Chapter 742: : The person is not good

In the villa, Chen Mo and Mo Nu also watched the movement of the alien spacecraft, and did not act rashly.
The other party seems to have been observing them all the time. Now that the telescope is aimed at the lens, the other spacecraft has no special action.
He does not understand the other party's intentions now. If he rushed to make a mistake, the consequences would be unimaginable.
But there is no waiting.
Now that the weapons that Chen Mo can prepare are ready, if he is not good, he will not be able to get rid of it.
"Mergo, what should I do?" The ink girl looked at Chen Mo.
In this case, for the first time, an incomparably huge alien spacecraft stopped in space and overlooked them.
"Drips... Li Laoge came to the video call."
On the occasion of their quiet observation, the artificial intelligence of the mobile phone sounded, Chen Mo did not want to connect.
"Chen Mo, is that huge carrot-shaped spaceship in space?" The holographic image of the video call popped up, and Li Chengzhi opened the door, his voice was a little short, and his appearance was extremely anxious.
"No." Chen Mo didn't think about it.
The voice of Li Chengzhi has changed, looking at the old man behind the camera.
I was just dealing with the business and suddenly I was invited by the 100,000 rush.
One of the most secret underground bases, when he came, he was blindfolded after being asleep. He didn't even know where it was and how he came.
When he woke up to see the old man sitting in the house, he knew that something had happened, otherwise he would not use this urgency to find him in such a serious way.
Now, there are only two pictures in the cabin, one is the video call with Chen Mo, and the other is the unidentified spaceship that the space station and telescope are concerned about.
When I heard Chen Mo’s answer, everyone on the field was confused, only the old man was calm.
Of all their impressions, only Chen Mo has the ability to make such a huge spaceship, and others can't make that level of spacecraft.
Chen Mo denied now.
"Ask him if he knows who?" The old man opened his mouth and his voice was thick.
"The current technology of the earth can't make such a spaceship. I can't make it now. The big probability is alien."
Chen Mo pays attention to the video of outer space while answering. I don't have to think about it, I also know that some people on the phone are concerned about this matter.
The emergence of such a huge spaceship, if it is not good, it is a matter of human life and death.
Hearing Chen Mo’s answer, the old man’s serious face finally appeared to move, and his pupils shrank slightly, but he quickly calmed down and let Li Chengzhi step down. The video call turned to him.
"If it is an alien, can you deal with it?" the old man asked by phone.
"I don't know the technical strength of the other side. Now I am also paying attention to it. So it is best to first understand the foreign visitors this day. It is an enemy or a friend." Chen Mo appeared on the camera with the old man, and there was no accident.
"If the person is not good, I hope that you can shoot when the time comes." The old man said heavily.
"If the person is not good, it is about the time when human beings live and die. I don't think it is possible to stay out of things." Chen Mo was serious.
"The head, the president of the North American group came to the video call." Just hang up the call with Chen Mo, the next secretary attached to the old man said.
"Take it over," said the old man.
Eva sat in the seat of the secret lodge, an emergency safe house used during the war to guard against special weapons attacks by opponents.
Their space station also found the huge spaceship in space, so in the first time, hid in a safe house.
She hid in with her, in addition to the control buttons of the big mushroom, and her brains Rosen.
No one knows what the spacecraft is, and now it is a time of global war. This danger must be guarded.
The first idea that emerged was the marching ant group, and then the eastern power.
When I heard the assistant say that the video call was connected, Eva sorted out the emotions slightly and walked to the camera.
"Hello there."
"Hello there."
Seeing the old man in the video, Eva smiled and said hello, directly into the theme: "The spaceship in space, is yours?"
"No, I asked Chen Mo, not his, it may be an alien." The old man calmly said.
Eva's face changed dramatically, and Rosen and other assistants next to him were all moving and facing each other. At this time, I believe no one thinks this is a joke. And aliens really exist, the world knows.
"Now, at a critical time, it may be related to human survival. I hope that both sides can unite at this time," the old man said.
"What do you want to do?" Eva said after he blinked.
"In conjunction with several other companies to send a message together, ask the intention of the person to come, confirm the other party's intentions, explore the strength of the other party, and be prepared for the response."
"First promise him." Rosen hurriedly pointed to the headset, very serious.
"Good." Eva promised.
After a simple exchange, the two people's topics are over.
Eva looked at Rosen and frowned. "Why promise them?"
"If they have such technology for us, we have no room for rebellion. At this time, he does not need to lie to us. If it is an alien, it is about human life and death." Rosen drank the red wine in the cup. The tone is serious.
"Professor Lan Shi, Professor Torrel, the country of the planet sent electromagnetic messages." The lizard spit out his tongue and handed the electrons in his hand to the Blue Master and Torrell, a greeting from the Earth.
"It seems that they found us and translated it out."
"Our light brain compilers are different from their programs. Languages ​​are different, symbols are different, password systems are different, and they use quantum encryption communication. Important networks cannot be cracked!"
"That can only be caught," said Torrell.
The language message is unreachable.
This is the most troublesome part of the universe, but for them, this is a must.
"Catch a few ethnic groups." The lizard pointed to the space station in the distance, and said to the players next to it: "There are a few there, don't have to run around."
"Okay." The player who was called next to him nodded and turned away.
Kong City looked nervously at the distant spacecraft, next to him, other people in the space station.
After discovering this shape spaceship, they could not wait to leave the space station immediately.
Here they are not far away, aliens may find their presence at any time. Now people in the entire space station are worried.
The carrot spacecraft suddenly opened a hole, and a small spaceship appeared and flew over them. The spacecraft gradually grew bigger in their eyes, and finally stopped in front of the space station, extending the robot to grasp the entire space, dragging the space station to fly toward the carrot ship. At this moment, the entire space station was filled with desperate emotions.

Immediately enter the safe cabin to escape.
The robot said to several space station personnel, urging them to leave the space station in a safe cabin.
A word awakens the dreamer.
When the robot came out, several people immediately got the idea, and all went to the escape hall of the space station.
Several escape cabins were just launched, and Kongcheng felt a huge shock. When he looked up, he saw that the escape cabin was caught by the robotic arm and could not move.
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