the beach, had this hobby when he was a child. He always liked it, so Chen Mo was holding her next to him and waiting quietly.
A minute later, Xiao Yu opened his eyes and took Chen Mo to go home.
"What is your wish?" Chen Mo asked.
"Have two, it will not work if you say it." Xiao Yu said.
"You can guess if you don't say it."
"Then you said what I promised?"
"One is that the baby is born healthy, one is about me, it should be your husband, I am in good health, research is smooth, and so on, you will be a little bit more promising, and you will be guessed."
"How come I have no interest, I am better than you."
"How can I prove that I am better than me?"
"I am hungry. I want you to cook for me tonight." Xiao Yu looked at Chen Mo proudly.
The ink girl next to her smiled.
Suddenly, the ink girl looked up at the sky, the smile on her face converge, looking at Chen Mo.
The stranger of the ink girl was also noticed by Chen Mo and Xiao Yu, and her eyes were confused at the same time.
"There are visitors." The ink girl took out the holographic mobile phone, the light curtain of the holographic projection, and put the picture out.
Chen Mo and Xiao Yu’s pupils shrank and looked shocked.
"finally reached."
Beyond the Earth, a huge radish-shaped spacecraft drifts within the gravitational field of the Earth and rotates around the Earth.
On the spaceship, it is the Blue Master and Torrell.
At this time, the archaeological team and the biological research team were all looking at each other and gathered the entire inspection team to observe. This trip was only this time.
In this remote corner, they are curious as to what biological civilization is here.

How is the detection data of quantum radar?

"Completed, red-grade carbon-based organisms, pure anthropoids, civilization is evolving from the planetary level to the constant star, and the evolutionary direction is consistent with the evolution of technological civilization."
The lizard head holds the instrument, which is the development information of the earth detected by the quantum radar.
"A very intelligent civilization, a very strange planet."
This is the final conclusion.
Various data show that this civilization is smarter than the creatures of the red-tailed star they caught last time.
The humanoid is one of the more intelligent creatures in the same class of the universe, which is the conclusion of the study of the Universe Alliance. The humanoid brain is developed, and it is also one of the most vulnerable creatures of natural vitality. Perhaps it is the fairness in the world.
"This planet was born 200 million years ago, a large class of orc, very clever, developed to the edge of wisdom and civilization, but unfortunately congenital body constraints, no words, will not use the rules of the universe, and finally 65 million years ago, The planet was hit by an asteroid and the climate change was extinct. The lizard's head clicked on the instrument a few times and the dinosaur's projection appeared.
The dinosaur creature and the lizard's head look a bit like, so the lizard head is a pity.
The blue master held his chin and looked at the blue planet in front of his eyes with interest: "I don't know if they have found us."
"It should be discovered that there are many satellites here," said the lizard head.
"How about Torrell?" The Blue Master looked at Torrell.
At this time, Torrell glanced at the earth in front of his eyes, and there was an excitement in his eyes, forcing himself to calm down.
This is a big discovery.
"How much do you want to grab this time?"
"From 100,000 samples, there are 65,000 capacity, and I am going to grab 50,000." Torrell said with a deep breath.
"Catch so much?" The Blue Master was extremely surprised.
There are still many life planets to go, and Torrell is ready to arrest so many times that it is hard to get. After all, the Cosmic Alliance stipulates that a red-class civilization can only capture up to 10 for a study.
"Yes, I feel that this kind of human race is very special. It is absolutely rare in the place of Raniaia."
Torrell looked down at the information he had discovered.
"The wisdom of red-level creatures, but to create a civilization close to the star rating, learn to transform the planet, learn to use the most orthodox rules of the universe, very smart. And this civilization is very young, such a young civilization, to this extent, Their brains and wisdom are more developed than we think. If they continue to develop for thousands of years, they can definitely develop into more advanced technological civilizations. According to my experience, their wisdom is higher than imagined."

So confident?
asked the blue teacher.
"Yes." Torrell did not hesitate to answer, based on his archaeological experience of biology for many years.
The blue division gave a little bit of a wolf head and did not continue to ask.
Torrel itself is a humanoid, low-level humanoid research, is his main subject.
This kind of red-class humanoid is a good research object, and they are more likely to evolve to a higher level. Once you find a way to let Torrele's ethnic group master the evolution to a higher level of life, then there is no limit to the benefits.
This kind of project, many high-level races are studying, not a special topic.
Standing at the top of the food chain has always been the pursuit of all wisdom and civilization.
"What are you going to do next? Continue to observe their habits? Or directly arrest the research samples. But it is a bit late, we are already entering their territory. This level of civilization, once we find us, will be instinctively prepared, say Will not attack us," said the Blue Master.
This kind of situation is the law of the forest. They are like hunters carrying guns into the territory of aggressive creatures. The other party will definitely be prepared, and it is still such a clever creature.
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